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Poland Parliamentary elections 2015

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Oct 2015 /  #661
Are you for real? Do you expect to obtain the right to vote in a country of your residence without securing citizenship of that country? Am I right to assume you are not taking any medication?

Actually, there are murmurings that the EU will move towards allowing EU citizens the right to vote in all elections in the country that they are resident in.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Oct 2015 /  #662
Do you expect to obtain the right to vote in a country of your residence without securing citizenship of that country?

I voted in an early 1990s election, yes, and Italy allows foreign residents to vote. So your point is mute.

You aren't willing to take on Polish citizenship which would allowed you to vote and at the same time you are winging and crying that you are not allowed to vote

Do catch up chap. For MANY years the Polish authorities were under the impression that Poland was as important as America and DUAL citizenship was not possible. Only recently has it changed.

I think that is understandable, even for you.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
19 Oct 2015 /  #663
Do try and keep up

you are not keeping up as well - the quota of MdM support will be very low in 2016

ok - I got it wrong - the amount of money earmarked for MdM will be 15 million higher next year than this year - it is however prognosed that they will not meet the demand for that year
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Oct 2015 /  #664
I have paid into this country for 23 ******* years.

Who is having the laugh.?

But you want to vote for clowns from PE£O, so how can you expect voting rights with such a idiotic political view, even you said that you don't know anybody in 3city who will vote for POO. I don't know anybody either and I know sh1t loads of people from 3city, nobody is dumb enough to vote for them.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 Oct 2015 /  #665
If you are happy to get up in the morning, and do a day's work, and innovate, vote PO

If you get out of bed in the morning, and count how much money you are going to be allowed to earn that day, vote PIS.

Holy **** :))) Dude, and you're surprised that you don't understand what people think here ??
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Oct 2015 /  #666
as the PIS scum will be auditing my businesses

Funny how you call a private English lessons a "business" :-)
InPolska  9 | 1796  
19 Oct 2015 /  #667
@Wulkan: even if you sell potatoes or sh@@@@t, this is called "business".
mafketis  38 | 11137  
19 Oct 2015 /  #668
A ruling party losing the support of the population even in relatively good times is the most normal thing in the world.

So normally the prospect of PiS winning the elections this weekend (which they surely will) would not be that alarming.

It means time lost for Poland because PiS (despite what some of its supporters insist on believing against all evidence) is economically illiterate and not at all interested about improving the economic situation of Poland (and they don't care about the less economically unfortunate except in trying to buy their votes). But all things considered it's probably necessary for them to govern for a while now to remind the populace why they were so unpopular the last time they governed.

I'm hoping that Kaczyński reverts to type as soon as possible (starting with disposing of Szydło immediately after the elections). The more Kaczyński stays front and center the sooner the next elections (and the hope for a sensible opposition that isn't soaked in vendettas about the past).
InPolska  9 | 1796  
19 Oct 2015 /  #669
Yes, Maf! I believe that in any country, after 5, 8 or 10 years, people get fed up and want a change. This is democracy. Personally I would hate having the same ones in power for 20, 30, etc....... years. After 8 years of PO, most Poles are fed up and want to change and that's all. As a matter of fact, even if I do NOT like PiS, I was glad to see Komorowski out and I cannot wait till EW leaves....
Roger5  1 | 1432  
19 Oct 2015 /  #670
PiS leader Kaczyński said on Sunday that if PiS win you can expect peace, calm and a plan for Poland.

He also said that "With God's help" PiS would win, and that's the main reason I could never vote for them. Religion and politics are unhappy bedfellows, as we can see the world over. Any party which claims divine support (e.g. Hezbollah, the 'Party of God') scares the life out of me.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
19 Oct 2015 /  #671
Not only out of politics but religion should be taken out of public life in general and should become a mere private matter. Hence, no indoctrination in schools, no cross or whatever sign in public buildings....

If PiS need "God's help" to win on 25.10, it's bad sign ...
G (undercover)  
19 Oct 2015 /  #672
"PiS (despite what some of its supporters insist on believing against all evidence) is economically illiterate and not at all interested about improving the economic situation of Poland"

Right, just take a look at people that's going to deal with these matters when PiS wins: Morawiecki, Kluza, Szałamacha and compare them with current crew of "experts" :))))

"He also said that "With God's help" PiS would win, and that's the main reason I could never vote for them."

Which only shows how imperfect democracy is when people like you have the right to vote.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Oct 2015 /  #673
Right, just take a look at people that's going to deal with these matters when PiS wins: Morawiecki, Kluza, Szałamacha and compare them with current crew of "experts" :))))

So if they're so good on economic matters, why does Kaczyński keep proposing more and more unrealistic things? Flats for 2,500zl/m2? Cutting the retirement age? Money for everyone? :D

We all know that PiSonomics means populist promises and not actually delivering.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Oct 2015 /  #674
private English lessons a "business" :-)

I run schools and stationary chap.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Oct 2015 /  #675
claims divine support

There was no claim involved. It was a humble prayer to the Supreme Being and socio-culturally a sign of resepct and humility. It is the godless ones, the arroagnt, selfish hedonists whose religion is run-away consumption and self-indulgence, that should be feared. They believe only in "me, myself and I!"
G (undercover)  
19 Oct 2015 /  #676
"We all know that PiSonomics means populist promises and not actually delivering."

