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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

America First  
29 Mar 2018 /  #451
When Trump first became President he stated that both the EU and NATO were out dated against Russia.
NATO has something like 129,000 tanks and Russia has 750,000 just for an example.
If Russia decided to attack the EU right now the war would be over within days.
Poland has listened to Trump and has just bought 4.5 to 5 Billion $ worth of Patriot missals from the United States.
The Polish Government is relying on the United States Government for protection from Russia in case of a war.
The EU certainly can not protect Poland against Russia in a war.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
29 Mar 2018 /  #452
he stated that both the EU and NATO were out dated

He did state that. He also just changed his mind. He was correct the first time around. Trump is finished with his voter support base. Like all politicians, the succumb to the entrenched interests of Washington. NATO's sole purpose is to maintain an American military presence in Europe and to ring Russia with ABM systems, all under the guise of "peacekeeping". Lots of cash to be made in weapons sales, funded by the taxpayer.
30 Mar 2018 /  #453
NATO has something like 129,000 tanks and Russia has 750,000 just for an example.

Massivly wrong. Russia has about 1200 modern tanks and ten times that of old tanks in sto rage (which could mean in parts that need to be reassembled at great cost). Nato has a few thousand tanks.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
30 Mar 2018 /  #454
Where are you people getting these numbers from? Lol, 129,000 tanks....hahahahahahhaa..... We have approximately 6,000 in storage, not quite 130k. Russia has about 2,600 T-68s and T-72s in storage, although 600 of which have been transferred to the terrorists in Eastern Ukraine.
Crow  154 | 9463  
30 Mar 2018 /  #455
Serbia will humiliate NATO on Balkan. Our lands must be purged from occupiers.
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
30 Mar 2018 /  #456
Serbia must be purged from Serbs. You know, similar to what our Emperor did.

You can be happy that i was not our emperor back then. Im young and full of ambitions. I would have depopulated those lands.
G (undercover)  
30 Mar 2018 /  #457
NATO has something like 129,000 tanks and Russia has 750,000 just for an example.

Utter nonsense in both cases. Both have several thousand each, those in operational service, at least twice as many in NATO. Besides, the number of tanks these days are not any indicator of military strength any more. I totally don't understand it when people speak up about the issue they have no clue about, couldn't you google up the basic facts first ?
Crow  154 | 9463  
30 Mar 2018 /  #458
All who take sword on Slavs shall perish from the sword. Jesus and Svetovid loves us and protects us.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
30 Mar 2018 /  #459
I've mentioned before that I had hopes for Trump, but was skeptical about his ability as President. Now I'm certain his ignorance is remarkable. A far better president would be Ron Paul. If only Trump would listen to him. Trump admitted the Presidency is a much harder job than he thought it would be. To put it mildly, he is extremely outmatched in this capacity. The Deep State has him licking hand. I tend to agree with this professor on Trumps' abilities: counterpunch.org/2018/03/28/the-skripal-poisonings-and-the-ongoing-vilification-of-putin


That's the guy who piqued interest. Not the Israeli / Deep State suck-up we see now.
Crow  154 | 9463  
30 Mar 2018 /  #460
Trump is ok. As US patriot himself, Trump would understand when Serbian patriots strike back onto Shquiptar narco-mafia Wahhabi monsters.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
31 Mar 2018 /  #461
The part that was ommitted for some reason I will paraphrase. In the article the professor states that Trump is an ignorant man who is un-interested in the World intellectually. I agree with that estimation after witnessing his actions. Trump is clueless when putting historical crises into context. I don't disagree. His candidacy persona was opposed to wars, but only because they were expensive for the USA and he thought the USA was undercut in the amount of loot it should have received. Forget the Millions dead and un-inhabitable lands for 1000's of years due to the use of depleted uranium munitions.

Trump surrounds himself with men in uniform on who he relies. Men who's minds are stuck in the past, who grew up in the cold war and that is where their mindset has remained. These men are neocons. John Bolton is the worst possible pick at the worst possible time. Worst possible for life on Earth, perfect for the neocon agenda of unprovoked, intentional nuclear first strike against Russia. Russia stands in the way of Washingtons' domination aspirations and they can't have that. The USA sees itself as an Aglo-American Empire. This is common knowledge. Unfortunately, Russia will not bend it's knee to Washington nor should they. Neocons are too crazed and stupid to realize that.

