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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Jul 2018 /  #601
Commie = left wing = liberal....

Today's liberals are left wing commies esp pro refugee ugly chicks who need love too
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
18 Jul 2018 /  #602
The fact that you confuse liberals with left-wings and communists just shows your ignorance. Then again, you are ignorant on anything regarding Europe, so this is no surprise.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Jul 2018 /  #603
shows your ignorance

Are you ******* kidding me rofl???

Commies are lefties and thus liberals (or at least the modern defition of liberals) I.E. Bernie Sanders was a commie, hence he was a leftist, and a liberal Democrat. Democrats, Antifa Types, Pro Refugee ugly chicks = all lefties/liberals... with Antifa types being far left commies and ultra liberal - even supporting transistors (trannies) and kebab (muslim migrants) to an extreme....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Jul 2018 /  #604
The fact that you confuse liberals with left-wings and communists just shows your ignorance.

No confusion here. A communist is a liberal inside the egg that didn't hatch yet. They out themselves in small steps to gain acceptance.

Communism is the last phase - one party, thought control, secret police, gulags, and all property owned by the state. Like the single payer med care in the UK.

So, in the race toward totalitarianism, WE is doing very well indeed.

BTW, did you notice that the most advanced societies are the easiest to force into submission and to act against their instinct of self-preservation? Like Germany in the past and now UK and Sweden. The trick is to sell them on the idea that no matter what they have to follow the law. Even when they suffer, they are still proud to obey the established order.

The more primitive ones simply say f*** the law, up goes the middle finger, and the party buildings are set on fire. It happened in Poland and Hungary. It will never happen in Germany or UK.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
19 Jul 2018 /  #605
Because our societies are stronger than them. We know our strengths, which is why are not compromising on what we are out of unbased fear. As the USA has proven, it is one moment of fear that can make a country do incredibly harm to itself by electing the wrong people.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
19 Jul 2018 /  #606
The more primitive ones simply say f*** the law, up goes the middle finger, and the party buildings are set on fire.

Yes but in

Germany or UK.

they have the migrants doing that - not even the natives who brought them in lol
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jul 2018 /  #607
Commie = left wing = liberal

Fascist = right wing = conservative

Works both ways, doesn't it?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
19 Jul 2018 /  #608
Indeed conversatives, republicants, etc are generally on the right. One is literally the right way - the other is not though = )

However, fascism is generally considered be a 3rd position, even leftist view as involves many elements of socialism especially Nazism.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jul 2018 /  #609
One is literally the right way

Fascism is the right way? Maybe in Trumpland, but not in the civilized world.

Please don't edit your post after you've received a response
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
19 Jul 2018 /  #610
The only part I included was about Nazism... and to me it appears my post was 12 mins ago... yours was 6 I didn't see your response before or after I edited

but not in the
civilized world.

Is that what they're calling places with massive issues with rape, terrorism, parallel legal societies, no go zones and over 20 bil going to people who illegally entere and have no right to be there? If that's the case take your 'civilization' and shove it. Poland and Poles aren't interested.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Jul 2018 /  #611
Fascist = right wing = conservative

Fascism and communism are totalitarian and want the government to have ALL the power and the citizens none.

Conservatives and the right-wingers are the exact opposite and want the government to have the least amount of power, with the citizens the most.

In between are the RINO's with no idea who they are and what they want, thus, genetically incapable of governing.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jul 2018 /  #612
Conservatives and the right-wingers are the exact opposite and want the government to have the least amount of power

That would be the Libertarian nut jobs and not the brain-dead right-wingers who are currently running our country.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Jul 2018 /  #613
I am almost in agreement with you but I am trying not to get another "O" warning. Wish we had a thread for the US minus Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Jul 2018 /  #614
Conservatives and the right-wingers are the exact opposite and want the government to have the least amount of power

So why is Trump spending so much effort on fighting individual states?
20 Jul 2018 /  #615
So you deny that Birmingham is full of Muslims raping and pillaging all over the UK?

Yes I do. There are over 3 million Muslims in the UK. Are you seriously trying to tell me that the majority of them are rapists? Or just the brummy ones lol.

You are starting to come across as someone who is not very well tbh, you sound completely obssessed.

So that scene of thousands of dudes Allah akbaring in public isn't in Birmingham or the UK?

It looks to be Eid celebrations to mark the end of Ramadan. It is also widely celebrated in your country, the US. As to whether it was in Birmingham, who knows? Those shots in the " Birmingham before and after" video were not even of Birmingham, so if the video starts off with lies, how is anyone supposed to believe the rest of it?