That's one of the reasons I'm going to vote for them. In practice it most likely will be centrist approach focused on growth of domestic business and that's what we need. Even some in the current crew begin to understand it hence Jaguar crappy assembly line got a boot.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
19 Oct 2015 /  #677
You are being disingenuous, Pol. You know fine well what I mean. PiS runs on a Roman Catholic ticket. No doubt some priests will be telling people how to vote from the pulpit as they usually do at election time. Also, some of us who are not religious lead quite sober, modest and socially responsible lives, and find your calling us hedonists insulting as well as wrong.

G, perhaps you could petition PiS to have people like me disenfranchised.
19 Oct 2015 /  #678

Who leads that party?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Oct 2015 /  #679

Not at all. But this does show that again the PC dictatorship is trying to resrtict people's freedom fo speech. If someone felt compelled to invoke the Deity, who has the right to prevent it?

Secondy, our heritage is permeated wtih Chrsitan concepts, values and turns of phrase. Even religiously lukewarm or downright irreligious people often say "I hope and pray that...". Not to mention oaths "So help me God" and sayings such as "God forbid", "God willing", "God-given" or even the more flippant "good God!"

On the margins of society there are various God-bashers, Christophobes and sundry anti-clericals who woudl love to expurgate all traces of our Christian heritage. But they will fail miserably, becuase that goes against the nation and all it holds dear!
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
19 Oct 2015 /  #680
Don't miss the debates tonight on t.v.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
19 Oct 2015 /  #681

Who leads that party?

Harry I am not sure to be honest if you were guilty of this but some posters here would call Prawo i Sprawiedliwość P i s s - if it was not you have you protested??
19 Oct 2015 /  #682
Harry I am not sure to be honest if you were guilty of this but some posters here would call Prawo i Sprawiedliwość P i s s

I write the name of that party using the correct English spelling: PIS. I know that in Polish it is PiS but in English we don't use a small 'i' in initials. We do sometimes use a small 'o' (e.g. PoA, AoA, etc) but the closest to the Polish PiS would be P&S, which is more of a translation of the name.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Oct 2015 /  #683
No doubt some priests will be telling people how to vote from the pulpit as they usually do at election time.

They already did. The difference now is that people are openly protesting such things and walking out of churches as a result.
19 Oct 2015 /  #684
I'm pretty sure that charities are not allowed to get involved in politics. Perhaps a few letters to the relevant tax offices would be in order if any priests decide to get involved in Poland's parliamentary elections in 2015?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Oct 2015 /  #685
The problem is the concordat, which essentially says that the church can do whatever the hell it wants. Unfortunately, they've already said that this is a matter for each individual church - which is clearly bollocks.

For what it's worth, I'd walk out of any church that tried to tell me how to vote - be it for ZL, PO, PiS or others. Why is it though that only PiS supporters feel the need to tell other people how to vote?
gumishu  15 | 6227  
19 Oct 2015 /  #686
the church can do whatever the hell it wants

like rape, steal and murder? don't be ridiculous - everyone has the right to agitate - why not churches for goodness sake- and no I am not Catholic
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Oct 2015 /  #687
Well, given that their own members tend to get mad when they do so...

I mentioned it before to Polonius that it would be much better for everyone if the Church could simply have their own political party.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Oct 2015 /  #688
Church could have their own party

That is typIcal of the godless set on the outside looking in. They see "The Church" as a bunch of doddering old bishops.

In actuality, "THE CHURCH IS US!"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Oct 2015 /  #689
That is typIcal of the godless set on the outside looking in. They see "The Church" as a bunch of doddering old bishops.

Well, it is, isn't it? Dissent is rarely tolerated...

In actuality, "THE CHURCH IS US!"

No, it really isn't. If it was, they would refrain from a lot of things that make people angry.

Another day, another hilarious story involving PiS and being intolerant.

The actor and PiS candidate for the Sejm, Bartlomiej Morawski has banned teenagers singing in German at the fair in Krapkowice. Why? Because "this is Poland,"


The true colours just keep on revealing themselves. And to think that PiS has the cheek to complain about Lithuania's behaviour towards the Polish minority?
Mario Testino  
19 Oct 2015 /  #690
"No, it really isn't. If it was, they would refrain from a lot of things that make people angry."

BS. Complete Bullshi* and you know that.

The churhh is not here to please people. The church, the real one, the catholic church, is here to teach its doctrine.

Other churches, like the swedish protestant church, follow that stupid way of "please people" doing whatefer they could (even nominating Lesbian bishops) and now... guess what?

They are dead.

No church will survive if the ideal of this church is to "please people."

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