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Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?

gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #301
"Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?"
as we clearly see by reading Harrys posts,they are panicking big time .desperetelly hiding top PO officials thievery behind silly links.fearing justice
8 Oct 2015 /  #302
top PO officials thievery

Sorry, gregy, but you can't turn fantasy into reality just by repeating your fantasy. It doesn't matter how many times you say things such as "mofo [Komorowski] sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" ", that fantasy will still remain just a fantasy; and when you claim it is reality, you will be lying, yet again.

fearing justice

The man who is fearing justice is your hero Duda: he has been caught defrauding the Polish taxpayer and now is hiding behind immunity rather than answering the charges.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Oct 2015 /  #303
As a matter of fact, there seems to be a lot of stuff on the net as of ... April 28, 2015. I don't have time now to dig into all that all the more as it seems rather complexed. However, a lot of stuff on the net is not true...

I don't know but it seems to be "too big"...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Oct 2015 /  #304
The man who is fearing justice is your hero Duda: he has been caught defrauding the Polish taxpayer and now is hiding behind immunity rather than answering the charges.

Yes, perhaps Gregy would like to explain why he's ignoring Duda's misuse of public money while trying to attack Komorowski.

Seems to me as if it's rather PiS that have fallen into a panic.
8 Oct 2015 /  #305
I don't know but it seems to be "too big"...

It's not big at all; in fact it is very small, very normal. In any organisation there are bookkeeping errors, things get misplaced, etc. The difference is that PIS are small-minded enough to try to make political capital out of this. When Komorowski took over at the Presidential palace, his team didn't immediately start shouting "The deer antlers that were certainly here when Kwasniewski was here are gone! The Duck must have sold them on ebay!"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Oct 2015 /  #306
The difference is that PIS are small-minded enough to try to make political capital out of this.

It seems to me to be a very clear attempt to try and take the pressure off Duda and nothing more.
9 Nov 2015 /  #307
PiS-bashers claim Macierewicz would head up the defence minstrelsy in a PiS-led government

Why would you want to claim that people who can accurately predict what PIS is going to do are "PiS-bashers"?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Nov 2015 /  #308
Hahahaha. Macierewicz as Minister of Defence - just like we all said.

Still, makes it much easier for Russia, I suppose. Macierewicz is an amateur, and he'll be eaten alive by a combination of not being skilled enough at diplomacy (to encourage NATO to base more here) along with sabre-rattling towards Russia. I fully expect some articles in the next few weeks from some Russian general announcing that missiles are now pointed directly at Warsaw.
jon357  72 | 23560  
9 Nov 2015 /  #309
Hahahaha. Macierewicz as Minister of Defence

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Most however will laugh at Poland. In one stroke of a shaking pen, they've turned Poland into an instant laughing stock.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Nov 2015 /  #310
It's actually a massive blessing for Poland's enemies. Macierewicz will be far more focused on imagined internal enemies, but he'll still massively overreact to the slightest thing from Russia.
10 Nov 2015 /  #311
Champagne bottles are opening at Kremlin! Macierewicz, Kamiński, Ziobro. Polish-Polish War will resume. The plane's wreck will be played to the greatest effect. Knowing Russians, even if they were absolutely guilt free, they would refuse to return the wreckage, just to cause chaos in Poland. And the fanatical nationalistic government will be very easy to provoke, making Poland look like an aggressive drunk at a party. No one will want to have anything to do with Poland. Isolate it, and no one will even object when Putin moves in to "protect russian minority".

It's the next best thing next to Korwin Mikke having majority in Sejm.

"Trochę śmieszno, trochę straszno."
teraz Polska!  
10 Nov 2015 /  #312
Haha, look at those foreigners barking! Seems that Poles made the right choice.

The plane's wreck will be played to the greatest effect. Knowing Russians, even if they were absolutely guilt free, they would refuse to return the wreckage, just to cause chaos in Poland.

And the plague will fall on Poland, and cows will stop giving milk and asteroid will hit Poland and the sun will not rise over Poland anymore and the eternal night will be! LOL

Most however will laugh at Poland

I don't think so as they won't be ale to suck us dry anymore.

