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Poland Parliamentary elections 2015

Wulkan  - | 3136  
13 Jun 2015 /  #301
So why majority of Poland disagree with your reality?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #302

Some people's reality may revolve round Petru's bloodsucking bankers, the greedy bumpkins of PSL and the Platformer crook & scam gang. Truly a motley collection of poltical misfits!
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Jun 2015 /  #303
"Greedy Bumpkins"? - who fortunately help to keep the PiSuarzy far from public office.

Hard to call Petru supporters "greedy bankers". Some very fine people there.
13 Jun 2015 /  #304
Truly a motley collection of poltical misfits!

Compared to that shower led by the natural bachelor who has never once needed to worry about paying rent or a mortgage and who is so out of touch with the real world that he doesn't even know where Poles do their shopping PO are statesmen of unquestionable excellence.
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Jun 2015 /  #305
And never forget 'Handcuffs' Macierewicz, a star PiSuarz who's probably lost them more votes over the years than a rainstorm on Election Day.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2015 /  #306
keep the PiSuarzy far from public office.

Not for long. PSL probably won't make it into the Sejm, Petru might do but should rmeain harmless at around the threshold level. (What normal Pole who didn't have his fingers in the jam pot woudl vote for a banker/business pro-exploitation party?) With a bit of luck the Paltfofrmers make actually enter the double-digit realm, but probably more like 11-12% than 17-18%.

The latest political-preference survey has shown that PiS can count on 31% support, 25% want to vote for PO and Kukiz got 19% backing. No other party would make it into the Sejm,

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Jun 2015 /  #307
When people come to the choice Polonius, only dim-wits and hippies will vote for Kukiz.

I love music, and I had never heard of him til the presidential election. He's just a silly old fart.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Jun 2015 /  #308
I love music

Who doesn't?

He's just a silly old fart.

Still better than PO
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2015 /  #309
out of touch with the real world

Didn't there used ot be a culture seciton on PF? Since there isn't one now and you are PF's expert on most everything, could you give a breif background or review of Kukiz's music. Genres, themes, popularity, hit records, etc.

The only thing I recall about him was his pastiche of a Catholic hymn "ZChN już się zbliża" in the early '90s. He was poking fun at the Christian National Union (party) of which Niesiołowski (now PO's bullterrier) was a leading activist.
jon357  72 | 23361  
19 Jun 2015 /  #310
When people come to the choice Polonius, only dim-wits and hippies will vote for Kukiz.

I love music, and I had never heard of him til the presidential election. He's just a silly old fart.

I suspect the support will fall away before the election.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2015 /  #311
support will fall away

It surely will if the bastard doesn't come up with a programme. That's what I hear from Poles asked about him.Just being for single-mandate districts and calling himself anti-systemic (anti-establishment?) is hardly enough.
20 Jun 2015 /  #312
Polonius3 - well, PSL is very big on countryside and in small cities which always fell under the radar of polls and big TV stations.
jon357  72 | 23361  
20 Jun 2015 /  #313
And they always do far better in the elections than in the opinion polls - their voters are well under the radar.

Just being for single-mandate districts and calling himself anti-systemic (anti-establishment?) is hardly enough.

He has no programme.
teargas  - | 71  
20 Jun 2015 /  #314
It surely will if the bastard doesn't come up with a programme. That's what I hear from Poles asked about him.Just being for single-mandate districts and calling himself anti-systemic (anti-establishment?) is hardly enough.

He apparently posted a programme a few days ago online which was taken from the 1989 election campaign of Solidarność, got caught out and then tried to claim that it was just a joke.

Despite having plenty of time to come up with a programme, it seems that He is doing very little to actually build it. I think He knows that it is easy to be against the system but difficult to propose real change.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
23 Jun 2015 /  #315
Looks like things are turning slowly. Now PO is catching up with PiS according to latest polls by Ibris, and Kukiz is slipping.

23 Jun 2015 /  #316
Before the elections is normal to PO have good results at the Polls.

Just wait until the proper time and the debates will come. The weak candidates of PO will perishe when confronted with the strong candidates with typical polish values of PiS.

