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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jul 2018 /  #631
Instead analyzing and dissecting Islam, just don't these primates in.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Jul 2018 /  #632

Muslims are destroying Europe literally raping and pillaging their way through the continent. That is fact. There will be war because of this, you'll see....

is not accepting migrants, so why are you constantly banging on about them?

Ive explained this... because I have family in UK and worry that they will become a statistic of 'cultural enrichment.' One of the main reasons why my cousin chose to study in Newcastle in the north is because there's far less kebab than in the south and midlands.

mentions that 26 of 269 convicted Islamic terrorists came from 5 areas within B'Ham. This is roughly 10% so 90% came from somewhere else too.

They all came from Muslim turd world sh1tholes and you geniuses let them in. Even people like choudry should be immediately deported, and even that would be an act of kindness versus putting one between his eyes - which is exactly what he and his followers would do to you for being a kaffir if they had the chance.

All of these 269 terrorists, which I find a ridiculously low number as there's far more but your pussy ass populace is too scared to do anything about it, could have been entirely avoided. It took you all 10 years just to expose a paki rape squad because you were too scared of being called racist.

I've been to UK around half a dozen times and I've seen this sh1t with my own eyes. In some areas there aren't even any British people left. It's sad. One place we couldn't go outside without hundreds of neckbeards and ninja women staring at us and being rude. So we took my cousins great Dane for a walk and had the sidewalk to ourselves : ) it was quite a sight hundreds of Muslims getting out of our way rofl. Next time I'll record it while talking sh1t to them praying that someone steps up
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Jul 2018 /  #633
Muslims are destroying Europe literally raping and pillaging their way through the continent.

Nah...alot less Europeans die through muslim hands

Europe... 2016.... 13 (Attacks).... 135 (deaths)

than USians by guns...that is a fact!

United States.... 2016.... 11.96 (Thousand)

I don't see you protesting guns and demand their expellation though...

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jul 2018 /  #634
The difference between our guns and your Muslims is that we, Americans, do want our guns, with the risks and the benefits, and often against the US liberal establishment.

Your Muslims were shoved down your throats by your 'democratic' establishment, with all the risks and no benefits, and against your will.

I can explain the benefits of my gun. Can you explain the benefits of your Muslims?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Jul 2018 /  #635
we, Americans, do want our guns, with the risks and the benefits, and often against the US liberal establishment.

What about the millions who take to the streets demanding changes of the gun law?

Even gun owners are now split between wanting stricter gun laws...


Frankly...the US are already in a war, with masses of deaths...but not because of muslims!

Can you explain the benefits of your Muslims?

There are no benefits of Muslims....

But there are alot worse things....a nutter storming a school and going on a killing rampage with a Bushmaster 2000 and killing my little ones is definitely one of them!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jul 2018 /  #636
I can explain the benefits of my gun. Can you explain the benefits of your Muslims?

If there are no benefits from Muslims why do you want them?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Jul 2018 /  #637
Who says we want them? Most of them are an expensive nuisance who will probably never be able to pay anything back.
Their existence only threatens the political stability of Germany and Europe.

But do you need to love and want someone before you help them?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jul 2018 /  #638
Who says we want them?

You do. Did you write to your member of Bundestag that you don't?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Jul 2018 /  #639
I do? Really? Interesting!

And what should I write to the Bundestag? Please my dear politicians, let them drown in the Med and if they should make it as far as our borders please shoot them?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jul 2018 /  #640
I do? Really? Interesting!

Yes. Really. That's what civilized citizens who love their country do before they hit the streets.

There is many things Germany can do. It is strange, though, that your only choice was to shoot them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Jul 2018 /  #641
Okay...maybe Merkel could have let them starving to death at Germany's border. But otherwise there wasn't "many things". When people are in need you have to help them, that's the only thing you can do.

Do you really think people helping others love their country less?

Do you really think you can measure your love of your country on the height of the wall you build between them and people in need? REALLY?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
22 Jul 2018 /  #642
that your only choice was to shoot them.

Yeah Rich with a Bushmaster 2000. lmao

....a nutter storming a school and going on a killing rampage with a Bushmaster 2000 and killing my little ones is definitely one of them

This is a very good example of the brainwashing the media does to these unarmed European's.
A Bushmaster 2000 is a paintball gun incapable of killing anyone. (does face palm plant sighing)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Jul 2018 /  #643
Tell that the kids in Sandy Hook...

But you are right...it's a big diversity to see in the weapons used to kill american civilians! Not only Bushmasters...but I like the name...a weapon of mass destruction fit for a jungle...like the contemporary urban US.


