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PiS to impose blanket retail tax in Poland

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Feb 2016 /  #271
Why would they care about poor people suffering? They're too busy enacting TKM and enjoying ridiculously high salaries at the expense of the State. All those kids that did a lot of donkey work for PiS are now enjoying highly paid state jobs doing precisely nothing.

But with that said, given that the 500zl program even according to PIS will cost PLN 22 billion per year, will raising VAT to 24% be enough?

I think we can expect a rise to 25% or even 26% under the guise of "emergency budget provisions" due to "PO incompetence" or some such nonsense.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Feb 2016 /  #272
ridiculously high salaries

And the PO regime voluntarily opted for ridiculously low salaries and switched from BMWs to Škoda Octavias pro bono and rewarded their donkey boys with pats on the back and words of encouragement. The difference is that the main beneficiaries of PO were foreign corporate inerests, the Brussels bureacracy, Heil Merkel-land and post-nomenklatura types. PiS are serving the Polish nation.

Vive la différence!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Feb 2016 /  #273
PiS are serving the Polish nation.

You mean the Polish nation is serving PiS by providing funds for their nepotism, right?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Feb 2016 /  #274
Polish nation is serving PiS

Wrong! PiS serve the entire Polish nation with the exception of the shady arrangement types (układy), nomenklatura beneficiaries and other trough defenders, the PO-Petru gang and other lackeys of foreign corporate interests, the Brussels Eurocracy and Frau Merkel-land. Do you count yourself amongst the latter? In other words: R U 1 2?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Feb 2016 /  #275
Really, Polonius, you could stop being such a lying SOB. PiS have appointed endless unqualified puppets to many top public sector jobs, with their only real qualifications being that they supported PiS when they were in opposition. The constant flip-flopping over the retail tax shows that they have no real talent in their ranks, only people that suck up to Kaczyński.
14 Feb 2016 /  #276
he constant flip-flopping over the retail tax shows that they have no real talent in their ranks, only people that suck up to Kaczyński.

That is the only 'talent' one needs to have to make it in PIS, just as back in Commie days all one needed to be was a faithful servant of the Party. It would be hilarious to watch the PIS lovers replying to the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski saying "LMB." with a faithful "Yes master; which one first?" if it weren't for the long-term damage they're doing to the country, for example with this insane attempt to impose another retail tax.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Feb 2016 /  #277

You've modified your rhetoric. Used to be "endless (apparently your favourite ajetcive) ex-PZPR types in PiS", except you could get beyond Piotrowicz and realised that 30 of PO's MPs are ex-commies or SB snitches.

Re flop-flopping, the reality is that PiS are ever-sensitive to and in sync with the heartbeat of the nation and strive to adjust their measures to public requirements.

How is it that you have entirely ignored an extreme, shameful and flagrant example of cynical flip-flopping by PO. They were againt 500+ because, they claimed, it would break the budget. But, knowing the measure enjoys widepsread popular support and contribtued to PiS' election victory, they are now calling for 500 zł for every child, not just the second and subsequent ones. To shore up their sagging popularity they have suddenly made an about face, ignoring budgetary concerns for the sake of cheap popularity.
jon357  72 | 22979  
14 Feb 2016 /  #278
All those kids that did a lot of donkey work for PiS are now enjoying highly paid state jobs doing precisely nothing.

Basically more (and the ridiculous new retail tax which will cost people's jobs is part of this) PiS Soviet-style behaviour. It's all they actually know.

The sick thing is that their so-called 'economic programme' will just impoverish people who are already badly paid. That is of course exactly what people want - after all, people don't vote for fascist parties when they're happy, do they?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Feb 2016 /  #279
economic programme

So like Delph you support PO's do-PiS-one-better 500 zł for every kid programme? Wasn't that a true Platformer brain-storm, prudent, well-considered, forward-looking and budget-sensitive?

By the way, does Roger has the day off from your B.B. tag-team today? Who's on tomorrow?
jon357  72 | 22979  
14 Feb 2016 /  #280
Don't be silly, you old S.O.B (great that you've set a precedent for that term and great that a Mod has approved it - it fits you beautifully). As well you know, one party is trusted with the economy, other parties are unknown quantities and the clowns who are temporarily in office have an appalling record on the economy.

