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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

23 Jul 2018 /  #661
Sorry, ignore the first part. My phone memorized what I was writting earlier and changed my mind
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #662
What's stats exactly am I ignoring?

For once the face that if a Berliner tries to tell you that he can walk around his neighborhood (without a dog mind you) without being raped or pillaged, you just ignore it.

Also the fact that is extremely rare for any Germany to experience raping and pillaging generally and by Muslims especially...but in your mind it seems to be all they do...day in, day out. With Germany being some scene out of an apocalyptic movie with screaming people in burning ruins...bearded men running after them with big machetes to hack their heads off and what not...

Who is telling you all that??? And also quite interesting...WHY???
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #663
@johnny reb

It wasn't my dog it's my cousins. Plus I keep my pets inside unless I go with them for a walk. But if someone messed with my dog, me or any family member and close friend the same will befall them. Eye for eye. Lest of course they offer a sincere apology and make amends.

And i wasn't trying to intimidate anyone the first time I walked the dog. My cousin was either at work or school so I was chilling at his place till he got back and in the meantime I walked the dog. Once I realized how the Muslims would get out of our way (at the time he lives in East London) and literally go on the other side of the street because they believe dogs are dirty animals and many are scared of them.

I don't like it when hordes of teenage mutant ninja Muslim girls are walking around and you can't see a thing but their eyes. I don't know id they have a bomb or knife under there - there sure as he'll have been a ton of attacks with radical Muslims hiding a weapon then attacking an unsuspecting person or waiting till a bus is crowded. If they attack someone you wonr even be able to identify them. Its no different than wearing a ski mask nonstop. Youd be on edge if someone wearong a ski mask in summer or 3 people wearing skimasks walked into your store. Youd probably be gripping your handle wondering for the first few seconds whatbtheyll do. Well the dog may not offer the same protection but at least it makes it easier to walk around and it makes the Muslims get out of ur way. Considering the utter contempt they habe for the laws and customs of the country I look at it as a small way to assert Europe for europeans. If They don't like people walking their dogs, drinking beer, girls wearing miniskirts etc they can always go back to their country. Itd sure as he'll reduce much of the taxpayers burden

he can walk around his neighborhood (without a dog mind you) without being raped or pillaged, you just ignore it.

First off thats not a statistic, thats an opinion... regardless never denied that a person can't walk around Berlin or London as a white European or that they'll automatically have their life threatened. Not once did I suggest that even. What I did say is that there are hundreds of colloquial no go zones where poverty, crime, extremism, child rape, etc is rife. In many no go zones though white people are attacked and accosted. For example reporters from 60 minutes were attacked within a minute of arriving in some no go in sweden and almost run over by a car. That video is also on YouTube
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #664
is extremely rare for any Germany to experience raping and pillaging generally and by Muslims especially...

Tell That to the thousand women that were groped on nye in cologne, or the rape victims of sweden which is now basically the rape capital of Europe, thanks to migrants which made the rape stats rise exponentially...

Here is a video od migrants at the pool. But of course the women are lying about being harassed, groped etc.


Idk what migrants in w Europe do day in day out. But as a whole.they certainly aren't contributing to the society. That is why Merkel and others want to distribute them so other countries can share in merkels burden. Misery loves company after all. I guess the doctors and engineers Merkel was talking about never arrived. If these migrants were so great and wonderful there wouldn't be calls to stop more from coming and distr

Unlike The migrants that Poland took in which work and assimilate and contribute to the society. That is why Poland wants more of them, but none of merkels burden.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #665
Berliner tries to tell you that he can walk around his neighborhood

Yep I would agree no problem in the day, maybe its a good idea not to go to Alexander platz or the railway station at night.

Wouldn't you agree old sausage.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #666
Tell That to the thousand women that were groped on nye in cologne, or the rape victims of sweden which is now basically the rape capital of Europe

Do you know where that claim stems from? Nigel Farrage...20th February 2017.

