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Poland's PIS go back to their old ways

6 Aug 2015 /  #1
Were any of you hoping that PIS might have grown up slightly since the hilarious couple of years when they made Poland an international laughing stock? Well your hopes have been dashed. The first official act of the PISites has been to childishly refuse to invite Poland's highest level politician, the head of the European Council, and a former PM of Poland.

Head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, will not be among the guests at Thursday's swearing-in ceremony of president-elect, Andrzej Duda.

The communications advisor to the President of the European Council's office, Paweł Gras, confirmed that Tusk had not received an invitation from the president-elect and that "the president's decision should be respected." "It must be understood that Mr Tusk respects the decision of the president, who decided to not invite him and therefore he will not be present."
"Tusk is primarily the head of the European Council, and not just a former prime minister, so the invitation should come from the president-elect," Gras said.

Full article here: thenews/1/9/Artykul/216224,Tusk-not-invited-to-Duda-inauguration
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Aug 2015 /  #2
First act and they're already playing stupid political games, what a surprise.

Perhaps one of our resident PiS supporters can explain why they've failed to invite the highest level Polish politician ever to the ceremony?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
6 Aug 2015 /  #3
As you know, many PiS supporters, mad as it is, consider Tusk to be implicated in the 'murder' of their President. They have not moved on enough yet. Let's hope that the new guy will learn diplomacy as he grows into the job.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Aug 2015 /  #4
Shall we take bets on how long it will take for some sort of "Presidential Commission" to be set up to investigate the "murder" at Smolensk?
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2015 /  #5
Perhaps one of our resident PiS supporters can explain why they've failed to invite the highest level Polish politician ever to the ceremony?

I'm not a PIS supporter, never have been and never will be, but I can certainly take a stab at explaining the real reason, the first letters of the words that explain the reason are 'T', 'K' and 'M'.

As you know, many PiS supporters, mad as it is, consider Tusk to be implicated in the 'murder' of their President. They have not moved on enough yet.

Hmm, perhaps some sort of fly-past by the PAF is in order.

Let's hope that the new guy will learn diplomacy as he grows into the job.

Let's hope that until the end of October his mob manage to carry in really showing their true colours.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2015 /  #6
a former PM of Poland

Good move! Why invite the guy whose mess it will take a coupla years to clean up? Don the Wrecker responsible for loads of skewed and toxic legislation is not an asset to the country but a liability. Having to view that shifty-eyed former trough-hanger would be like rubbing salt into Poland's wounds.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Aug 2015 /  #7
but if duda spent 20 odd years abroad he would too

So you claim. Doesn't seem to be backed up by economic data. Sorry, but I trust GUS more than someone who obviously supports PiS.

Duda's election had a negative effect on the złoty and on the markets. That much is verifiable, and far more trustworthy than a guest poster online. The zloty was heading towards 3.9/Euro before the election - now it's 4.17 and not showing any signs of being able to strengthen beyond 4.10. Duda, good for business? Hahaha.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2015 /  #8
nothing but a cipher.

Wait till that ciphre and a PiS-dominated Sejm begin de-libertinising all the lefty junk legislation (test-tube babies, gender BS, etc.) and de-Platformising late retirement age and other ill-considered laws left behind by the Platfusy!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Aug 2015 /  #9
If I understand right, Sejm shall close tonight for 4 weeks vacation. In case, Sejm passes some PO and others' bills prior to October 25, said bills shall be vetoed by Duda as I suppose that the President of Poland must sign so bills can become laws. If so (I believe it is), PiS through Duda is already ruling Poland and that's the reason why EW said yesterday that she and her goverment mean to "work with the President".

I was out for shopping for close to 2 hours this am and the city looks like the way it normally is. Nobody seems anxious ;)
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2015 /  #10
Duda is pretty much just a puppet for Kaczyński anyway.

Very much so. One example of that is the way that a man who is an MEP, and so can be safely assumed to be pro-Europe and to understand how important the EU is to Poland, supposedly didn't invite the head of the European Council to his swearing-in as President of Poland. Does anybody seriously buy that?! The hand of the puppet-master is clear for all to see.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2015 /  #11
"murder" at Smolensk?

