I think we know it
I think a few know it but it will require more than that to expedite meaningful change. There are scant few Michael Sheuer's publicly stating America should "dump israel tomorrow". Of course, Congressional ****** won't do that. American media is controlled by 6 companies, all with the same narrative and that narrative is all pro-israel. This is what Americans are exposed to and absorb.
As a religion, judaism obtains it's set of common laws from the babylonian talmud, a strictly tribal doctrine extremely hostile to any group outside of itself. I see judaism as psychopathic. I tend to measure interaction with individual jews on a case by case basis. I do have jewish friends but they oppose israel and are not religious. Jews are a race as one can be an atheist jew. Most jews, like most Christians with their Bible, have never opened the Talmud to develop an understanding of what their religion is based on. Judaism is arguably the most racist of existing belief systems, complete with enforced caste hierarchy within itself. Anti-semitism is a meaningless term, like all other cultural marxist terminology. Israel was formed out of terror, theft and brutality. It's continued existence is artificially maintained using these same techniques.
Americans are going to die for israel's expansion plans in the upcoming war with Syria, Iran & Lebanon and the rest of americans can pay for it while living in a bankrupt country wondering how it got that way.