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Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Oct 2010 /  #31
'Aborcja na życzenie' means a woman can have her unborn baby murdered just because she feels like it without giving any reason. Poland's current law allows abortion in case of:

-- a threat to the woman's health
-- a threat to the woman's life
-- a badly deformed foetus
-- pregancy resulting from rape
-- pregnancy resulting from incest.
At a time when many childless couples are looking to adopt, those who do not want or cannot afford to care for a baby should consider that option rather than choosing the selfish and criminal way out. Murder is murder whether or not you give it some fancy name like euthanasia, capital punishment or termination of pregnancy.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Oct 2010 /  #32
At a time when many childless couples are looking to adopt,

so why there are so many children in orphanages...?
jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Oct 2010 /  #33
Murder is murder

And murder is killing a person. A foetus is not a person. Furthermore, your information on the legality of termination in Poland is incorrect. It is allowed only in the most exceptional of situations and even then not widely available. Remember the case of the lady who went blind having been prevented from terminating a pregnancy, or the teenage girl who was raped and couldn't get rid of it? Both discussed on this forum.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Oct 2010 /  #34
And saying that there should be a division between church and state, doesn't necessarily sound like church bashing to me.

If anything, it strengthens the church by ensuring that the State isn't linked with it.

After all, the Polish constitution guarantees it - so what's the problem? Do they not accept their own constitution?

Direct election in Poland - but that sounds like the German model too. I'd prefer it as well, but the Polish state seems terrified to give any sort of autonomy to the provinces here. I suspect Palikot's promotion of abolishing it is simply because the current Senate is just a talking shop. One that was directly elected by the provinces may be much better - but it's hard to tell.

At a time when many childless couples are looking to adopt, those who do not want or cannot afford to care for a baby should consider that option rather than choosing the selfish and criminal way out. Murder is murder whether or not you give it some fancy name like euthanasia, capital punishment or termination of pregnancy.

Well done, you've just shown that you're another Plastic Pole. If you actually lived here, you'd know that adoption by childless couples is very, very difficult. Anyway, no surprise that a church-loving dinosaur promotes totalitarian rule over women and their right to decide.

so why there are so many children in orphanages...?

Because people only want nice, uncorrupted babies - combined with the bureaucracy that stops childless couples from adopting.

It's nice to see that the usual suspects are running scared of Palikot - could it be because he's got the money and influence to say whatever he wants? No doubt part of the reason that they're reacting so badly is because they realise that with PO in power, they can't use the State to shut him up.
1jola  14 | 1875  
6 Oct 2010 /  #35
Ah, Gazeta Polska, that well known impartial source of journalistic integrity which isn't linked at all to Kaczynski and friends. Try using a more...credible source next time, huh?

Which would be what according to you, guest worker?

Anyway, we all know about these documents and their integrity - ie, they have none at all.

You know what your Polish friends tell you, and what Michnik writes in Wyborcza, but if you pause and think a little, you would know that dildo Polikot would be screeming his filthy mouth off right about now about the fake notes written in his handwriting. He isn't.

Like I said, another Lepper.
tow_stalin  - | 57  
6 Oct 2010 /  #36
He brought forward some very radical ideas.

too liberal? hahahaha... before he became so liberal he was owner of catholic paper - OZON. all what he is doing should be called performance and has nothing common with words like programme, opinion, idea. its just show for idiots.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Oct 2010 /  #37
Which would be what according to you, guest worker?

Either Gazeta Wyborcza or Rzeczpospolita. Doesn't matter which, both of them tend to be able to report things "bez comment" rather than with a heavy dose of opinion designed to influence the reader. Given that Gazeta Polska already published plenty of nonsense about Smolensk (including many factual errors that can be verified easily) - it's not really the "bastion of truth", is it?

You know what your Polish friends tell you, and what Michnik writes in Wyborcza, but if you pause and think a little, you would know that dildo Polikot would be screeming his filthy mouth off right about now about the fake notes written in his handwriting. He isn't.

