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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

Joker  2 | 2211  
6 Jul 2017 /  #181
Thats funny! It would be hilarious if they really did it...lol
nothanks  - | 626  
6 Jul 2017 /  #182
will skirt around the question of visa free travel (just as the 3 previous presidents have).

This would be very bad for Poland. Possibly over night tens of thousands of Poles would migrate to the USA

What is there to discuss? USA gathers data and it illustrates a significant portion of Polish travelers disappeared. Do you feel America is doing this out of spite?
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #183
there are only so many pensioners that fancy a six hour round tri

Bussing people in like a Potemkin village.

a few posters hastily put up around Rondo ONZ

So like the PRL days.
nothanks  - | 626  
6 Jul 2017 /  #184




The new center of Europe. Glory days are returning!
mafketis  38 | 10916  
6 Jul 2017 /  #185
Possibly over night tens of thousands of Poles would migrate to the USA

Probably not, the UK and Ireland have already sucked most of those people up. The ones going to the US would mostly be those with family connections.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Jul 2017 /  #186
just arrived at the farm to do some urgent repairs to the chicken coop.

You'd better refill your profile with the name of the country you are from, cms, before you start ranting about Trump's visit to Poland and about what you are going to do on your petty farm during this time.

Generally, I have the feeling that all those people from Western Europe envy Poland for being the first country in Europe where Donald decided to arrive in. If it were Britain or Germany, they would just say: it's OK, we don't like him, but he's the president of the US so we must receive him. And then they would ask their spouse: Pass the sugar, will you? But because Trump's port of entry is Warsaw in Poland, all those people just can't stand it, make a lot of fuss about it and and choose to spit Poland in the face for that. What a deep inferiority complex those people must have!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Jul 2017 /  #187
A new hit in Poland - Andrzej Rosiewicz sings for Donald Trump

73-year old Andrzej Rosiewicz, once a very popular singer and comedian in Poland ("Najwięcej witaminy mają polskie dziewczyny") now sings for Donald Trump in TVP Breakfast Television..


"Trumping and jumping today is trendy. Trumping and jumping. I'm Trendy Andy. Sing and jump, sing and jump! Sing all together for Donald Trump"

And wrong are those who keep saying that Donald Trump is not welcome here in Poland!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Jul 2017 /  #188
Flashback to the 1970s. The Polish Communist Party First Secretary Edward Gierek meets US President Richard Nixon (R.Nixon holding Trybuna Ludu, the official newspaper of the PZPR (Communist Party) in his hands.
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #189
people from Western Europe envy Poland for being the first country in Europe where Donald decided to arrive in.

I suspect most of Europe is actually quite relieved that Poland are having to put up with him. There's real concern in the UK that he may try to visit.
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #190
Anyway, he's come for the G20, which happens to be hosted in PL. He'd have gone to it wherever it was held.

I doubt he knows the difference between Warsaw and Yamoussoukrou.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7616  
6 Jul 2017 /  #191
The news coverage of President Trump in Poland is just starting to come on my t.v.
What a warm welcome he received from the thousands that showed up to greet him.
Thank you Poland for the warm gracious welcome you gave him.
I am convinced that Poland is the only country in the E.U. that has any class.
America loves you Poland.
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #192
that showed up

That had to be bussed in.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Jul 2017 /  #193
he's come for the G20, which happens to be hosted in PL

I wonder what your sources are, but G20 doesn't happen to be hosted in Poland.

What a warm welcome he received from the thousands that showed up to greet him

Was jon357 among them?

America loves you Poland

Poland loves America!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7616  
6 Jul 2017 /  #194
You mean some of those people gave up their day to ride on a hot bus to great Trump !
Bless their hearts to show such support.
Then they had to ride that hot crowded bus back home too. WoW !
The Polish are a true allie and fck the jealous liberal communist ex pats like you jon that degrade conservative Poland's intentions.
I will be watching the coverage on FOX news all day today.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7616  
6 Jul 2017 /  #195
I meant "greet" not great.
America is getting detailed coverage on Trumps Poland visit this morning.
Nothing mentioned at all about any of the rest of the E.U. or Britain or the G-20.
Joker  2 | 2211  
6 Jul 2017 /  #196
America loves you Poland.

Poland loves America!

Yes, Indeed! Dziekuje Bardzo Poland:)

The Polish are a true allie and fck the jealous liberal communist ex pats like you jon that degrade conservative Poland's intentions.

I expected this diatribe from him and his cohorts

Bussing people in like a Potemkin village.

That had to be bussed in.

Bla Bla bla...thats all you got?? LoL
OP johnny reb  46 | 7616  
6 Jul 2017 /  #197
It's all Polands day today and jon and his cohorts can't stand to see the attention that Poland and Trump got today.
Kinda hard for them to twist Duda & Trumps words when spoken in public to a cheering crowd.
President Trump, delivering a stark message to a cheering Polish crowd, cast the West's battle against "radical Islamic terrorism" as a way to protect "our civilization and our way of life."

