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Poland Parliamentary elections 2015

mafketis  38 | 11137  
22 Oct 2015 /  #751
I can remind you something better, 4 more days and PO is out :-)

TKM in all its natural glory.....
InPolska  9 | 1796  
22 Oct 2015 /  #752
Who/what is TKM? Anyhow, I don't see anybody panicking except in PF. Most of the people I mingle with are PO and for them on Monday, it'll be business as usual.

In EU national goverments have very little impact on their own countries since 80% of the laws/decisions come from Brussels/Merkel clique. As a consequence no more than 50% of the people bother to vote (I have stopped and don't believe that I'll ever vote again).
mafketis  38 | 11137  
22 Oct 2015 /  #753
Who/what is TKM?

Teraz K*rwa My (It's _our_ f***ing turn now!)

It's the attitude that roughly says: Yeah, we're all crooks, but _we're_ in charge now! (with more than a hint of "It's payback time!"
InPolska  9 | 1796  
22 Oct 2015 /  #754
@Maf: ah, ok! :). Early in the morning, my mind is still on slow mode ;).
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #755
For all their shortcomings, at least the right-wing parties do not threaten the traditional fabric of society nor do they try to undermine the family and impose the looney anti-values of the PC dictatorship on schoolchildren, the media and the nation in general.

has done an amazing job

Indeed, an amazing job of not having roads ready for Euro 2012, choosing unreliable contractors, prolonging construction and disrupting traffic through mulitple deviations and one-lane traffic and so ineptly laying roads that they soon needed to be redone. The PO goons are indeed amazing. Good riddance to the Platformer oldboys!
Polsyr  6 | 758  
22 Oct 2015 /  #756
Pollsters (various) asking for election opinions have called my landline three times this week. Has anyone here EVER received a call from pollsters (specifically on the subject of elections) on their mobile?
G (undercover)  
22 Oct 2015 /  #757
Latest Kulczyk tapes show some of the "amazing job" this "gov" has been doing. Stinking thieves.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #758
hoping that he squeaks in with 5.1%

LATEST TNS POLL for "GW": PiS 32,5-proc., PO 26,3-proc., Kukiz'15 10 proc.
PiS could go it alone and count on Kukiz support in key votes. He hates PO with a passion, as do most Poles these days.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
22 Oct 2015 /  #759
Remind us why it was Duda that was caught red handed claiming for trips to his private workplace, remind us why it was Hoffman that was caught, etc etc?

You know most people in your situation would be about to sat things like this and then stop and think 'ah, wait, people from PO have done far worse things, so perhaps it's not a good idea to throw stones.' Yet you still manage to bring up anything you can find on president Duda and PiS and completely ignore any PO wrong doings.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Oct 2015 /  #760
PiS could go it alone and count on Kukiz support in key votes. He hates PO with a passion,

Kukiz is very much anti-clerical. Apart from PO, he also hates the Roman Catholic Church in Poland with passion. You surely remember his song "ZChN zbliża się" at the time when he was the singer (until 2013) of the "Piersi" group.

For those who don't know Polish, in the song the Catholic priest visiting the home of a parishioner is portrayed as an alcoholic who has just drunk two bottles of vodka during this visit, and then is getting into his Toyota. The policemen who are watching this are laughing, but take no action to prevent him from driving drunk. The priest then crashes his car and the parishioners who observe this scene are lamenting because they would have to pay for the priest's new car as a result.

Ksiądz proboszcz już się zbliża
Już puka do mych drzwi
Pobiegnę go przywitać
W mym ręku wino drży
O szczęście niepojęte
Ksiądz sam odwiedza mnie
Sąsiedzie wspomóż rentą
Bym mógł pokazać się
W spiżarni trzymam koniak
W lodówce wódki dwie
Pobiegnę po kieliszki
Ksiądz lubi napić się
O szczęście niepojęte
Ksiądz wypił flaszki dwie
Sprowadzę go po schodach
Bo sam wywróci się
Ksiądz wziął do ręki kredę
Napisał K plus M plus B
Na dole ministranci
Już niecierpliwią się
Otwieram drzwi Toyoty
Ksiądz proboszcz chwali mnie
W swej Nysce policjanci
Życzliwie śmieją się
Ksiądz ruszył z piskiem opon
Nie zdążył uciec kot
Zahaczył światełem o słupek
I wyrżnął bokiem w płot
Ach płaczą parafianie
Co widzieli wypadek ten
Toyota dużo kosztuje
Znów trzeba dać na mszę

