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Poland's PIS go back to their old ways

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Nov 2015 /  #121
even less voted for the previous one. this didnt seem to bother you before.

More lies.

2011 election :

PO : 5,629,773
PSL : 1,201,628

2015 election :

PiS : 5,711,687

By simple mathematics, 1,119,714 more Poles voted for the last government.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Nov 2015 /  #122
who cares.
they found Komorowski plundered another presidential villa.400 objects looted.even toilets and kitchen fittings were removed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Nov 2015 /  #123
who cares.

Caught lying and all you can say is "who cares?"

No wonder you're such a PiS lover.

they found Komorowski plundered another presidential villa.400 objects looted.even toilets and kitchen fittings were removed.

Making stuff up again?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Nov 2015 /  #124
Making stuff up again?

no i dont,but links are only in polish.
pietrzak funny comments regarding looting:
"I could not understand that such a jerk - the term I used from the beginning - has been the President of Poland"
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Nov 2015 /  #125
More lies

You sure defined the losers' train of thought correctly. You can lie and distort, manipulate statistics, hurl what you regard as "clever" epiteths and do all the name-calling and back-biting you want, but there's no getting away from the fact that you are all BIG LOSERS. All your impotent frustration, grumbling, moaning, whining and whinging cannot chnage that. Maybe in 8 years' time you'll get another crack when pre-election surveys are showing PiS 46, Petru 17 and PO 5.2.
OP Harry  
16 Nov 2015 /  #126
You can lie and distort, manipulate statistics, hurl what you regard as "clever" epiteths and do all the name-calling and back-biting you want

No need to do any of that when pointing out that fewer people voted for this government than the previous one. Not that that's a surprise, some of this government's most vocal supporters didn't bother to vote for it, did you.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
16 Nov 2015 /  #127
One has to accept the government chosen by the majority of citizens

Absolutely not.

This poster will be obstructing them every step of the way, don't you worry about that.
I respect the Poland that my wife told me about, the liberal state, with a Jewish semi-skilled class, and the land of fairness and chivalry (if it existed at all).

As somebody else said, the Kwasniewski presidency was just dandy. That's the sort of Poland I want, where the president keeps it shut and the markets appreciate such.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Nov 2015 /  #128
the markets

The markets = neo-colonial enslavement turning Poles into mere hirelings in their own country!
OP Harry  
17 Nov 2015 /  #129
Arguing against capitalism now? Well, I suppose that that is very much a PIS thing to do, which shouldn't be a surprise when one considers how many of them had things so much better back before Poland transitioned to a capitalist country, as did you, didn't you.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Nov 2015 /  #130
simple mathematics

Simple impotent fury, frustration and resentment expressed by a loser! C'est tout!
17 Nov 2015 /  #131
PiS should be bashed with satire. Do you remember the site spieprzajdziadu.com ? It worked amazingly well.

Polish patriots and nationalists are very stuck-up. Stuck-up people are very susceptible to satire.

Until a new site like spieprzajdziadu shows up, I'm reading Jerzy Urban's "NIE". It makes reading about politics almost bearable. "NIE" could also write about the moderators of this forum if they cared enough.
Levi  11 | 433  
17 Nov 2015 /  #132
Polish patriots and nationalists are very stuck-up. Stuck-up people are very susceptible to satire.

Oh yea, and the communists and socialists are not?

Give me a break,...
17 Nov 2015 /  #133
Oh yea, and the communists and socialists are not?

I don't think they are. And even if they were, communists and socialists don't have a sense of humor, so they wouldn't exploit that. Show me a site equivalent to spieprzajdziadu.com and we'll talk. And the biggest, most shameless commie in Poland has the most sense of humor.

Correction: I meant "nationalists and patriots don't have a sense of humour". It's obvious I meant that because 2nd and 4th sentences in my last message contradict themselves.
jon357  72 | 23559  
17 Nov 2015 /  #134

Pseudopatriots is a more accurate term for the people you mention.
17 Nov 2015 /  #135
As Goebbels said, "A lie repeated often enough becomes truth." In practical terms, it means that they're capable of changing the meaning of the word "patriot", by openly associating themselves with patriotism.

In similar vein, "left-wing" and "right-wing" has virtually no meaning anymore in Poland. PiS and Catholic Church like to call their opponents leftists. PiS is often called right-wing, but many of their ideas are straight from communist playbook (like 500zł per child, free this, free that, free healthcare, goverment should give this, government should hand out that).

I think the terms "Liberal" and "Conservative" are much more fitting. A liberal person believes you should be able to do anything as long as it doesn't hurt others. A conservative person likes to tell others how to behave, what to think and what to do. I'm quite liberal.
Sparks11  - | 333  
17 Nov 2015 /  #136
I must say that the antipasti crowd do seem like sore losers. After Reading the Old posts about ho the will never win and now argue over voter turn out.
jon357  72 | 23559  
17 Nov 2015 /  #137
I think the terms "Liberal" and "Conservative" are much more fitting. A liberal person believes you should be able to do anything as long as it doesn't hurt others. A conservative person likes to tell others how to behave, what to think and what to do. I'm quite liberal.

Yes, it's all about authoritarianism.
G (undercover)  
17 Nov 2015 /  #138
Do you remember the site spieprzajdziadu.com ? It worked amazingly well.