The only statistic evidence there is of a rising of reported rapes till 2010 (BEFORE the refugees arrived that is), afterwards declining again. And no fact whatsoever that the reason fo them had been immigrants at all!

That is why Merkel and others want to distribute them so other countries can share in merkels burden.

That quota idea is dead and buried...

Unlike The migrants that Poland took in which work and assimilate and contribute to the society.

What do you mean?

Yep I would agree no problem in the day, maybe its a good idea not to go to Alexander platz or the railway station at night.

Nah...they opened up a police station directly at the Alex, it should be safe now...frankly it had became a dump quickly after the wall fell, with everybody and his grandmom traveling to Berlin and thinking it a good idea to camp there.

Most of the homeless there are actually from the Visegrad countries...with that free movement but no job and no welfare...

And nobody ever seems to want to rape my old white ass so I can walk to the railway station at night too without disturbance.

But then, I live in the south east...nobody is raping and pillaging anything here...quite boring, if you ask me!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #667
That quota idea is dead and buried...

But not before Poland was bullied, threatened and blackmailed by angela and her EU cronies, they have shown their true colours .

Poland will not forget, Germany is no longer seen as a potential friend in the eyes of the Polish people.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #668
Did farage also write thus wiki article ???


Or Did he write the other sources about the mass sexual assault perpetrated by muslim migrants?



But these are just more lies from.breibart of course....

What do you mean?

What I mean is that Poland took in 1 2 mil migrants about the same as germany. Yet Polands migrants namely the Ukrainians are not committing tons of rapes, blowing themselves up, committing truck rammings or shooting up 100 poles, they're not setting up a parallel legal system bases on orthodoxy, they're not sitting around collecting benefits and popping out 5 6 10 kids just so they can get more benefits and a bigger apartment. The Ukrainians assimilate, work, contribute, are not causing a massive wave of violence terror rape etc and are a net benefit to polish society. That's why poles want to keep them around and not redistribute them, unlike merkels burden

That quota idea is dead and buried...

That's because no one wants them lol

The only statistic evidence there is of a rising of reported rapes till 2010 (BEFORE the refugees arrived that is)

Univ of zurich source states above that crome has dramatically increased since the migrant arrivals. At the very least there's been a he'll of a lot more terror attacks. Truck rammings, massacres of over 100 innoceng people at once, soldiers beheaded on the street did not occur till the migrant crisis. EU didn't habe these issues till it imported problems that merkels burden caused and continues to cause
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #669
Poland will not forget, Germany is no longer seen as a potential friend in the eyes of the Polish people.

Yeah...and the Europeans neither....Poland is now firmly seen as a leecher, taking billions after billions after billions out of the common EU funds pot, but as they were asked to share some of the burden, nope!

We won't forget that so easily either, they have shown their true colors!

Poland will not forget, Germany is no longer seen as a potential friend in the eyes of the Polish people.

Well....what das it mean? As long as we shuck out the support money we are friends, the moment we ask for solidarity we are not?

Na ja, remember the discussions around the Iraq war? As "bad old Europe" said no to that adventure but Poland did fell over it's own feet to prove they are a fine US bootlicker, with even opening up the country to illegal CIA torture centers?

I don't think many European harbor any romantic notions anymore about where Polands true loyalties lie...hint: It isn't Europe!

In the worst case there won't be any solidarity shown to you either...should you need it!

Yet Polands migrants namely the Ukrainians....

You've got to be kidding me, they don't come as refugees, they are dearly needed cheap workers. Polands economy would probably break down without these Ukrainians.

They are already scared shitless that many of them will leave Poland now that the EU has opened their doors to them.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #670
24 rapes, and numerous thefts in Germany,

Come on Dirk give it a rest, we can all come up with numbers, like the Vegas shooting alone, 58 dead , 851 injured, I won't be going back there anytime soon.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #671
.Poland is now firmly seen as a leecher, taking billions after billions after billions out

Yeah and when Germany has been short of money it just invades Poland and steals billions after billions and raises it's cities to the ground, yes us untermenschen are used to being put down by Germans and being called a leech and a burden just prior to German invasion, oh and i'm also sure that you will blame us for starting it (Again).

