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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #211
Soon Three Seas Iniciative, a modified version of Piłsudski's vision under the leadership of Poland (and Croatia maybe) will become a real power.

And then Poland woke up.

For a start, let's look at the countries involved.

Estonia - under Swedish/Finnish influence and has a sizeable Russian minority that votes for the Center Party, which is currently the party of the PM there.

Latvia - also a sizable Russian minority that has a strong influence on domestic politics.
Lithuania - not going to trust Poland in the slightest
Czech Republic - firmly attached to Germany. Didn't bother coming to Warsaw.
Slovakia - playing a game between East and West, not interested in a strong Poland
Hungary - very much in Russia's camp, just signed a new deal for a gas pipeline to connect to Russia
Croatia - very much under the control of Germany
Austria - sits in the middle, no interest in supporting Polish interests over Russia or Germany
Bulgaria - very much in the Russian sphere of influence
Slovenia - not interested in Polish affairs, belongs firmly in Western Europe

That leaves Romania.

I hardly doubt a Polish-Romanian partnership is going to change much. Croatia is very much representing American interests here, which means that Poland as per usual has fallen for the games of one of the Great Powers.

Drop your stupid pretensions of Poland being some sort of power.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7618  
6 Jul 2017 /  #212
Drop your stupid pretensions of Poland being some sort of power.

Why because of your opinion ?
It is obvious that you hate both Poland and the United States of America.
That is a given.
Now with your pretensions that Russia will have some kind of influence over these countries think again.
And if/when Germany crumbles who do think would be a good choice for them to go with ?
Poland and the U.S.A. or sanctioned Russia ?
Germany and China (Ghost Cities of China.....google that) or Poland and the U.S.A. ?
See how easily you could be totally wrong delph.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #213
Now with your pretensions that Russia will have some kind of influence over these countries think again.

Obviously your knowledge of European geopolitics is...lacking.


Hungary just stabbed Poland right in the stomach with this move.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2017 /  #214
Austria Hungary czechy Slovakia are all taking a very similar approach to migrants as poland. This is seen as defiance to eu and their relocation plan. As far as where a country gets its gas, well Russia is cheapest and oftentimes countries have to look for the lowest dollar deal than pay way more for hopes of more political and military help. That's why poland may start to buy more us gas.

Furthermore of course allies have disagreements. Nonetheless poland remains united with the visegard 4 allies...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #215
Nonetheless poland remains united with the visegard 4 allies...

The V4 are not particularly united on much, the Czechs and Slovaks already made it clear that they want nothing to do with the Polish-Hungarian plan to pull away from the EU, and the single issue (migrants) isn't enough to push serious long term cooperation.

The Czechs in particular made it very clear that they were not interested in fighting with Germany, while the Slovaks know fine well that their economy depends heavily on German/Austrian investments.

As far as where a country gets its gas, well Russia is cheapest and oftentimes countries have to look for the lowest dollar deal than pay way more for hopes of more political and military help.

That's the exact issue with Hungary. They've now signed gas and nuclear deals with Russia, meaning that any cooperation with Hungary needs to be viewed in terms of their Russian energy masters. Hungary isn't going to threaten their energy supplies by signing unfavourable-for-Russia deals with Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #217
No worries. It's actually quite interesting to look at how difficult it is for Poland to put together partnerships in this part of the world.

For instance, look at the road between Poznan-Wrocław-Brno-Bratislava-Budapest. The most direct road is pretty poor, with a lengthy section in Poland and the Czech Republic of dangerous single-lane road. Neither Poland or the Czech Republic has any plan to improve this, so transport connections are going to remain terrible for at least another 15-20 years.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
6 Jul 2017 /  #218
There was only one reason for Trump to come to Poland.

Very true. The reason was to try to drive a wedge between Poland and the rest of the EU. America first - don't you ever forget.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #219
Exactly. The US is getting scared of the Franco-German axis, as they will undoubtedly push towards more and more unity, meaning less of a market for American products and especially American military hardware.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
6 Jul 2017 /  #220
Polish-Hungarian plan to pull away from the EU,

Plan to do what? ROFL.

Drop your stupid pretensions of your opinion meaning anything.

TheOther  6 | 3596  
6 Jul 2017 /  #221
The US is getting scared of the Franco-German axis

The EU is preparing a free trade deal with the Japanese. Let's see how that one will work for Trump. I'm sure his minions will wake up one day and realize that the jobs that could've gone to America are ending up in the European Union, Japan and China. Well, at least they'll have their opiates...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #222
Let's see how that one will work for Trump.

