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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

Joker  2 | 2212  
6 Jul 2017 /  #241
It's common with people of low intellect to spend their days watching Fox News and the like rather than actually educating themselves.

I hardly have the time running a business. What do you do all day????????

Wait! We already know, you're on here 24/7/365 you have some serious mental issues dude!

The funniest thing was watching your kind lose the plot when Macron destroyed Le Pen in the election

I was there to bust your libby balls and youre so dumb you still don't get it! LOL

I couldn't care less about France`s elections!!

Why don't you stop posting on here as you hate Europe so much?

Why don't YOU stop posting since you Hate the Polish so much?

Especially, after you insulted the whole nation!


"Obviously the Polish proclivity for spending time in toilets as cleaners in the UK meant that the idea of sleeping in toilets was a natural progression for them."

I can't understand how you escaped from being banned after saying this?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
6 Jul 2017 /  #242
We owe them nothing

Retard commie talk there boy, good job you don't / cannot speak for Poland as you are not Polish, , so when you say we who are you taling about?
mafketis  38 | 10917  
6 Jul 2017 /  #243
the Franco-German axis

Not a good word to use in reference to any German political alliance.

Americans are so retarded

Why thank you kindly, sir. Are you that determined to alienate one of the _very_ few people on this board that doesn't wish you ill?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
6 Jul 2017 /  #244
doesn't wish you ill?

None of us wish him ill he is ill, I don't get it he lives in a free Poland and posts shite as below .

"Obviously the Polish proclivity for spending time in toilets as cleaners in the UK meant that the idea of sleeping in toilets was a natural progression for them."

Then he calls our allies in America retards, Poles fought in the war of US independance for ..cks sake.
mafketis  38 | 10917  
6 Jul 2017 /  #245
Then he calls our allies in America retards

He supports a German axis and insults a large number of posters here. No way to win friends an influence people.
Lyzko  41 | 9564  
6 Jul 2017 /  #246
Trump's political missteps will surely cost him come the midterm election, considering he hasn't already been impeached for fraud, malfeasance etc.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
6 Jul 2017 /  #247
He supports a German axis

The Nazis claimed that we Poles were retarded they gave us a name "untermensch" as an excuse to exterminate us , Delph is now using the same language of hate against the American people, the guy needs serious medical help.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7620  
6 Jul 2017 /  #248
Trump's political missteps will surely cost him come the midterm election,

Just like you said he didn't have a prayer in hell to win the presidency. lol
Lose some weight Lyzko and support your Commander & Chief or move to Canada like you promised you would do if Trump became President.
You and TheOther can get the hell out if you are so unhappy but please just stfu you Commie Cry Baby Bastards.
mafketis  38 | 10917  
6 Jul 2017 /  #249
Trump's political missteps will surely cost him come the midterm election

Like all the races democrats have been losing? I'm not a Trump fan but he's not going to be impeached and his supporters are not swayed by anything that media that you like reports.

The democrats need to start running for something (that supports the interests of voters) instead of against Trump, that's a losing proposition.
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #250
The Nazis claimed that we Poles were retarded they gave us a name "untermensch"

Yes. They were evil. Nobody is either untermensch or herrenvolk, not the most basic African nor the most advanced Jap or European. People are people. Donald Trump's visit to Poland justifies nothing. Poland is not nor will ever be anyone's patsy. Not the Russians, not the Yanks, not anybody's.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
6 Jul 2017 /  #251
not the Yanks, not anybody's.

But there is no need to label a whole nation as retards is there jon, in the same way you cannot label all muslims as terrorists would you not agree?.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7620  
6 Jul 2017 /  #252
Retard commie talk there boy,

Oh he is a full fledged Commie, no doubt about that.

I don't get it he lives in a free Poland and posts shite as below .

This one here was the one that really showed his true colors towards Poland dol.

"Anyway, we'll keep on abusing Poland for all it's worth. It's very nice getting rich off the back of Poles slave wages."

Maybe some one should advise Poland's authorities about the Commie and suggest that he is deported permanently from Poland.
That would be the right thing to do.
I am sure he would enjoy a more diverse country to spew his hate.
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #253
But there is no need to label a whole nation as retards is there jon,

