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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #691
There is no need to worry about Western Europe's future, things are looking very well.

Let's compare - stagnant euro, stagnant wages, rising unemployment, brexit, tons of division regarding the migrant issue, more and more countries defying the eu and w europe and voting in populists, tens of billions some 20 bil in germany alone - more than spent on education - going for lazy migrants 1500 eu a month reward, tons of terror, a 2 year long state of emergency in France, regular rioting and arsons causing millions in damage, absolutely filthy streets - especially in Paris and Marseilles where tons of migrants sleep in tents all up and down the street and leave their trash and even feces everywhere, regular terror attacks, thousands of women raped groped sexually assaulted, hundreds upon hundreds of no go zones, sharia courts, ninja women (Burka clad ugly chicks), Muslims will outnumber natives in numerous cities like Birmingham and basically already have in Marseilles, grenade attacks, disgusting town squares subways and train statiins full of migrants trying to pick pocket, sell drugs, rape women, etc etc etc. There's more issues that the eu and western Europe is facing now than it ever has in its history. IT IS CRUMBLING LOL.The eu is putting out a dozen fires at once. The continent hasn't been this divided since the cold war. Only now the aggressor is the eu and western Europe while the eastern states are asserting their sovereignty and independence and giving zero ***** about the eus court proceedings and threat of sanctions against Poland Hungary and now possibly Czechy. We're sick of the oppression of the eu and interference in our country, our politics, our policies and laws and telling us what we can or can't do. Fts! Thus is Poland and poles and warsaw will decide what happens not a foreign capital thousand km away. We had enough if that sh1t from Moscow during prl. Now Poland is again fighting for freedom and independence.

Versus Poland czechy Hungary Slovakia - no terrorism, no thousands of rape cases, no no go zones, no sharia courts, no Muslims chanting for sharia, no years of state of emergency due to all the arson and rioting ungrateful migrants cause, ever decreasing unemployment rate combined with higher wages, more and more Fdi flowing in especially to Poland, oh and best of all you can walk around the capitals of these countries without seeing seas of ninjas or soldiers posted up in case there's a cultural enrichment truck on the sidewalk, no tent cities all over Warsaw, no smell of urine, a healthy currency, extremely high gdp growth for an oecd developed nation year to year,

Western eu may be wealthier but Poland is catching up. And you'll see in 10 20 30 years there will be tons of w Europeans coming to Poland to escape the multi kulti he'll of their countries. Its already happening with French german and British buying houses in Poland especially retirees. Poland is getting richer and richer and we don't have to deal with the problems african and muslim.migrants caused.

You can't even walk around the Eiffel without a ton of soldiers bc people are so scared there'll he a terror attack. That's a terrible way to live and Poland doesn't have that problem. And quite frankly that's a priceless asset that Poland won't ever give up. The high wages and shiny new buildings and infrastructure means nothing if everyday you habe to deal with whole kilometers of tent cities, always on guard wondering when the next stabbing massacre suicide bomb or truck ramming will happen or being unable to even walk around at night without fesr of being raped. Women in Sweden, the birthplace of feminism are told not to stay out late and not wear revealing clothing. Ah the irony rofl... well at least in our backward chauvinistic Poland women can walk around alone dressed like total sluts and unlike sweden they won't be culturally enriched. At most a dude will hit on her. While in Sweden or Germany they'd be a v8ctim super quick ad evidenced by nye. Western European money means nothing when you can't even live in peace and not habe common people deal with the violence crime terror and economic burden the migrants cause. I bet the citizens living near Calais would trade their house for one in Poland any day
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #692
Versus Poland czechy Hungary Slovakia - no terrorism, no thousands of rape cases, no no go zones, no sharia courts, ....

Then why are they leaving?

Eastern Europe has the largest population loss in modern history

The UN estimated that there were about 292 million people in Eastern Europe last year, 18 million less than in the early 1990s, that's more than the population of the Netherlands disappearing from the region.....

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #693
Excuse me but calling humans "flesh eating bacteria" ...seriously...what is there to discuss?

If I say that X is dumb like a brick, I and calling X a brick. I am comparing X to a brick, IQ-wise.
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #694
@Dirk diggler
All of these are issues that serve no long-term danger to Europe, or are purely imaginative. Employment rate are for example improving in most countries, and the Euro is stable again. Brexit has served as an effective warning for other countries, which is why EU approval ratings have gone up. The rest of your post is baseless rambling which I have disproven again and again with statistics which is why I won't bother it here again. Your problem is that you are obsessed with your hatred towards immigrants and thus blind towards the real challenges in the future. Thankfully this is an attitute not shared by most Western Europeans. We can be relaxed in the knowledge of our strength.