Yes, just as Trump slammed the door shut, the EU is opening the door to replace them.
Crow  154 | 9261  
6 Jul 2017 /  #223
China will soon be a driving factor in the E.U.


When that happens Poland will come out smelling like roses

If wise enough to avoid all traps on the road to stars. And this is serious game.

Soon Three Seas Iniciative, a modified version of Piłsudski's vision under the leadership of Poland (and Croatia maybe) will become a real power.

Very interesting. Just don`t forget that Croatia represent open question. Its not over yet. No matter all EU effort and propaganda, today`s Croatia is Greater Croatia, Nazi society by many signs, that within itself forcible include a lot of ethnic Serbs and significant portion of Serbian ethnic territories. I repeat, its not over yet. Building Poland`s future on it would be mistake. This won`t secure Poland`s access to warm seas but set Poland in trap to become part of German sphere of influence (same as Croatia). No Intermarium from it. Pilsudski din`t talk of it. He spoke of Yugoslavia (ie Serbians) because Pilsudski there followed ideas of Polish prince Adam Czartorisky.

Anyway, to give you picture what official Poland doing. It would be same as if Silesia separate from Poland and then Serbians start to have close ties with Silesia and aggravate ties with Poland. No, that actually isn`t best example because Silesians somewhat differ from Poland, while forcible held in Croatia, Catholic and Orthodox Serbs don`t differ from rest of Serbs. To say, Orthodox and Catholic Serbs are in one and same people as Catholic and Orthodox Poles.

One day (separatist movements already exist), region by region of today`s Greater Croatia would separate and reunite with Serbia. Same is with Montenegro, where official Poland also have ties, ignoring stance of Serbia. Not to mention Poland`s Kosovo recognition, after NATO invasion and separation of Kosovo from Serbia. What I want to tell you, what would official Poland one day when Serbians reunite? Correct its policy? What should Serbians?

Don`t underestimate Serbians. We aren`t written off. We are in crisis but, we would be alright. We shall win.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #224
Building Poland`s future on it would be mistake.


Croatia is way too much in the German sphere of influence to ever be independent of Germany. You know as well as I know that Germany was playing a very dangerous game in Croatia in 1991, not least by pushing the EEC to recognise Croatian independence while the situation was tense.


This must have been dreadful for ethnic Serbs in Croatia to see.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7618  
6 Jul 2017 /  #225
Well, at least they'll have their opiates...@ TheOther

Why don't you go back where you came from if you hate America so much...........please.
All you do is b!tch like a woman about your host country.

Yes, just as Trump slammed the door shut,

He'll get the trade deficit balanced to make America Great Again.
Watch and see if he doesn't give Japan some nukes to defend themselves and then we'll see who's buddy they are.

Hey are you watching the protesters in Germany at the G-20.
I was shocked.
All White people !
Where is the diversity ? LOL
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #226
He'll get the trade deficit balanced to make America Great Again.

I doubt it. All he's doing is ensuring that American companies stay at a disadvantage.

Watch and see if he doesn't give Japan some nukes to defend themselves and then we'll see who's buddy they are.

Japan wouldn't take them.
Crow  154 | 9261  
6 Jul 2017 /  #227

No good outcome for Poland from Poland`s treachery of Racowie. Its even abominable to think of it.

If Poland continue to stab Serbians in the back, even Visegrad group would crumble. Mark my words. Non shall take Poland seriously for long period. Sure, false friends would give applause, smiling covertly while looking how Poland making historical strategic, moral and even emotional mistake.

Croatia is way too much in the German sphere of influence

Germany created it. Germany orchestrated genocide on Serbs during WWII. Germany is behind pogrom of more then 300.000 ethnically cleansed Serbs during this last Civil War. Germany was behind recognition of Croatia in borders drawn by communists, cutting political dialogue about peaceful dissolution of Yugoslavia.

Croatia .................. ever be independent of Germany.

Ethnic tensions already erupt among Catholics of today`s Croatia. Catholic Croats pressuring equally Orthodox and Catholic Serbs.

Just google on event in case with recent Istrian separatist movement where Catholics of Istria openly announce that they aren`t Croats.

