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Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Sep 2015 /  #271
Why are you so sure that it couldn't happen?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
13 Sep 2015 /  #272
If you have some basic knowledge about the politics you wouldn't ask this question.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
13 Sep 2015 /  #273
Szydło-led PiS/PO

That was the whole idea in the first place -- a PO-PiS coaltiuon but PO botched it. Read up on it if interested. Macierewicz would best be retired, maybe Kaczyński too but I doubt if he or too many rank & filers would agree.

However there has been too much bitterness, animosity and mutual recrimination over the past decade for that to be a likelihood. Of course, nothing is imposisble.

corrupt and inefficient entity

NFZ was the creation of the red Miller gang. Jerzy Buzek, who headed a Solidairty govenrment, restored the Kasy Chorych (Sick Funds) which had existed in pre-war Poland and that arrangement was developing nicely. When the ex-commies got into power they dismantled the whole system, created the NFZ in its place and put their party cronies in charge of its reigonal branches. And just ask any client of the state healthcare system what he/she thinks of it.

Merged: Platformers attacking Macierewicz

Today's Polish media are full of reports on how the Platformers are attacking Antoni Macierewicz following his visit to Polonia in Chicago. Typical comments allere that "PiS has shown its true face". PiS-bashers claim Macierewicz would head up the defence minstrelsy in a PiS-led government, although no such plans have been announced.
7 Oct 2015 /  #274
Today's Polish media are full of reports on how the Platformers are attacking Antoni Macierewicz following his visit to Polonia in Chivago.

I wonder why you provide neither links nor quotes. Might it be that the scorn for this disgrace to Poland is coming from more than just PO? And might you also not want people to find out about Macierewicz's comments about Tusk being an agent of the Stasi?

Still, good to see yet another member of PIS speaking about what will happen after they win the election, that's certain to encourage their supporters to not bother voting and to really encourage floating voters to vote PO to keep PIS out as well as getting more people who wouldn't have voted at all to the ballot boxes in order to keep PIS out.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
7 Oct 2015 /  #275
neither links

Because that was my own, personal sum-up of what was happening -- the sum total of radio, televison, print media and the Internet. You'd like a lonmg litany of links, would you? It's all over the place, so only some lazy, nitpicking SOB would want somerone else to do his homework for him. Get off your d*pa and hunt about a bit. A little mental exercise will work wonders for your addled brain.

PO have promised

...you forgot to add "during the election campaign". That makes a whole world of difference!
7 Oct 2015 /  #276
Because that was my own, personal sum-up of what was happening

Strange how your own personal summing up left out the fact that it is most certainly not just PO expressing their scorn for the actions of this tragic clown and his disgraceful comments about Poland's most senior leader being an agent of the Stasi.

You'd like a lonmg litany of links, would you?

Just the facts would be preferable. Isn't that what people are supposed to report?

It's all over the place, so only some lazy, nitpicking SOB would want somerone else to do his homework for him. Get off your d*pa and hunt about a bit. A little mental exercise will work wonders for your addled brain.

Excellent to see you resorting to insults, really shows that yet again you've lost the debate. As for addled brain, I've not had a drop of booze for more than three weeks; you should try some time off, it feels great.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
7 Oct 2015 /  #277
Just the facts

Got some hard facts to prove Tusk was never connected with the Stasi? BTW that was a question from the floor which POO activists have blown way out of proportion. It's pure electioenering and the Flatfoot crook and scammer mob are good at that and propaganda in general. Uncle Joe wasn't too bad at that either!
7 Oct 2015 /  #278
Got some hard facts to prove Tusk was never connected with the Stasi?

Got any hard facts to prove that the Dear Leader didn't have sex with every leader of the USSR from Stalin onwards? No you haven't. Fortunately you'll never need any because nobody will ever be moronic enough to claim he did. The fact you think people need to prove negatives rather than the other side proving claims goes a long way to explaining why you have such trouble understanding and writing about PO.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #279
Poland justice system has really sunk to 3- rd world country level.what i read today really shocked me,even tho i shouldnt be shocked after those 8 years of stupidity and injustice under PO mafia rule.

so there was farmers protest against selling land to foreign invesrtors...now..those farmers are arrested and being prosecuted for" activity in organized criminal group"..are those prosecutors for real? sry,link only in polish:


more thread related...dunno about PO but Komoruski didnt fall into panic...he robbed presidential palace of hundredths of art artifacts and pieces of furniture with stoic calmness...prosecutor investigation on the way..

we remember PO ministers wives robbing shops in US but KOmorowski thievery beats it all.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Oct 2015 /  #280
@Gregy: What???? Do you have reliable sources? We cannot just accuse people of wrongdoing unless we can prove it. I personally seriously doubt it otherwise it would have been a huge scandal and everybody in Poland (and abroad) would have talked about it.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #281
what about?komorowski stealing stuff from presidential palace? its all over polish media..mofo sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" hundreds of pieces dissapeared...from chairs to computers,even chandelier..filthy piece of thief..like all PO mafia
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Oct 2015 /  #282
@Gregy: I have started being very busy so no time to even take a quick look at Polish media but strangely noone among the people I meet do talk about it. Do you have RELIABLE sources? Strange enough that foreign media don't talk about it (serious enough a matter for medias even abroad).