I'd suggest that Palikot, with his millions, doesn't care less what some fringe loony newspaper publishes. If they're wasting their time producing "proof" that Palikot is a traitor - then they're doing nothing to discredit his policies, which works fine for him. Anyway, the Palikot strategy is simple - get people talking about him. I'd suggest that Gazeta Polska is doing a grand job of doing just that.
jonni  16 | 2475  
6 Oct 2010 /  #38
You know what your Polish friends tell you, and what Michnik writes in Wyborcza

And where do your politics come from, some sort of visceral osmosis or inherited mündliche Überlieferung?

that dildo Polikot would be screeming his filthy mouth off

Love him or hate him, the Poles as a nation voted him and his party into office and voted your favourite party out into the unemployment queue.
OP Stu  12 | 515  
6 Oct 2010 /  #39
Although you might make valid points, Polonius, I don't necessarily agree with your point of view. As jonni rightly pointed out, there is a discrepancy between the law and the actual practice. Besides, I have the feeling that what some doctors refuse to do in "state hospitals", they are eager to do in their private practice. I have to agree with jonni when he says that a foetus is not a person "as such". Then again ... I saw a "USG" of my son when he was 20 weeks in the womb, and I have to say it would have been impossible for me to have him aborted then. I guess we should leave it up to the parents to be (within limits, of course) to decide to have an abortion.

And ... the doctors shouldn't be allowed to refuse an abortion if it contravenes their "moral code" or the physical health of a woman. In times where Polish men aren't really well-known for taking care of their own children (let alone in cases where the mother dies), I think it is not a healthy course of action.

But all this might be a subject for another thread. Let me stress here that I am very happy that until now this discussion is extremely civilised, notwithstanding the very different points of view between -for example- Polonius and me. I'd like to thank all of you who participated in this. It kinda shows that "we" can have a civilised discussion, no matter how different our points of view, without getting personal, and attacking eachother, etc. There's nothing wrong with having a lively discussion with agreeing to disagree once in a while. Polonius and I will never agree on this particular subject, but I for one respect his point of view on this subject.

Thanks guys and galls!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Oct 2010 /  #40
Why should only the woman be allowed to decide? It takes two to tango. Abortions should be persmsisible in extreme cases only with the written consent of both the woman and the man who impregnated her. Don't men have any rights?
polonius  54 | 420  
1 Dec 2012 /  #41
Merged: Palikot- Mr Hate Speech!

In an interview for Gazeta Wyborcza on Saturday Janusz Palikot, Poiland's 'Mr HAte Speech', said: “I’ve got to be boorish. If I said only wise things I would get only 4% support… I’ve got no choice. Otherwise we will be eternally doomed to Tusk and Kaczyński... I said we should shoot, gut and skin Kaczyński and sell his hide in the Majewski comedy show. But OK , I can retract it ." He added thta one of the things people have remembered the longest was that he once called justice min. Gowin a fag (ciota).
gregy741  5 | 1226  
7 Jun 2013 /  #42
trying to legalize pedophilia.
at this very time Palikot and polish minister of education invited to Poland self proclaimed pedophile Cohen Bendit,to take part in symposium in state run Wroclaw university.

debate was about sexual education of children and "Future of Europe".lol

wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/cohn-bendita-spotkaly-w- polsce-zarzuty-o-pedofilie,1,5475545,wiadomosc.html

this sick bastard faked to be sick and run away once this news got to media

what an sad idiot this palikot
smurf  38 | 1940  
7 Jun 2013 /  #43
at this very time Palikot and polish minister

care to give us a link in English?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
7 Jun 2013 /  #44
spinelligroup.eu/it/article/spinelli-debate-wroclaw-poland-240420 13

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Jun 2013 /  #45
care to give us a link in English?

In other words, alleged, and not proven at all.

