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Poland Parliamentary elections 2015

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2015 /  #451

Macierewicz's most controvesial statements were replies to questions from the floor including "Is it true Tusk was a Stasi agent?"
We shouldn't put it past the Platfusy to have planted paid provocateurs in the audience for the express surpose of compromising the opposition. I stress the word "paid" because no decent Polonian would want t'o have anything to do with the POO party for free.

POO party

The latest Millward Brown poll shows the Platfusy at one of their lowest levels - 19% with 35% for PiS. The ex-commies got 11%, Petru 8%, Kukiz and PSL 5% each.
8 Oct 2015 /  #452
with 35% for PiS

So, still far too low to form a viable government, excellent news.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Oct 2015 /  #453
Macierewicz's most controvesial statements were replies to questions from the floor including "Is it true Tusk was a Stasi agent?"

It doesn't matter what they were in reply to - the point is that he made such statements to begin with. All he had to do was say "We've moved on from this level of discourse, please ask a more sensible question". If such questions kept coming, he should have just ended the meeting.

We shouldn't put it past the Platfusy to have planted paid provocateurs in the audience for the express surpose of compromising the opposition.

You're forgetting that the type of people to turn up to a Macierewicz meeting are likely to be the most hardcore of PiS supporters.

Macierewicz can't stop himself - even PiS are admitting that he isn't really under their control.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2015 /  #454
type of people

For all the money they have stolen from the Polish people the Platfusy can certainly afford to pay off some stooge to do their bidding, of course in such settings posing as a loyal PiS supporter.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Oct 2015 /  #455
For all the money they have stolen from the Polish people

May I remind you that it was Duda and other PiS members that were caught stealing from the people, not PO?

the Platfusy can certainly afford to pay off some stooge to do their bidding, of course in such settings posing as a loyal PiS supporter.

Why would they need to pay someone off when PiS has plenty of lunatics supporting them?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2015 /  #456
supporting them

Yes but few pro-POO Polonians. They'd have to be paid well to become a Platfus stooge. POO is a dirty word amongst PolAms, God bless 'em!


The latest IBRIS poll shows something quite different: PiS 32.4, PO 23.8, ZL 9.5, Petru 9.3, PSL 6.6 and Kukiz 5.8.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Oct 2015 /  #457
Except it isn't. Tusk defeated Kaczyński in many electoral districts in the US in 2011, for instance.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2015 /  #458
many electoral districts

Guess which one showed to most support for PO -- of course Washington, DC. Most fo the voters there were attached to the Polish embassy and consulate or were Polish trade official or lobbyists. They knew what side their bread was buttered on. But Chicago is the real patriotic Polonia who know their politics and will do aynthing to push the Platfusy away from the trough. Isn't 8 years enough to steal one's fill?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
8 Oct 2015 /  #459

Your inability to recognize the basic humanity of your political opponents is really worrying. I don't agree with much of anything Kaczyński and most other PiS politicans have ever said and I think a second PiS government would be awful for the people actually living in Poland. But I don't feel the need to use childish names to ridicule them.

Poland will never progress until political disagreements can rise above the name calling stage. US politics have largely degenerated into primitive name calling but there's no reason for Poland to follow in that unfortunate path.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2015 /  #460
a viable government

So you're opposed to viable governments? Reckon that's your anarchic streak which explains why you advocate setting society on its head.

basic humanity of your political opponents

Ascribe it to PF's self-styled "progressives", although chaos creeps seems a more apt description. It is they who who call valiant, dedicated and patriotic Law and Justice "pisuary", label a prominent religious leader Mr Maybach" and refer to those they disagree with as "scumbags". I was just giving them a bit of their own medicine.
8 Oct 2015 /  #461
Polonius, why not try posting something about the topic of this thread? For example, given the current polling results perhaps you could tell us whether you think PIS have got even a prayer of forming a government that lasts as long as their last epic failure and does less long-term damage to their party?

Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 Oct 2015 /  #462
PO 23.8, ZL 9.5, Petru 9.3, PSL 6.6

There is no bloody chance them 4 scoring so high and even if they do it's still 49.2% all together so not enough to form the goverment, bye bye left wing goverment in 2 weeks, I can't wait.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Oct 2015 /  #463
The highly divergent poll results show that nothing of any certainty can be said at present. The Komorowski theft and Macierewicz in Chicago "scandals" will soon be forgotten as new affairs come to the fore. It's obvious that PiS may win the election but not be able to form a government. But neither can one rule out that few if any of the small also-rans will clear the threshold. It's still a toss-up no matter who you slice it.

9 Oct 2015 /  #464
It's obvious that PiS may win the election but not be able to form a government.

Yes, isn't that wonderful?!

The Komorowski theft

He hasn't stolen anything, unlike his successor.

Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 Oct 2015 /  #465
He hasn't stolen anything,

Yes he did, no matter how much you don't like it.
9 Oct 2015 /  #466
Yes he did,

Do feel very free to go into details, or do you also believe that a fantasy can be made into truth merely be being repeated enough times?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2015 /  #467
There is no bloody chance them 4 scoring so high and even if they do it's still 49.2% all together so not enough to form the goverment, bye bye left wing goverment in 2 weeks, I can't wait.

Keep praying, because it's the only hope you've got.

As for your calculations, you do realise that 49.2% in the opinion polls will translate to a lot more than 50% of the seats?

It does make me laugh though that Kukiz voters still haven't figured out that a vote for Kukiz is a vote for Premier Kaczyński, who will introduce far more "system" than they ever imagined.
G (undercover)  
9 Oct 2015 /  #468
"Keep praying, because it's the only hope you've got."