Yeah, I also remember similar website about Komor. But that one was shut down and the owner was arrested by ABW. "Democracy" and "European values". Filthy fascists...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Nov 2015 /  #139

An anecdote from America: How do we know Columbus was a liberal*? Because he didn't know where he was going, he didn't know where he was when he got there, and he did it all with other people's money!

*liberal - in the USA this term has lost any connotation of liberal (laissez-faire) economics and implies libertinism in the social realm and a generous welfare state in the economic sphere (hence the mention of "other people's (taxpayers'/ money). The "not knowing where he was going" has to do with brainless, ill-considered go-gooderism.
17 Nov 2015 /  #140
Cool story bro, but I'm talking about Poland, not USA. And no reasonable man forms opinion based on a single anectode. If it worked that way, I could jump over a high-voltage line, and proclaim it's safe to do, because nothing bad happened.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Nov 2015 /  #141
as long as it doesn't hurt others

But sacking, blackballing or demoting people for their views (as in the homo-"marriage" controversy) or brainwashing schoolchildren wtih PC propaganda IS HURTING OTHERS. It is the victim not the victimiser that defines what hurts!
Roger5  1 | 1432  
17 Nov 2015 /  #142
Brainwashing scoolchildren? That's what religions do, isn't it? As we speak, children in Tel Aviv, Islamabad, Warsaw and a million other places are being told exactly the same thing: "Ours is the only true religion. The unbelievers are wrong." The thing is that they swallow it so completely that they can't see the logical fallacy.
jon357  72 | 23559  
17 Nov 2015 /  #143
I'm talking about Poland, not USA

Basically yes, Poland has a very longstanding liberal tradition
Levi  11 | 433  
17 Nov 2015 /  #144
The unbelievers are wrong.

How you and other modern atheists are different?

Richard Dawkins says:

"All religions are wrong, only me, your great lord master atheist, is the right path to the sole truth. Science Bless you!"

Just like Stalin or Kim Jong Un

Please don't stray away from the topic.
17 Nov 2015 /  #145
Interesting I read today that 42% of polish people support Duda, but more interesting are the rows about hand shakes (Or lack of) and the refusal to attend meetings with the president .

Just goes to show that this topic is as hot in real life as it is in this virtual world.

I do find it interesting that this thread started with the comment " Poland an international laughing stock", Not today under PiS, has anyone noticed the European wide support that the new government has for it's stance on denying migrant entry until Polish security can be guaranteed also for the support for the idea to train the immigrants to go back and fight for their own countries.

I am not talking about support from politicians but the comments that people have posted on various media outlets regardless of left / right wing bias
OP Harry  
17 Nov 2015 /  #146
has anyone noticed the European wide support that the new government has for it's stance on denying migrant entry until Polish security can be guaranteed

Some of the reaction I've seen is that it's a touch hypocritical given the number of Polish known criminals which the western EU nations are required to allow in. But I suppose that a lot more than a touch of hypocrisy is very much a hallmark of PIS.

support for the idea to train the immigrants to go back and fight for their own countries.

All of support coming from people who haven't thought that perhaps it's not a good idea to train people up who might just get back to Syria and change sides, and who might then head back to Europe again on the pretext that they need asylum in Europe as a result of fighting on the pro-western side but who in reality intend to use the skills they have been taught to instead kill people here.

But then I suppose that not thinking things through is another of the hallmarks of PIS.
17 Nov 2015 /  #147

I have thought this one through , we train em we send em back, we don't let them back in, If they choose to fight on the wrong side we vaporize them simple As French president François Hollande (Head of the Socialist party) said, We Are At War.

Not sure of what the policy of PO or PiS is , I don't think that the Polish Republic has ever declared war

Sorry Dougpo meant Harry
18 Nov 2015 /  #148
Basically yes, Poland has a very longstanding liberal tradition

I'm not sure if you're sacrastic.

This is not entirely correct. Poland prided itself for being a free and liberal state, but democracy was only for the gentry (szlachta). Szlachta was about 20% of the population, and this statistic probably includes women. The vast majority of the rest were peasants working on socage terms. That was slavery in all but name. Russia also likes to pride itself for never having sea colonies, but their policy on conquered lands was extremely similar.

Also before the outbreak of WW2, Poland only had 69% Poles, the rest were other ethnicities. The times when Poland saw the most liberty were simply the times when central government was the weakest. Polish state was always very keen to polinize other nations living within its border, with discrimination or violence. Those who praise Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth hardly ever bring up it broke because Poles were oppressing other nations (like only having Polish officials, only Polish schools, etc).
InPolska  9 | 1796  
18 Nov 2015 /  #149
Yes, a very "liberal" tradition is not the word to describe Polish society ;). My mother-in-law was Jewish born. Jews lived apart from Poles. A lot of Jews in my mother-in-law's family had to change their names to Polish names, some of them converted to catholicism (for instance my mother-in-law) to have an "easier" life.... It was so obviously among a lot of Jews.

I have heard alot from Poles saying that till 1939, Poland was rather sort of like France was prior to 1789 Revolution (small nobility class, clergy and all the others, the vast majority, with no rights and in dire poverty.).. Also from a lot of Poles, half of the population in Poland could not read and hence massive programs after 1945....

"Liberal" is real not the word to describe Poland! "lol" Very far from Alice in Wonderland!
18 Nov 2015 /  #150
Also from a lot of Poles, half of the population in Poland could not read and hence massive programs after 1945....

LOL. Is this a bad joke?

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