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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

4 Jul 2017 /  #151
If Trump thinks his charm is going to work on Putin he is dead wrong.

Trump will whatever he is told by his master.
Joker  2 | 2211  
4 Jul 2017 /  #152
You should worry about your own problems in Londonstan. What a hell hole you have created over there!
Crow  154 | 9260  
4 Jul 2017 /  #153
Trump will whatever he is told by his master.

When we are at it, his master should be found among the synergy of interests of some financial circles of USA and Israel.
4 Jul 2017 /  #154
You should worry about your own problems in Londonstan. What a hell hole you have created over there!

WTF has that got to do with anything, even if it had any relation to the truth?
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
4 Jul 2017 /  #155
Plenty now that we know you are a Limey.
Or do you deny that too?

Trump should have an agenda to focus on Ukraine & Syria with Putin.
Regretfully if Trump puts his arm around Putin he will be chastised by the Democrats here back home, if he comes on tuff it will only worsen the situation.

It is really a no win no win for Trump.
This is why their meeting will be so interesting.
Just glad it's not Crooked Hillary dealing with him at the G-20 or she just might sell Putin the other half of our Uranium.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Jul 2017 /  #156
I wonder if he'll lie about any media personnel here bleeding from face lifts.

Notice how Americans are cheering the abuse and insulting of the daughter of one of the greatest Poles of the 20th century.
Sparks11  - | 333  
4 Jul 2017 /  #157
Only one problem with that and that is the Dems are not in charge, President Trump is.

clearly you dont understand how the american government works
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
4 Jul 2017 /  #158
Perhaps you would like to explain to us how it works. lol
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Jul 2017 /  #159
clearly you dont understand how the american government works

Perhaps he can come back in 4 years time and explain to us how Trump failed to achieve anything.

He can't even get a new healthcare system in place.
Sparks11  - | 333  
4 Jul 2017 /  #160
Perhaps you would like to explain to us how it works. lol

i'll let you Google that one😉
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
4 Jul 2017 /  #161
No no, You own it Pal.
You opened your trap.............

clearly you dont understand how the american government works

Oh, so you as a Pole do.
You are claiming that you do so please explain to us how you think it works.
Lets see how smart you are..................... or aren't.
Joker  2 | 2211  
4 Jul 2017 /  #162
He can't even get a new healthcare system in place.

It took Obama and the Dems 6 years to pass the ACA and it was all done deceptively.
We were lied to by our president, he was a complete failure as history is starting to prove!

Not that I feel obligated to explain or even talk about this with some 2 bit Scot expat, which btw isn't any of your concern, you don't live here!

We all see your hatred aimed towards Americans, with all your silly threads meant to antagonize and provoke people.
I would usually get upset, but you're a sad wee bit of a man and really not worth the effort!

clearly you dont understand how the american government works

Enlighten us with your great wisdom!! LOL
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Jul 2017 /  #163
he was a complete failure

Yes, such a failure that he left office with a 57% approval rating. What's Trump's again? Ah, less than 40%.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
4 Jul 2017 /  #164
Notice how these guys make condescending remarks about America but when we call them out on them they suddenly disappear or in Scotty's case changes the subject and goes off topic.

I never realized how jealous the Eurps are about our Great America until I came to this forum.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jul 2017 /  #165
Check out this article on trump I found it a good read and not really biased:

Sparks11  - | 333  
5 Jul 2017 /  #166
not polish. hows the got work? ill let you read for yourself since you Seem to think the pres. allocates funding for border walls.
5 Jul 2017 /  #167
I never realized how jealous the Eurps are about our Great America until I came to this forum.

Whats amazes the world is how remarkably stupid Americans are.
5 Jul 2017 /  #168
"You know what was really impressive to see last night? How Trump supporters are so onboard with their dude he can say anything and they'll come along for the ride."

NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
5 Jul 2017 /  #169
Whats amazes the world is how remarkably stupid Americans are.



Quotting the most leftist British website instantly discredits you. It's as fake as is claiming that Putin is ok and quotting Russia Today to support that.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 Jul 2017 /  #170
Whats amazes the world is how remarkably stupid Americans are.

Typical loudmouth punk Limey that does know his history.
Your old King George 3rd and your late General Cornwallis said the same thing. HA !
That's why when some punk Brit brat mouths off in such a manner we just ignore his stupidity.
Joker  2 | 2211  
5 Jul 2017 /  #171
Whats amazes the world is how remarkably stupid Americans are.

Coming from a leftist limey its more of a compliment than an insult!

Now, scurry off and go bow to your old retched Queen...lol

That's why when some punk Brit brat mouths off in such a manner we just ignore his stupidity.