Macierewicz will be far more focused on imagined internal enemies

I sure hope so! Wonder which PO crook will be arrested first? They must be ******** their pants now. One of those crooks ran to America already.
jon357  72 | 23560  
10 Nov 2015 /  #313
The recent election results and the frankly bizarre appointment of the crank Macierewicz is excellent for Moscow - essentially the worst possible regime for Poland and the best from the Russian point of view. It's a gift for the Russians, and we can be sure that they've long analysed every possible outcome and scenario.
10 Nov 2015 /  #314
essentially the worst possible regime for Poland

Not really. Judging from the way they're going it'll only take PIS a couple of years top self-destruct, and after that we can have another decade of sensible government.
jon357  72 | 23560  
10 Nov 2015 /  #315
Perhaps yes, unless they do some irretrievable damage.

I think we'll see the cracks that are beginning to form (they haven't even managed to last the honeymoon period without it starting!) become critical in the spring, and this time next year it'll be the "will they, won't they" stage before they fall. By that point we can expect Jaro as premier, this hastening the process of self-destruction.

And yes, we'll get a decade of sensible government.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Nov 2015 /  #316

Have you noticed the gradual disintegration of the PO losers' camp. Kopacz refuses to represent Poland in Malta because she's afraid her party will elect someone else as parliamentary club chairperson. The current PO parliamentary club leader is undermining Kopacz's efforts to replace him. Schetyna is building up his base of support and just waiting in the wings for Kopacz to slip up. Outgoing digitisaiton minister Halicki is already praising and scoring brownie points with his PiS replacement, apparently hoping to land a nice fatcat job. Many PO MPs are considering transferring to Petru or even PiS. It's every man and woman for themselves! There's a good chance that in the next election the Platformers won't even clear the 5% threshold.

BTW this thread is not about PiS but about panci in the Platfus camp!
jon357  72 | 23560  
10 Nov 2015 /  #317
You know as well as I do that parties in Poland form and re-form. Only PSL has any sort of history.

Schetyna would make an excellent premier though.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Nov 2015 /  #318
excellent premier

So Kopacz in your view was not and would not?

Macierewicz as Minister of Defence

How he manages in that post remains to be seen and it's up to Polish voters (not smart-alecky PF know-alls!) to pass their verdict at the polling stations.

But had his 1992 "police-file-opening" project been allowed to run its course, we would have had maybe 2-3 years of confusion and disruptiion while the grain was being separated from the chaff, but eventually the dust would have settled and Poland could have moved forward. All the other ex-commie countries somehow managed. By staging his parliamentary coup to nip that project in the bud, Wałęsa ushered in a quarter-century-long Polish-Polish War and there's no end in sight. Looks like it will end only after PO drops off the political stage altogether. In the meantime, the Polish nation appears to be in for years of more wasted time, effort, newsprint, air time and money in yet another sterile bout of senseless, pointless and fruitless mud-slinging.

Merged: Despite KOD-ist betrayal Wojciechowski appointed to auditors' panel

According to a long-standing gentlemen's agreement, all Polish MEPs regardless of party affiliation have traditonally backed back Polish candidates to European office. Even the ex-commies played ball and voted for PO, PiS and PSL candidates. But not the frustrated Platfus-Petru losers' camp who broke the agreement and voted against Janusz Wojciechowski SIMPLY BECAUSE he was from PiS. Luckily the whole thing backfired becuase the "opposition" are so befuddled by their blind hatred that they don't even seem to know how the EU operates. It was the EU Council that appointed Wojciechowski to the Euroepan Tribunal of Auditors, ignoring the pitiful Schetyna-Petru attempt to blackball him in the EP. Just born losers all the way, those KOD-ists are!
21 Apr 2016 /  #319
voted against Janusz Wojciechowski SIMPLY BECAUSE he was from PiS.

Nothing to do with his past as a commie era prosecutor? Nothing to do with his disgraceful attacks on the Polish constitution?

Thanks for again pointing out the kind of people The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski thinks should represent Poland.
jon357  72 | 23560  
21 Apr 2016 /  #320

Better 'platfusy' than PiSuarzy...

Nothing to do with his disgraceful attacks on the Polish constitution?