If so, PO are even dumber that I had thought.

When I have a few minutes off, I'll try to find something on the net.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #283
Do you have RELIABLE sources?

is it that hard to google?and then use translator?its on first pages of most polish info portals,and its been for good 2 weeks:

8 Oct 2015 /  #284
Do you have RELIABLE sources?

The reason that gregy doesn't provide any sources is that there is zero proof that anybody at all has done anything wrong, zero proof that anybody for whom the president is responsible has done anything wrong and zero proof that anybody for whom the president is responsible has done anything wrong. Gregy hopes that by not providing sources, nobody will notice that, as usual, he is very simply lying.

All that has happened is that a few items are not in the places in the presidential palace where record books say that they are in. Bookkeeping errors happen all the time. PIS officials haven't bothered to check the other presidential facilities around the country or government storage facilities, they've just decided to waste the prosecutor's time in order to try to make political capital and to distract attention from the fact that Duda has been caught stealing from the taxpayer and is now hiding behind his immunity.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #285
All that has happened is that a few items are not in the places in the presidential palace where record books say that they are in. Bookkeeping errors happen all the time. PIS officials haven't bothered to check the otherpresidential facilities around the country or government storage facilities,

lying again?or do you consider Rempex ouction house as " presidential facilities around the country":

sold for 10k zlotych

The reason that gregy doesn't provide any sources is that there is zero proof that anybody at all has done anything wrong,






more sources?
8 Oct 2015 /  #286
sold for 10k zlotych

And your proof that that is the same painting that was in the presidential palace? It is well known that there are many versions of the painting.

And why are you now telling us about a sale at Rempex auction house when you claimed before "mofo sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" "? How unfortunate: you've caught yourself lying!

more sources?

All of those sources are based on the report from niezalezna, so we know they're worthless. Find me a single reliable source which says that the painting sold at Rempex was the same version that was in the presidential palace. Then find me even a single reliable source which says that anybody for whom the president was responsible was connected with that sale. Lots of people are invited to the president's palace to meet the president, even I've been invited there! Some people will leave the palace with things that they should not leave with, most often tea-spoons, apparently. Are you now going to tell us that Komorowski has been stealing teaspoons and selling them on ebay?

Face facts, gregy, yet again you made another of the fantastic claims that you are so noted for: "mofo sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" ". You thought you would get away with it because only Polish-language media are writing about it. You were wrong. Maybe you should learn your lesson this time and stop lying here.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #287
nd your proof that that is the same painting that was in the presidential palace?

no doubt...even komoruski people dont deny it...their line of defense is that it was probably stolen..here wyborcza so you dont say bollox about niezalezna


this case is already being investigated by prosecutor..its more..."bydlo na pastwisku" paintings,and some sculptor also missing.
another case is tons of furniture ,tech stuff ect. was removed.
its more shocking...they claimed that this painting was worthless and komoruski people priced it at.....2 (two)zloty.less than wyborcza bollox newspaper.asked ,why so cheap-they responded-cus it was old...lol..lol...this shi.t has no shame.
8 Oct 2015 /  #288
no doubt...

Oops, gregy gets caught in another lie! Even PIS officials say there is doubt that the painting is the same!
"szefowa biura prasowego prezydenta Katarzyna Adamiak-Sroczyńska. ... "Rama jest podobna, obraz jest podobny. Jednak my dysponujemy jedynie zdjęciem katalogowym. Nie mamy w 100 proc. pewności, że jest to ten sam obraz." "

"Head of the press office of President Catherine Adamiak-Sroczyńska ... "The frame is similar, the image is similar. However, we have only a photo catalog. We are not 100 percent certain that it's the same picture." "


even komoruski people dont deny it...their line of defense is that it was probably stolen

And yet again you get caught lying! Michalowski says that he is afraid that the painting has been stolen, he says nothing about the probability that the painting has been stolen. My girlfriend is afraid of plane crashes, even though she knows that they are very very unlikely to happen.

Anyway, gregy, now your latest post has been torn to shreds, let's get back to your entry for comedy performance of the year, you claimed that "mofo [Komorowski] sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" ": let's here you support that claim!
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #289
you claimed that "mofo [Komorowski] sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" ": let's here you support that claim!

he did,scumbag.or his people.entire place was looted..including 100 k zloty document shredder. hundrets of pieces of equipment and furniture.

