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Palikot's "Modern Poland" and the Tea Party - how do they compare? Should be banned?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2010 /  #1
How would you compare Palikot's Modern Poland and the American upstart group Tea Party? Do they have a chance of winning wider public support enough to influence elections?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Oct 2010 /  #2
The two couldn't be further apart ideologically.

Anyway, Palikot should do enough to enter the Sejm. As it stands, PO should take around 45% of the vote, the SLD and Palikot's movement should take around 5-6% each and PiS should take the remaining vote.

The Tea Party movement on the other hand is just a fad - the failure of many of their preferred candidates earlier this year tells you all you need to know about them. They're fundamentally Republicans, and they're unlikely to manage to organise outside of the Republican umbrella.
Babinich  1 | 453  
18 Oct 2010 /  #3
The Tea Party movement on the other hand is just a fad - the failure of many of their preferred candidates earlier this year tells you all you need to know about them.

You are wrong.

The desire to cut down on the national debt is not a fad, the opposition to the big bank bailouts is not a fad, opposition to Fannie and Freddie is not a fad, opposing ill-conceived medical care legislation is not a fad, opposition to government takeover of GM with the rule of law skirted by screwing the bondholders is not a fad and opposition to combating the largest levered debt crisis in history by issuing more debt is not a fad.

The Tea party may have a Republican component but it is the Independents that give the movement gravitas.
convex  20 | 3928  
18 Oct 2010 /  #4
The tea party started with the campaign for liberty and Ron Pauls money bombs. It was a grass roots Libertarian movement which has now been more or less been watered down to include quite a bit of the Republican platform.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
18 Oct 2010 /  #5
The desire to cut down on the national debt is not a fad, the opposition to the big bank bailouts is not a fad, opposition to Fannie and Freddie is not a fad, opposing ill-conceived medical care legislation is not a fad, opposition to government takeover of GM with the rule of law skirted by screwing the bondholders is not a fad and opposition to combating the largest levered debt crisis in history by issuing more debt is not a fad.

yes, cut down the national debt by going after the middle class entitlements but ignore the costs of the two wars in afghan and iraq.
Babinich  1 | 453  
18 Oct 2010 /  #6
No one is ignoring the two wars. Entitlements involve everyone not just the middle class. Ponzi schemes like Social Security have run their course. The money for SS is not there, and rates of return are imaginary.


Obamcare took hundreds of millions of dollars out of Medicare and, rather than using it to strengthen Medicare, plowed it into this new entitlement. The law's authors also failed to produce a legitimate solution to the "doc fix" problem. The "doc fix" which was originally part of ObamaCare, was separated out to keep the overall cost of the bill down.

Because the the authors nabbed Medicare funding to pay for their new program, trimming that entitlement (Medicare is generally accepted as the single biggest long-term problem for the federal budget) probably won't be part of the deficit-reduction package.
BLS  65 | 188  
18 Oct 2010 /  #7
yes, cut down the national debt by going after the middle class entitlements but ignore the costs of the two wars in afghan and iraq.

Bravo, CP - why do the supporters of this movement rail against health care but say NOTHING about the cost of the current US wars? Also, it was recently reported that America spends 48% of the world's military costs when the country in second place (China) spends a mere 6%. Why do these "anti-deficit" zealots choose to ignore this gargantuan portion of US spending?

I personally try to ignore this joke of a "party" - they typically regurgitate the venom that is spewed on conservative radio and TV shows instead of thinking for themselves.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Nov 2012 /  #8
Merged: Poland's Ruch Palikmiota - should it be banned?

What do you think ? Should a political party, which wants Poland to disappear be legal or not ? Please comment.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
13 Nov 2012 /  #9
Surly not! Such party shouldn't be legal, all of them should be hanged for treason.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 Nov 2012 /  #10
You desperately try to win someone's attention, but most you can get will be the attention of Harry (and only if he's in a good mood!
Ironside  50 | 12941  
13 Nov 2012 /  #11
Really? How mistaken I was thinking that I was only expressing my opinion.
Although when it comes to hanging I would have settled for banishment if someone would be willing to take them. Forlorn hope I think.
Hanging is not forte nowadays although it worked swing err charm for centuries. Fine ice them!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2012 /  #12
Should a political party, which wants Poland to disappear be legal or not ?