Oh nothing is ever Germany's fault is it? , after all "Deutschland uber alles" do you still sing your national anthem on a Saturday night.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #672

PS: But I think Dirk Diggler would approve...no muslim would dare to rape and pillage anymore!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #673
You've got to be kidding me, they don't come as refugees, they are dearly needed cheap worker

Oh And those flooding germany france etc are refugees? You've got to be kidding me lol.... it is FACT that the vast vast majority are economic migrants. One estimate cites as few as 5% of the migrants as actual refugees. Just because someone files a bogus asylum claim so he can stay in the country for a few years and hope he falls in between the cracks while the authorities take yesr or two to process and deny him asylum but since he's in a no go by noe and looks like every other neckbeards it's hard to find and deport him does not make him a refugee. Every migrant does this... either they pretend to be gay, or Syrian. Numerous so called refugees were exposed as pretending to he children

Here's your so called refugees




A real refugee goes to the first safe country. Not the country that will give him the most money for sitting on his ass. The vast majority of Muslims and africans flooding Europe are NOT refugees.

we can all come up with numbers, like the Vegas shooting alone, 58 dead , 851 injured, I won't be going back there anytime soon.

Of course. The difference is that Europe purposely invited this problem in and demanded Poland partake in this madness. That'd be like if ceasars palace invited in a crazy person to snipe.people. well That's exactly what europe.specifically Merkel did - they knew these migrants cause a ton od problems yet they kept taking them in. Even now Merkel said shed accept no upper limit. But yeah good call... I'm dine talking about these migrants for today. It just makes me so upset that beautiful cities like Paris London Amsterdam that I have fond memories of have been entirely transformed. Parts of these cities now have more Muslims than europeans. And forget about Paris they're in the worst position. Mattresses and tents up and down every major street far as the eye can see, 40 50 dudes crowding the subway entrances and exits hoping to pickpocket someone or grope some girl or otherwise cause problems. **** and sh1t literally on the streets of Paris it smells even like old urine all over the city. Oh and don't even get me started on the trash. These people leave their garbage everywhere. They habe zero respect foe the country and the natives who invited them in. Most of the Muslims hate the liberal.laws and society while a smaller group wants to replace it with sharia. How could a proud European born and raised in European traditions with family all over the continent not be pil1ssed? I thank God everyday that Poland hasn't fallen to this madness but I feel so bad at what Paris London etc have become. I've seen the transformation travelling there and they most certainly haven't changed for the better
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #674
it is FACT that the vast vast majority are economic migrants.

Yes, that is a fact! *applauds*

Estimates by german authorities say that the only group really deserving asylum are in the lower one digit number.

That's why...and now it comes Dirk....we have something we call "Asylverfahren". A procedure where every asylum claimant is checked and reviewed. Afterwards they get a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Either they can stay with a full refugee status and start their new life, or they have to leave (theoretically). Many of those stay nonetheless, but their life will be very difficult, none of that support and cushioning the accepted refugees get.

And something else is a fact. These procedures are sharpened as we speak. They were alot softer and easier to come through before 2015. Now it's actually alot harder to gain accepted refugee status.

And these laws will be changed further, to make the relocating of denied people easier...it is a work in progress.

For example those men molesting the women and girls in Cologne during Silvester had been economic migrants from the Maghreb (Algeria, Tunesia, Marocco). These people had been still here illegally because Germany had not declared these countries as "safe". Meaning countries declined asylants can be relocated to, if necessary with the police.

Now that is about to change in the next weeks. The necessary laws are already in the Bundestag...the only one against this change are the leftist Green party. But it should go through...

I thank God everyday that Poland hasn't fallen to this madness but I feel so bad at what Paris London etc have become

Well that is another topic altogether!

I too enjoy looking at the picturesqe villages near the Ostsee shore...they are wonderful, beautiful even, full of german tradition and architecture. But they are also empty!