What sort of person would do that! Though I've heard people in Poland talk like that...
Tacitus  2 | 1247  
6 Jul 2017 /  #254
I wonder if it is truly wise of Poland to place so much faith into Trump. I mean regardless of what you think of him personally, there can be no doubt that the USA will focus less and less on Europe and instead continue its' pivot to the Pacific. North Korea and China are the countries Trump seems to be most concerned with, and China's ascension will no doubt only make American concern more urgent over the years. The USA might stick to its' commitment to defend a fellow Nato ally, but in the many other European issues that concern Poland, Warsaw will need powerful European allies. As of right now, the UK has sidelined itself through Brexit and will remain marginalized in European affairs (as evidenced e.g. by how they were not part of the negotiations about the Ukraine). France and Germany will remain the key players in the EU and Europe, and even Central European countries like the Czech Republic have agreed to closer cooperation, e.g. by integrating part of its' military into German command structure. Alligning itself closely with an (increasingly) desinterested USA while having an openly hostile relationship with Russia and a worsening relationship with the Western European countries would end up badly for Warsaw in the long run, especially if it wants to influence how the EU will develop in the next decade.
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #255
I wonder if it is truly wise of Poland to place so much faith into Trump

I don't think people do. Some will come and wave at any foreign leader, however he isn't really taken seriously there, nor is he liked.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7620  
6 Jul 2017 /  #256
Poland is not nor will ever be anyone's patsy.

Where did that come from !
How many times have you seen me post "Keep Poland Polish !"
Did Trump say that Poland was America's patsy or is it you saying that trying to plant that hateful seed as being the truth.

Donald Trump's visit to Poland justifies nothing.

Was it suppose to justify something besides America's love and allegiance to Poland ?
Why so negative and bitter jon, why so sour and hateful ?

nor is he liked.

Not in Germany anyways, the riot was on the news here tonight.
I have never seen so much hate.
They said that these protesters were bused in to cause chaos.
Crow  154 | 9261  
6 Jul 2017 /  #257
Alligning itself closely with an (increasingly) desinterested USA while having an openly hostile relationship with Russia and a worsening relationship with the Western European countries would end up badly for Warsaw

Aligning with USA?

Well, giving that much space to Croatian leadership, proven German satellites, Poland actually demonstrate its belonging to German sphere of influence. Symbolism is obvious. Its hardly aligning with USA. Its slap in the Trump`s face. Poles should be aware where official Poland leads Poland and Poles. This `Three Seas Initiative` is hoax. It won`t deliver Intermarium to Poles but it would deliver Poles in the hands of New Reich.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #258
The democrats need to start running for something (that supports the interests of voters) instead of against Trump, that's a losing proposition.

I think there's a valuable point here - Trump (and others) have been promising something that is a fairytale, but it's a fairytale that people are willing to rabidly believe in. Is there a way to beat that? I'm really not sure, though I suppose the example from the UK shows that a candidate with support from the youth (like Sanders had) is capable of winning.

I'd say at this moment in time, the Democrats need to accept that they won't win on a negative campaign. Macron succeeded partially because his campaign was so positive, and it was the same with the Labour campaign in the UK.

(BTW - I should have said "some" Americans, I know plenty of decent Americans in Europe who aren't fooled in the slightest by the rhetoric)
Tacitus  2 | 1247  
6 Jul 2017 /  #259

1. What has Croatia to do with Trumps' visit to Poland?
2. The Polish government has done everything to appease Trump, including bringing people from all over the country to greet him. That was hardly a slap into Trumps face.

3. Obviously the Three Seas Initiative doesn't offer much to Poland, realistically speaking. All the countries involved are economically dependent on either Russia or Germany (or both). When pushed, they might have to choose between either Moscow or Berlin, but none of them will antagonize both and side with Warsaw.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #260
1. What has Croatia to do with Trumps' visit to Poland?

A lot, actually. It was made clear by the Americans that they wouldn't visit Warsaw unless President Grabar-Kitarovic was there to take a central role.

Croatia is very much Germany's close friend in Europe and the Americans were heavily, heavily involved with the arming and training of the Croatian Army in 1993-4. One reason why Operation Storm was such a huge success was because the whole thing was effectively planned by the Americans.

Crow is right when he says that Croatians can't be trusted in terms of Poland's objective here. They're not going to abandon Germany.

When pushed, they might have to choose between either Moscow or Berlin, but none of them will antagonize both and side with Warsaw.

Exactly. Romania might, but that's about it. The rest already chose their beds.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
6 Jul 2017 /  #261
A great visit. Exceeded all the exceptions. USA support for three seas area is a very good thing that bode well for the Pax Americana and Poland. Need diligence and hard work and good cooperation, a good team, hopefully Trump gonna be in the white house a second term. There many powerful unhappy campers out there who are not at all happy with the way it all going.

Only 23% of Poles support Trump

What do you mean? Poles do not vote in American elections, well not that many. That sentence doesn't make any sense, is that some kind of Queensland's quirk slang?