Could you perhaps show how they wish Poland to disappear?

Of course, the fact that you think about them so much means they've achieved their mission.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Nov 2012 /  #13
Could you perhaps show how they wish Poland to disappear?

Let me quote a leader of this Ruch Podtarcia:

I am for the removal of all European countries after it was established that one European country , and not separate entities as Germany, France , Poland etc . - Said Janusz Palikot . Only a united Europe will be able to face the challenges that lie ahead . If we had even the possibility of having some common eurobonds , it's about 3-4 per cent . Europe as a whole would save on expenses. If we were together as Europe had the opportunity to purchase from Russia of raw materials such as for example gas and oil , the Polish company would lower prices. There are many direct benefits from the liquidation of European countries. There would be no wars in Europe. Poland could only gain a common European country - said the head of Palikot's Movement in an interview with Onet .

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2012 /  #14
Shame you didn't quote the rest of it. But entirely unsurprising.

Perhaps you'd like to tell us why ending war for good in Europe would be a bad thing?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 Nov 2012 /  #15
Yes, it seems that Mr. Palikmiot wants Germany, France, Italy as well as other European states, Poland included, to dissapear (hopefully, the UK would be spared). But, it would look extremely silly for every true Polish nationalist to call to hang Palikiot for wanting Germany to disapear!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Nov 2012 /  #16
Perhaps you'd like to tell us why ending war for good in Europe would be a bad thing?

Why don't you agree with the idea of merging Spain, Portugal and Morocco into one state ? That would end social exclusion of Roma youth in rural areas and small towns. Perhaps you'd like to tell us why ending social exclusion of Roma youth in rural areas and small towns would be a bad thing?

Shame you didn't quote the rest of it. But entirely unsurprising.

What so shameful in that, you can read it all in the linked article.
13 Nov 2012 /  #17
I think that RP should be banned and its leader should start paying his debts from Polmos ;)
This is just a bunch of weirdos that have totally nothing to add to the modern politics... for most of the time they are either trying to steal somebody elses idea.

How I see it is that they are a hidden option for Tusk, he will always have their votes when it comes to the elections...

Apart from that they are the parasites on a dying body of our nation.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2012 /  #18
Yes, it seems that Mr. Palikmiot wants Germany, France, Italy as well as other European states, Poland included, to dissapear

If you consider that the purpose is to end war - it's actually quite a sensible proposal. Look at the last 1000 years - and imagine that war had never happened.

How I see it is that they are a hidden option for Tusk, he will always have their votes when it comes to the elections...

Which is why you want them banned, right? :)

Apart from that they are the parasites on a dying body of our nation.

Says goofy, who lives in the UK and who does nothing for Poland.
legend  3 | 658  
13 Nov 2012 /  #19
Yes they want to destroy Poland through libtardism.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Nov 2012 /  #20
Look at the last 1000 years - and imagine that war had never happened.

Would be fekkin crowded round here,no room for immigrants.....
Why are you Poles so keen on War anyway? Its not like you ever win them.
14 Nov 2012 /  #21
Says goofy, who lives in the UK and who does nothing for Poland.

Delphi why do you go on this forum?!
This forum is for everybody, people that live in Poland and abroad!
I am appealing to the moderators: Why is he allowed to give out statements like that? It is discriminatory!

Also how do you know that I am doing nothing towards the good of my fatherland?
I help out as much as I can, helping ro prepare Academies of the 11th of November, and doing some charity work as well.
Could you refrain from posting trolling messages, mate?


Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Palikot's "Modern Poland" and the Tea Party - how do they compare? Should be banned?Archived