Remember that with this issue, the EU are playing things very carefully. In order not to give JK any grounds to try and withhold the payments to the union when they start in a few months...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Apr 2016 /  #321
commie era prosecutor

So you accuse the EU of appointing him becuase of his early work in PRL, not for his successful leadership of Poland Supreme Auditing Chamber. If so, the EU you love so much must really be mucked up!
21 Apr 2016 /  #322
So you accuse the EU of appointing him becuase of his early work in PRL

No, they just thought that The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski would put forward the best person to do the job, as opposed to the person The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski would most like to do the job, easy mistake to make for people who are used to the rule of law and justice rather than rule of the Party (whose name makes a mockery of both those concepts).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Apr 2016 /  #323
Schetyna would make an excellent premie

Yes, a snitcher is your kind of politician. That's probalły why you so admire your BB guru. I won't mention his name, but he doesn't need a comb. BTW, there's an interesting saying which you may not know: Rzucił się jak łysy na grzebień!
jon357  72 | 23560  
22 Apr 2016 /  #324
The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski would most like to do the job,

Quite. making Poland a laughing stock. He's even pretending to start to fall out with Szydlo now. My guess about that one was actually spot on - 6 months after the election.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Apr 2016 /  #325
laughing stock

The only laughing stock are the brainless detractors who forget that the mangy, flea-bitten curs Schetyna, Petru and their footloose dadddy hipster sidekick may bark, snap and growl but the caravan of good government moves unflinchingly on.
22 Apr 2016 /  #326
the caravan of good government moves unflinchingly on.

Yes, the problem is that every day it moves further and further away from Poland as the 18% regime continue to try and replace the rule of law with the rule of the Party.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Apr 2016 /  #327
further away from Poland

Your mean, of course, further and further away from a Schetyna-Petru-style foreign-exploited neo-colonial Poland towards a more sovereign and independent Poland, free of foreign meddling and a subversive opposition willing to sell their own coutnry for a bowl of lentils.

attacks on the Polish constitution

As befits born losers, the subversive Schetyna-Petru opposition are losing on all fronts:

***Despite all the PO snitchery and lobbying, the Council of Europe has decided not hold a debate about Poland.

***Mr Timmermans has declined Waltz's invite to attend a Schuman Parade in Warsaw on 7 May which the opposition wanted to combine with anti-government protests. The EU official saw through the ruse.

***PiS MEP Janusz Wojciechowski was appointed to the European Tribunal of Auditors despite PO's efforts to mobilise the EP's People's Party agaisnt his candidature.

***52% give First Lady a positve rating, and 28% replied in the negative. So most Poles are not taking their cues from Michnik's rag or the ranting of femi-fascists trying to force Agata Duda into taking a political stand against her will.

**The latest KOD muck-up occurred in Poznań, where councillor Katarzyna Kretowska was amongst the speakers addressing the crowd. The moment she made critical remakrs about PO, she had her mike taken away. Another example of KOD-style democracy and freedom of speech in action.

***A 19-year-old young man has received an unusually mild two-year suspended sentence after he and three others got a 16-year-old girl drunk and gang-raped her, causing widespread outrage in Bielsko-Biała. The reason: he was the son of Marian Ormaniec, former deputy voivode and provincial assembly marshal representing the PO's junior coalition partner, PSL.
jon357  72 | 23560  
22 Apr 2016 /  #328
As befits born losers, the subversive Schetyna-Petru opposition are losing on all fron

That's actually the opposite of the truth.

In the morning, I'll post what everyone's saying in Warsaw, the discussion topic du jour and it is alarming.

I bet you can guess what it is, Po...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Apr 2016 /  #329
discussion topic du jour and it is alarming.

I'm, still waiting for your alarming topic du jour...
Reminds one of a bloke who wanted to impress his date by taking her to a fancy French restaurant. When the waiter proposed la soupe du jour, the bloke asked: "Is it made with fresh or frozen du jours?"

topic du jour...

The closest I could find is that President Duda is proposing legislation to prevent using the 500+ programme to take the heat off child-support shirkers. So Kijowski and his fellow foot-loose and fancy-free daddies had better watch out. Is that your big story?
jon357  72 | 23560  
23 Apr 2016 /  #330
So Kijowski and his fellow foot-loose and fancy-free daddies


PiS and its friends are trying to build a false narrative about me, that I am a bad man, who doesn't pay his alimony; he said. But I paid, even had to borrow from parents and friends to pay.

This is all they have so far dug up on me. They won't find anything else.

Though you certainly tried, didn't you - what was it you were trying to accuse him of?

big story?

Much more scandalous...

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?Archived