Yet more wise words from another Polish patriot who abandoned Poland.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
7 Jun 2013 /  #46
In other words, alleged, and not proven at all.

turtlebayandbeyond.org/2013/homosexuality/daniel-cohn-bendit-and- the-1968-revolution-paedophilia-as-part-of-their-political-agenda /

podles.org/dialogue/principled-pedophilia-and-the-german-left-342 .htm

crazy world...
self confessed pedo,one of most prominent politician in Eurokolchoz teaching governments how to deal with children...lol
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Jun 2013 /  #47
self confessed pedo,one of most prominent politician in Eurokolchoz teaching governments how to deal with children...lol

Are you a Polish patriot?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
7 Jun 2013 /  #48
do no-patriotic poles exist?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
7 Jun 2013 /  #50
why only "patriot"?
why dont you drop this BS and straight start calling me Nazi or Fascist.i dared to oppose social experiments of some leftwing pedo scumbags...isnt that clear sign of fascism?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
7 Jun 2013 /  #51
i dared to oppose social experiments of some leftwing pedo scumbags.

opposed how?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
8 Jun 2013 /  #52
ok...exposed him...my mistake.but you not like them Bolshevik militia who pick up on someones grammar mistakes when lost for arguments.are you?

beside,this thread is about Palikot not me.still think hes liberal/modern enough or not enough.how liberal and modern is promoting pedos?
to me its sick.
legend  3 | 658  
8 Jun 2013 /  #53
Palikot supporters are sick SICK mentally ill people.
The party offers nothing good and would make Poland into Sodom and Gomarah.
smurf  38 | 1940  
8 Jun 2013 /  #54
The party offers nothing good

yea, as if legalising weed isn't good and removing that stupid cross from the parliament

*rolls eyes
Polson  5 | 1767  
8 Jun 2013 /  #55
self confessed pedo,one of most prominent politician in Eurokolchoz teaching governments how to deal with children...lol

Daniel Cohn-Bendit? Self-confessed? Check again, he never said anything like that.
He's actually one of the few politicians to say what he really thinks, with passion. I like him.

Palikot supporters are sick SICK mentally ill people.
The party offers nothing good and would make Poland into Sodom and Gomarah.

Why? That was a bit easy, could you explain this?
jkb  - | 197  
8 Jun 2013 /  #56
I like certain postulates of Palikot's movement and support them fully:

- flat tax
- limiting the government
- kicking religion out of the schools
- drastic liberalization of abortion laws
- civil unions
- limiting the number of Sejm deputees
- unification of ZUS and KRUS
- reduction of employment costs
- legalization of soft drugs and depenalization of victim-less crimes
- the right to an error and the rule of silent approval
- solid sexual education in public schools
- declarations instead of certifications
- limiting the number of terms each MP can serve in their life.

I disagree with most postulates that create public funding provisions and so called "freebies", because it's our tax money that is being spent to fund that.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Jun 2013 /  #57
Those all sound reasonable. What exactly is "declarations instead of certifications"?
jkb  - | 197  
8 Jun 2013 /  #58
Means if you go to any governmental institution, all you need to prove something would be a self-written declaration instead of government issued certification or attestation, which takes time and money to obtain.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Jun 2013 /  #59
Palikot supporters are sick SICK mentally ill people.

See legend, Palikot supporters tend to be young, educated and employed. Is that mental illness to you?

The party offers nothing good

Could you perhaps explain your opposition to -

- flat tax
- limiting the number of terms each MP can serve in their life.

Then again, you don't live in Poland and have no real idea about Polish politics except what the Polonia rags tell you.
jkb  - | 197  
9 Jun 2013 /  #60
legend: Palikot supporters are sick SICK mentally ill people.
See legend, Palikot supporters tend to be young, educated and employed. Is that mental illness to you?

For people like him anything that's modern, freedom based or basically different from his own narrow view set, is considered mental illness. Weird thing they also tend to consider Macierewicz a sane person. Go figure.

The party offers nothing good

What I listed is just a small part of all the good things that the party has to offer.

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