And you whine non stop about some hapless refugees about them destroying Germany, whereas your own land is already steeped in blood, your people killed every day.

We really have totally different priorities it seems...
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
22 Jul 2018 /  #644
Tell that the kids in Sandy Hook...

What that a Bushmaster 2000 is a paintball gun ?
I don't think they will believe you that their friends died from a paintball gun.
They will believe you if you tell them that the person that pulled the trigger was an unsupervised very mentally ill and deranged person that did it though.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jul 2018 /  #646
Do you really think you can measure your love of your country on the height of the wall you build between them and people in need? REALLY?

Yes. That is why Poland created the wall of unlivable welfare to keep the welfare scum away. And nobody in Poland give a s*** if somebody out there is in need.

And that is why you and I have the walls, the doors with locks, and the fences. The difference between you and me is that I have the law on my side to let me have my gun and allows me to blow the first m-f****r's brains out who would dare cross my "wall" uninvited. No, I don't need to retreat or ask any questions.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
22 Jul 2018 /  #647
Muslims are destroying Europe literally raping and pillaging their way through the continent. That is fact.

Dude, are you unable to have a proper debate? You're not selling anything stop please! WE can do without your hysterical demagogy and your emotional outbursts. Step down from the soapbox or stop soaring on your ego as you're not as clever as you think. What more you won't convince anyone of anything with your ill timed outbursts.

your pussy ass populace is too scared

For the talk like that ( I mean about Muslims and your call to action) you could find yourself in prison, fined or kicked out of the uk. You need to remember one thing that not every country in the world has as much freedom of speech as America. Illegal immigrants are coming the USA in mass from the 70' what all those armed Americans done about it. F all! Why don't you have balls? Too dumb?(that a rhetorical question by the way)

Your view of the world and societies is not only cartoonish, inaccurate but that of a simpleton.

Chemikiem is right, you're obsessed at lest on this forum, you filled it with pages and pages of your drivel about Muslim and migrants and whatnot. Shut it. Enough is enough find yourself other side to vent, as I'm pretty Shure in real life you keep your mouth shut tight.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Jul 2018 /  #648
but tarring every Muslim with the same brush is just plain wrong.

I agree, but whats worse is a government who is now applying British law differently to people, when it suits, because they are from a different group or because they are seen to have extreme views.


"UK won't block death penalty for Isis Beatles: Home Secretary says jihads can be taken to Guantanamo Bay and EXECUTED"

Although the above have committed horrendous crimes is it right to bend British law and allow them to be executed?.

Britain has previously not allowed it's citizens to be sent for trial in a foreign country where the death penalty would apply.

Why send these guys to their deaths with just a stroke of the pen, when other British mass murderers face only life in jail.
23 Jul 2018 /  #649
not the Muslims are the problem but Islam.

And the way that it is interpreted by some. You cannot tell me that every Muslim thinks it's ok to commit acts of terrorism in the name of Islam. The people that carry out those attacks are fundamentalists and are not representative of Muslims as a whole.

Muslims are destroying Europe literally raping and pillaging their way through the continent. That is fact.

That is your interpretation because you are obsessed, it is not fact.
As for worrying that your family in the UK will become victims, please get a sense of perspective. Have a look at this article which lays out clearly the numbers of deaths due to terrorism in the UK since 1970, and also in Western Europe.


Since 1970, 3395 people have died in the UK as a result of terrorism. Much of that occurring in Northern Ireland as the figures show. That is over a 48 year period and is about 1/3 of the number of people that are gunned down PER YEAR in the US, yet the number of gun deaths doesn't seem to bother you.

From the article also:

" Since 2000, there have been seven deaths per year in the UK due to terrorism - which, according to research from BuzzFeed, means you're more likely to be killed by dogs (18 deaths per year), hot water (100 deaths per year) or using your phone while driving (2,920 deaths per year).

Get a grip Dirk.

but whats worse is a government who is now applying British law differently to people,

I would agree with that, but they are going to be tried under US law, as the victims were British and American. I will do some more reading on this, but it does seem very wrong. I don't know enough about the case to be honest, including what country they were arrested in.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #650
For the talk like that ( I mean about Muslims and your call to action) you could find yourself in prison, fined or kicked out of the uk.

No I cannot as I never made such statements while in the UK nor am I British citizen. And yet you think you're so ******* cute and smart saying 'are you dumb' - rhetorical question ha ha got ya im soooo funny... yet your ignorant ass doesn't even understand how law works so study up before you make another dumbass comment. We here have a little thing in the US called the first amendment. There's tons od Americans that criticize Muslims and travel to France uk germany and are not arrested due to a thing called jurisdiction which you're clearly ignorant of.