And of course they don't care about impoverishing retail workers (already so very poorly paid) since they don't want people to be affluent or content - since as I said, people who are affluent and content don't vote for extreme nationalistic political lepers like PiS.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Feb 2016 /  #281
one party is trusted with the economy

So according to you, PO's have demonstrated their budgetary trustworthiness by upping PiS' ante to 500 zł for every child?
They had 8 years to come up with such a plan so that Poladn wouldn't be the only major country without one and only just now they have seen the light?!
jon357  72 | 22979  
14 Feb 2016 /  #282
PO's have demonstrated their budgetary trustworthiness

Their 'budgetary trustworthiness' has never been in doubt.

Unlike the clowns who are temporarily in office - they have no 'budgetary trustworthiness' whatsoever (or any other kind of 'trustworthiness') and are very aware that they've made promises they can't keep; hence this ridiculous new retail tax that will only hurt the lowest-paid in society.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Feb 2016 /  #283
Their 'budgetary trustworthiness' has never been in doubt

So forget your evasive double-talk and beating about the bush and say outright that you back PO's 500 zł for every kid plan and why you think it'll be better for the budget than 500 zł for the second and subsequent children.
jon357  72 | 22979  
14 Feb 2016 /  #284
your evasive double-talk and beating about the bush

This rather sums up the appalling 'economic' proposals by the awful regime, thinking specifically of the openly-derided retail tax we have at the moment - basically unachievable and which will above all, impoverish ordinary people in jobs that are already low-paid. Not just by forcing prices up, but by costing retail workers (a poorly-paid occupation) their jobs.

And of course it does suit PiS - not only electorally but also as part of their wider outlook and 'vision' for Poland - to keep people poor and unhappy.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Feb 2016 /  #285
Still nothing on the PO proposal, just your usual gibberish and gobbledeegook?
14 Feb 2016 /  #286
Still nothing on the PO proposal

Have PO made a proposal for a blanket retail tax? Or are you simply yet again trying to drive a thread off-topic?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Feb 2016 /  #287
Have PO made a proposal for a blanket retail tax?

Nope, but the latest PiS nonsense is that they'll have an 'amended' plan in place by the end of the month. The European Commission is already making it crystal clear that any tax that appears to target foreign retailers will be unlawful, and the whole thing is quite likely to be dropped.

Hello to higher VAT as a consequence.


Poland's new proposed tax on supermarkets is credit negative for major international retailers operating in the country, Moody's has warned, estimating that the levy could wipe out Tesco and Carrefour's entire operating profit from their Polish businesses.

As mentioned earlier, margins are tiny in retail. If Tesco and Carrefour can no longer make a profit in Poland, they'll leave - and many jobs will be lost. Polish retailers won't replace them, because they simply don't have the supply chains or finance needed.
jon357  72 | 22979  
15 Feb 2016 /  #288
The European Commission is already making it crystal clear that any tax that appears to target foreign retailers will be unlawful, and the whole thing is quite likely to be dropped.

Basically no plan at all and just a face-saving exercise which will just end up with them digging themselves deeper and deeper into a hole.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Feb 2016 /  #289
to keep people poor

That is precisely what you Poland-bashers, trough-defenders and lobbyists in the service of foreign interest groups want: keep Poland poor, semi-colonial, non-entrepreneurial and dependent on foreign capital
15 Feb 2016 /  #290
Basically no plan at all

Other than TKM and revenge on all those who have drawn the wrath of the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski, PIS have no plan; as has been made crystal clear by this farce over a retail tax.

which will just end up with them digging themselves deeper and deeper into a hole.

Yep. It takes a special talent to dig one's own grave whilst at the same time banging the nails into one's own coffin, but that seems to be one of the very few talents the PIS lovers have. Note to Vincent: PIS stands for Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc. In Polish it is written PiS but on this forum we must write in English only and in English the letter 'i' when used as an initial is written as 'I' and thus 'PIS'.

in the service of foreign interest groups

I was reading an excellent article over the weekend about an American who spent decades in Poland in the loyal service of a foreign power. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any pieces with his byline about the farce that has been PIS trying to impose a retail tax; does anybody happen to have any links to any such pieces?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
15 Feb 2016 /  #291
Other than TKM and revenge on all those who have drawn the wrath of the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski, PIS have no plan

They have plans, just no good policies....

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