As I said, one by one regions of today`s Greater Croatia would separate and reunite with Serbia. For those regions, it would automatically mean their exit from German zone of influence and return to Serbdom and Slavdom. Now, those who knows history, knows that Serbian lands were always loyal to Poland, primarily choosing to join in Poland`s zone of influence since demise of our medieval empire. What official Poland doing in last 20 years is shooting at its most loyal strategic partner.
Joker  2 | 2212  
6 Jul 2017 /  #228
I doubt it.

I doubt you will get very much sleep tonight, fuming over Trumps great success today!

And its only going to get better and better!

Where is the diversity ? LOL

I love liberals, so hypocritical!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7618  
6 Jul 2017 /  #229
Well thank God that the Crooked Hillary/obama tag team didn't get elected.
Should I remind you that it was obama that took the missal shields away from Poland to defend themselves and now we have President Trump giving them back to Poland to defend themselves.

Is it any wonder that Poland loves Trump.

the US Chief Executive gave a rousing speech to Poles gathered in Krasiński Square

Yes he did and the Polish people connected with Trump on core Christian values, family first, conservatism, immigration, climate control and so many other things they have in common.

It was a well planned speech that showed much respect for the Polish people.
The speech wasn't written for some jealous Left ex-pat transplants that think they are Polish.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #230
I doubt you will get very much sleep tonight, fuming over Trumps great success today!

I'm sure I'll sleep fine, given that one speech does not make a President.

Germany orchestrated genocide on Serbs during WWII.

Yep. The brutality of the fascist forces in WW2 is unbelievable. What Branko Jungić suffered for refusing to change his religion still haunts me today.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7618  
6 Jul 2017 /  #231
one speech does not make a President.

Yeah but it sure greased the wheels with an allie didn't it.
Joker  2 | 2212  
6 Jul 2017 /  #232
I'm sure I'll sleep fine, given that one speech does not make a President.

Certainly so, but he's steamrolling over all your liberal agendas. Kicking A$$ and taking names!! LOL

Is it any wonder that Poland loves Trump.

America loves Poland!

Its too bad about these expats that are giving Poland a bad name!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #233
Yeah but it sure greased the wheels with an allie didn't it.

It's just a standard American President abroad speech, nothing more.

"blah blah is our great ally, blah blah free world blah blah brave locals blah blah references to history blah blah commitment to defence blah blah great country blah blah challenge blah blah america will help you blah blah nothing new whatsoever."


Look at Obama's speech in Germany. It's almost identical.
Crow  154 | 9261  
6 Jul 2017 /  #234
It is fascinating to me how events play nasty game with Poland. For Poland, Trump was good change. But, Poland never gave up from deeds and direction of EU (ie western Europe) led by USA Clinton clan. Poland publicly oppose to EU over migrants and thinks that`s it. That`s all? Man, when broom come to cleanse all what must be cleansed after Clinton`s and Co. fall, Polish ruling establishment would be cleansed, too. How they don`t see that one coming is behind me. Strange.
Joker  2 | 2212  
6 Jul 2017 /  #235
"blah blah is our great ally, blah blah free world blah blah brave locals blah blah blah great country blah blah challenge blah blah america will help you blah blah nothing new whatsoever."

Angry, aren't you DD?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #236
Nope. Amused that Americans are so retarded that they think that Europeans actually believe a word they say.
Joker  2 | 2212  
6 Jul 2017 /  #237
retarded that they think that Europeans actually believe a word they say.

I dont believe a word that comes out of your pie hole, thats for sure!

I sure am having fun watching you libturds meltdown on a daily basis:)

Why don't you move back to Scotland since you hate the Polish so much?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #238
I dont believe a word that comes out of your pie hole, thats for sure!

Don't worry, we know that you have problems comprehending anything other than what politicians and the media tells you. It's common with people of low intellect to spend their days watching Fox News and the like rather than actually educating themselves.

I sure am having fun watching you libturds meltdown on a daily basis:)

The funniest thing was watching your kind lose the plot when Macron destroyed Le Pen in the election. With Merkel on her way to winning for a 4th time and the decisive failure of right wing politics in the UK among others, the Trump era is over as quickly as it began.

Why don't you move back to Scotland since you hate the Polish so much?

Why don't you stop posting on here as you hate Europe so much?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
6 Jul 2017 /  #239
Americans are so retarded .

You disgust me, you and I both owe our freedom to the US, go pay a visit to the cementary at Omaha beach, on second thoughts dont go you would only polute the place with your slime trail.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #240
We owe them nothing. They've left nothing but misery behind in many countries.

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