Besides, it is such a pathetic place that even pointing out FACTS lands you in jail. The mere fact that British taxpayers spend millions funding a literal thought crime police force who's job it is to find antiMuslim comments and fine/arrest people for it. You can't criticize Muslims on Facebook but you can be a judge or lawyer in a parallel legal system based on 7th century islam. The level of beta soy boy cuck is definitely at maximum capacity.

And If you don't like what I write or want t9 criticize my debate skills (here's a hint: I'm not debating... There's no point in debating facts. You cite a fact and back it up with evidence whether it's the thousands of videos showing migrants chimping out, the stats showing a skyrocket of rapes or even Merkel admitting there's no go zones...) then don't respond. How about that iron mind? There's plenty of people here who agree with the fact that migrants are a big ******* problem - so big that candidates have won elections solely on solving this big problem which could've been entirely avoided if the western Europeans weren't a bunch of giant pussies and naive enough to think that Afghanistan and Congo are sending their (witch) doctors and (mud hut) engineers ... oh man I'll never forget when I heard that lol yeah all the turd world doctors and engineers are coming lololol

You need to remember one thing that not every country in the world has as much freedom of speech as America

I know sucks to be them.... and they call themselves 'democracies' who stick up for human rights rofl. Atleast in Poland not only are poles free to criticize the migrants and point out FACTS about Muslims and the migrant crisis, but out government even makes videos showing what a threat they are to Poland and Europe as a wbole and why were not taking them in. This makes me so proud to be polish knowing my people, my motherland are not naive betas crying about hurt feelings and are proclaiming the following: nasz kraj, nasze zasady; bog honor Ojczyzna; polska dla Polakow; tu jest polska nie bruksela tu sie pedalowania nie popiera; and others....

[b]The best video on the migrant crisis and the polish peoples response

Why don't you have balls?

A hell of a lot more than the raisins you call balls that's for sure. So much so that I enjoy walking down no go zone streets with a big ass dog (can't really take a pig on a walk but that's okay) watching dozens of Muslims go on then other side of the road. They hate dogs lololol. It's even funnier when the dog pisses all over their mosque and cultural center. Hey if he's gotta got he's gotta go lol

That is your interpretation because you are obsessed, it is not fact.

Oh It is absolutely fact - over 700 no go zones in France alone (sez is French government name for these sh1tholes), thousands of rapes in sweden, a thousand women groped on just one nye in one city alone in germany, the paki rape squads which your public servants are roo cucked to do anything about, the countless terror attacks

Migrants destroy Italy


Migrants loot Italian restaurant


Migrants destroy 5 star hotel... ******* taxpayers are paying to house these animals in a nice hotel... which they ruin... makes me ******* sick!!


Migrants storm ferry bound to UK


Muslim riots in France - France just has a state of emergency that was over 2 years long... that's the kind of sh1t that happens in a war not because of poor immigration policies


I could post thousands of videos about this ****. There are videos including from MSM showing migrants looting rioting destroying burning cars leaving trails of trash and the tons of stories from female victims that were groped or raped...

That sure sounds like raping and pillaging to me...pillaging literally destroying everything in their path, collecting 1500 eu a head in germany, constant terror attacks, no go zones, 2 years if non stop state of emergency in France due to all the migrants rioting and then as far as rape we have

So Yes, raping and pillaging... literally...

Thank goodness Poland has turned into a fort and doesn't have these problems. NOT ONE TERROR ATTACK... even though we took in 2 mil Ukrainians easy plus all the other nationalities - same as germany - yet they are facing tons of problems and Poland is not with its migrants. Why? Because Poland didn't take a ton of migrants from turd world sh1tholes who have no desire to work and contribute and cause tons of crime

And fyi Chem and iron I write about other sh1t in other threads - spirituality/religion, work and salaries, asvixe some girl asked about poland, donald trump hillary, etc and thats just from rhe past weeks threads. Nonetheless this is arguably the most important issue in the eu right now. It has divided the continent more than any other topic. Candidates have won elections in numerous countries with most their campaign being focused on getting rid of the unwanted kebab. But if you dont like what i write feel free to ignore it.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
23 Jul 2018 /  #651
And yet you think you're so ******* cute and ironically smart saying 'are you dumb' -

Well, evidently I'm right, you're dumb.