As a military analyst stated: Russia fears war, but is ready for it. Washington doesn't fear war, but isn't ready for it. What could go wrong?

p.s. I will repost pertinent portions of Trumps' stump speech in Pensacola for a before and after comparison. It didn't take long for Trump to cave-in to the special interests.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
31 Mar 2018 /  #462
Russia stands i

lol! They imagine they do. Pathetic Soviet fools with egomania about an empire that doesn't exist. Russia has nuclear weapon and that is ALL it has. Its not enough unless they want to turn into another North Korea. Gimme this or that or we gonna use our rockets.

What don't you take them and shove up ....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
31 Mar 2018 /  #463
Yet despite all their trillions of dollars spent on weapons, a country with an economy the size of Texas still manages to instill fear in the US and have millions of liberals thinking that Trump only won because of Russian meddling....

I can only hope that Poland can one day break free from being the vassal of the US/NATO Zionists...Right now we're being used as cannon fodder to protect the rest of Europe. If war breaks out between Europe and Russia it won't be Germany, France, UK, etc. that suffers - it will be Poland.
Joker  2 | 2390  
31 Mar 2018 /  #464
liberals thinking that Trump only won because of Russian meddling....

Have you noticed how the msm gave up on the whole collusion/obstruction hoax.

They have nothing at all. So now they have shifted their focus into his sex life with that P_orn star with the big boobs, hardly an impeachable offense and it doesn't even come close to Bill Clintons lolita Island/Lewinski escapades.

Americans have grown tired of the msm and these constant and ridiculous scandals that nobody pays attention anymore.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
31 Mar 2018 /  #465
it doesn't even come close to Bill Clintons

Having an affair with an adult movie star while your wife is having your baby is simply sick. You can't go any lower. The evangelical Christians have no problem with that, of course.

nobody pays attention anymore

You wish.
Joker  2 | 2390  
31 Mar 2018 /  #466
You can't go any lower.

Really? When Bill Clinton was having sex with underage girls on Lolita Island, besides being totally Illegal it should be considered rape also. Or how about when Clinton was sticking cigars into Monica`s, you know where? Who's the sicko?

Im not condoning having an affair, but at least it was with a grow woman and consensual.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
31 Mar 2018 /  #467
Bill Clinton was having sex with underage girls


By the way: did you know that Trump was a guest on the so-called Lolita Express as well?

Crow  154 | 9463  
31 Mar 2018 /  #468
What I learned just now is that mafioso PM of temporary so called state of Kosova, Haradinai, came in conflict with Turkish Erdogan. I was reading and couldn`t believe it what I read. Moron Haradinai turning against Turkey that together with Germany, Britain, France and USA created all that hoax around Kosovo and sponsored secession from Serbia and destruction of Yugoslavia.

Seams that complete anti-Serbian scheme collapsing and we Serbians winning. Good are Christ and Svetovid to us.

I believe that Trump made all this possible. He ended USA collaboration with Islamic league and Germany over new `Drang Nach Osten`. Then, France that was involved also abandoned project following USA. It appears that only Britain and Germany stubbornly forcing whole scheme. Mark my words, Trump would left Britain and Germany to sunk in their own evil. Trump is deeply Christian and he despise schemes with Islamists.

That is why even EU crumbling.

See, that happening to those who moving against Slavs. I thank to God that we Serbians are on the right side. We were honored to be first Slavic target. And THEY broken THEY tooth's on us.

And THEY broken THEY tooth's on us.


And THEY broken THEIR tooth's on us.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Apr 2018 /  #469
Americans have grown tired of the msm and these constant and ridiculous scandals that nobody pays attention anymore.

Yeah it's just desperation on their part. Although, the $1.3 tril budget is a slap in the face to every Trump supporter and Republican. I didn't have a lot of faith in Trump and the Reps to begin with, but nonetheless he's still the best bad choice. Can you imagine where we'd be if Hillary won? The entire US would gradually turn into a giant safe space. At least now people aren't scared anymore to not be PC and speak their minds - especially in the red/battleground states. It's only a matter of time though before the US totally crumbles. This is just kicking the can down the road. Once the USD isn't the world's currency and oil/USD aren't basically pegged to each other - it's over. And that's when China will rule and a new world order will begin. And they dont play around with some bogus 70 genders or safe spaces or nonsense human rights for terrorists, murders, and rapists. Their death row inmates are farmed for their organs. Afterall, why should a good kidney go to waste? That's the brutal Chinese efficiency and patience that will win out in the end.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
2 Apr 2018 /  #470
I add this to one of my posts above as an indicator of Trumps' drunken bravado. You don't casually use the term "Nuclear" in this day and age as a U.S. President, especially when discussing actions associated with a non-life threatening domestic border problem.

