Gumishu:- and all your prejudiced media-driven and created views of PiS won't matter because of the voice of the anger of the nation will prevail
The point I am trying to make is that your
unprejudiced media - salon24 and all of that - is full of horse manure too. I take on one facet of the Smoleńsk disaster, and I demonstrate how ridiculous your "independent" media is - including professorial authorities.
So I went to your unprejudiced media, such as "Niezależna Gazeta Obywatelska w Opolu", and few other such places, such as dakowski or Salon24. And I tell you, there is nothing to be proud of...
Case 1: Historic introduction. Big minds sometimes make bad predictionsRadio has no future. Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will prove to be a hoax. -- William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, British scientist, 1899.
After the Wright Brothers took off, being ashamed of what he had said, he was hunting European libraries, until the end of his days, to destroy copies of the papers where he made those airlift predictions.
Case 2: Mixing Physics with God is not goodMy former classmate, a practising physics professor, a revered author of many papers on magnetism and Quantum Mechanics, one time dean and university president went mad at his ripe stupid age by making ridiculous connections between science and God. He is now a laughing-stock of younger generation physicists.
Case 3: Invoking your authority in a field A does not necessarily work for a field BGumishu, be patient with me. This is how we learn about personalities of people involved. So here is a translation from a web page of Prof. Mirosław Dakowski, born 1937, expert in nuclear physics, author of many publications - putting up his authority into the subject of ski jumping - which he may or may not know nothing about. This is the same professor who authoritatively claims that he is in a possession of a proof that the explosion of the fatal Tu154 at Smoleńsk was caused by reasons other than officially delivered by the Russian side. See below and here:,fizyk-prof-m-dakowski-w-sprawie-katastrofy-smolenskiej
He said, invoking his authority: As a professor of physics, being professionally involved in didactics of the dynamics of motion, conservation laws (momentum, angular momentum, etc.), as well as the strength of materials ...
Gumishu, I can tell you that - as a former university teacher, including teaching those particular subjects - I would be very much ashamed even to mention those fields as my field expertise. Those thingies are not the rocket science, believe me. "Małe piwo" - as we used to say. Heh, heh...
Prof. Dakowski does not show any proof of his claim at all, but his followers (on the URL posted above) - oh, they are all ripe with speculations, talking about low and high accelerations and all of this. Yes, why should they care - they have loud mouth to talk through.
I just happen to have some expertise about shocks, impacts, earthquakes, seismic packaging, and so on. Never I heard on that site any discussion about impulse, power and energy but only about acceleration. In a very simplistic way: the stuff that destroys humans bodies is force (acceleration) times time. Huge acceleration during few microseconds only does not have to be fatal.
Case 4: Zdzislaw Śloderbach - Professor Doctor Engineer, Opole University of Technology, lecturer at the university who has the status of extraordinary professor (???). Specializes in such areas as: the use of mathematics in engineering, solid mechanics, reliability and durability, the theory of elasticity and plasticity, thermal stress, forming technology.Oh, Gumishu, this must touch the nerve - the guy is from your university. But why is he going again along the same path - invoking his authority to prove something?
From the knowledge of science of strength of materials, which I teach at the Technical University of Opole, and which I deal with professionally and with the history of many other similar disasters...
Maybe he is an expert in strength of materials (I used to teach that subject too), but he is not an expert on flight theory and airplane construction, for sure. Here is what he says:
The fuselage of the aircraft is made of duralumin, 7.5 mm thickness, which is not uniform - it is reinforced by beams and ribs.
To which Tomasz Hypki,, responds:
A researcher from Opole University of Technology said that the plane broke up into small pieces by a vacuum bomb explosion. He is sure of it. He added that the skin thickness was 7.5 mm.
Since I am not expert on this subject, I checked this info on internet. Apparently, the skin thickness varies for various designs - but it is very thin in no load bearing areas (1-2 mm at the top of the plane) to few millimetres at some places at the belly. The TU154 plane supposedly landed on its back...
Miroslaw Dakowski
Malysz can jump 3-4 m further
As a physicist I say: The ski jump dynamics can be significantly improved:
1) Currently, the ski jumpers do not effectively push off the beam. They usually push off with hands, and not all of them do that. Their speed at this point is practically zero. A later squatting in flight adds nothing to the process. However one could add initial 1-2 m/s by leaning back to the horizontal level and strongly pulling from the stomach. It is easy to measure this effect for a jumper on a small hill with the sensors attached. And then improve upon it. The effect is similar to that which could be obtained by jumping from the bar located 0.5 - 1 m higher.
2) During the flight jumper's hands are passive. They do not increase the lift surface. A jumper, who holds his palms flat (even better when wearing mittens and splaying his fingers) will add 2-3% to his lift. Good, lightweight sailor is able to take advantage of it.
Altogether this adds 3-4 m to a jump length. At least that.
Why am I writing about this? Few years ago I tried to interest coach Tajner, Polish Ski Association (PZN), sports journalists. Do not respond to my mails. Kindergarten? Dr. K. from some Aviation Institute, with whom Malysz (and probably others as well) flew in the wind tunnel, admitted that I was right. But he had no clout.
Maybe some reader would like to interest Polish trainers or PZN? Maybe he has more contacts, perseverance and patience than I do?
Some talks are going on, but slowly ...
Of course, I wrote almost everything but details are for those interested.