It is a game of sheeps and wolfes and the sheep doesn't stand any chance. PiS will win, for the best for Poland.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
23 Jun 2015 /  #317
PiS does not represent "typical Polish values", unless they include being xenophobic, sexist and obsessively paranoid. Nobody in Poland considers these "typical Polish values."
Levi  11 | 433  
23 Jun 2015 /  #318
"PiS does not represent "typical Polish values", unless they include being xenophobic, sexist "

It is soooopo clichè when the Socialists accuses everyone that disagree with them of being Xenophobic, Homophobic, Sexist and blablabla.

No, PiS is not any of them. But i understand that for you, those words (Xenophobic, Homophobic, blablabla) are almostempty of meaning and now are just used to attack anyone that is not a Socialist/Communist.

Same happens in so many countries... where the socialists try to manipulate people to think that if they are not socialists, they are xeno/homo/anything+fobic.

Byt this kind of trick doesnt work anymore.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jun 2015 /  #319
typical polish values of PiS.

Some would say that Platforma have more typical Polish values: tolerance, urbanity, liberalism, engagement, cultural aspiration and progress. The 'values' of the PiS flappers are something darker.
Levi  11 | 433  
23 Jun 2015 /  #320
How be a slave of Brussels and make the Poles slaves of European Coubcil can be Polish values?

Because it is exactly that what PO defends: Make Poland a slave and prioritize EU interests instead of Polish interests.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jun 2015 /  #321
ow be a slave of Brussels and make the Poles slaves of European Coubcil can be Polish

Perhaps you don't remember that Poland voted to join the EU. Or you're just ignoring it, as you conveniently ignore the fact that all major parties, including the PiSuarzy support EU membership.

This year's elections will not change that, whatever the outcome. The priority is only to keep the anti-Polish PiS party well away from any chance to cause damage.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jun 2015 /  #322
urbanity, liberalism, engagement, cultural aspiration and progress

Liberalism was never a typically Polish feature - instead Poles were known for their traditonalism and solid, conservative family and religious values. But that did not exclude the kind of religious tolerance

hard to come by elsewhere in Old Europe.
Urbanity - Poles have long been known for theri politeness and courteous ways including chivalrous deference to females and respect for the elderly.
Engagement was displayed when the nation united behind the Pope and Wałęsa to throw off the Soviet yoke, but Poles are not really into the kind of trendy "save the Pomeranian striped frog" style causes espoused by self-declared do-gooders of the West.

Poles attach great importance to their cultural heritage, but the cultural community has been emasculated under PO which prefer to brown-nose bankers and other corporate forces at the expense of culture. PO have also stripped educational curricula of Polish historical and cultural content.

Progress? Depends how one defines it. Some equate the march of progress with loading every patch of greenery with steel, concrete and tarmac and cluttering people's lives with more and more pricey, new and improved (?) e-gadgetry. Others use the term to mean moral disarment and the spread of debauchery and depravity.
Levi  11 | 433  
23 Jun 2015 /  #323
"including the PiSuarzy support EU membership."

But who said that me (or PiS) is against EU membership?

I am totally Pro-EU. What i am against is the slave role or illegal immigrant Dumpster role that PO put poland in the EU, obbeying like a cow everything that brussels say without put Polish interests at the Table.

Poland should be part of EU? OF COURSE.
But as an active role and negotiating ACTIVELY anything that can risk the polish interests (Like Matteo Renzi wanting to send thousands of Illegal immigrants to Poland).

Poland under PO is a sheep ready to be slaughtered in UE.

Poland under PiS is a sovereigny country that can be part of UE without damage its own interests.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jun 2015 /  #324
Liberalism was never a typically Polish feature - instead Poles were known for their traditonalism and solid, conservative family and religious values

Actually, Pol3, there has long been a very solid liberal tradition in Poland with roots in the Sixteenth Century and growing steadily and healthily ever since - this very much incorporates traditionalism and strong social values. It's only the nationalism that resulted from partition (but do look up Liberal nationalism), the horrors of the Endek regime and wartime occupation, plus the post-war reconstruction of the PRL years that sometimes seems to cloud Poland's inherent liberal tradition - one reason that nationalist parties like the PiSuarzy tend not to do well in general elections, especially ones with a decent turnout.

