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Poland Parliament elections in October 2011

gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #391
Well I find Bartoszewski's observation very apt, how else would you describe the PIS supporting Kioble?

it was well before Kaczyński ever thought of embracing 'kibole' - it is a very recent thing - while Baroszewski said what he said during the 2007 parliamentary campaing - many PO supporters are very fond of 'Pisowskie bydło' untill today as you can see from internet comments

Są sytuacje, w których milczeć po prostu nie wolno. W kraju za rządów braci Kaczyńskich działo się coraz gorzej. Koszmarna koalicja Prawa i Sprawiedliwości z Samoobroną i Ligą Polskich Rodzin przynosiła skandal za skandalem. Polityczne wiarołomstwo stało się normą. Kolejne obietnice wyborcze Jarosława Kaczyńskiego rozwiewały się w pył. Stało się dla mnie jasne, że jego wizja budowy lepszej Polski, której zaufały miliony Polaków, okazała się jednym wielkim oszustwem. Dlatego też postanowiłem nazwać rzeczy po imieniu i – jak ujął to jeden z przedwojennych satyryków – „przestać uważać bydło za niebydło”.

* -ródło: blog Władysława Bartoszewskiego 22 października 2007

As for Palikot, if you don't want him to form the next government with PO-as the polls indicate will be likely, then may I suggest you lend your support to PO so they don't have to rely on Palikot?

you must be joking, seriously :) - there is still a strong probability Palikot will never make it to the parliament this time and in this case PiS is gonna take half of his vote - furthermore Palikot is really weakening PO (and SLD even more) - it may actually lead to a situation that there will be equally very little presence of Palikot and SLD in the next Sejm with PO quite considerably weakened - I just can sit and jubilate

another couple of years of PO now with Ruch Palikota - well it just makes PO missing in action in the next shuffle (in 3 years max?) - can Palikot take the PO electorate then completely - no way

and by whose side he fought in the Warsaw Rising, he was jeered and abused by PIS supporters and called a traitor, how does that make you feel as a PIS supporter proud?

like someone who once fought for Poland couldn't become a traitor - for me he has become one and just added insult to the injury with his speak against PiS
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Oct 2011 /  #392
You are seriously deluded! Do you honestly believe that the people intending to vote for Palikot will vote for PIS!!!!????

"another couple of years of PO now with Ruch Palikota - well it just makes PO missing in action in the next shuffle (in 3 years max?) - can Palikot take the PO electorate then completely - no way[/quote]"

I see so you are willing to cut off you nose just to spite your face, so according to your twisted logic it's PIS and not Poland that comes first.

like someone who once fought for Poland couldn't become a traitor - for me he has become one and just added insult to the injury with his speak against PiS

honestly how dare you? you are an absolute zero in comparison.

Are you sure you are Polish?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Oct 2011 /  #393
You do know that he isn't even a PO member don't you?

He's a member of Tusk government, some low rank position...

I am surprised that would question the judgment of an individual who fought the nazis and the communists, very odd.

LOL ! So because of that he's always right on every issue :))) ?

Come on, If you mean "agression", "hatefulness" etc. you get pretty much the same stuff (both politicians and supporters) on both sides... One can argue If it's a bit more here (for example, I find Niesiołowski to be by far the most hateful and disgusting politician) and less there but overall there's not much difference, PO has always been trying to spin it into "we nice, they evil" but each day fewer people buy that crap, one has to be blind to believe in that.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #394
You are seriously deluded! Do you honestly believe that the people intending to vote for Palikot will vote for PIS!!!!????

no - it's the way Polish election system works - the missing seats are shared by big powers - and you don't need to fall below 5 per cent threshold to loose seats in parliament - 6 per cent of the votes nationwide can well translate to 4-5 seats in the parliament which means about one per cent - the ramaining per cents go to 'big fish' - this is called d'Hondt voting system - I know it's completely different where you live (SPV isn't in Australia) - should we have SPV PiS could only dream of taking power this time - next election is a very open thing as dissatisfaction with ruling parties will soar

someone who abandons pursuing Polish interests internationally because 'Poland is an ugly maid' is a traitor to a significant extent
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Oct 2011 /  #395
someone who abandons pursuing Polish interests internationally because 'Poland is an ugly maid' is a traitor to a significant extent

You are a zero in comparison to Bartoszewski, and the 21st century's answer to Targowica.

And you can't count, very apt for a PIS supporter. But I don't mind a PO/SLD or Palikot coalition, Poland will move forward on social issues, such as recognition of civil partnerships etc, and by voting for PIS you are only going to make this more likely.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #396
And you can't count, very apt for a PIS supporter.

yes? divulge please or just explain


ok I was a bit wrong in stating 6 per cent nationwide vote is likely to translate into 4-5 seats (it is not likely but it's still paradoxically possible)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Oct 2011 /  #397
yes? divulge please or just explain

It's very simple arithmetic. I will do this from the best case scenario for PIS ( in other words from the point of view of a mentally ill person)

PIS: 34%
PO: 29%
SLD: 9%
Palikot: 7%
PSL: 5%

= a PO/Palikot/SLD possibly PSL coalition which= more socially progressive legislation such as the recognition of civil partnerships etc. (which I know that you and you bigoted PIS supporters very much approve of)
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #398
a bit more of explanatory words - jaroslawflis.salon24.pl/346891,prawo-i-matematyka

recognizing same sex marriages by the law is wrong in my oppinion and there are other ways of achieving the reasonable goals (not all goals that are desired to be achieved by recognition of same sex marriages are reasonable in the first place) some people want to achieve with such recognition
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Oct 2011 /  #399
I must say a very surprising point of view given some of your previous posts, but welcome nonetheless. Of course this is a view that is completely at odds with PIS

And my best case scenario for PIS still holds, which means there is no way that PIS will form the next government.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #400
if you think I count on that that PiS forms or takes part in the next government then you are wrong - I just simply won't be surprised by such a scenario - there are tonnes of possible scenarios with the rise of Ruch Palikota and PJN - the first article by Jarosław Flis I linked for you lists just a couple of scenarios
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Oct 2011 /  #401
Fascinating. Please explain how.