Do you believe the matter has been fully cleared up? Not a question of "murder" but a major national tragedy the annihilated 96 mostly high-level poltical and military leaders. Do you think it's right that the wreckage remains in Russian hands and that they are denying access ot various relevant documents. Is that not a slap in the face of Polish national sovereignty?
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2015 /  #12
Do you believe the matter has been fully cleared up?

The cause of the crash is very very well known: controlled flight into terrain. It is equally well known that some people cannot accept that the ego of their Messiah, combined with the failures of their military, caused the deaths of 96 people.

And it is also very well know that banging on about the possibility that it was something other than the ego of their Messiah which caused the deaths of those 96 people is electorally suicidal for PIS, so let's hope they bang on about it until hell freezes over.
Marsupial  - | 871  
6 Aug 2015 /  #13
This is what happens when a silly politician over rules an actual pilot.
jon357  72 | 23557  
6 Aug 2015 /  #14
Wait till that ciphre and a PiS-dominated Sejm begin de-libertinising all the lefty junk legislation (test-tube babies, gender BS, etc.) and de-Platformising late retirement age and other ill-considered laws left behind by the Platfusy!

I very much doubt, if they accidentally got in the back door like last time, that they could do much damage.

The cause of the crash is very very well known

And this will be their downfall, hence the straw man Duda saying nothing and almost certainly being advised to say nothing. It wouldn't take much to get the various cranks like JK, Macierewicz etc sounding off on it.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Aug 2015 /  #15
The guy has been President for only a couple of hours. He is president for the only reason that he was chosen by a majority of Poles. He has not started anything yet so why already condemning him? Why not giving him a chance?

(I am not pro-PiS but since the guy is the choice of most Poles, he deserves respect and to be given a chance).
Roger5  1 | 1432  
6 Aug 2015 /  #16
he deserves respect and to be given a chance

I'm willing to give him a chance, and respect once he's earned it. I'm definitely willing to showrespect to the Head of State as such. I had hoped that he might behave in an appropriately statesmanlike manner, but unfortunately, he hasn't made a good start. As for the majority of Poles voting for him, it's a bit greyer than that.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Aug 2015 /  #17
@Roger: although I am allergic to PiS (and cannot stand PO), I think the guy is likeable and that's the reason why (I think) he was chosen to be a candidate. Of course, even idiots are elected (or even worse than idiots sometimes if we think about ... Hitler) but in "democratic" system, whoever gets the most votes is elected.

First of all, he'll have a 3 month "honeymoon" period.

It is amazing to read here (and on top of that from NON Poles) that the guy shall be lousy. I don't hope him to be lousy since it'll be bad for Poland and for the Poles. Most probably, PiS shall win in October and that's it (I personally would prefer another situation but it shall not happen).
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2015 /  #18
He is president for the only reason that he was chosen by a majority of Poles.

Nope, he is President because PIS did a better job of getting their voters to the polling stations than PO did.

On the plus side, a PISite being in even an office which is supposed to be a figurehead will be excellent at getting the people who vote against the PISites to actually go to the polling stations and vote.
smurf  38 | 1940  
6 Aug 2015 /  #19
it'll be bad for Poland and for the Poles.

It's probably because you're still kinda new to Poland maybe?

PiS are the ultimate in train-wreck politics. Pandering to whatever populist nonsense they can. A bit like Sinn Fein in Ireland, against everything and for nothing. Thinking that a country can pay for itself by promising as much free sh!t as possible just so they can get into power.

They brought Poland to the point of ruination once and they'll do it again. Career politicians with nothing to offer other than their lust for being in power. Corrupt as fuq, with a deranged leader. More of a cult that a political party.

Sure, Poles will vote them in in October. Everyone seems to think that they want 'change' Fair enough, vote them in so. But don't complain when they fuq everything up, which they will.

The other day Kopacz said that

she doesn't want to live in a "religious republic."

if PiS win. Well, she will be living in a religious republic if they win.

You must remember that PiS are against IVF treatment, they are utterly crazy. Duda wants a bishops as his main advisor. A feckin bishop! A man who wears a dress and moves sexual predators from one parish to the next if they're caught.

Their leader is a known, practicing homosexual
If you'd prefer a more recent article here's another

Not that that bothers me, more power to him. We're all equal in my eyes, you're born gay or straight.

