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Poland Parliamentary elections 2015

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1022
Catholic friendly PiS

Rzeczpospolita has reported that Germany's looney-leftist "Tageszeiting" had become upset with PM Beata Szydło's Catholic beliefs. "Bishops and priests of the still powerful Catholic Church in Poland can count on the wife of a teacher and mother of two grown sons," sniffed the paper, obviously regretting the PM's fidelity as well as the fact that the Polish Church is "still powerful". Tageszeitung reported that one of the Szydłos' sons is studying medicine and the other (horror of horrors!) is studying to be a priest. The leftist rag also took Szydło to task for voting against an anti-domestic violence law but failed to mention it had been designed to faciliate backdoor introduction of contorversial leftist innovations. Finally, the paper attacked Szydło for calling on the Episcopate to boldly speak out on matters of public concern. Tageszeitung tried to slip in a lie alleging that "the Episcopate has no democratic mandate to do so." A bald-faced lie, because every citizen and every organisation, not excluding the Catholic Church and other denomiantions, has a right to exercise freedom of speech and express their views on public issues.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1023

Isn't "Kraut" an ethnic slur? Is this in accordance with forum policy?

Personally I think Polonius3 missed his true calling. He was born a few decades too late and a continent away, but he would have fit right into Stalinist Poland. I can totally imagine him writing for Trybuna Ludu in the 1950's, 60's and 70's.

His values might be a little different but he has the no holds barred propaganda style down pat.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1024

Is Gerry or Hun less offensive to you? In the States they're also called Square-heads.
29 Oct 2015 /  #1025
obviously regretting the PM's fidelity as well as the fact that the Polish Church is "still powerful".

I seem to recall that PIS has been elected to serve the people of Poland, not the Roman Catholic church.
It's rather regrettable that a party which only attracted the votes of 19.4% of Poles is able to hold the majority of seats in a parliament, the phrase "Tyranny of the Minority" springs to mind, but the majority of Poles only have themselves to blame. But personally I find it rather amusing that the Polish government which received the votes of fewer than one in five Poles will try to force down the throats of all Poles the views of a church which counts fewer than one in five Poles as members; the resulting backlash against both PIS and the elements of the RCC who are misguided about the role of the RCC should result in significant and lasting damage to both (although hopefully not to the church itself).
gregy741  5 | 1226  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1026
Interesting results from UK.kukiz won pis second and korwin third.people vote so differently when not exposed to massive pro PO propaganda brainwashing as those in Poland.same in US.if not pro PO german owned media in Poland,PO wouldnt even get to parliament.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1027
Or rather the fact that they're pretty disconnected from Poland. They also couldn't care less about what happens to Poland, as witnessed by their "patriotic" abandoning of Poland in times of need.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1028
abandoning of Poland in times of need

I can understand young Poles leaving for greener grass, but what I can't stand is them telling us how we should live in Poland. And the vote thing annoys me, too. Anyway, when their kids ask them what they did in those early days to help a resurgent Poland after the wall came down, they can say, hand on heart, "I left".
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1029
"I left"

Polish émigrés or collectively Polonia keep a steady stream of cash flowing to loved ones in Poland. Everyone does their part. That is often overlooked by petty-minded nitpickers.
29 Oct 2015 /  #1030
If contributing cash to Poland is all that is required, why aren't foreigners who choose to pay taxes here given the vote?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1031
I find it rather amusingthat the Polish government which received the votes of fewer than one in five Poles will try to force down the throats of all Poles the views of a church which counts fewer than one in five Poles as members

I don't.

In Katowice it nothing short of a disgrace how the church impinges on my peace and quiet, on a Sunday especially,, and as for the village community..... I would go to war and so would my dog....

Here in Tri-City people rightly live their lives as they choose - the only place of intellectual freedom in Poland actually.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1032

Henryk Kowalczyk, tipped to be the next finance minister, told Rzeczpospolita that a top priority is the 500 zł monthly chld allowance. 30 billion zł would be ear-marked to fulfill campaign promises. Four legislative proposals - concerning CIT, VAT, a financial-transaction tax and large retail-shop

tax - need to be passed and signed into law. CIT for small firms would be lowered from 19 to 15%.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1033
Polish émigrés or collectively Polonia keep a steady stream of cash flowing to loved ones in Poland. Everyone does their part. That is often overlooked by petty-minded nitpickers.