Fake crowds j

Fake news like the good ole soviet days. If that smooth your nerves and let you sleep at night believe in what you want.
Small wonder you commies have so no faith in democracy.
Tacitus  2 | 1247  
6 Jul 2017 /  #262
Exactly. Romania might, but that's about it. The rest already chose their beds.

Exactly. Romania might, but that's about it. The rest already chose their beds.

Even Romania recently announced that it would participate in the project of closer military cooperation with Germany. Its' economic dependence on Western European investment is also far too great for that. Poland simply has not the ressources to make it even remotely interesting for any of those countries to have a bad relationship with either Western Europe or Russia.

A lot, actually. It was made clear by the Americans that they wouldn't visit Warsaw unless President Grabar-Kitarovic was there to take a central role.

Good to know, that has hardly been reported here. You'll have to hand it to Croatia, they know how to conduct effective diplomacy. They have such a good standing in the EU that this will hardly be held against them, even by those who dislike Trump.
Crow  154 | 9261  
6 Jul 2017 /  #263
1. What has Croatia to do with Trumps' visit to Poland?

Croatia is in the forefront. Their president Kolinda stole the show from Duda. Croatia stole it from Poland. And you know how was Croatia created, who created it and what values rule in Croatian society? Let me tell you- by Germany, Germany and German.

The Polish government has done everything to appease Trump, including bringing people from all over the country to greet him.

Seams that Polish leadership brought people to be present during the announce that Poland follow Croatia in.... hands of Germany. In these diplomatic things symbolism is everything. Be sure that Trump got message. Duda is pro-German and he just strengthened German arguments. Sorry people to braking illusions of some of you.

Obviously the Three Seas Initiative doesn't offer much to Poland, realistically speaking.

I know one thing. Since this day Serbia would recognize official Poland as German satellite but, we remain loyal to our Polish sisters and brothers who are betrayed by their own leadership.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #264
Fake news like the good ole soviet days. If that smooth your nerves and let you sleep at night believe in what you want.

Good old Ironside, willing to pretend that the tiny crowd wasn't bussed in from all over Poland.

USA support for three seas area is a very good thing that bode well for the Pax Americana and Poland.

It will come to nothing. It was just the name for a meeting hastily made up to cater for the real reason for the visit: American discussions with Croatia.
Crow  154 | 9261  
6 Jul 2017 /  #265
by the Americans

One correction. By US Clinton clan. One of reason that Trump emerged from anonymity, getting support from certain financial circles from within USA and outside. In short, Trump is here to correct what Clinton`s ruined.

Exactly. Romania might, but that's about it. The rest already chose their beds.

No. Romanians strictly follow France. By default.

Only Serbians could be suicidal enough to follow Poland. But now, with this Polish leadership, I don`t know. I think Serbia should activate her connections within Poland and seriously start supporting liberation of Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #266
Only Serbians could be suicidal enough to follow Poland.

Do you think Serbs have forgiven Poles for fighting for Croatia in the Croatian War?
Crow  154 | 9261  
6 Jul 2017 /  #267
Nothing to forgive there. There were Polish volunteers on both sides. Those who were with Serbians have their reasons and those who were against also have their reasons. Some just chosen money. We all have our heroes and our traitors. But, we Serbians knows that ultra right Catholic patriots (not only them of course) in Poland support Serbia and we know that they support us over Sarmatian connection. Its above any Christian antagonism. Its ultimate mutual loyalty.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
6 Jul 2017 /  #268
I wonder if it is truly wise of Poland to place so much faith into Trump.

If not the USA then who? Germany proved to be a every fickle partner and their interests as they see it doesn't align with the national interest of Poland.

Ultimately Poland need to see to her own defence but that takes time my friend.
Tacitus  2 | 1247  
6 Jul 2017 /  #269
Germany proved to be a every fickle partner and their interests as they see it doesn't align with the national interest of Poland.

If anything, it was Warsaw that needlessly antagonized Berlin since PiS got elected while Merkel showed great patience with them. That being said, I don't see why Germany and Poland should not be able work together closely. Both want to keep Russia out of the European Union, both have taken an interest in protecting the Baltic states, and both want the current pro-European government in Kiev succeeds. Both countries are important trading partners for each other and there is potential for closer economic cooperation.

Ultimately Poland need to see to her own defence but that takes time my friend.

I think this is more than just purely military matters. Poland's army is strong enough to make any conventional invasion not worth the cost. But if it wants to shape Europeans destiny, it must do so in accordance with other countries and major allies.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
6 Jul 2017 /  #270
wasn't bussed

Do you claim to know means of transport of the all of 50 000 -80 000 people who were there? I don't. I'm only pointing out an obvious truth that those people wanted to be there and that warm welcome by the polish nation wasn't stages or fake. You commies are masters of fake.

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