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #761
Kukiz is very much anti-clerical

That's correct except the tense is wrong. It should read: Kukiz WAS very much anti-clerical.
The point is that everyone has to right to clean up their act and return to the straight and narrow. But there are also the stubborn incorrigibles who prefer to arrogantly wallow in their abysmal stupidity and error.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
22 Oct 2015 /  #762
Polonius is right. He was. He now refers to himself as a person of strong faith. He is for separation of Church and state but he has not said anything in his campaign about being anti Catholic or against the Church.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Oct 2015 /  #763
Polonius is right. He was. He now refers to himself as a person of strong faith.

If it so, I can only welcome him repeating the words taken out of his beautiful song:

Już puka do mych drzwi
Pobiegnę go przywitać
W mym ręku wino drży

I hope Kukiz has also stopped drinking and does not offer vodka to priests any more ...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #764
Here is an updated version of the old Kukiz classic. Anybody game to try a rhymed translation into English. Harry, this is your big chance to demonstrate your language skills!

Platforma już się zbliża już puka do mych bram.
Chce wciągnąć mnie w przekręty, lecz ja się im nie dam.
O szczęście niepojęte, bo PiS obroni mnie.
Grandziarzy pośle w diabły, by godniej żyło się!
22 Oct 2015 /  #765
He is for separation of Church and state

In Poland that pretty much puts one in opposition to the established church.

Harry, this is your big chance to demonstrate your language skills!

Oh look: off-topic rule-breaking ad hom trolling! How surprising!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #766
updated version

Here is the next stanza:

Kopacze i Schetyny odejdą w siną dal,
A jeśli jest ci przykro, to ty się bratku wal.
Nareszcie tu powstanie ta Polska naszych snów
Bez lewicowych łotrów, bez platformerskich psów.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Oct 2015 /  #767
Sorry, but I don't buy it. While Kukiz's song was a kind of a satirical poem, not really containing any real hatred or threats towards the RCC, this one is just an ugly verse. It really reminds me of the commie propaganda. "Platformerski pies" would be "zapluty karzeł reakcji" and they dream of "Polska naszych snów", just as the commie people dreamt of "socialist Poland in eternal union with the USSR". Sorry Polo, this updated version is far behind Kukiz's original.

On the other hand, the frustration shown in this updated version has its own roots. There are more and more signs that the theory of the precariat class promoted by Guy Standing is true. In the coming parliamentary election in Poland the party which best articulates the interests of precarians in this country seems to be Partia Razem one of whose leaders Adrian Zandberg turned out to be such a brilliant speaker in the televised debate on Tuesday.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #768
opposition to the established church

GW reported Kaczyński on TV TRWAM:

"In Poland there is no system of values that could realistically compete in the social dimension with that voiced by the Church. If someone is combating that system, regardless of whether they are believers or non-believers, they are advocating nihilism. In Poland there is a chocie -- either we uphold that system of values and have moral order in the state or we sink into nihilism."

That is difficult to argue with. Who rejects the Church's value system? The drug dealers, abortionists, hedonists, crooked politicians, lawyers, bankers and corporate executives, pornographers, shoplifters, homo-promoters, car thieves, petty and organised crime, escort agency owners and other such "savoury" types.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Oct 2015 /  #769
Kukiz WAS very much anti-clerical.

Until he realised that his best hope was to pretend otherwise.

He's nothing but the worst sort of populist - worse even than PiS!
22 Oct 2015 /  #770
He's nothing but the worst sort of populist - worse even than PiS!

I'm not sure that he is worse than PIS. He just wants power: PIS want power and revenge.

How original, innovative and surprising for Harry! Truly a genius, conceptualist and original thinker!!! How does he ever come up with these impressively new, fresh and original ideas?