But what does bother me is that his party are so against recognizing same sex rights. Pandering to the church because he thinks that's his way into power. Thankfully young Poles are turning their backs on the church and the times they are a changing. However, with PiS coming to power it'll doubtlessly send more young people looking to forward-thinking countries as places to make their homes. Poland will regress under PiS, a return to the 1990s is on the cards and yet again, while West Europe marches on toward modernity and equality, Poland will remain in the doldrums.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2015 /  #20
could do much damage

They'll have their hands full undoing 8 years of damage left behind by the Platfusy.
To avoid all the wrangling in parliament it'd be nice if they could pass just one law rescinding all of PO's blunders.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Aug 2015 /  #21
@Smurf: I am not new in Poland and my husband was Polish so believe me, I know about Poland ;). I first came to Poland (for 2 months) in 1990 ;).
gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Aug 2015 /  #22
Full article here: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/216224,Tusk-not-invited-to-Duda-inauguration

can you read Polish Harry - if so then read this and tell me who was responsible for not inviting Tusk to the inauguration -
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Aug 2015 /  #23
@Harry: Duda got elected simply because he had more votes than anyone else. None of his opponents disagreed with the results. I agree that whoever gets elected is neither the best nor the most intelligent but it's the way it works in what we call "democracy". It is the same in all countries.

What do you want? That the election gets cancelled and the guy of your choice gets the job instead ;).
gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Aug 2015 /  #24
can you read Polish Harry

ok Harry can't read Polish - so I'll explain - it was the speaker of the parliament role to send invitations to political figures - and Mrs Kidawa-Błońska sent an invitation to Donald Tusk as a former prime minister - and well Mr Tusk got offended that he was not invited as the European president and decided not to come - do you still think, Harry, PiS is to blame you nasty PiS-hater?
6 Aug 2015 /  #25
@gumishu, thats very interesting, good post

@inpolska, Im surprised Harry thinks that, maybe theres some wisdom there, but I must say that leading up to the Duda election i was surprised how many people told me they didn't want po and were going for pis. these were biz types, mgrs., not av Joe working in some shop or Mcjob. so from that voxpop in a po city as i am, not surprised pis won nationally. not at all. not that i want to live in a religious republic mind you! :D
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2015 /  #26
Duda got elected simply because he had more votes than anyone else.

And he got more votes because his supporters went to vote. Just look at the places here the turnout was higher and which candidate was preferred in those places.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2015 /  #27

Crowds cheered and waved Polish flags as President Andrzej Duda rode through the streets of Warsaw, One TV commentator said it reminded him of JP2's drive-pasts. In his first address to the Sejm, Duda called on Poles of every poltical orientation, believers and non-believers to dispaly mutual resepct and not try to impose their views on others. Mutual respect is needed if we are to achieve a sense of community, he added. He said his first efforts would be directed at restoring the normal retirement age and increaseing the threshold below which people are not taxed.

(Incidentally, those earning less than 666zł would not be taxed which is a starvation wage; it's a crying shame anyone in Poland could earn that little.)
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Aug 2015 /  #28
@eh?: same for me! I was amazed when I found out from several professionals in their early 30 living in Warsaw I deal with at work that they had voted for Duda. I also know several people (same socio-economic background) who used to vote for PO but as they were disgusted, they did not vote at all.

Someone (working at a high position in the administration) told me last year that there was a new generation of PiS and contrary to what I thought, PiS (and also PSL) do not consist of only old farts and "village idiots". Life is not so simple, it is not white or black. It is wrong to think that old, poor, uneducated vote for PiS and young, rich and educated vote for PO - it is obviously more complicated than that.

Anyway, Duda was elected and that's it ....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2015 /  #29
his supporters went to vote

That's the truism of the year. Everybody candidate wins because he gets more voters to vote for him. So what else is new? Water is wet! Dublin is the capital of Eire. 100 groszy = 1 złoty...., etc.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Aug 2015 /  #30
@Pol: I think Harry means that Duda was more able than Komorowski to convince his supporters to vote.

I know from a client that on the Monday following the 1st turn, Duda was at 7 (am) at Centrum Metro station (in Warsaw) to meet people and offer them coffee.

Duda did a much better campaign and as a result got elected. That's the way it is in all democratic countries.

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