With pleasure.

The electoral mathematics mean that no matter what, the losers are going to be badly educated people living in rural areas. The PSL are a middle class party for the countryside, the SLD are from the cities, Palikot is from the cities and PO are only dominant in Western Poland. Therefore - when it comes to "who loses out" - all these parties are unlikely to support the people that support PiS. Therefore - we're likely to see reforms that hurt such voters the most.

like someone who once fought for Poland couldn't become a traitor - for me he has become one and just added insult to the injury with his speak against PiS

Kaczynski's father being a prominent example.

And my best case scenario for PIS still holds, which means there is no way that PIS will form the next government.

I maintain that we could see Kaczynski and his loyalists overthrown in order to produce a PO-PiS coalition. Stranger things have happened in Polish politics...

PiS should be worried, however - their support is sticking stubbornly at 30% and no more. That's not going to win the election.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #402
is Kaczyński a traitor of Poland because his father was in your logic? - if so where did you learn your logic delphi
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Oct 2011 /  #403
I dunno, I don't see how he can rant about traitors and so on when his own father was one.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all that.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #404
think you father was in UPA delphi and used to murder Poles - would you like to be called 'banderowiec' or held responsible for UPA crimes even if all you did in your life was actually something totally opposite to what UPA did? - are the sons responsible for the sins of their fathers - by what logic? - if so then half of the Germans should be convicted, wouldn't you agree?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Oct 2011 /  #405
in other words from the point of view of a mentally ill person

Why are you so hateful ?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Oct 2011 /  #406
It's not hate, I believe that people who vote for PIS are either stupid and don't understand politics, they want a return to the old socialist past and the something for nothing culture, or they they are mentally ill.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Oct 2011 /  #407
they want a return to the old socialist past

They want a return to the past, but with their men in power and with other people doing the hard work.

I'm convinced that Solidarity (and PiS) never wanted an end to socialism, they just wanted the perks for themselves.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Oct 2011 /  #408
They want a return to the past, but with their men in power and with other people doing the hard work.

yes - Kaczyński is just another Gierek - oh sorry - actually Tusk is just another Gierek (indebting the nation on a massive scale, serious success propaganda)

well, I very much long for Jaruzelski back in power :) we should definitely nationalize Kulczyk, Krauze, Solorz and Michnik - why don't they actually nationalize themselves - they are all actually very much friends with Jaruzelski and Kiszczak (especially Michnik)
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
4 Oct 2011 /  #409
Yesterday, Tusk came to Krakow and ran 7 kilometers around Błonia fields, doing 2 laps. Wow!

Running Tusk in Poland

It is good. Leaders should be fit. Do you remember Jimmy Carter in 1979? He almost fainted during the race. Americans saw their President utterly exhausted and it was a scary view for them.

Some experts say that it cost him the Presidency. The leader mustn`t be a weak wimp.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Oct 2011 /  #410
What they didn't show you was the mohair beret brigade gaining ground behind him ;)
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
4 Oct 2011 /  #411
Sean, have you ever tried to get professional help? :):):) You seem to be obsessed with mohair berets!

Why are you so thrilled about them? :):):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Oct 2011 /  #412
Um, I was joking ;) Polish politics are soooooooo boring so I like to spice it up with the comical midgets and stalwart bastions of Polish society, propping things up ;) ;)
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
4 Oct 2011 /  #413
Boring? With Jarosław Kaczyński and Janusz Palikot? Come on.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Oct 2011 /  #414
Palikot is a clown who should not be taken seriously. Seriously, what can he offer?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
4 Oct 2011 /  #415
A hilarious advert by Ruch Palikota at 18:44. I must say it crosses some boundaries but it is very funny(:

indebting the nation on a massive scale, serious success propaganda)

I take it that you haven't looked at the total amount of money that PIS election promises add up to, very silly.
antheads  13 | 340  
4 Oct 2011 /  #416
Palikot has a lot to offer to secular, young poles who want to radically change the course of the country. A polish ron paul if you will.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Oct 2011 /  #417
I am young and secular, this narco-homo-perverto-criminal has nothing to offer for me.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Oct 2011 /  #418
Well said, Greg. Shame on you for mentioning this clown in the same breath as the great Ron Paul, antheads. How exactly would he change Poland, antheads? Please give me a laugh.
OP pawian  224 | 27236  
4 Oct 2011 /  #419
A hilarious advert by Ruch Palikota at 18:44. I must say it crosses some boundaries but it is very funny(:

Other clips:

SLD female candidate is strip teasing you to vote for her:

PO`s latest clip which shows PiS` supporters in action and poses a fundamental question: They are going to vote. What about you?

=Seanus]Polish politics are soooooooo boring

Sean, get a grip! :):):):)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
5 Oct 2011 /  #420
Latest news. Looks like Kaczynski has truly lost is, he is accusing Angela Merkel of collaborating with the Stazi, whilst refusing to go into details when pressed by the media for further details, whilst calling journalists who ask him uncomfortable questions of being Germans. God forbid Kaczynkis ever gets into government again.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011Archived