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Poland's Organized Crime

rybnik  18 | 1444  
13 Aug 2011 /  #31
what, exactly is mafia?

the number of people is unimportant. What is important is: 1) group of people 2) doing illegal things 3) in a clandestine fashion
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Aug 2011 /  #32
what, exactly is mafia?

Its the old name for Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian "mafia", Mafia is wrong for any other organisation. All the others are(just like the Mafia) simply parasitic scumbags leaching mostly off the poorest in sociaty,if you want to give them a name call them a gang of thugs.
f stop  24 | 2493  
13 Aug 2011 /  #33
Its the old name for Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian "mafia",

I know THAT!
That's why I asked what exactly does Polish mafia mean. ;)
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
23 May 2013 /  #34
"I think russian mafia runs Poland in cooperation with local aid.Poles generally do not have the secrecy,style,bonds to operate mafia style and they are not ruthless like Russians."

Trust me Polaks are pretty ruthless, especially the youth gangs that can kill you for a couple dollars in Slask/Slehen/aslanzig like Dabrowa Gornicza. Theree is a guy nicknamed Hitler in Dabrowa who killed another men with just scissors and has teardrop tatoos as well as ones on his knees that mean he doesnt bow down to anyone. During the time there another guy named King held a knife to me and later ai found out he murdered someone with it (his owns tepdad because he didnt give him money for alcohol and drugs) while another fuy held his stepdad down. Also look up some youtube vids of them killing each other with machetes over soccer jerseys in Krakow. They are very ruthless.

Maybe interms of guns you often dont hear Polak gangs using them. However, in terms of knives, chains, etc. The Mexicans and Russians dont have the monopoly on being hard. In terms of being stomped, yourteeth kicked in, hit on the head with a brick or a two by four, Polaks are probably the cream of thecrop of ruthlessness. In general, Russians dont get down like Polaks. They will bomb your car orsomethin. But Polaks will walk up to you as you are starring at them and fuk you up walking up to you from 10 feet away. in Warsaw there are stabbings and best downs all the time. You have got to be wuite ruthless to do that. Kicking someone down with multiple prople, etc. only Mexicans dothat in the UsA besides Polaks..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2013 /  #35
in Warsaw there are stabbings and best downs all the time.

I've been to Warsaw many times and never saw a stabbing or a beatdown.

Seen many loud mouthed Americans speaking complete nonsense, however.
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
24 May 2013 /  #36
My mom is a nurse in UsA and talked to another nurse there that said they get many stabbing cases like USa gets gun cases (similar level). Also go to the street with multiple pubs next door to each other (forgot what its called) and walk around by yourself at night. Youll get confronted especially if you speak any Polish (or are a foreigner and wont give any money to them). Youll at least get confronted and if you dont back out... There was a bar my friend took me to that said snother Polish guy didnt give his seat up so the guysaid ok Ill wait for you outside. He waited hours and as the other guy was leaving he got stabbed from the side in the liver snd bled to death.

Also there are Polish gangs righting each other with chains and bats over controls of discos or clubs. Its hectic as fuk. Polaks really get down and dirty with their hands (no guns needed for them).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2013 /  #37
I think you should start writing crime fiction, you'd be very good at it!

Also there are Polish gangs righting each other with chains and bats over controls of discos or clubs. Its hectic as fuk. Polaks really get down and dirty with their hands (no guns needed for them).

I've been to many clubs and never saw so much as a bat, let alone knives.

You really do need to stop dreaming when posting on here.
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
24 May 2013 /  #38
Go to small village discos like at Lutol in western Poland. They fight each other in groups with wooden two by fours. Or watch any soccer hooligan/ultra vids and youll see the same thing. You want me to post some from youtube for you? I got assaulted in Lubsko the first night I wentthere last december simply because some girl that was. With a group of guys wanted to be with me and not them and. They gotjelous and started treating her like theyre property. In bigger cities like Gdansk thata re more international you dont see it as often but Warsaw does have a thug element.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2013 /  #39
Go to small village discos like at Lutol in western Poland. They fight each other in groups with wooden two by fours.

What's new there? Small village discos in any country will have morons fighting each other.

Or watch any soccer hooligan/ultra vids and youll see the same thing.

Yes, because Poland is so unique for having football fans fight each other.

I got assaulted in Lubsko the first night I wentthere last december simply because some girl that was. With a group of guys wanted to be with me and not them and. They gotjelous and started treating her like theyre property.

You went to a small village, took their girl and wondered why you got a beating? Not very bright, are you?
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
24 May 2013 /  #40

Well she was a person who should be able to choose who to hang out with. In America other guys compete for women all the time without fighting and often they would hit on girls right in front of me in Santa Cruz. On the other hand if youre not local or American they are against you. Anyway, Polish hooligans are some of the worst thats why I emphasized them. Other countries hooligans generslly dont use weapons. In America people always call cops when any weapon is used in any fight, they love to snitch and if youre not local its always against you.