" Quaint little city ", clearly whoever uploaded that video has never set foot in Birmingham!! Basically you'll believe any old crap so long as it appears to support your obssession.
Crow  154 | 9525  
20 Jul 2018 /  #616
I will now have to agree with Chemikiem, that not all Muslims are evil. True, Islam have that trait of `universalism` same as Christianity and some followers tend to act as fanatics, in desire to spread it. So, Islam in itself isn`t main problem here. Not even source of problem. Problem is that somebody decided that in very short period of time, merge two essentially similar but still different worlds. Not to speak that we hare speak of merging of two different financial systems. Its struggle for power among magnates, where lives of mortal people means nothing.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Jul 2018 /  #617
There are over 3 million Muslims in the UK. Are you seriously trying to tell me that the majority of them are rapists?

Of course not. But I'm sure as he'll seeing a lot more muslim.rapists and terrorists than british people or even black brits. Close your eyes if you wish and ignore the problem, just don't come complaining if one of these animals ever 'culturally enriched' you...

Doctors and engineers my ass.....

how is anyone supposed to believe the rest of it?

Because it is backed up by numerous other sources. And I doubt most brits want to hear a ******* Islamic prayer waking their ass up every morning. Jesus do I feel sorry for people living near these mosques or 'cultural centers' having to deal w this crap
gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Jul 2018 /  #618
Oh man - the conclusion of the article - "When the courts usurp the rights and the voice of the people it is a dark day for democracy." -

oh your post has been removed Dirk
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Jul 2018 /  #619
I was trying to combine the last two when j was responding to che.... here's the Cali article

If people gather 2x as many signatures as required to have a referendum or put a vote on the ballot it damn well better be there.

21 Jul 2018 /  #620
Close your eyes if you wish and ignore the problem, just don't come complaining if one of these animals ever 'culturally enriched' you...

I am not trying to say that there haven't been problems, both in the UK and other parts of Europe, but you appear to lack a sense of perspective. Trump appears to suffer from the same problem with his ban on Muslims from certain countries. Except for the rich countries like Saudi for example. Hmm, wonder why that is. Every Muslim is a terrorist/rapist/child groomer. You need to get a grip Dirk. That video is nothing more than propaganda for the anti-Muslim brigade and you know it
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Jul 2018 /  #621
Every Muslim is a terrorist/rapist/child groomer.

I sense sarcasm. Let me bring it down to the level where such sarcasm would be unwarranted.

I don't want ANY imported Muslims next to me or anywhere in the US and for a very simple reason: they are the most intolerant bastards walking on this earth.

When I see them hug the Jews and Christians, allow them to build and operate their temples and churches, allow them to immigrate to mostly Muslim countries, I might reconsider.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Jul 2018 /  #622
am not trying to say that there haven't been problems, both in the UK and other parts of Europe, but you appear to lack a sense of perspective.

No, id just rather be safe than sorry and believe if a problem can be entirely avoided why would you purposely bring it on. Funny you mention other parts of europe... because Poland Hungary Czechy Slovakia and now Austria and Italy habe either removed kebab, banned kebab or are in the process of doing so.

Amd fyi one of my close friends is paki. Qureshi last name which makes him from muhammeds tribe. Yet he got stomped in Pakistan for trying to be friendly and using the American word dog/dawg. Thats because even he realizes his own islamic country where he was born doesn't like his because he's the equivalent of a 2x a yesr church goes. Even the word ramasan in Urdu has been bastardized to Ramadan due to Saudi influence and the mosques all in gradual levels of extremism hoping to brainwash attendees.

That video is nothing more than propaganda for the anti-Muslim brigade and you know it

Did I ever dispute that? Regardless of whether you don't like a source because you view it as right wing or anti Muslim does not mean that it's content is not factual and is unable to be backed up by other sources. Muslims and migrants as a whole are committing the vast majority of violent crime not just in UK but europe as a whole. Instead of worrying about brexit you should be closing down Saudi funded amd dismantling a parallel legal system based on 7th century Islam.
Atch  22 | 4299  
22 Jul 2018 /  #623
banned kebab or are in the process of doing so.

You do know that's for health reasons, nothing to do with Muslims. And that vote was already taken and defeated in the European Parliament. However the debate on phosphates wlll come up as a separate issue this year. If phosphates are banned, then they'll have to stop using them in kebabs. It's the phosphates that will be banned, not the kebabs.

