LGBT circles are infiltrating schools
I can assure you that they aren't. See, Polonius, I actually work in a school - and there is no sign of anything related to LGBT issues there. As I said, the only talk of homosexuals comes from kids, and it's in the usual childish "haha he's a homo" way.
and instituions of higher learning
I also attend one, and I haven't seen any examples of it.
They see to it that the content they're propagating makes its way into materials pormoting sex educaiton.
I've got a keen interest in the topic, and I haven't seen a single piece of material about it. And that comes as someone who would be first in the queue to qualify as a sex education teacher if it became a separate subject, due to the fact that 90% of teachers are utterly incompetent when it comes to teaching the subject.
There will be more such propaganda in this school year since the Platformer education minister is forcing more such content down the throats of school children and teachers.
Do you really expect any of us to take seriously? It's a very right wing Catholic portal that many Catholics hate.
@Delph: some teachers, like you say, unprepared try to give kids some info while in biology classes but what I mean is that there are no formal sex education classes like in a lot (if not most) of European countries.
Yes, it's an absolute disgrace. Some biology teachers are able to do it properly without emotions, but many others simply ignore that part of the programme. There's a dire need for teachers that are actually able to do it properly - not just about sexual health, but also about emotions and all the other things that come between 10-16. I did one class with my kids about "10 things I love about you" - and you should have seen the reaction. Books were thrown, there were tears, abuse hurled - yet at the end of it, they all admitted that they found it very, very difficult at the age of 11 to tell someone of the opposite sex that they liked something about their personality. They were bright enough to realise that "something has changed" when I asked them why they were best friends 2-3 years ago, although none of them could clearly identify exactly what.
As I said, I'd love to teach the subject properly. We can but hope...