Look I said all those things to illustrate a certain truth, not to say truism. Societies and the way the world works is a way too complex to put it down to one issue only - has this or that person has this or that populace - as you put it eloquently - balls.

There much more beside it. So my question stands. What does the Constitutional rights, what all the guns are worth if evidently according to your measurement and standard American populace has no balls at all?

After all for at least for the last 40years American has been flooded with the illegal third wordless. Evidently Americans have no balls right?
Plus they took in some so called refugees? So?
Either your measurements are BS and ranting of a stupid boy or I'm 100% right. Which is it?

o much so that I enjoy walking down no go zone streets with a big ass dog

Oh you're so big boy. All the ho in the hood are yours hey. Seriously though rather than doin' that ghetto s''it and being some dealer or whatnot why don't you join the Marines, then after you do your duty to the country, you can came back here after few years and have your say.

polska dla Polakow;

Sure, that gov apart from taking in about 3 million of Ukrainians and some others, took in also some number of Muslim from Asia, one of those dude that came on working visa to Poland latter carried out a terrorist attack in Sweden (don't recall his name). I don't even mention people imported in by the businesses from India or Philippines. The point being is a fact that gov rightly refused entry of so called refugees but at the same time brought about the same number if not more Muslims from countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Regardless of the populace stance on importing Muslims. As you see your simplified approach doesn't really work. Unless you start to claim that Poles has no balls.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
23 Jul 2018 /  #652
The people that carry out those attacks are fundamentalists and are not representative of Muslims as a whole.

Well, that is a technical issue. From my point of view it is enough to recognize that Islam is the root of all evil (to put it more eloquently lol).

In practical terms it means that European states shouldn't allow Muslims to immigrate into their countries bar very few exceptions and I mean few. Those countries that already have a large Muslim population on their territory have to unfortunately carry on the best they can in those unfortunate circumstances. Those lucky few with a negligible number of Muslims should do their uttermost to stay that way.

Would you agree to that?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #653
The argument is not the US vs Europe. It's the ruling class vs us, the subjects. In the US as well as in EU, the ruling classes are the enemies of their populations and use them as just the necessary tools to advance their sick agendas. At least our migrant hordes are Christians and our justice system is a lot more brutal with them when they misbehave.

In Poland and Hungary the ruling classes and the voters are in agreement about the Muslim invading garbage. That is why the Western ruling elites hate on them every chance they have because they show to their people that it is possible to just say no.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #654
American populace has no balls at all?

Uncle Sam got his balls back via Trump. And while there are a bunch of crybaby safe space types, there's tons of conservatives which is why trump.won.

why don't you join the Marines, then after you do your duty to the country,

For your info i signed up for ROTC during college, ROTC Nazis as we were called. Then I realized I don't want to fight wars for Zionist or be in an organization that does and I could pay for my education in other ways. Plus I'd much rather work in the corporate sector than be an officer upon graduating.

Sure, that gov apart from taking in about 3 million of Ukrainians and some others, took in also some number of Muslim from Asia,

Indeed. And as I pointed out poles generally want those type of people. The migrants in western Europe rape and pillage, as explained earlier due to their terror attacks, violence against Christians Jews and anyone who isn't Muslim, hundreds of no go zones all over Europe, rape, sexual assaults, arson, rioting, collecting tons of benefits, etc etc. The migrants in Poland WORK and ASSIMILATE - they have to if they want to survive. We habe a government that steps on hurt feelings. Here you get 80 eu a month - enough not to starve and even that is limited and you must prove you're looking for work. Not ******* 1500 eu a month as in germany as a reward for hopping borders illegally and preferrinf being lazy, violent and even a tad rapey too. Poland want a more Ukrainians because they work and are EUROPEANS who have a culture similar to Poland. Even the people coming from India Pakistan China Korea aren't coming to sit around and collect benefits. No they work and contribute to polish society and provided poles remain the vast majority and rulers of their country, we dont see an issue with the ones already here or those who want to come.

Also it's up.to poles who can come into our country or not and take up residency and citizenship. We're not going to take thousands of unwanted 'merkels burden' just because the EU said so. It's a matter of sovereignty and dignity. Plus there's no vacancies for witch doctors and mud hut engineers.