Show me on youtube vid where minorities or a minority gets stomped by American whites or an American white. Almost all of them have the black sucker punch the white from the side. In fact even in the felony fight vids the whites back up after the mexican opponent falls but mexicans keep kicking or stomping. Did you see the one where the mezican knee jumps on the guys throat? Thats pure vicious and savage. Whites would never do that or hsve that killer instinct mentality. And that white was an ex con and he was still soft. Polaks are different trust me.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
24 May 2013 /  #41

Please stop talking shite. If you want to post fiction you can do it elsewhere.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
24 May 2013 /  #42
This past Sunday I viewed "The Iceman", a movie about a Polish American 'hit man' for the mob. It was well directed but I'm sure that Hollywood embellished it - as they do all so-called movies based on real life.
ezy4  - | 1  
11 Sep 2014 /  #43
Who knows who is running cam girl scam studios out of warsaw poland? I have read it is russian mob who get the girls on a promise of a job and then tell them they must work as a cam girl to pay them and not break their contract. There are two girls who claim to be in new york doing this but are in warsaw poland. It is said it is done to launder money as the cam site gets one half the girls earinings and the russian bosses get 4th. and the girl gets the rest. I have seen the girls almost crying while on cam and look like they do not want to be there. Also these girls are college students and some are chemists. Does anyone think the college girls are being recruited to make drugs for the mob.
jon357  72 | 22979  
11 Sep 2014 /  #44
I have seen the girls almost crying while on cam and look like they do not want to be there

Do you look at those webcams often?

Does anyone think the college girls are being recruited to make drugs for the mob.

Sounds a complicated way to do it.
12 Sep 2014 /  #45
Is the polish economy so bad that college girls who speak three languages have to work for mob owned cam girl studios to make money. They claim they are in usa but are in warsaw poland and flash for tips and do private shows for tips. They look like they have no choice to so this and have signed contract with agency for employment and were promised jobs they end up cam girl or escort or both. I wonder what is best job educated college girl can get in poland . Mob is doing money laundering with tip money and girls get very little. How can goverment and police not know this is going on and not stop it. It has been going on for several years and is wrote about on other blogs. Do any polish people in warsaw know of this activity. They work out of hotel probably Hilton or high class ones in warsaw.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Sep 2014 /  #46
It has been going on for several years and is wrote about on other blogs.

which blogs?

Is the polish economy so bad that college girls who speak three languages have to work for mob owned cam girl studios to make money.

The reason could be desire to earn bigger money.
jon357  72 | 22979  
12 Sep 2014 /  #47
Is the polish economy so bad that college girls who speak three languages have to work for mob owned cam girl studios to make money.

Englishman  2 | 276  
13 Sep 2014 /  #48
People are quick to condemn organised crime. But in fact it is far preferable to the disorganised variety...
Pan Polo  
13 Sep 2014 /  #49
Hi Englishman. Tell me, is there English Organized Crime? There's no need for it in England, is there? :) It seems the favorite pastime of the English today is badmouthing the Poles and terrifying other nations, particularly the Germans, with horror stories of how horrible we are. (Will the Germans be fooled this time by this old habitual sowing of hostility on the Continent?). Oh, and also this westernism ( a racial theory): Poles (necessarily combined with Turks) are inherently "eastern", but the English are inherently "western." :)
Avalon  4 | 1063  
13 Sep 2014 /  #50
Tell me, is there English Organized Crime?

Yes, they are called HMRC
Englishman  2 | 276  
15 Sep 2014 /  #51
We have plenty of organised crime in the UK. It's one of the things we excel at :-).

In most cities there are gangs, which are built up around the distribution and sale of drugs. Plus we have ones for people smuggling, prostitution and child abuse. Some of these are run by immigrants (Jamaicans, Tamils, Albanians and Pakistanis). But Poles are not a big part of it, they are mostly law-abiding.
15 Sep 2014 /  #52
To Englishman. Thanks for a civilized answer to my nasty comment. In my absentmindedness, I thought you were the author of this idiotic thread. Forgive me. If you don't I'll take it. For example, you can kick me on the behind, I won't complain. ;)

If you don't keep to the same username all your posts will be removed. A moderator asked you to play fair yesterday, and I had to remove a trolling post of yours this morning under another username. Final warning, keep to the one username.
25 Feb 2016 /  #53
The Polish mafia is all around the U.S. but low key. The less they are seen the more they can do. The more they can do the more they can make. Nobody cares about something they don't believe exist. It is those you don't know of that are the most you should fear
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
26 Feb 2016 /  #54
Organized crime in Poland?

You mean there's snow in Antarctica?? Coulda knocked me over with a feather!

I think the thread title's just another term for "business as usual in Eastern Europe:-)
Ktos  15 | 432  
26 Feb 2016 /  #55
And good geszeft in Eastern Europe is what "we" do best isn't it Lyzko?
Pol attorney  2 | 106  
26 Feb 2016 /  #56
If you want to see Polish "organized crime" in action , just take a look at the activities of the former PO-PSl crime syndicate known to some as "Polish government" since 2007-2015.

Sad, but true.
Ktos  15 | 432  
26 Feb 2016 /  #57
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
26 Feb 2016 /  #58
You call it "Geschaeft", ktoshie, I prefer "Gehudel u. Geschmudel", so long as we're stickin' with German:-)
Anyhow, the title of this thread sorta cries out for sarcasm.

I mean, how else would you explain why certain folks get cumfy sinecures for which they scarcely qualify, while others with degrees from Harvard have to hold doors at Macy's, calling themselves glorified "GREETERS" for the one-time "butler material" (now hedge-fund kingpins)?? Luckily, I bought into the sinecure racket myself years ago, but that was sheer luck rather than pluck. Qualifications ONLY????! Come on, don't hand me a line!

A Polish colleague of mine fancies himself an "English teacher" when the dude speaks the language as though he were right off the boat. A native English teacher colleague in our deparment was just let go...again, with an Ivy League degree.

Kinda smells, don't it! ('Scuse the bad grammaLOL)

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland's Organized CrimeArchived