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Poland Parliament elections in October 2011

Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Oct 2011 /  #901
Um, read again, pawian. A lot of talk on this thread, but nothing is being said.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
30 Oct 2011 /  #902
Tusk had nothing to do with that. That is Polish law.


Please tell me sth interesting from the elections. You haven't done so so far.

Something ? you should do better then that ....What would be interesting to you ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Oct 2011 /  #903
That's your job ;)
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
30 Oct 2011 /  #904
Please tell me sth interesting from the elections. You haven't done so so far.

Funny/unusual/manic visualization of elections:




PiS male Angel - went through

PiS female Angels - none went through. Bigotry/racism/misogyny of Polish voters?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
30 Oct 2011 /  #905
That's your job ;)

I didn't vote !
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
30 Oct 2011 /  #906
Have you lost your Polish passport? :):):)

Um, read again, pawian. A lot of talk on this thread, but nothing is being said.

Sorry, I can`t help you. It is too hard to satisfy your demanding intellectual faculties.

I don't have Polish passport:))))


Are you Polish?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Oct 2011 /  #907
It doesn't need to be intellectual, just exciting ;)
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
30 Oct 2011 /  #908
I thought you were married....

Never mind. I will lend you my hand. :):):):)

You obviously missed this election campaign clip:
Ironside  50 | 12916  
30 Oct 2011 /  #909
It doesn't need to be intellectual, just exciting ;)

Palicot actually used item he displayed publicly, on himself !
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Oct 2011 /  #910
Ah, better, better. That's more like it.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
30 Oct 2011 /  #911
visualization of elections:

good to see that Zakopane voted PO(:
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
30 Oct 2011 /  #912
Polish Highlanders` nature is conservative, like all Polish countryfolk`s.

These people keep old traditions. It is good.

Do all Poles have to be so fekking modern like me and my kin? :):):):)
boletus  30 | 1356  
30 Oct 2011 /  #913
Oh, dear Ironside
Here is something that you do not understand. I have to visualize it to you. I have this little intelligent sorting machine installed on my system. When she sees something that makes no logical sense whatsoever, bordering on childish insults like this:

I'm confident enough to behave childishly sometimes, not hiding behind shield of maturity.

she protects me from headaches and converts such trash to mechanically cut pieces of cellulose:
sh shs ch rz tsch sghq jkk ijjktyu y sg sb;kl kl klyuy ui ui ghr wds clump clump; done sir.

Seriously, Ironside, I really wanted to ask you about your POSITIVE concept of Poland. Could you somehow be specific and down to earth in maybe ten sentences?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
30 Oct 2011 /  #914
sh shs ch rz tsch sghq jkk ijjktyu y sg sb;kl kl klyuy ui ui ghr wds clump clump; done sir.

Yep, thats explanation you using that machine of your other way around.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
30 Oct 2011 /  #915
The latest news:

Dissident Ziobro and his henchmen are not going to retreat and go back on their words about the need to introduce more democracy, glasnost and perestroika in the party of PiS (read: more power for Ziobro). They are going to seek the support of Father Rydzyk. Jarosław the Saviour Kaczyński is considering how to get rid of Ziobro without provoking too much fuss. Consultations are going on.

The title of the article: Ziobromen are going to war.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
31 Oct 2011 /  #916
The latest news:

Instead of receiving 300 billions Poland will have to pay Five Billions to Europe.
Way to go PO!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Oct 2011 /  #917
Consultations are going on.

You couldn't make this stuff up!

The sheer ridiculousness of seeing Ziobro and Kaczynski fight over Rydzyk is just a guarantee to stay in opposition for more than 8 years.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
31 Oct 2011 /  #918
You couldn't make this stuff up!

Neither this one. :):):):) Can you believe that Ziobro is writing letters to the Saviour, asking him to pacify aggressive attacks on Ziobromen by other prominent PiS activists? :):):):)

It seems they have a little problem with direct communication. :):):):) The Saviour doesn`t want to see Ziobro anymore? :):):):)

It is all out of this world.

But quite simple, too. Ziobro is planning to create his own party. The letter, in which he is calling for the unity of PiS, is to divert the blame from his person in case of break up.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
31 Oct 2011 /  #919
Ziobro is planning to create his own party

Typical, you waste time on unimportant scrambles while ignoring the fact that Poland will have to pay penalty to EU, namely 5 billions euro folly of Tusk's gov.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Oct 2011 /  #920
Is this like your imaginary 15% of spoiled votes?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
31 Oct 2011 /  #921
Why all the wasting time on figures and stats that are almost always pulled from the sky????
Ironside  50 | 12916  
1 Nov 2011 /  #922
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Nov 2011 /  #923
One source says one thing and another says another. Am I wrong?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2011 /  #924
So they haven't actually used the money, so what's the problem? And blaming Tusk and PO when PKP Grupa SA is still very much in the hands of lazy moustaches is deceitful at best.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
1 Nov 2011 /  #925
And blaming Tusk and PO when PKP Grupa SA is still very much in the hands of lazy moustaches is deceitful at best.

If you are for real then you have a long way ahead of you to understand whats whats in Poland:)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2011 /  #926
I think you need to take off those rose-tinted spectacles and see that no government in Poland since 1945 has managed to effectively deal with the railways.

But for starters - why does Przewozy Regionalne need 3 ticket checkers on every train? I take one train regularly (from Poznan-Pila - 2 hours) - and there are THREE people employed to simply check tickets on a train formed of 4 carriages. Why?