Where are all the people you ask? Especially the young ones? I tell you where they are, they have packed their bags and run away to the big dirty molochs like Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich etc...

All these huge cities swarming with stinking foreigners...GOMORRAHS!!!

I personally doubt that you can bring the time back where a whole country will look like something out of a post card anymore. People still make their choices with their feet if they can. And these big dirty multi cultural holes like Paris, London or Berlin are the centers of attraction of millions of people, they are growing rapidly...your picturesqe beautiful village is not.

Even Poles left beautiful Poland for molochs like London or Berlin...they left in the millions!

You won't change that! (And it is not the fault of the muslim refugees at all!)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #675
The difference between the US and Europe is that our invading hordes break the US immigration, labor, and criminal laws and we hate these bastards for this and their smugness, demands, and the crimes they commit. Europe invites their Muslim hordes and justifies their crimes if hiding is no longer possible. BIG difference. An occasional cockroach in the kitchen is one thing. Bringing a hundred cockroaches into the kitchen and feeding them is another and a symptom of a mental disorder.

The real danger from the Muslim invasion is that they will eventually overpower the naive and passive host just as the flash eating bacteria will eat a man alive. The West is past the point of being able and willing to see that danger so the only thing left is to justify it as noble.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #676
Europe invites their Muslim hordes and justifies their crimes if hiding is no longer possible.

Are you and Dirk even remotely interested in a real discussion or are we Eurps only disturbing your reciprocal confimation fest?

Just tell me and we can stop pretending...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #677
Facts cannot be discussed. Only offered and accepted or rejected if found to be incorrect.

What is so visible here is the lack of fact-based responses to Dirk's posts. It's always a deflection and a change of subject, like "but in the US...".

I am still waiting for the first Euro who would say, you are right, Dirk. We are f***** but there isn't a damn thing we can do about those bloody Muslims and our treasonous ruling elites.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #678
The real danger from the Muslim invasion is that they will eventually overpower the naive and passive host just as the flash eating bacteria will eat a man alive.

That kind of "fact", you mean?

I am still waiting for the first Euro who would say, you are right, Dirk. We are f*****

Did you ever ask yourself why that is so? After all WE LIVE HERE! Shouldn't we know?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #679
That kind of "fact", you mean?

Yes, and this one: Sweden is number 3 on the list of hellholes with the highest rape rates. At least in 2010. The source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics

You know what its really funny? It's Dirk's posts about how Poland protects Polish women from the Muslim garbage while the Swedes are still studying the true causes why in 2010 Sweden's rape rate was 63. FYI, Poland's rape rate was 4. No, it's not a typo. And do you know why? I will let you guess.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #680

Yes what indeed! remember our relations have been god but very fragile, we would do well to build bridges and not snipe at one another
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #681
It takes two sides to build bridges. Merkel has made great efforts throughout her career to have a good relationship with Poland, even though PiS when in power has done their best to sabotage her efforts. Which is a shame, because it is far from given that her successor will be as open-minded towards Poland than she is.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #682
Yes what indeed! remember our relations have been god but very fragile, we would do well to build bridges and not snipe at one another

How about a beer? I'm paying...

Yes, and this one:

Excuse me but calling humans "flesh eating bacteria" ...seriously...what is there to discuss?

I will let you guess.

Because most rape-able polish men left for Germany and UK?

PS: Do you know what fact was a huge one on the side of Nigel Farage and his Brexiteers? The masses of eastern Europeans coming to UK for work and life during the 90s..the moniker "polish plumber" got a bad rap.

Many people voting for Ukip didn't vote against a muslim refugee "invasion" (because back then that wasn't even a topic) but against a perceived "invasion" of (fellow white european) Poles which would steal their jobs, break into houses and rape their women..

They wanted to close their borders against FELLOW WHITE CHRISTIAN EUROPEANS!

Ironic, isn't it?

UKIP: Should Polish plumbers be deported?