Meanwhile things are looking very dire for Eastern Europe's future, even disregarding its' political blacksliding that might put its' democracy in danger. Those countries are facing a demographic collapse, and its' youngest and brightest are leaving for "filthy" Western Europe. Indeed the brain drain has if nothing else increased in Poland especially Hungary.


giving zero *****

They are talking tough now, but the fassade is crumbling. Let's give it one more year, once the UK stumbles out of the EU and Trump has done more damage to the Western alliance, no doubt Warsaw will then be willing to give in on most issues.

@Rich: You are in dire need of help, if you seriously believe that comparing people to flesh-eating bacteria is a valid analogy.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #695
Then why are they leaving?

I already explained this... to make a higher salary in the West to bring back home to Poland. Some come on weekends back to pl, some a few times a year, some once they retire. Even my own cousin who's studying in UK has no plans to stay once he earns his degree.

And fyi tons of poles have returned back to Poland from the UK, and a lot less are leaving for the West now as wages go up locally and they realize that a higher salary in the West is offset by higher cost of living and a far lower quality of life in many cities.

Young poles leave uk as local economy booms



Poles see dwindling economic benefits in uk

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #696
Then why are they leaving?

Deflection again. Can't you just point out if he is wrong on facts first and why?
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #697
We have pointed out many times that his believes about refugees are factual wrong, but he does not care about statistics. Using examples that are more easily to understand and more difficult to refute seems to be a better way. Eastern Europeans are leaving for Western Europe in droves, that counteracts everything Dirk writes here. And few if any have any wish to return. Perhaps they say so at first, but like any immigrants, once they live there for decades, they are mpre likely to stay.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #698
Thankfully this is an attitute not shared by most Western Europeans. We can be relaxed in the knowledge of our strength.

Good for you. We poles rather continue with having ZERO Islamic terror, zero sharia courts, zero no go zones, etc.

no doubt Warsaw will then be willing to give in on most issues.

It won't be taking in hordes of turd worlders that's for sure... poles don't want that sh1t. And in case you haven't been paying attention pis approval is consistently 3x higher than p.o.. Even when pis is riding low and p.o. riding high, they still have at least 2x the support. Pis and kukiz together account for over 50%. Poles simply don't trust po anymore and the eu elites. When verhofstadt said 60k neo Nazis marched in Warsaw that drove the wedge even deeper as tins of families and people who lived through prl and even a few ww2 survivors were deeply offensed
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #699
How about a beer? I'm paying...

No problem I will buy you two in return.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #700
Your problem is that you are obsessed with your hatred towards immigrants and thus blind towards the real challenges in the future.

They are not 'immigrants'. They are refugees, or so they say. As 'refugees', they are supposed to go back home when the war is over.

Do you have the balls to send them packing one day or are they - like AIDS - forever?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #701
I already explained this...

No, you didn't!

How can one want to leave a dream country with

no terrorism, no thousands of rape cases, no no go zones, no sharia courts...

for a higher salary???

Is earning more money really so much more worth suffering a country with terrorism, thousands of rape cases, no go areas, sharia courts?


is that dystopia you describe just not true? Nowhere in western Europe? So that people decide with their feet to rather live a better life in a country/city where your neighbour could be named Ali Mohammed than to scrape along at home without?

Can Poles and other eastern Europeans be bought and bribed to ignore the raping and pillaging muslims in their destination countries???

You explained NOTHING!
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #702
They are not 'immigrants'. They are refugees, or so they say. As 'refugees', they are supposed to go back home when the war is over.

Dirk is obsessed with immigration in any kind, not simply refugees.

Do you have the balls to send them packing one day or are they - like AIDS - forever?

That depends on how long the war continues, how well they are integrated and how their refugee status was in the first place. And again, this is just a friendly reminder, if you come to see entire groups of people as diseases, you should take a step back and look at your moral compass. What you say is not very different from how the Nazis talked about Jews and other people they wanted exterminated, because they were "cancer to the people."
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #703
Do you have the balls to send them packing one day or are they - like AIDS - forever?

Germany is.

We did so with millions of people fleeing from the Balkan wars...a similiar situation to today...

And after the war was over one country after the other was declared "safe" and the deportations startet...sometimes (often) hitting families which had been already well integrated for years here, had jobs, got to school/university, children being born here...deported back they were nonetheless.

Just for your memory:

Yugoslav Refugee Crisis Europe's Worst Since 40's

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #704
Is earning more money really so much more worth suffering a country with terrorism, thousands of rape cases, no go areas, sharia courts?

This perfectly explains that you don't understand poles and the cwaniaczek mindswt.. poles are willing to put up with b.s. for awhile if it means they reach a goal, can make a lot of money quickly, retire early or in a country they truly want to retire - usually Poland.

