Well I find Bartoszewski's observation very apt, how else would you describe the PIS supporting Kioble?
it was well before Kaczyński ever thought of embracing 'kibole' - it is a very recent thing - while Baroszewski said what he said during the 2007 parliamentary campaing - many PO supporters are very fond of 'Pisowskie bydło' untill today as you can see from internet comments
Są sytuacje, w których milczeć po prostu nie wolno. W kraju za rządów braci Kaczyńskich działo się coraz gorzej. Koszmarna koalicja Prawa i Sprawiedliwości z Samoobroną i Ligą Polskich Rodzin przynosiła skandal za skandalem. Polityczne wiarołomstwo stało się normą. Kolejne obietnice wyborcze Jarosława Kaczyńskiego rozwiewały się w pył. Stało się dla mnie jasne, że jego wizja budowy lepszej Polski, której zaufały miliony Polaków, okazała się jednym wielkim oszustwem. Dlatego też postanowiłem nazwać rzeczy po imieniu i – jak ujął to jeden z przedwojennych satyryków – „przestać uważać bydło za niebydło”.
* -ródło: blog Władysława Bartoszewskiego 22 października 2007
As for Palikot, if you don't want him to form the next government with PO-as the polls indicate will be likely, then may I suggest you lend your support to PO so they don't have to rely on Palikot?
you must be joking, seriously :) - there is still a strong probability Palikot will never make it to the parliament this time and in this case PiS is gonna take half of his vote - furthermore Palikot is really weakening PO (and SLD even more) - it may actually lead to a situation that there will be equally very little presence of Palikot and SLD in the next Sejm with PO quite considerably weakened - I just can sit and jubilate
another couple of years of PO now with Ruch Palikota - well it just makes PO missing in action in the next shuffle (in 3 years max?) - can Palikot take the PO electorate then completely - no way
and by whose side he fought in the Warsaw Rising, he was jeered and abused by PIS supporters and called a traitor, how does that make you feel as a PIS supporter proud?
like someone who once fought for Poland couldn't become a traitor - for me he has become one and just added insult to the injury with his speak against PiS