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Poland Parliament elections in October 2011

MyMom  6 | 136  
17 Sep 2011 /  #211
The state election commission failed to register all their candidates on time. Seems like they have a strong case. And due to some loophole the party can't protest this until AFTER the elections.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
17 Sep 2011 /  #212
Yes, that is the case. Thanks.

That is Polish law. Messy. No excuse for that, even if the party scores around 1% support in polls, much below minimum. They are losers (the last time they got into Sejm was 20 years ago), but democracy should be respected.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
17 Sep 2011 /  #213
In Krakow I support Jarosław Gowin, No 3 on the list of PO candidates.

Yes he seems like a really placid genuine guy, what about the rest of the ticket/list?

This would be my top 10 in your district:

1. Jerzy Fedorowicz
2. Jarosław Gowin
3. Ireneusz Raś
4. Małgorzata Jantos
5. Katarzyna Matusik-Lipiec
6. Lidia Gądek
8. Jacek Krupa
9. Józef Lassota
10. Katarzyna Bielańska
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
17 Sep 2011 /  #214
=hague1cmaeron]Yes he seems like a really placid genuine guy, what about the rest of the ticket/list?

hague1cmaeron]This would be my top 10 in your district:

1. Jerzy Fedorowicz
2. Jarosław Gowin

I agree with 2 first positions. I presume or know they are reliable intelligent guys.

However, I don`t know much about the rest. Should I? I am going to vote Gowin only.

PiS put forward a lot of famous candidates. One of them is a special undercover policeman called Agent Tom. With PiS in power, his task was to seduce influential female celebrities with his glamourous lifestyle and con them into corruption schemes.

Suggested appearance when he remained undercover

He drives a Porsche Cayenne, rides a Harley-Davidson, wears Armani suits, flaunts platinum credit cards, flashes expensive dental work and seduces women in the line of duty - and has just had his cover blown by Polish newspapers. The 33-year-old agent, who uses multiple pseudonyms, is the most energetic operative for the country's controversial Anti-Corruption Agency (CBA).
gumishu  15 | 6227  
17 Sep 2011 /  #215
However, I don`t know much about the rest. Should I? I am going to vote Gowin only.

if you vote for Gowin it's almost like you vote for PiS - had Gowin not Tusk been the head of PO in 2005 we would have had a PO-PiS coalition
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
17 Sep 2011 /  #216
=gumishu]if you vote for Gowin it's almost like you vote for PiS

Not exactly. PiS is like fire, Gowin is like water. :):):)

Don`t worry, I know what I am doing. :):):)

BTW, wasn`t Gowin in PiS before? I believe he was but couldn`t google it anywhere.....

=gumishu]had Gowin not Tusk been the head of PO in 2005 we would have had a PO-PiS coalition

Who knows?

Probably that is why I also like Tusk. He didn`t allow Kaczyński to take him for a ride. :):):):) The Duck is a master in it. He screwed Lepper and Giertych and a few others.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Sep 2011 /  #217
Is one wan*er really any better than another? I mean, seriously.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
17 Sep 2011 /  #218
Hey, why are you so disillusioned on Saturday night?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Sep 2011 /  #219
Disillusioned? Come off it, pawian. They are the biggest jokers on the planet. Do you really believe in manifesto pledges? They are self-ingratiating toss*rs with about as much interest in you or I as they have in cutting off their own fingers.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
17 Sep 2011 /  #220
It seems you have already lost your ideals.

I haven`t lost mine!! I believe in the righteousness of my favourite candidates. People like Gowin can`t be tricksters.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Sep 2011 /  #221
What makes you so sure? My ideals are not to be channeled through any politician, that's for sure. Please give me the reply rate to their constituents in any given ward, pawian. I'll stick with reality, thanks.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
17 Sep 2011 /  #222
=Seanus]in any given ward,

Psychiatric wards will go first.... :):):) Most politicians should be there. So you are right in a way, yes. :):)

But remember - w*****s, as you said, are flesh and bone representatives of the nation that elects them. I can say - we have such w*****s that we truly deserve.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Sep 2011 /  #223
Well, if you elect them, then yes.

Not those wards, ale może być :)
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
18 Sep 2011 /  #224
=Seanus]Not those wards, ale może być :)

Yesterday, when surfing youtube, I saw PiS advertisements embedded into films and clips. Don`t you think it is unfair?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Sep 2011 /  #225
It's a sign of the times, pawian. There's all kinds of shameless self-promotional tricks going on and I'd rather they kept their BS away from the videos I watch. I couldn't care less about their campaigns.
adnar  - | 17  
18 Sep 2011 /  #226
Yesterday, when surfing youtube, I saw PiS advertisements embedded into films and clips. Don`t you think it is unfair?

I don't find it unfair, they bought such ads on youtube, they have right to do so. It's only annoying to close those commercials while I am going to youtube all the time. They want to appeal to younger voters, but because of what they did over last few years, how bad they were in making their promises realized, constant refering to Smoleńsk...they won't get young people to vote for them.

I know I will vote for PO on 9.10, I hate when governments switch every few years. PO have long-term plans to develop Poland and I am satisfied from them being in charge of our country :) None of my friends vote for PiS, they choose either PO or SLD.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
18 Sep 2011 /  #227
However, I don`t know much about the rest. Should I? I am going to vote Gowin only.