Can Poles and other eastern Europeans be bought and bribed to ignore the raping and pillaging muslims in their destination countries???

Yes. Although like the numerous articles I posted poles are seeing less and less of a monetary benefit in the UK and more and more are moving back.

For a few million poles yes. Nonetheless the majority of poles live in Poland, not the West. And they go abroad and put up with the riff raff so they can send money to their families back home in pl or if they moved together so they can make money and move back to live in comfort. Look at all the expensive cars in Poland - many if not most of those were bought from money earned abroad not in Poland in one form or another. Same reason why I'm putting up with living in the us, stacking money, finishing a degree so that I can live in Poland off my savings and investments but if I need to go back to work I'll atleast have solid corporate experience and a western degree.

is that dystopia you describe just not true? Nowhere in western Europe?

So all those videos and sources posted earlier about migrants destroying stuff, raping women, torching cars, trashing countries, committing terror, etc are all staged right? The thousand women sexually assaulted in cologne and other german cities all made their stories up.... riiiight...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #705
are all staged right?

When I show you video over video of american nutters massacring schoolkids...of innocent civilians shot by the police in Atlanta...of hapless tourists murdered by drug gangs in Chicago...would that mean the whole of the US is one living hell?

Why are you unable to believe me when I try to tell you that living in Berlin is quite nice? That here being raped and pillaged is not the norm at all?

Why don't you accept real statistic evidence?

Germany records lowest crime rate since 1992

Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #706
It is probably pointless, but just a reality check over the "dystopia" in Germany.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #708
send them packing one day or are they - like AIDS - forever?

I am bored with this bulshit, you go sort out your gangs, gun crime, trade deficit, nationall debt to china , healthcare whatever, why should you even be bothered what happens over this end of the pond, why waste your time on some polish forum when you could be busy taking some cheer leading lessons or finding a comfortable rubber tube to sit on in the car.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #709
I am bored with this bulshit, you go sort out your gangs, gun crime, trade deficit, nationall debt to china , healthcare whatever,

Excellent point. I already gave up on the US. I am here to see if Europe is any better. But I agree that being on this forum is a waste of time - just like watching a reality show except it's guys and the IQ is higher.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #710
I already gave up on the US.

I've heard that expression before, by USians...but what does that actually mean?

Are you ready to emigrate? Become a refugee? Heh:)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #711

As always, the comments are better than the article. Here are some of them.

Maybe they should also start collecting crime stats in no-go zones. But they cant of course, because they are ... well, no-go zones. Turks set up their own courts, they dont deal with german legal system. So, yes, if you dont report half the crime, you stats will be keep improving. Wunderland!

According to the German Police, 2 % of the German population is refugee but they are accountable for over 10 % of the crime.

Just to be clear, the article should have mentioned that under current German law (lawmakers are considering to change it) every crime (hate & political) which cannot be attributed to a person or organization is automatically categorized as "right wing violence" and goes into statistics a such.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #712
It's true though....eastern european (often romanian and/or georgian) gangs of muggers and burglars are a much bigger nuisance in Germany than raping and pillaging Muslims, believe it or not!

Burglary rate in Germany hits 15-year high


One big draw back of open borders. Not only common people and goods cross boundaries more easily, criminals too. They are neither muslim, nor refugees nor being "invited".

They come nonetheless!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #713
Can Poles and other eastern Europeans be bought and bribed to ignore the raping and pillaging muslims in their destination countries???

Yes. Although like the numerous articles I posted poles are seeing less and less of a monetary benefit in the UK and more and more are moving back.

Eastern Europeans are leaving for Western Europe in droves, that counteracts everything Dirk writes here. And few if any have any wish to return.

The three articles regarding poles leaving UK in droves shows otherwise and there's many more on this topic...


Yes overall crime has gone down. Tons of jaywalking, minor drug possession and speeding has given way to terror, rape and murder... But at least there's less of it...

Univ of zurich study proves that violent crime, not all crime, has significant gone up and it is mainly due to the recrnt migrants
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #714
As always, the comments are better than the article.

The comments simply illustrate the problems one has to deal with when arguing with facts. People are simply more likely to prioritize individual experience over statistics and facts. This is due to how out brain works, it simply prioritizes information that underline our arguments more than others. People are not rational, which is why e.g. gambling is so succesful. However it is still important to show those in the hope that others might reconsider.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #715
migrants settling from war-torn countries such as Syria were much less likely to commit violent crimes that those from other places who were unlikely to be given asylum...


? without any chance of asylum...mainly from northern Africa. Once the law is through that the Maghreb is deemed "safe", the german authorities will have the legal rights to relocate them in droves.