President Tweet said today:
Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. "Caravans" coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!

What happened to the guy who made the speech at Pensacola?
cms neuf  1 | 1846  
2 Apr 2018 /  #471
Trump has a lot of faults but drunken bravado is not one of them - he nevee touches alcohol
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Apr 2018 /  #472
What happened to the guy who made the speech at Pensacola?

The Zionist influence happened... they've been a huge supporter of migration from 3rd world countries for decades. Zionist senator Jacob Javitz yelled ' Open the floodgates!!' in response to the passing of his immigration bill in 1965 - changing an earlier, and much better, immigration policy from the 20's that only allowed Europeans to enter.

Plus all the cucked soy boys in congress, senate, etc. happened...

There's only so much he can do. He needs to use his executive powers and put whatever policies he wants - no more messing around with obstructionist dems and traitorous reps... Just like Obama did - executive order, after executive order, after executive order - hopefully Trump realizes his true power as president and enacts his campaign promises.

One thing's for sure... he was proud of the fact that he wasn't a politician but a businessman.... oh how quickly he began licking Zionist boots....

That 1.3 tril budget is a total slap in the face for every Trump supporter...
SigSauer  4 | 377  
2 Apr 2018 /  #473
I'll just leave this here....

America First  
2 Apr 2018 /  #474
By the way: did you know that Trump was a guest on the so-called Lolita Express as well?

You need to be more specific.
Trump was a poker party guest while Bill Clinton was a poke her party guest.
Crow  154 | 9463  
2 Apr 2018 /  #475
Trump is good man.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Apr 2018 /  #476

Well naturally Israel wants to dump unwanted stuff on the US but they have no problem taking in billions upon billions upon billions every year. US gives Israel more money than the entire continent of Africa COMBINED - more than ANY other nation even though it is a rich developed country. The average Israeli household will receive an average of $200,000 from the US. They have free schools, free insurance, tons of planes that they buy for scrap prices - we get the bill and migrants they don't want.

Reminds me of Borat - ' Whatsup with it vanilla face - me and my homie azamat just parked out slab outside... we lookin' for somewhere to post up our black asses for the night... two pimps no ho's.. so bang bang skeet skeet *****'
Slavictor  6 | 193  
3 Apr 2018 /  #477
he nevee touches alcoho

Or illegal drugs, yes I know. Aside from the occasional sprinkling of Lipitor on his corn flakes in the morning he states he's drug free.

When I say drunken it isn't literal. Power is the opiate. Trump's greatest weakness is his need to be loved and admired. I see Americans as having a choice last election (despite many others running) between Trump, the megalomanical gameshow host, and Clinton, a clinically diagnosable psychopath for hire.
3 Apr 2018 /  #478
Have you noticed how the msm gave up on the whole collusion/obstruction hoax.


Mueller Finally Unmasked the Trump Campaign's Secret Russian Operative
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Apr 2018 /  #479

The left is making a mountain out of ant hill while conveniently ignoring clintons ties with russia via gps fusion, uraniam.sales, etc not to mention all her other crimes and frauds. The only thing russians did is buy ad space to promote trump (and even Sanders during the primaries but thats conveniently ignored by msm), bash hillary, and sow uncertainty. Anyone can do that thats not illegal.and the us interferes with other countries elections all the time. Seems its a total double standard - us can influence elections all over the world most recently in Ukraine buy God forbid a foreign country buys online ad space favoring a specific candidate.

Personally if Putin did interfere with us elections a side from buying ads online, which anyone can do, that makes me happy as it shows despite the big fat us military budget, a guy in a gas station pretending to be a country can buy a hundred grand worth of ads and post a ton of stuff on YouTube and social.media and the us is powerless to.stop it. Yet the hundreds of.billioms of planes tanks ships nukes .etc are supposed to guaruntee our democracy? Rofl!!!
Joker  2 | 2390  
4 Apr 2018 /  #480
The left is making a mountain out of ant hill

Even if they could prove collusion, its not Illegal and he cant be charged with a crime, its just a waste of taxpayer money. Then they turned to obstruction, nothing again, now its hookers before he was prez,.,.,.yawn!

Americans are so sick of these fake scandals they nobody cares or pays attention to the msm anymore, except for the brainwashed snowflakes.

ties with russia via gps fusion, uraniam.sales, etc not to mention all her other crimes and

The only people that conspired with the Russians were the Clintons. The double standards are beyond mind boggling!

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