Yeah - this is why the Polish countryside is covered with stupidly sized villas, where nobody lives, but which are minded by some poor villager for peanuts, which were built (often illegally) as an "investment."

Hilarious. Whenever a forester tells me that my forest camp is harming the environment I laugh for a full five minutes.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1034
Yeah - this is why the Polish countryside is covered with stupidly sized villas, where nobody lives, but which are minded by some poor villager for peanuts, which were built (often illegally) as an "investment."

It's especially common in Beskidy :( The Czech side is beautiful, but the Polish side has been completely ruined.
Crow  154 | 9463  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1035
Were the Serbian media positive or negative about the PiS election? Or neutral?

well, i took the question seriously and contemplated a lot on general stance of the Serbian media on Poland and Poles.

First of all, you would hardly found any criticism on Poland and Poles in Serbian media. Seek in Serbian media criticism on anything and anybody and you would found it, of USA, on Russia, On Britain, France, Germany,... on Serbia itself, but, really, no criticism of Poland. Even when official Poland recognized Kosovo, info came quite as an info. No criticism.

So i concluded, that news from Poland, in Serbian newspapers and media,... if news are good for Serbs as an info that is loudly announced. If the news is bad for Serbs/Serbia, Serbian media ignore and fails to give info to public or just gave that- info, without entering in description and debate about it.

Now, in case with Parliamentary elections in 2015. Sure, Serbian media see it as good news for Serbs because global trends and events proving Serbian arguments that what happened to Serbs/Serbia, easily can happen to Poles/Poland, if they are stubborn enough and refuse blindly to obey to the western Europe and USA. Let me just remind that, back in 1999 in Polish parliament, Jan Lopuszanski, representative of a Catholic right-wing group, defending Serbians and criticizing media lies about Serbia, made his explicit warning. He said (citation): ``if, today, NATO's putative right to be a judge of other nations and their governments and to enforce these decisions by way of violence is recognized, this right may tomorrow be directed against any nation in the world, Poland included``. Think about it. This warning of Jan Lopuszanski came about 16 years ago and look how is Poland closer and closer to conflict with NATO/EU. What is of extraordinary importance and exceptionally interesting, back in time when Polish ultra-Catholics defended Serbians, it was in time when media lies and western European/USA anti-Serbian propaganda culminated . Deepest Polish Catholics were aware that those who one day lie about Serbians, next day would lie about Poles. Killing of Serbians always came as the prelude for killing of Poles. As a rule. And also opposite. Polish patriots knows it.

Then, Serbians are also more traditional, same as most of Poles. They like to modernize but, don`t think that modernization have to erase their heritage and way of life. In that sense, Serbian media sympathize with Poles, finally happy that that news about Poles, goes hand in hand with efforts of Serbians- to preserve their sovereignty and way of life, while desperately struggle to modernize and while economically more advanced (at least at this time) countries/powers giving their best to subjugate them.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1036
t's rather regrettable that a party which only attracted the votes of 19.4% of Poles is able to hold the majority of seats in a parliament, the phrase "Tyranny of the Minority" springs to mind

the Polish government which received the votes of fewer than one in five Poles

Funny I don't remember you saying anything like this when PO were winning elections. They also received more or less the same percentage of votes, yet you didn't consider it a tyranny
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1037
when their kids ask them what they did in those early days to help a resurgent Poland after the wall came down, they can say, hand on heart, "I left".

I probably spend more money I Poland than you although I don't live there anymore, I guess I don't have to explain to you what VAT is?

Here in Tri-City people rightly live their lives as they choose - the only place of intellectual freedom in Poland actually.

Amusing how long you've been living in Poland and yet you know so little about the country, I'm from Tri-City and can confirm that your statement is a complete fantasy.

why aren't foreigners who choose to pay taxes here given the vote?

Because they would vote for PO and other scum, you can't have better reason.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1038
Tri-City people rightly live their lives as they choose

Nothing surprising. Ports have always been, wild, unroly, wide-open places full of brawling drunken sailors, tarts, blackmarketeersm, gambling dens and bordellos to mention only Hamburg, Rotterdam and pre-communist Shanghai, so no reason Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot should be an exception.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1039
Ports have always been, wild, unroly, wide-open places full of brawling drunken sailors, tarts, blackmarketeersm, gambling dens and bordellos

You must have been to more interesting parts of Gdansk than I ever have.