Right :))) Come on, according to latest votes it's 50/50 and that even without taking into account that PSL is a ***** and can do it with everyone.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2015 /  #469
Right :))) Come on, according to latest votes it's 50/50 and that even without taking into account that PSL is a ***** and can do it with everyone.

Seems that you can't count, because...

The latest IBRIS poll shows something quite different: PiS 32.4, PO 23.8, ZL 9.5, Petru 9.3, PSL 6.6 and Kukiz 5.8.

Pretty clear that it isn't 50/50. More to the point, as Polonius has explained well on numerous occasions - a coalition with Kukiz would be the worst possible scenario for PiS.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Oct 2015 /  #470
Pretty clear

While queueing at the post office today I glimpsed the headline of one of the 2 tabloids showing the latest poll: PiS could go it alone with 42% backing which translated into 240 seats, PO got 22% or something around there and Kukiz was the only other grouping that made it in. Has anybodys seen that survey?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Oct 2015 /  #471
I don't remember whether in GW or in tvp.pl info, I have read that there would be a 20% difference between PiS and PO (it's really huge). Anyhow, the only reliable source is the way Poles vote and not what a few expats think/hope. Although the huge majority of the people I mingle with are close to PO, they all believe in PiS's victory as it seems to them as "logical' (further to the May election). I am neither for PiS nor PO but it looks clear to me that we"ll have PiS in 2 weeks. I also believe that the current's government accepting to take in refugees shall hurt PO some more....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Oct 2015 /  #472
the latest poll

OK, I tracked it down online. It was in "Fakt": PiS got 42%, PO 27.7% and ex-commies 8.8%. No-one else got in. The good thing is that PiS could go it alone and secondly -- PO would be forced to jump into bed with the Polish nation's ex-tormentors, Soviet stooges and Katyń conspirators.*

* Every PZPR member was obliged to take part in the Katyń conspiracy of silence and/or Katyń lie.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Oct 2015 /  #473
@Pol: it's clear as to PiS's and PO's % but in most polls, they expect ZL, Kukiz, PSL and 1 or 2 other(s) to make it. What strikes me is poor score to be expected from PO or does it mean that most Poles are fed up of them and will vote AGAINST PO?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2015 /  #474
OK, I tracked it down online. It was in "Fakt": PiS got 42%, PO 27.7% and ex-commies 8.8%. No-one else got in. The good thing is that PiS could go it alone and secondly -- PO would be forced to jump into bed with the Polish nation's ex-tormentors, Soviet stooges and Katyń conspirators.*

That poll seems out of sync with the rest, so I wouldn't take it too seriously. Both ZL and Nowoczesna are attracting support because their economic policies are quite sound, and it doesn't seem credible that they would suddenly fail.

Another poll today suggests this :

PiS - 36%
PO - 25%
ZL - 8%
Kukiz - 7% (where did this come from?)
PSL - 6%
Nowoczesna - 5%

Translates into...

PiS - 214
PO - 143
ZL - 39
Kukiz - 34
PSL - 20
Nowoczesna - 9

So the generally agreed outcome from the last opinion polls is that PiS will require Kukiz to win control of the government, and that they also will be far, far short of any possibility of changing the constitution. I think we all know that Kukiz would take the offer of entering government, but given his association with Ruch Narodowy and other unsavoury types - does anyone believe that such a coalition would be good for PiS?

PiS need to be very, very careful though. PO are far more tactically aware than them, and it's not beyond the realms of possibility to suggest that PO and the others could intentionally refuse to allow anyone but Kaczyński to enter as Prime Minister, knowing that he would destroy everything.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Oct 2015 /  #475
entering government

Dunno where you get your strange veneration for the sly peasant/hayseed mob -- PSL. Believe me, they will jump into bed with anyone to stay in power Promise them the farm and labour ministries and a deputy premiership and they won't blink an eye-lash about joining a PiS-led coalition. They have even stooped so low in the past as to join the blood-stained ex-reds!
10 Oct 2015 /  #476
does anyone believe that such a coalition would be good for PiS?

It would be very good (admittedly not over the very short-term) for Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Oct 2015 /  #477
Indeed, I'm rather looking forward to it. Kukiz's links with Ruch Narodowy almost guarantee another ruined government for PiS and yet another 8 years of PO.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Oct 2015 /  #478
Pretty clear that it isn't 50/50.

Yeah, when you pick up the poll that is the worst for PiS.

Another poll today suggests this :

PiS - 36%
PO - 25%
ZL - 8%
Kukiz - 7% (where did this come from?)
PSL - 6%
Nowoczesna - 5%

Change 0.5% here and there and PiS alone can get over half of seats in this case. What many people don't get is that commies and pervs at 7.9% won't get a single seat. Additionally, at least one of the small parties will likely not make it over 5% and that will make the strongest even stronger.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Oct 2015 /  #479
Change 0.5% here and there and PiS alone can get over half of seats in this case.

It's really not going to happen, no matter how much you wish. The poll numbers are staying firmly around 35% - it won't give a majority.

What many people don't get is that commies and pervs at 7.9% won't get a single seat.

At 7.9%, they certainly will. The SLD took 27 seats in 2011 on a mere 8.2%.

Additionally, at least one of the small parties will likely not make it over 5% and that will make the strongest even stronger.

Poll numbers suggest strongly otherwise.

As much as you try and paint it otherwise, PiS are looking at relying on Kukiz to provide a majority. A good outcome for Poland, all things considered - the government will fall quickly and we can return to a normal government.

Something else that you've forgotten - PiS, historically, have always polled better than they performed.

One poll yesterday suggested that voters vastly prefer Kopacz to Szydło.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Oct 2015 /  #480
Poll numbers suggest strongly otherwise.

Poll numbers suggested that Komorowski had 70% and look what happened.

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