"The frame is similar, the image is similar. However, we have only a photo catalog. We are not 100 percent certain that it's the same picture." "

not 100% certain cus to be 100% certain,one must have painting in order to check it.painting is gone missing ,auction refused to provide name of seller.yet claim it was original painting. and they are experts,unless you claim that auction house sold copy while claiming it was original. only prosecutor can force them to reveal name of seller.


haha Harry..you dont even read WHAT YOU POST..:
The former head of the komorowski Presidential Office confirmed,they knew it was stolen,but he said they didnt look for it cus they though it was cheap painting,not worth bothering.

its important to note that the same komorowskis office people valued this painting at 2 zlotych...joke...thieves

Anyway, gregy, now your latest post has been torn to shreds

i stomped on you and squashed you like a bug
go back to google boy,come back when you ready for another slap
8 Oct 2015 /  #290
here..video evidence of looting:

No gregy, yet again you are very simply not telling the truth that is not evidence of any looting. That is a piece of cimema showing actors and it has been retouched. I really do not know why you come here and tell us such ridiculous whoppers.

he did,scumbag

Prove it. Start by proving your claim that "mofo [Komorowski] sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka".

not 100% certain cus to be 100% certain,one must have painting in order to check it.

So, you now admit that when you said there is "no doubt" is it the same painting, you were lying. Thank you for admitting what we all already knew.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #291
So, you now admit that when you said there is "no doubt" is it the same painting, you were lying. Thank you for admitting what we all already knew.

nope..there is no doubt...all is needed is formal confirmation by expert...once painting is recovered.
8 Oct 2015 /  #292
The former head of the komorowski Presidential Office confirmed,they knew it was stolen

Why gregy, why do you lie?

Były szef kancelarii prezydenta Bronisława Komorowskiego Jacek Michałowski powiedział PAP, że na początku bieżącego roku dostał informację o zaginięciu obrazu i figurki.
The former head of the office of President Bronislaw Komorowski, Jacek Michalowski, told PAP that earlier this year he was informed of the disappearance of the image and figurines.

Not a word there about anything being stolen!
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #293
Not a word there about anything being stolen!

since painting disapeared,and no book entry of being legally handed to anyone...meant it was illegally removed-STOLEN
8 Oct 2015 /  #294
nope..there is no doubt

Give up, gregy, even senior PIS official don't support you on that, even they can't bring themselves to tell that lie.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #295
Give up, gregy,

I never give up on opportunity to give you a good slap.its all fun.
stop supporting thieves Harry,its never to late to wise up
need to make inventory in whole Poland after bunch of PO thieves are gone..its just show that even their president and highest officials are a common thief
8 Oct 2015 /  #296
since painting disapeared,and no book entry of being legally handed to anyone...meant it was illegally removed-STOLEN

Not at all, it is common for items to be misplaced and then to be found later.

wielokrotnie zdarzało się [...]

it repeatedly happened in the past that the something from one room in the Chancellery found was in another. Some of they made their way even to the office of Prime Minister. "I remember that recently have been found in warehouses in our office some deer antlers that have been missing since the time of Alexander Kwasniewski" - he [Jacek Michałowski] explained.


Perhaps the problem is that you simply do not know what the word 'stolen' means. Either that or you are simply unable or unwilling to tell the truth about what the word means, just as you are demonstrably unable or unwilling to tell the truth about so many other things, as has been shown above.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #297
Not at all, it is common for items to be misplaced and then to be found later.

oh yes...but its become a whole different story,when" misplaced object" is found on auction
8 Oct 2015 /  #298
its become a whole different story,when" misplaced object" is found on auction

Sadly for you, gregy, there are many versions of that painting and there is zero proof that the one auctions is the one that has been misplaced in/from the presidential palace, and there is even less proof that anybody in any way connected with the president, let alone the president himself, was in any way connected with the sale of the version of the painting that was auctioned.

So, in short, your your claim that "mofo [Komorowski] sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" " has been shown to be very simply a lie. Please try a little harder with your next set of lies, this has really been far too easy.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Oct 2015 /  #299

common sense is enough to unfold sequence of this criminal event but
i provided you with deep analysis of this horrendous crime,supported by overwhelming evidence.MOFOs guilt is irrefutable
8 Oct 2015 /  #300
i provided you with deep analysis of this horrendous crime

I fear we will need to add 'deep', 'analysis', 'horrendous' and 'crime' to the list of words which you simply do not know or are simply unable or unwilling to tell the truth about. You haven't shown that any crime at all has taken place, let alone provided any analysis of it. All you've provided is a pathetic selection of drivel which in no way at all supports your initial lie about this subject, i.e. "mofo [Komorowski] sold one painting on ebay "gesiarka" "

MOFOs guilt is irrefutable

We'll add 'guilt' and 'irrefutable' to that list now too.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?Archived