Not really, I made my decisions based on their profiles and qualifications. If I had the chance to vote I would probably vote all the way down to number 10. In Australia if you don't put in a preference for every party on the list your vote doesn't count-what is more voting is compulsory in Australia.

I do like the concept of the map that you can click on to look up your local candidate-it seems that PIS has one as well so you can compare the pair and see which candidate you like better.

Poland PIS candidates: wybierzpis.org.pl
Poland PO candidates: platforma.org/wybory/
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
18 Sep 2011 /  #228
=adnar]I don't find it unfair, they bought such ads on youtube, they have right to do so.

Yes, you are right.

=adnar]They want to appeal to younger voters,

Yes again, they are trying to look and sound cool and jazzy....

=adnar]..they won't get young people to vote for them.

Unfortunately, I read sth else. Today, it is trendy for some young people to vote PiS.

But it is natural, in a way. Youngsters have always been against establishment. And PO, after 4 years in power, is certainly perceived as rotten establisment by them. PiS is seen as the voice and choice of the younger generation.

Hopefully, wise, experienced people who form the majority of voters and are able to see through scam and sham, won`t allow PiS` comeback to power.

=hague1cmaeron]If I had the chance to vote I would probably vote all the way down to number 10.

Nope. In Polish elections, you put a CROSS (!) next to ONE candidate only! In this way, you mark him/her as your personal as well as your favourite party choice. Later on, the party will decide which candidate from the list shall become a member of Sejm. Normally and justly, those with most votes become ones, but the final decision is the party`s.


adnar  - | 17  
18 Sep 2011 /  #229
Well, I only heard that PiS it trying to look "cool and jazzy" (exact quote here ;) ), but people asked on the streets said "no way, they are not" :D What annoys me about them is that they promise, but don't give exact ways to realize their promises. I will give you this, this or this is their typical campaign.

I am 25, and actually I never voted for them and I never will. They have discredited themselves many times in the past. I am pretty sure that they will get a good result (probably polls are right here and they will be no.2), but it is because young people are not voting, instead of using their possibility to change something. I am also sure that once again, in my region, PiS will win because of "old" voters which is majority.

Also I think that the reason of possible voting for PiS by younger people is that Polish people are generally not satisfied with their level of life. So "empty promises" would work for them. We'll see on October 9th, I can't wait to see what would happen.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
18 Sep 2011 /  #230
Nope. In Polish elections, you put a CROSS (!) next to ONE candidate only!

I see, thanks for the clarification(:

I am too used to the Australian system.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
18 Sep 2011 /  #231
=hague1cmaeron]I am too used to the Australian system.

But you certainly do realise that the Australian system is obsolete? :):):):)

2011 Advertisements:

PIS: Poles deserve more. Honest state. Exchanged with Safety, etc etc


My comment:
I know I deserve more for being such a patriotic Pole.

However, I know that PiS won`t do much to give me what I deserve.

No other government will. I must get it myself.

As for the rest - I like honesty and safety but is there really need to wage a civil war so that Poland ca be safe and honest??? Can`t we do it another way?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
18 Sep 2011 /  #232
But you certainly do realise that the Australian system is obsolete? :):):):)

You are right, only two other countries vote that way. I just find the whole idea of getting fined when you fail to vote so undemocratic.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
20 Sep 2011 /  #233
=hague1cmaeron] I just find the whole idea of getting fined when you fail to vote so undemocratic.

Right. It is a breach of freedom to vote or not to vote.

Hey, how about a little prediction game? What do you think the final results will be? Let`s see whose guess will hit bullseye.


PO - 34%
PiS - 29%
SLD - 12%
PSL- 7%

The rest 18% will be taken by sofa parties which won`t make it, though, through the minimum to enter Sejm, and invalid votes.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
20 Sep 2011 /  #234
Well I had go on the previous thread, and I must say the result was a lot more optimistic for PO. So unfortunately I am going to have stick to my original prediction, otherwise you would find out that I have changed my mind, so here it goes:


If the turn out happens to be really big, than PO should do quite well. Your percentages add up to 82%, which would mean that 18% of people would have to vote for parties other than the ones you have put down-I think that is a bit too optimistic for the minor parties. I think that it is likely to be closer to 10%.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Sep 2011 /  #235
PO - 31%
PiS - 32%
SLD - 13%
PSL- 8%
teflcat  5 | 1024  
20 Sep 2011 /  #236
PO - 31%
PiS - 32%

I'll send 500PLN to Rydzyk and wear a mohair beret for a month if you're right.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
20 Sep 2011 /  #238
show some respect - both of you !
tef and h1c
gumishu  15 | 6227  
20 Sep 2011 /  #239
I'll send 500PLN to Rydzyk and wear a mohair beret for a month if you're right.

I hope you are an honest person and you will actually do it in case PiS wins - it sure will be so much fun to read your reports about it :)

btw teflcat you will be the firts male adult person to wear a mohair beret that to be heard of :P

PSL- 7%

The rest 18% will be taken by sofa parties which won`t make it, though, through the minimum to enter Sejm, and invalid votes.

I pray PSL don't make it this time - though they have their 'iron electorate' - so it's gonna be tough
teflcat  5 | 1024  
20 Sep 2011 /  #240
btw teflcat you will be the firts male adult person to wear a mohair beret that to be heard of :P

Not a problem. It will protect me from anything all those flying pigs might drop.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011Archived