President Trump has now left Poland heading to the G-20 to lock horns with Putin.
President Trump described Poland as an exemplary allie in building defenses to counter Russian "destabilizing behavior", while appearing to encourage Polish defiance towards the European Union.

Trump urged western NATO allies in Europe to spend more on defense, drawing a comparison with Poland which meets the agreed target of two percent of annual economic output.

Trump said the United States and Poland shared similar values.
"We've discussed our mutual commitment to safeguarding the values at the heart of our alliance: freedom, sovereignty and the rule of law," he said in a joint press conference after meeting Polish President Andrzej Duda. "We are working with Poland in response to Russia's actions and destabilizing behavior.

And we are grateful for the example Poland has set ... by being one of the few nations that actually meets its (NATO's) financial obligations."

Trump had nothing less then sheer praise for Poland.
jon357  72 | 22981  
6 Jul 2017 /  #198
An odd thing to say since it's our home. At least Trump's only in Warsaw and not spreading his hate elsewhere in Europe.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
6 Jul 2017 /  #199
Well, thus far, our leader's has better luck (interpreterwise, that is) compared with his distant predecessor, ol' Jimmy Earle from Peanut Country, Ga, who also expressed "The Polish people yearn for freedom..", coming out unfortunately in the embarrassing form of "We [The US] lust after the Polish people......"

That-time Party Boss Pan Gierek was NOT amused:-)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
6 Jul 2017 /  #200
Bless their hearts to show such support

Only 23% of Poles support Trump (hey, that's even less than in the US...). Fake crowds just like in the good old commie days. LOL!

Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Jul 2017 /  #201
Only 23% of Poles support Trump

hahaha, cry me a river with those fake news
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
6 Jul 2017 /  #202
The New York Times is NOT "fake news"!! If you agree, it must be real, if you disagree, it must of course be fake, is that it?

You've been brainwashed by Johnny (along with Fox 5)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
6 Jul 2017 /  #203
cry me a river with those fake news

Typical right winger response: La la la la la ... I can't hear you ... :)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Jul 2017 /  #204
La la la la la ... I can't hear you

haha don't forget to plug your ears, you might hear some truth that could trigger you haha

Beautiful speech by the president Donald Trump.

Joker  2 | 2211  
6 Jul 2017 /  #205
The New York Times is NOT "fake news"!! If you agree, it must be real, if you disagree, it must of course be fake, is that it?

The same NY Times that predicted a huge victory for Hillay Clinton!! LOL

Fake Polls, Fake News!

Liberal and biased just like CNN and CNBC
Joker  2 | 2211  
6 Jul 2017 /  #206
I doubt he knows the difference between Warsaw and Yamoussoukrou.

Your constant belittlement and insults just proves how much hate there is coming from the from the left.

Thanks for showing the world what you're made of, Jon!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7616  
6 Jul 2017 /  #207
The New York Times is NOT "fake news"!!

New York Times is a Jewish Liberal newspaper so what do you expect.
If you remember right during the primary's they were mocking, insulting, and saying that Trump had zero chance in winning the presidency.
That IS fake news now isn't it so that pops your self righteous balloon now doesn't it. lol

You've been brainwashed by Johnny

Sounds like you are the one trying to brainwash with your propaganda. lol
Once you get a grip that Crooked Hillary lost the election thing may get better for you.
Trump and his supporters such as myself will keep right on steamrolling you Snowflakes with the truth so you never come out of your safe rooms.

More Prozac for the Snowflakes please.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
6 Jul 2017 /  #208
There was only one reason for Trump to come to Poland. We needed a great ally to show other countries that Intermarium idea can be the answer for Europe. Soon Three Seas Iniciative, a modified version of Piłsudski's vision under the leadership of Poland (and Croatia maybe) will become a real power. Now we have a backup from one of the wealthiest countries in the World and hopefully we will make new connections with the wealthiest country in the World China soon.

Love the tears of leftist loonies haha.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7616  
6 Jul 2017 /  #209
I said a long time ago that Poland will eventually be the strongest and richest countries in the present E.U.
I agree totally with you as China is quietly taking advantage of the void Trump is leaving in the E.U.
China will soon be a driving factor in the E.U. as Merkel doesn't have much of a choice but to buddy up to them now that Trump has told her to take a hike.

The Three seas Incentive will eventually come out on top with the U.S. support once the E.U. crumbles.
When that happens Poland will come out smelling like roses for standing their ground and being strong and smart.
Keep Poland Polish !
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2017 /  #210
He mentioned God free speech questioning everything overcoming obstacles always remembering your identity and family values as well. I liked the speech he's been getting better at giving speeches.


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