Ah, I know...it's called trade unions.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
1 Nov 2011 /  #927
Typical, you waste time on unimportant scrambles while ignoring the fact that Poland will have to pay penalty to EU, namely 5 billions euro folly of Tusk's gov.

Is this like your imaginary 15% of spoiled votes?

Delph, exactly. It is PiS- like way of discussing things, with 3/4 distorted message.

1. Not euros, but zlotys. Quite a difference, Iron.
2. Nobody really knows if this money has already been spent or if it is still on accounts.
3. Poland is too poor to have used that money on railways today, and tried to shift it onto roads. The EU voiced its objections but nothing has been decided yet.

Iron, you have been raising hell here about Poland`s rising debt. Do you really want the government to take out more loans in order to start and complete the railway projects?

Why are you such a bad publicist for PiS? :):):):):) I think it is one of reasons why PiS lost the last 6th elections. They have too crappy propagandists who suppose that intelligent people will believe their BS.

One source says one thing and another says another. Am I wrong?

Practically, there is only one source available: Liberadzki, Europarliament member, announced the news on 27 September. All links go back to 29 September, while the original one comes from 27th.

Ah, I know...it's called trade unions.

Trade unions are needed but when the fate of the whole business is at stake, they mustn`t be so relentless. A few sites have already been closed in result if trade unions` harmful actions. FSO, for example.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2011 /  #928
2. Nobody really knows if this money has already been spent or if it is still on accounts.
3. Poland is too poor to have used that money on railways today, and tried to shift it onto roads. The EU voiced its objections but nothing has been decided yet.

It looks like the money hasn't actually been spent - in which case, it's just a matter of Poland not having the money to take advantage of the 1/3rd funding. No real issue there - better than doing a Spain and borrowing vast amounts of cash to pay for white elephant projects.

Trade unions are needed but when the fate of the whole business is at stake, they mustn`t be so relentless. A few sites have already been closed in result if trade unions` harmful actions. FSO, for example.

Indeed, Ciegelski in Poznan (I'm very familiar with them - I know someone who supplies a lot of products to them) is another example of a business getting ruined by the sheer stubbornness of the moustaches. I can give a great example - in one of the production halls (now lying quiet) - out of 16 offices, 8 were dedicated to Solidarność activities. That's absolutely ridiculous - and it's no surprise that they're doing nothing nowadays. Same story across the entire site.

According to my friend's contact there - they had a proposal to sell off 75% of the site and buildings, and use the cash to focus on something that would generate a healthy profit for the company. But - of course - the moustaches refused, because it would involve redundancies and retraining. Why bother, when you can still turn up for work and do absolutely nothing for 8 hours?

Always thought that the real reason many businesses collapsed so quickly in Poland was due to Solidarność living in dreamland and believing that the Government would continue the same old system of generous subsidies and nice benefits for workers. I agree that trade unions are needed - but when they cripple a business, they absolutely aren't.

Another amusing story here was with the Poznan tram orders. They lost to Solaris, a genuine Poznan/Polish success story - and rather than focusing on where they failed, they chose to scream and shout in the press about unfair treatment and how they deserved the order and so on.
boletus  30 | 1356  
1 Nov 2011 /  #929
Commented excerpts from the yesterday's live interview with Jacek Kurski
"We are not creating any new party. We love Law and Justice. We are the very salt of the PiS."

You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world.

- Mt 5:13-14

"We paid a high price indeed for the cause of our Party. They have been dragging us to courts and continue sentencing us to tens of thousands zł apologies as a result of unjust convictions for being faithful to the cause."

"We have been caring winning election campaigns for the party. We have been holding hundreds of meetings in the field - carrying high the PiS banner. We have never softened. We have been sweating our guts out for the cause. We have been walking upright among those who were down on their knees. "

Śmiało podnieśmy sztandar nasz w górę,
Choć burza wrogich żywiołów wyje,
Choć nas dziś gnębią siły ponure,
Chociaż niepewne jutro niczyje.

Let us raise boldly our banner,

Even though a storm of hostile storms is howling,

Even though sinister forces oppress us today,

Even though everybody's tomorrow is uncertain.

- Warszawianka (1905)

"We are the most recognizable faces in PiS, after Kaczyński. "
"In addition, Zbigniew Ziobro is the only politician of Law and Justice, who regularly wins individual duel with PO, even though we as the party go down. Thus, PiS is part of our lives and our identity. We are not going anywhere."


"So, to win, you must change yourself. For the sake of the Law and Justice, and under the leadership of Jarosław Kaczynski. Ot i wszystko."

But hopefully not all news from Cegielski are bad. They are getting into new specialization field now - gas heat and power plants. They recently won a 19 million zl project for a 4.5 MW co-generation block; three other such contracts for 16, 25 and 40 MW plants are being negotiated. The company works on its own gas engines - to be used in future such projects.

On the top of it they continue with bio-gas projects, and they plan to enter into wind power technology in a partnership with an undisclosed yet Asian company.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2011 /  #930
But hopefully not all news from Cegielski are bad.

I hope not too, but it depends a lot on whether the workers will reject the influence of the anarchists who were winding up a lot of the workers recently.

Ciegelski could still do very well if they focus on one thing, but the current situation where they have lots of production halls full of old machinery just isn't good.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011Archived