I agree that there is alot going wrong...for example that only those make it to the german borders which are young, strong, male and shucked out lotsa money for their human traffickers before.

In my opinion these neither need nor deserve asylum. But the the changes in our asylum laws develop slowly...

The future will be transit centers either on the outskirts of Europe or outside of Europe where the people will be going through the Asylverfahren BEFORE they come to Europe.

But still...I fear a georgian breaking into my house more than a raping and pillaging muslim refugee...fact!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #716
PS: Not that it makes it much better but usually the victim of muslim rapes and pillaging are other muslim refugees....

The breakdown of specific crimes committed by the asylum seekers is equally thought-provoking. In some 91 percent of murders and three-quarters of cases involving grave bodily damage, the victims are other migrants.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #717
Oh and fyi tacitus I don't habe a problem with all immigration. What I do have a problem with is fake asylum seekers, benefits leeches and people who come in and refuse to assimilate, don't want to work, express contempt for the gracious hosts who let them in.

The us became the wealthiest and most diverse nation because people.from all over came to WORK. There was no signup for section 8 or benefits or 1500 eu a month for free. No, you had to work and if you didn't youd probably starve or st the very least be homeless.

That is the model Poland has. We welcome people from all over the world who want to work. People cone to Poland to work from Pakistan India Korea Italy Ukraine Belarus Chechnya - all over. They don't come for handouts because there basically are nine. It is the opposite of germany which rewards migrants for laziness. The migrants have no incentive to work in Europe because Merkel will give them 1500 a month whether they work or not, that's roughly 3x the average salaries in places like Iraq Syria Afghanistan where 500 a month is considered A good job. Not only that because they habe so much free time and don't work they accost people, grope women at the pool as shown by the video, destroy peoples businesses and livelihood because they want more free ****, and then they dare to demand sharia law which UK was dumb enough to fall for and allow then to set up their courts. I don't hate immigrants, I hate lazy freeloaders who cause violence and rape especially in Europe which I view as my motherland as a eu citizen. But I hate the people like Merkel and the eu lefties who allowed this to happen and then apologize for migrant crimes and Muslim rapes. They are either ignorant or simply naive. There are is so much abide gr8 showing that migrants caused terrorism rapes murders and violent crime to skyrocket. There is no denying that and if you do quite frankly you're a blind fool and need to wake the **** up unless you're a believe in ignorance is bliss. Open your eyes this sh1t is staring you right in the face!!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #718
I've heard that expression before, by USians...but what does that actually mean?

It means that I see no chance of any improvements where it matters. Personally, I am financially secure but it still hurts to see the leftist pro immigrant street thugs and the swamp win.

It was my hope that Trump would really kick some ass and seriously slash the fed fat. When he asked for more money for the DoD, I knew that the gig was up. He also appears weak with all that bellyaching and how disappointed he is about things. Presidents are not supposed to tweet their disappointments; they are expected to make decisions and announce them after the fact or they risk being slapped down by a low lever demo judge. And, then, his impotence about the DoD and the FBI. WTF? It should take one phone call to make them spit the requested stuff. Not good.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #719
What I do have a problem with is fake asylum seekers

Who hasn't a problem with them?

The migrants have no incentive to work in Europe because Merkel will give them 1500 a month

The basic income a german can apply for when in need is 416,- Euros.

For me personally the main problem is that for 99% upstanding, hard working, honest new immigrant, there will be the 1% which rape and pillage and destroy it for all the rest.

It would be helpfull if Germany would have the laws in place to get rid of these much quicker and more efficient than it is now...that would clear the air for all the good ones!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #720
When Trump talks about European culture being destroyed hes specificallt talking about this islamization of wesgern europe, the thought crine police in UK, the thousands of rape cases in germany and sweden, the terror attacks, the stabbing of people for buying beer on ramadumb, all that sh1t.

France is going to become like Lebanon with factions all fighting each other if this continues. You all do not realize how aggressive Islam is as it is not just a religion but a political ideology. This will lead to a lot of conflict, perhaps even civil war. One this is certain the nationalist europeans want their countries back and an end to all the migrants while eu is forcing multiculturalism and trying to force a system that more and more countries do not want.

The 1500 eu a month they receive is the average sum of the money, food, housing etc that migrants receive. I will cite some sources when I'm back home as my phone is low. This has caused Germans to spend more on migrants than on education - some 25 billion a year all going to reward illegal activity, border jumpers and people who refuse to work and assimilate and on top oof it cause rape terror murder etc. You are paying dor thid as a berliner. That money should go to german citizens. Not turd worlders who haven't put in a single euro into the system and have no plans to work

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