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PIS councillor wants to censor Poland's history book

OP Harry  
24 May 2017 /  #91
why is it impossible for Poland to do the same.

For a start because the Polish constitution forbids that. I fear that your knowledge of Poland and Polish history is as poor as that of the PIS councillor who wants to censor a history book.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #92
Fortunately, the city council in Bialystok have distanced themselves from the PiS activist Chojnacki's daft idea, and made it very clear that the 1906 Bialystok Pogrom is a part of their history which will not be expunged from the public record, nor remoced from any book on Bialystok's most famous son, Ludwik Zamenhof.

The USA denaturalize citizens so why is it impossible for Poland to do the same.We live in changing times Jon.

What the Americans do is an irrelevance. Things work differently in Europe.

I fear that your knowledge of Poland and Polish history is as poor as that of the PIS councillor who wants to censor a history book.

24 May 2017 /  #93
First Secretary Kaczynski's loyal servant wants removed from the book in question.

Your narrative has and is ' Anti PIS'.could this be that the current government require more paperwork and clarity on NGO's in Poland. Could your agenda be that your current lifestyle is influenced by the changes in law.As a Brit in Poland you really should consider how to Be a Perfect Guest in the 21st Century.
24 May 2017 /  #94
For a start because the Polish constitution forbids that. I fear that your knowledge of Poland and Polish history is as poor as that of the PIS councillor who wants to censor a history book.Since 1962, Polish law (including the Constitution) does not allow the government to revoke someone's citizenship.

Thanking Jon and Harry for walking into my open...
Renunciation of Polish citizenship requires a petition with extensive supporting documentation subject to the approval of the President of Poland. Although the petition may take several years. Sometimes if you do not know the law it would be better to stay....
OP Harry  
24 May 2017 /  #95
could this be that the current government require more paperwork and clarity on NGO's in Poland.

It couldn't be any of those things, given that I'm not British in Poland and don't get a single penny from any NGOs (all the NGO work I do is pro bono).

Could it be that the repeated off-topic ad hom trolling posted here from the supporters of the PiSlamic State are a clear sign that even they know the actions of this PIS councillor are utterly indefensible?
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #96
a clear sign that even they know the actions of this PIS councillor are utterly indefensible?

The city council in Bialystok certainly say that. They're clear - PiS councillor Chojnacki is wrong, the book is right.

I suppose there's a certain type who start arguments and then get butthurt when they lose them.
24 May 2017 /  #97
It couldn't be any of those things, given that I'm not British in Poland

Well Harry, if you are now have a Polish passport, you are most certainly in the lions den...
24 May 2017 /  #98
who start arguments and then get butthurt when they lose them

There's a certain type who seem to operate in the nether regions with their innuendos.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #99
None of that is relevant to the PiS embarassing climbdown over one of their councillors' shameful attempt to airbrush a key event in the city's history from an illustrated book about Bialystok's most famous son.
24 May 2017 /  #100
PiSlamic State

What actually is the PiSlamic State and how exactly could I verify its existence through a third party other than your side kick Jon...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #101
varying interpretations

Like most historicla occurrences, the 1906 Białaystok pogrom was not a black & white incident but one example of the various crisscrossing ethno-religious and political undercurrents permeating Russian-occupied Poland. But it provides the ideal opportunity to highlight THE ANATOMY OF A POLE-BASHER (of which there are more than one on PF).

The Pole-bashier will also invoke historical facts but will simplicisticly focus on a few points that back up his anti-Poloish thesis and run rough-shod over the many circumstrances and implications of a given occurrence. Here the point was to accuse Poles of anti-Semitism for the benefit of the young people for whom this comic book was intended. The main poitns can be summed up as follows: Jews were attacked in a pogrom by townsfolk of a Polish city. Ergo Poles are anti-Semites. All the hallmarks of a clear Russian provocation are missing in that statement. They would be too complicated and involved in a comic book for the average young reader to understand anyway.

The councillor felt they owiuld be out of place in a comic book meant to popularise Zamenhof's achievements and pormtoe the city of Białystok. One might also say there is far too much violence in today's computer games and action films to highlight more in such a publication. But the Pole-basher is unconcerned about such fine points. His sole aim is to bash the good name of Poland, Poles and things Polish as well as the pro-Polish Law and Justice party.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #102
The councillor felt they owiuld be out of place in a comic book meant to popularise Zamenhof's achievements and pormtoe the city of Białystok.

But the Pole-basher is unconcerned about such fine points.

So you're saying the city council in Bialystok are 'Pole-bashers'? Since they have made it clear that the book is fine as it is.

Another PiS mess. They can barely control their own elected officials.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #103
city council in Bialystok

No, I was referring to those inveterate expat Pole-bashers on PF who will go to any lengths to smear, deride or ridicule the country that gave them refuge. They are the ones who can always be counted on the take the non-Polish side of any row or controversy. One can only wonder what keeps them here in a coutnry they so vehemently loath and despise. One of them (whose name I will not mention) has been here 22 years and has never even bothered to master the language. For him Anglo-jabber is enough.
OP Harry  
24 May 2017 /  #104
the 1906 Białaystok pogrom was not a black & white incident

Exactly. During that massacre some Catholic Poles risked their lives to save Jewish Poles, while other Catholic Poles murdered Jewish Poles.