Nigel Farage: Indian and Australian immigrants better than eastern Europeans


There is much more if you care looking!

I say Farage is a lying dumb piece of ****...I wouldn't quote him regarding Sweden either...
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #683
Ironic, isn't it?

Well, nationalists seem to initially cheer for each other, but as it turns out, their vastly different interests makes it impossible for them to cooperate for long. Just hating muslims is not enough basis for long-term cooperation.

The PiS government has suffered one foreign political defeat after another since 2015 because of this mistaken belief.

I say Farage is a lying dumb piece of ****...I wouldn't quote him regarding Sweden either...

Indeed. I'll never understand how anyone could take this pathological liar seriously. Any illusion I had over this man were gone after reading his disastrous Zeit interview.

Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #685
Naturally, they are quite alike.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #686
Now that is about to change in the next weeks.

Too little too late. Germany already let in hundreds of thousands of refugees. Enacting a few puny laws will not undo the trauma that native german women faced at the hands of migrants which shouldn't of been there in the first place.

You won't change that! (And it is not the fault of the muslim refugees at all!)

No but I can vote and lobby and do my part to prevent Poland from becoming the next France or Germany. Thankfully most poles reject this vision too and don't want Muslims and africans in their country.

According to cbos 3/4 poles are against Muslim and african migration and with pis supporters it's over 90%, while about half for P.O.. Even half of the polish 'left wing' eoesnt want to deak with this crap.

Importing hordes of young able bodied male migeants from third world **** holes is literally not only shooting yourself in the foot, but not treating the wound and allowing it to fester to the point where the entire body is overcome by sepsis. That is what's going on in western Europe. Perfect analogy
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #687
Too little too late. Germany already let in hundreds of thousands of refugees.....

Well...german women are a sturdy bunch...they survived the russian rapists after WWII (white, not muslims), they will survive that too....

No but I can vote and lobby and do my part to prevent Poland from becoming the next France or Germany.

Poles left and are still leaving in droves!

Do you have an idea how many of them are right now either sitting in some Berliner hipster cafe, drinking their Latte or are somehow surviving homeless at the Alexanderplatz? Or in London, or in Paris???

These Poles don't seem to fear Muslims at all...How will you stop that?
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
23 Jul 2018 /  #688
There is no need to worry about Western Europe's future, things are looking very well. Though I am afraid that this can not be said about Eastern Europe, where the structural problems are much greater.

The politicians in EA are simply using the refugee issue to cover up how royally they screwed up on the more important issues. Warsaw has been sidelined on any mayor issue since 2015, and Hungary is a basket case. But hey, at least they did not have to take in a few refugees!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #689
Poles left and are still leaving in droves!

Actually tens if thousands of poles have moved back to the UK. The polish birth rate has ticked up recently. Plus there's 40 mil poles in Poland alone - were not going anywhere. Many poles work in germany UK etc and then send their money back to pl or they save up for a while and then move back to Poland for early retirement.

These Poles don't seem to fear Muslims at all...How will you stop that?

That's a good thing poles donf fear muslims. Its because poles have balls and aren't a cucked people like the brits or Germans. They'll tell you straight up they don't want Muslim migrants and dgaf if you call them racist or nationalist or whatever other ist or ism. But germand and brits hiwrver are scared of muslims. They're scared to even offend them that's why it took over a decade to bust the paki rape squad in Rotterdam. And that's just one paki rape squad.... Many many more have been charged or are in jail or out in the streets. The French are like that too. They are terrified of muslim foreigners in their own country. Not poles though - were not scared of muslims but that doesn't mean we want them in our country.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #690
Germans are not going anywhere either...so would you please stop with this totally surreal doom fantasies of yours, thank you!

That's a good thing poles donf fear muslims.

....you forget the rest of the sentence...they don't fear them IN BERLIN...IN LONDON....IN PARIS....heh:)

What's more they seem to prefer places full of muslims to places in Poland totally devoid of muslims!

Let's face it Dirk...you are fighting wind mills here...and hallucinated ones at that!

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