Muslims and migrants as a whole are committing the vast majority of violent crime not just in UK

Adrian, that is simply not true. Most murders in the UK are committed by white Brits. London is the only city where more murders are carried out by blacks (Muslims hardly figure at all in the stats). You need to look at the Home Office figures. These murders are determined largely by social problems, not race or religion.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jul 2018 /  #624
....the social problems that the UK brought upon itself by letting the third-world scum in. Now, how stupid was THAT?
Are the Brits so mentally retarded that they could not predict the outcome based on the experience of others?

I am infinitely smarter than the entire UK government put together in selecting my guests and that is why in my house there are no Muslims or blacks killing or raping anyone. Can you see how simple things can be when you have a well functioning brain?

BTW, a while back I told you that the crimes by migrants are 100% preventable and at no cost. I was so disappointed by the lack of your reaction to my revelation. Not even a simple thank you.
22 Jul 2018 /  #625
you view it as right wing or anti Muslim does not mean that it's content is not factual

But the point I've been making all along is that THE CONTENT IS NOT FACTUAL. Can you not understand that? The videos are not of Birmingham, the city in question, to start with. That video also reports that 1 in 10 convicted Islamic terrorists comes from Birmingham, and on that basis, it is therefore the Jihadist capital? How does that work then? Or the 'fact' that the video reports that Sparkbrook, an area within Birmingham, is the place where the bombs were made for the 2005 London subway bombings. Wrong. That would be Leeds, where 3 out of the 4 terrorists lived, the other coming from Aylesbury. So it is not a question of me 'not liking' right wing or anti-Muslim sources, I just have an objection to the posting of outright lies and propaganda, just to further your obsession.

Plus, I am far from being the only person to object to your constant mad rants about Muslims, you have been at it for the last couple of years, and if Poland had actually been forced to take in migrants, I coud maybe to some degree understand. However, nothing has changed, Poland is not accepting migrants, so why are you constantly banging on about them? Worry about the horrific numbers of US citizens gunned down every year in your own country, because the number of deaths in the UK ( and Europe ) due to Muslim terrorism, pales into insignificance in comparison.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
22 Jul 2018 /  #626

Yes there are some inaccuracies but overall Birmingham has had its bomb factories and is a breeding ground for terror, see article below (from a respected source)

London attack: Why has Birmingham become such a breeding ground for British-born terror?

Joker  2 | 2363  
22 Jul 2018 /  #627
.the social problems that the UK brought upon itself by letting the third-world scum in. Now, how stupid was THAT?

Yet, the Brits are so stedfast into ignoring any Muslim crimes in Londionsan, like it doesnt exist at all.
22 Jul 2018 /  #628
there are some inaccuracies

Most of the video bar a couple of checkable statistics.

But although your source is more respected, there is still much wrong with the reporting, it is contradictatory, even down to the article title, Why has Birmingham become such a breeding ground for British-born terror?

Your article does reiterate what is in Dirk's video, it mentions that a study conducted in 2017 found that 1 in 10 of those linked to Islamist terrorism, in the UK AND ABROAD, came from Birmingham.

Sorry Dolno, but how does 1 in 10 mean that there is a higher proliferation of terrorists coming from B'Ham? That means 9 out of 10 came from somewhere else. In Dirks video, and I've checked this is correct, it mentions that 26 of 269 convicted Islamic terrorists came from 5 areas within B'Ham. This is roughly 10% so 90% came from somewhere else too.

To be honest much of the reporting these days seems to be either inaccurate, sensationalist or hate-driven. After all, Muslims doing kind deeds for others wouldn't be newsworthy would it?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying there are very real problems with Muslim extremists and radicalisation both in the UK, and Europe, but tarring every Muslim with the same brush is just plain wrong.

It's scary times we live in but terrorism is nothing new and it was far worse in Europe in the 70's and 80's. IRA bombings in the UK, ETA, Baader Meinhof/Red Army, Libya......people tend to forget that.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
22 Jul 2018 /  #629
tarring every Muslim with the same brush is just plain wrong.

Possibly. What they are not able to do is to articulate it properly or to conceptualize it in the right way is the fact that not the Muslims are the problem but Islam.

So, every Muslim is a suspect as potential suspect or a terrorist or whatnot because of Islam.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
22 Jul 2018 /  #630
but tarring every Muslim with the same brush is just plain wrong.

I is their duty to wage war on unbelievers

Jihad, also spelled jehad, ("struggle," or "battle"), a religious duty imposed on Muslims to spread Islam by waging war; jihad has come to denote any conflict waged for principle or belief and is often translated to mean "holy war."


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