All the hallmarks of a clear Russian provocation are missing in that statement.

This is a marvellous example of why you shouldn't spout off about things you know nothing about: the book in question very clearly states above one of the pictures the PiSlamic State wishes to ban "W 1906 r. w bialymstoku z inspiracji wladz carskich (wojska i policji) doszklo do pogromu ludnocsi zydowskiej": 'In 1906 in Białystok inspired by tsarist authorities (army and police) there was pogrom of the Jewish population'. A photo of that picture can be found here bialystok.onet.pl/radny-pis-nie-zgadza-sie-na-komiks-z-pogromami-zydow/1mj5ly3 and that link is provided in the very first post of this thread.

But I suppose that truth and reality have never been of much interest to the supporters of the PiSlamic State and First Secretary Kaczynski.

His sole aim is to bash the good name of Poland, Poles and things Polish

Personally I have repeatedly pointed out that some Poles risked their lives to protect Jews. The damage to the good name of Poland is being done by the likes of Radio Maybach and this moronic councillor from the Party of First Secretary Kaczynski.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #105
Another PiS mess

The roughshod way you purposly portrayed it so young readers of the comic would conclude that Poles are anti-Semites might look that way. But as in a Stalinist rigged show trial, you did not let the accused give his side of the story and explain his motives, showing how PC and cultural marxism are closely related. If the council opposed the move, they must be dominated by the "total opposition" whose sole knee-jerk reaction to good change is total negation.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #106
you purposly portrayed it so young readers of the comic would conclude that Poles are anti-Semites might look that way.

Don't be daft.

you did not let the accused give his side of the story and explain his motives,

The outspoken PiS official involved very much gave his side of the story. As did his superiors on Bialystok council who slapped him down.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #107
gave his side of the stor

He may have done but it was not reflected in your or your guru's lambasting of him.
We're not in Białystok nor are we obliged to read any reports, only to discuss things on the forum, and nothing but attacks and negativism were directed at the councilor here by you and other PO stooges.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #108
nor are we obliged to read any reports

Nor is anyone obliged to promote an opposing view. Do you?

negativism were directed at the councilor

No wonder, given his act of stupidity.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
24 May 2017 /  #109
During that massacre some Catholic Poles risked their lives to save Jewish Poles, while other Catholic Poles murdered Jewish Poles.

Blah bah do you have any data to support your claims? I would like to know names of those active actors in this historical event. If you are unable to do that iy would mean that you lie and make things up as you go! the onus is on you.

Personally I have repeatedly pointed out that some Poles

No, you have always obsessively focused on some Jews being killed regardless if that has anything to do with anything.

So you're saying the city council in Bialystok are 'Pole-bashers'?

They're morons at best. If they wnat to promote Białysok with info about porgroms, murders, a crminal activity for the last 300 years that is their right. I think they are morons and residents of the town will not thank them for that.
OP Harry  
24 May 2017 /  #110
The roughshod way you purposly portrayed it so young readers of the comic would conclude that Poles are anti-Semites

The very first post in this thread has a link to the pictures the PIS councillor wants to censor. It's entirely your own fault if you aren't smart enough to have a look at them before pontificating about them. If you'd had a quick look you wouldn't have been caught claiming that "All the hallmarks of a clear Russian provocation are missing in that statement." when in reality the book specifically says "W 1906 r. w bialymstoku z inspiracji wladz carskich (wojska i policji) doszklo do pogromu ludnocsi zydowskiej": 'In 1906 in Białystok inspired by tsarist authorities (army and police) there was pogrom of the Jewish population'.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #111
his act of stupidity

Only in the skewed view of mean-spirited bigots. He had a goodpoint. Send a few slogans in comic book form for misinterpretation by clueless youth does not make sense. Explaining all the complexities of Russian occupation, Russification, the Okhrana and its provocations transcends the scope of the comic-book format. The
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #112
PIS councillor are utterly indefensible

On the contrary, all things considered, it was a wise move. PiSlamic and other PF Pole-bashers are simply acting out their accepted roles.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #113
Catholic Poles murdered Jewish Poles

When will we see you writing about Jewish Poles murdering Polish Poles? Oh, I forgot. You refuse to answer the question: R U 1 2! That is most telling indeed!
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #114
u writing about

The topic of the thread is the silly attempt to rewrite a piece of the history of Bialystok. Fortunately knocked back by the council there.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #115
rewrite a piece of the history

Since when are comic books the forum for writing or rewriting history?. Providing a super-cursory, short-cut picture of a complex historical issue is also a lie. That's probably why the LL so hotly advocates it.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #116
Since when are comic books

Since somebody made one, by all accounts an interesting one.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #117
an interesting one

Maybe to youthful troglodytes judging by the crap computer games they play.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #118
The imporatnt thing is that PiS, as usual, had to back down. The graphic novel in question isn't aimed at 'youthful troglodytes', nor is it a computer game.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #119
graphic novel

The latest PC euphemism for comic book, I presume. Anyway, a novel is fiction and the 'Zamenhof book is a documentary.
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 May 2017 /  #120
I presume

You presume incorrectly.

novel is fiction and the 'Zamenhof book is a documentary.

The term Graphic Novel is used widely.

This one is a particularly good one, and approved by the city of Bialystok as one of many ways of honouring the city's most famous son.

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