I'd be more than happy to reply to your off-topic ad hom trolling in kind (especially when faced with such an easy target for ad hom comments as you are), perhaps a moderator could be so kind as to confirm that off-topic ad hom trolling no results in no sanction whatsoever other than posts possibly being binned? That is very much what the moderating of Polonuis' off-topic ad hom trolling posts suggests.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Oct 2015 /  #771
I'm not sure that he is worse than PIS. He just wants power: PIS want power and revenge.

The thing that amazes me the most about PiS - they are clearly a bunch of well educated opportunists who enjoy comfortable lives (far beyond the life imaginable by their supporters ) - and yet people seem to be utterly convinced that these are "good, honest people".

It's like a sort of mass delusion.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #772
mass delusion

Mass delusion would be not thinking that PO are a lot of crooks and scammers to mention only AmberGold, gambling affair, motorway muck-up and most recently reneging on January 2015 agreement with miners. They're in Warsaw today protesting and toting a coffin with tapes, baby ocpotpi and vintage wines therein. (That's what the PO brass feasted on at Sowa & Przyjaciele while spouting expletives about others.)
InPolska  9 | 1796  
22 Oct 2015 /  #773
Yes, Ziemo, all medias seem to agree that Adrian Zandberg was really great. I've checked his background, 36-years-old, PhD in history and his parents come from ... Denmark. Of course, he won't be elected but it is good to see young new faces in politics be in Poland or elsewhere. For sure, Razem shall attract alot of precarians but according to medias so shall PiS. I heard this am on French international France24 channel that Poland is the EU country with the largest % of precarians. This is not acceptable. People need concrete and steady jobs that enable them to eat (not only in Poland but of course everywhere).

As to Kukiz, I don't think his song is anti-Church. He makes fun of ONE priest but does not criticize the Church.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Oct 2015 /  #774
Take a part in the latest poll:


so far it looks beautiful :-)
22 Oct 2015 /  #775
so far it looks beautiful :-)

If PIS are polling as low as 28.2% in their Polska B heartlands they have no chance of forming the next government.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Oct 2015 /  #776
And who is PO ging to make government with their max 20% in general (probably something around 18%)? PSL won't even get in. Zlew and Nowoczesna will have 15% all together.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
22 Oct 2015 /  #777
all medias seem to agree that Adrian Zandberg was really great.

Yet no media really shows him from the debates, especially what he was saying. It's like they don't want what he said to be repeated (while broadcasting Kukiz's emptyheaded blathering for what seems like hours on end). It's almost like there's a conspir..... nah, that's crazy talk. Who needs to hear what a person who 'won' the debate according to 70% of the people polled actually said?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Oct 2015 /  #778
And who is PO ging to make government with their max 20% in general (probably something around 18%)? PSL won't even get in. Zlew and Nowoczesna will have 15% all together.

You honestly take online polls seriously with the Razem and Korwin fanboys around?

That poll reckons KORWiN will come 2nd in Lubelskie, for instance. That's not really believable in the slightest.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #779
online polls

Cannot find it but on TV today there whizzed by me a poll showing about 40% for PiS, 20-some for PO and only Kukiz of the also-rans made it it (under 10% I believe). Has any one seen it.

What would be the seat count be on that? Woułd PiS have a constitutional majority?

LAST PRE-ELECTION CBOS POLL: PiS 40,5, PO 28.4, Kukiz 7.2, Petru 6.1, PSL 5.6

InPolska  9 | 1796  
22 Oct 2015 /  #780
@Delph: you have to realize that most Poles are dissatisfied with the current situation (in Poland) and want changes and therefore they're ready to vote for any available party.

I myself am shocked by the poverty I see on a daily basis while traveling and walking around Warsaw and it's much worse in other areas. The old folks live in dire poverty, cannot buy medications, the youth leaves the country for bread, and most of them in ages between make peanuts when not unemployed. Of course, PiS are NOT the answer but people are fed up. Although my economic situation is good, I am well aware that I belong to the few "privileged" and that most Poles are not as fortunate and as a result, I do NOT despite their opinions and their votes.

I like neither PiS nor PO but since PiS are to win, no change in my life one way or the other. If most Poles vote PiS in, as democrats we have to respect their choice (besides, Poland is their country and not ours, so why should we give them "advice" and behave as neo-colonialists?). Poles are grown up people and they don't need expats to tell them how to run their country.

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