Nevertheless, it's long been a forward looking place with a high level of education and first class cultural activity.

I wonder what the turnout was there for this year's election. Unfortunately it was high in Podlasie.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1040
Ports have always been, wild, unroly, wide-open places full of brawling drunken sailors, tarts, blackmarketeersm, gambling dens and bordellos

Write about the imperialist running dogs, pleeeeease! It's too bad you don't like Urban you have _exactly_ the same style. Two peas in a pod, as it were.

Is Gerry or Hun less offensive to you?

I have a lot of German ancestory so it's not more offensive, Pollack.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1041

US Polonia have amply proved their patriotism by voting the way they did. PiS got 75.4% of the vote, PO -- 10.9% (probably mostly PO-linked Polish Embassy types and civil servants in Washington, DC), Kukiz -- 5.5% and Korwin -- 3.7%. That set an example for Old Country voters, too many of whom allowed themselves to be bamboozled by glib and sleazy Platformer propaganda. In the Senate race, Anna Anders, grand-daughter of Gen. Władysław Anders got over 80% of the vote. But in Poland she was defeated. Not bombarded by Polish political TV spots in Ameirca, Polonian voters used their common sense, good judgement and above all their sense of genuine Polish patriotism. As I have repeatedly stressed, Polishness is not some bureaucratic scrap of paper. It is in the heart, mind and soul! Niech żyje Polonia!
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1042
US Polonia have amply proved their patriotism by voting the way they did.

Way to tow the party line, comrade! Long live the glorious party!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1043
I said last week that Kukiz would do well in GB ;) ;);). I would not call Poles moving abroad for bread "émigrés" since in history the term was used for political refugees of rather high caliber.
Levi  11 | 433  
29 Oct 2015 /  #1044
US Polonia have amply proved their patriotism by voting the way they did. PiS got 75.4% of the vote, PO -- 10.9% (probably mostly PO-linked Polish Embassy types and civil servants in Washington, DC)

I Tought exactly the same. Those 10.9% that voted for the Left wing are probably linked to government jobs.
kpc21  1 | 746  
30 Oct 2015 /  #1045
They also couldn't care less about what happens to Poland, as witnessed by their "patriotic" abandoning of Poland in times of need.

If they really didn't, then they wouldn't vote at all.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Oct 2015 /  #1046
I'm from Tri-City and can confirm that your statement is a complete fantasy.

"Confirm" all you want. Tri-City and Opole region were the only areas to vote for economic progress. That tells us all we need to know. And for your next fantasy?

Those 10.9% that voted for the Left wing are probably linked to government jobs.

Stop being boring, and polluting this forum.

PIS is left-wing - not the opposition, of which I am a very strong and active example. If you can't afford a second child, don't ******* have one. You're not going to be subsidised by me, I can guarantee it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Oct 2015 /  #1047

In Poland it is said: "Lewica pochyla się nad człowiekiem.......aby mu w potylicę kulę wpakować!" (The left bends down over man so as to shoot a bullet to the back of his head).
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Oct 2015 /  #1048
I would not call Poles moving abroad for bread "émigrés" since in history the term was used for political refugees of rather high caliber.

Ouch! Catty... but lost on Polonious and others, who don't have to suffer the fall-out at "home."

The first step to normalisation would be to take away their non-vote and to give it to to somebody who has actually paid 30 plus percent tax, VAT, and ZUS, and employed 30 plus people for 10 of those years, and generally helped to build their country for 23 ******* years.

Oh, wait. What a ******* stupid concept. What a ******* idiot am I?

In Poland it is said

I don't give a **** about "What Poland says."

Do you want a normal society where people have a higher standard of living - or don't you? Simple as that.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Oct 2015 /  #1049
Tri-City and Opole region were the only areas to vote for economic progress.

Elections have nothing to do with it, needless to say it's a small difference 3% one way or another, it doesn't make Tri-City any different in any sense apart from certain number of crooks living in Trojmiaso, their families and friends circles who also voted for PO.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Oct 2015 /  #1050
"Confirm" all you want. Tri-City and Opole region were the only areas to vote for economic progress. That tells us all we need to know. And for your next fantasy?

Poznań too. Nearly 50% of the vote went to PO/Nowoczesna. Kukiz/PiS/Korwin only managed around 33%.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015Archived