PO have also stripped educational curricula of Polish historical and cultural content.

You mean they have created a more balanced and effective curriculum - excellent, especially in view of the PiS coalition partner, Giertych, stripping the literature curriculum of Poland's classics. Let's hope Platforma will be able to continue their successful (all international stats and rankings confirm this) educational reforms after the election too.

Progress? Depends how one defines it. Some equate the march of progress with loading every patch of greenery with steel, concrete and tarmac and cluttering people's lives with more and more pricey, new and improved (?) e-gadgetry. Others use the term to mean moral disarment and the spread of debauchery and depravity.

Moral disarmament? A buzzword of the ghastly and long forgotten Oxford Group - remember Lord Longford, Mary Whitehouse and the so-called 'Festival of Light'? People in Poland can decide very well for themselves if they want some falsely moralistic ideological template, looking back on a past that never was - the Ciemnogrod fantasy of PiS and their cronies.

debauchery and depravity

Just thought I'd repeat that gem.
24 Jun 2015 /  #325
the PiS coalition partner, Giertych

The same Giertych who's now saving PO mofos from going to jail? ;)
jon357  72 | 23361  
24 Jun 2015 /  #326
Doubtless he's had enough practise with certain of his own associates however as a civil lawyer if what you say is true he must be branching out.

I doubt he'll be standing for anything in the 2015 election, having lost the last one he stood in so miserably, however the 40,000 signatures gathered in 5 days to have him removed for office last time he had any position of influence suggests he's gone but will be around for sometime as a bad memory.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2015 /  #327
bad memory.

He is now creating future bad memories by brown-nosing the Platformer crooks, conmen and scam artists, presumingly hoping they will eventually offer him some coveted post. He is a turncoat like Niesiołowski, once a super-right-wing Catholic (ZChN) now being used as PO's bullterier for PiS-bashing. He has an especially unsavoury background. The bugologist once planned to blow up a Lenin statue but under SB questioning to lessen his sentence snitched on his then fiancée.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Sep 2015 /  #328
Merged: Polish parliamentary election 2015

So, silly season now begins.

Latest poll :

PiS (Law and Justice) - 38%
PO (Civic Platform) - 25%
ZL (United Left) - 9%
Nowoczesna - 7%
Kukiz'15 - 6%
KORWiN - 5%
PSL - 5%

That translates into...

Rozkład mandatów w Sejmie wyglądałby następująco: PiS - 228 mandatów, PO - 142, Zjednoczona Lewica - 42, Nowoczesna - 27 , Kukiz 15' - 10, KORWiN - 7, PSL - 2, Mniejszość Niemiecka - 2.

PiS - 228
PO - 142
ZL - 42
Nowoczesna - 27
Kukiz - 10
Korwin - 7
PSL - 2
German Minority (they don't have to meet the 5% threshhold as a party representing a national minority) - 2


I absolutely do not understand how the seat allocations work here. How could PiS gain a near majority on 38% of the vote? It doesn't make any sense. Kukiz is finished - his numbers are dropping with every poll, and now that the voters have realised that he's in cahoots with Ruch Narodowy, they're likely to abandon him even further. But it may be the remaining 6% of Kukiz voters that decide this election.

Either way, the thing to be thankful for is that PiS have no chance of changing the constitution with these numbers.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Sep 2015 /  #329
Latest poll:
TNS POLSKA: PiS38, PO 23, Kukiz 7
No other party made it under the wire!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Sep 2015 /  #330
So Kukiz falling away is confirmed, PiS are sitting consistently around 35-38% and PO around 25%.

I've done some research, and I think there's something wrong with the seat estimates used by journalists. PO took 207 seats last time on 39.3% of the vote - so 38% would see around 200 seats.

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