Why should he as the date for the general election is set for the end of October. The next Government may give him 1,000 zł/month or 2,000 zł/month or 2,500 zł/month or whatever you want ...
Exactly, it's all political strategy. Blaming Kopacz for not cooperating is just usual PiS nonsense where they blame PO for absolutely everything.
For what it's worth, anyone that voted for Duda believing that he would give them 500zl/month needs to have their head examined.
Maybe a Sejm debate would be good by showing the PO up for the hypocrites and elitist creeps they really are. Then maybe insetad of PiS winning 42-30, the Platfusy would get all of 18% or even less.
Socialism, Polonius, Socialism...
Anyway, many PO voters from 2007 and 2011 absolutely do not want payments in hard cash to poor parents, because they know that the pathology will start to breed just to get an extra 500zl a month.
If Duda introduced legislation that provided for a 500zl/month tax cut per child, it would probably gain significant support among all parties as it wouldn't reward pathology.