And that's the difference between merkels burden and migrants coming to Poland. One group assimilates, works, contributes, isn't a financial burden and quit e the opposite is an asset to the country, adjusts to our laws and customs, etc and one group does not. One group commits terror attacks, thousands of rapes, drains some 25 billion in germany - more than the budget for education and hence are a huge burden for the german taxpayer, collects benefits for generations, refuses to assimilate, pops out kids like it's an assembly line and has total scorn for their gracious hosts and the country's laws and customs.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jul 2018 /  #655
Dirk, are they obstinate or just retards?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #656
It's not totally their fault. They've had years of brainwashing by the MSM. Now things that were once viewed as taboo are now celebrated. A freaken dude puts on a sports bra and suddenly he's a woman winning 1st place in a track and field competition or wrestling competition. And don't you dare say they aren't really women or that men are on average physically stronger than eomen, you misygonistic chauvinistic ******* hetero white male...

And that's why now you have Europeans apologizing and even defending the migrants raping and pillaging their way through europe. Muhammad would be proud...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
23 Jul 2018 /  #657
I'm awed by your ability to ignore every statistic which don't fit into your narrow world view! THAT is an achievement most normal people are unable to...congrats! :)

Oh wait...stats and facts are "brainwashing"...yeah...that is...only what the Orange One says is pure godly truth....you are sooo coool, Dirk Diggler. What would we poor Eurps do without you bringing the light of wisdom directly from Breitbart to us!

*bows and falls to knees*
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Jul 2018 /  #658
I'm awed by your ability to ignore every statistic which don't fit into your narrow world view!

What's stats exactly am I ignoring?

It is FACT that violent crimes especially rapes have gone up drastically since the arrival od migrants and even uni of zurich points that out


It is FACT that the majority of terror attacks are committed by foreigners - including migrants who came since merkels everyone is welcome policy.

It is FACT there are hundreds of no go zones - over 700 in France which are called 'special' zones and also Merkel admitted no go zones exist.

It is FACT that migrants are responsible foe the vast majority of rapes and violent crime in sweden as even pointed out by a police chief.



It is FACT that there was an over 2 year long state of emergency in France due to the non stop rioting, arsons and hundreds of millions of destroyed property in France mainly caused by people who aren't French natives.

It is FACT that almost all the people killed in UK are foreigners and it's also foreigners doing the killing, meaning non white Englishmen.

It is FACT that germany spends more on migrants than on education. They are rewarded with roughly 1500 eu a head for illegally hopping borders and refusing to assimilate.

It is FACT that migrants are causing the majority od the violent crime and there's been a huge increase in violence crime and rapes - raping and pillaging as I like to call it - all over Europe since the migrant crisis began.

Oh wait...stats and facts are "brainwashing"...yeah

You do realize stats can be easily manipulated in tons of ways - using different 'tests' (i.e. z test t test etc), using a large/small alpha, using a sampling method i.e. cluster to skew the data, using a small sample size, etc.

And as far as breitbart, I did not use them as a source so o don't know where ur getting that from. But regardless just because you don't like a source doesn't mean that what they write isn't true

The thing is though even popular sites and msm has explained how migrants are raping and pillaging Europe. For example, dw a german media which I cited above shoes that migrants are causing crime to go up. So what is dw now a far right source?

What would we poor Eurps do without you bringing the light of wisdom directly from Breitbart to us!

Well then the polish government would make another video criticizing the eu and Merkel for her failed policies and explaining how the migrants cause rape, terror, violence etc - rape and pillage
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
23 Jul 2018 /  #659
Did you see where Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had warned Trump not to "play with the lion's tail," saying that conflict with Iran would be the "mother of all wars".

(In reference to Trump & Netanyahu stopping Iran from entrenching itself militarily in neighboring Syria.)
Trump used Twitter on Sunday to send out an all caps response:
I think Ayatollah Ali Khamenei better sign up for a yoga class if he continues to make such threats towards the U.S.A.
Netanyahu (who has more nukes then Iran or Russia) praised Trump's "tough stand" against Iran.

I enjoy walking down no go zone streets with a big ass dog watching dozens of Muslims go on then other side of the road.

Careful Dirk as I had a neighbor that bullied all the neighborhood with his obnoxious dog when they walked down the street.
"Someone" mixed a couple of table spoons of anti freeze in about six raw hamburger balls and placed them strategically along the road at his usual walking time.

That was the last time we saw the tuff guy or his intimidating dog.
23 Jul 2018 /  #660
You can write me and Chemikiem off as PC obsessed left-wingers but Iron is conservative and definately not PC and even he has enough of your BS. Must be worse than I thought. ..

As to the Polish government vs Trump- Poland always

Trump used Twitter on Sunday to send out an all caps response:

Are yoy telling us his accomplishment of the week was learning how to use caps lock? Great. The next stage will be to teach him not to use it all the time and you'll have an almost functional president :D

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald TrumpArchived