Its total jealously, they know their county is lost to the Muslim take over.....Did you see this??


England as Bubba knows it is falling apart! His jealously towards America grows stronger each day bc he knows his country, as he knows it, is gone forever!

The stupid Brits are too liberal to even try to stop them. Instead they gave them a safe haven and hope the problem goes away. Fools!

Poland is the only country in Europe that isn't stupid!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 Jul 2017 /  #172
Front page news in the U.S. today:

WARSAW-Like many of his fellow Polish pro-government lawmakers, Dominik Tarczynski is sending a busload of constituents to Warsaw on Thursday to cheer for President Donald Trump. The buses are being provided by a foundation close to the governing party.

"It's going to be huge - absolutely huge," Mr. Tarczynski said of the coming welcome for Mr. Trump. "They just love him, the people in Poland - they just really love him."

Poland is working to put on a hero's welcome for Mr. Trump as he prepares to give a major speech to thousands of Poles in a Warsaw square. Behind that effort is a recognition across the continent that Mr. Trump has the potential to change the balance of power in Europe.

So now I am waiting for the ex-British pats living in Poland and the Polish youth to deny this and tell me that I don't live in Poland and this is all fake news. lol

The Progressive Liberals are having kittens that conservative Poland has a conservative super power backing them on their conservative issues.
Liberal obama bonded with Liberal Merkel and backed her liberal worldview, her acceptance of immigrants and her support for a deeply integrated European Union.
Now it is nationalist governments such as Poland's that hope Mr. Trump will see them as ideological kindred spirits and back their push to loosen the E.U. and rebalance it away from Berlin.

Just what we have been saying here for months to shatter the Progressive Liberals propaganda here. HOO RAH !

"There's this new success - Trump's visit," Jaroslaw Kaczynski, chairman of Poland's ruling Law and Justice party, said at a party congress over the weekend.

Tweaking European officials who are nervous that Mr. Trump's visit could deepen the divide on the continent, Mr. Kaczynski went on: "They're envious of it!"

Again, EXACTLY what we have been saying for months here that the Leftie Members here are envious and jealous that Poland doesn't march to Merkel.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
5 Jul 2017 /  #173
"They just love him, the people in Poland - they just really love him."

"Don't be fooled Mr President, Poland ain't Trumpland" - says The Guardian in response to your quotes from the WSJ.

The newspaper also talks about "bussing people in [to the Krasiński Square] from all over Poland" and suggests that the idea is "to make the big man [Mr. Trump] feel as good about himself as possible". PiS is working hard to tickle Trump's ego - it concludes.


Krasiński Palace, 1770. Painting by Bernardo Bellotto also known as Canaletto
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
5 Jul 2017 /  #174
Evidently, there've been many protests on the eve of Trump's visit:-)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
5 Jul 2017 /  #175
I haven't heard of any yet!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 Jul 2017 /  #176
says The Guardian in response to your quotes from the WSJ.

Well what do you expect from a Liberal newspaper. lol
You didn't know that the Guardian is the world's leading liberal voice.
The only thing it is good for in my opinion is the lining for Harry's cats litter box.

I haven't heard of any yet!

That's how the Snowflakes like Lyzko gets trouble stirred up so they can riot, burn things, block traffic, shoot police to release their hate and anger.
Crow  154 | 9260  
5 Jul 2017 /  #177
I can clearly imagine Duda. While hugging his guest, he would tell: ``Trampe brate, sami te Gospod Bog Å¡alje.`` [Brother Trump, God Himself sent you]
5 Jul 2017 /  #178
Quotting the most leftist British website instantly discredits you

Check out this article on trump I found it a good read and not really biased:

"How Trump supporters are so onboard with their dude he can say anything and they'll come along for the ride."

Notice something?

And the article is actually pro-Trump
cms  9 | 1253  
5 Jul 2017 /  #179
I think they are still struggling for numbers tomorrow - there are only so many pensioners that fancy a six hour round trip on a second hand Dutch bus to hear a fellow 70 something rant about the mainstream media. So I noticed today a few posters hastily put up around Rondo ONZ encouraging people to go and listen an incoherent and lightweight speech that probably will skirt around the question of visa free travel (just as the 3 previous presidents have).

Needless to say these posters were not paid for by PiS but according to the blurb at the bottom it seems they are from the marketing budget of PGE. So once again the government uses shareholders money to fund its obsessions, just like it did for the films about Smolensk and the Cursed Soldiers.

As for me, I have given my staff the day off and just arrived at the farm to do some urgent repairs to the chicken coop.
Looker  - | 1129  
5 Jul 2017 /  #180
Trump in Poland

No comment ;)

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