Why for the last four years all media are going about what the opposition leader said or not, whatever he farted or not ?
Because the opposition leader himself tried to use the media to his advantage, by creating artificial hype around his person. Did you forget the famous trip to the grocer`s which proved that the Saviour knows nothing about Poland and sort of lives in a splendid isolation of his own obsessions? How about his everyday press conferences?
And the media eagerly joined in and covered the Saviour as he was running for a President last year and Prime Minister this year.
So, it is not about farting, it is about knowing what kind of person was going to rule Poland.
Ridiculous? Yes!
Iron, show more intelligence. Do I have to explain things to you like to a little child?
Said a former homo sapient.
No sapient anymore.
Sapiens? :):):):):):):)
When exactly did you leave high school? :):):):):)