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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #301

We've already taken in over a million Ukrainians. We've done more than enough of our share of taking in migrants.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
7 Jul 2017 /  #302
As if a few thousand more would make any noticeable difference. But again, this is simply a matter of solidarity. Poland has decided that it doesn't want those refugees and I doubt that they'll be forced to take them down the line. I just don't believe it to be smart to sacrifice potentially bns of Euro each year just for that which will most likely become a consequence of Warsaw's refusal.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #303
Also yes poland is willing to pay a fine over taking in migrants. They obviously don't want to but if push comes to shove wed rather pay than deal with terror attacks, special urban zones, sharia courts, women being groped at concerts, trash all over the streets, riots which destroy tons of property and all those problems.

No migrants = no problems with assimilating migrants

Why don't they go to a country that is far richer than Poland? Kuwait Saudi Arabia uae Qatar? Theres tons to choose from. But the Saudis are too smart - they cite terrorist and security concerns for not taking in migrants.

We've taken in 1.4 mln ukranians and around 5k 10k or so Georgians and Chechens. We've fulfilled our obligation. They need to look elsewhere.

Another thing most these migrants are male yet they run like scared little girls to Europe. Pick up an am and fight isis. I mean even women now fight against isis because too many men are too cowardly. Do you realize that... In a Muslim country no less
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #304
Go tell Israel to take in Muslim migrants. See what they say. We've actually taken in Chechens. Yet Israel has taken in just one migrant in I believe either 2015 or 2016. In fact they're doing everything to kick out the Africans already there - offering them money to leave and a plane ticket.

Also where was the solidarity in helping Ukraine? Actually Poland and us were among the few parties to send non lethal supplies and aid. Furthermore we took in 1.4 mln ukranians. Where was the solidarity in distributing them? Surely there were refugees in this mix I.e people from donestsk, a city of 1 mln, who lost their homes and are fleeing fighting.

Also tusks election is beside the point. That was only a polish issue. If you look at the quotas eu is forcing on certain countries the visegrad 4 remains allied and now even Austria and Switzerland are securing borders because they know damn well the consequences of having a deluge of migrants from totally different cultures in your country.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
7 Jul 2017 /  #305
Poland enjoyed far greater influence in Europe while working togeter with Berlin than now.

Was that a big influence to nod? What are you talking about? Germany going against Polish national interest big time - north stream - and you're talking about influence.

Poland's interests and German interest obviously do not align. Happens, no big deal. Lets each do they thing. No hard feelings.

while now they'll either have to choose

Well, I would rather Poland wouldn't have to choose. If there is that choice - I think Poland will chose her national interest. Plenty of countries that see the same way and share a common interests with Poland, including as it seems USA.

I think it is an easy choice.

is not particulary smart doing so by antagonizing all its' important European partners

Boo... what they gonna do? Build north stream 2? Wait that already are doing it. what else introduce an embargo on Polish goods and services? Well that is gona hurt them more than Poland - much more.

I Anyway - Germany have Russia and china to sell them goods to. Maybe they should focus on that rather than try and take on USA and Poland plus 12 or so countries. Friends - right?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
7 Jul 2017 /  #306
You know nothing about old days

Do you know how old I am? ;)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #307
Germany is Poland largest trading partner by far. Goods will continue to flow both ways regardless of any decision to fine poland. Even if the relationship with Germany was totally destroyed, poland would look to other partnerships which it already has started to do especially with China.

For this very reason and the fact that there is billions of dollars of German capital invested in poland, Merkel can only.pry so far without upsetting all the companies and people who invested in poland.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
7 Jul 2017 /  #308
Do you know how old I am? ;)@ TheOther

No! Matters little since you have no clue. Are you in your 70' by any chance. That would explain a lot. I'll go easy on yo if you're.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
7 Jul 2017 /  #309
Kuwait Saudi Arabia uae Qatar? Theres tons to choose from. But the Saudis are too smart - they cite terrorist and security concerns for not taking in migrants.

Saudi-Arabia is hardly an example for human rights, certainly none Poland would want to be compared to.

Also where was the solidarity in helping Ukraine?

There is hardly a better example for European solidarity than the Ukraine and the aftermath of the Russian annexion of Crimea. The EU condemned the violation of the Ukraine by Russia, imposed costly sanctions and there are now European troops under Nato leadership stationed in Poland and the Baltic states.
nothanks  - | 626  
7 Jul 2017 /  #310
Forced migration & warmongering

Are the only two "requirements" Poland won't budge on for the EU.

Sidenote: if EU eventually reasonably closes migrant paths - then I could see Poland offering to accept some heavily checked and scrutinized families. Poland could be specific about Christians first but I feel confident we can handle the before mentioned too.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
7 Jul 2017 /  #311
what else introduce an embargo on Polish goods and services? Well that is gona hurt them more than Poland - much more.

The simple truth is, that Poland is increasingly isolated in Europe. It doesn't have 12 allies it can rely on when push comes to shove. It doesn't have 4. Hell, it might not even have one, not even Hungary backed them against Tusk. There is no need for any strong German reaction towards Poland. If Warsaw maintains its' current course, it will be increasingly sidelined on European affairs, which I'd find regrettable.
Crow  154 | 9525  
7 Jul 2017 /  #312
The simple truth is, that Poland is increasingly isolated in Europe.

Welcome to understanding of situation.

which I'd find regrettable.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #313

Saudi is the chair on human rights...

Furthermore you're still comparing apples to oranges. Hungary supporting tusks relection and forced migrant quotas are two different things.

If were discussing the migrant crisis and the countries that are refusing to abide by forced quotas, apples to apples, then yes poland has plenty of allies which are also refusing to do the same. Now even more countries like Austria Denmark and Switzerland see the issues that Germany France and Sweden face and are following a similar line as czechy Poland and Hungary. The media can xall them Nazis haters whatever but at the end of the day no one wants to have Islamic terrorist attacks and issues with assimilating migrants. However they're just upset now that we had the foreknowledge to not accept migrants from totally different cultures - now they want to spread them around so they're not alone in having to pay for these peoples houses, schools, 7 kids (some even have 9 10 or more), healthcare on top of violent Muslim riots and terrorist attacks. Misery loves company and we don't want to be miserable like the French who have been under a state of emergency on and off for two years mainly due to islamic terrorism.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #314
Perhaps you should check out these videos to see how more politically active poles react to the migrant quotas





The vast majority of poles reject these migrant quotas and that's a fact. Well deal with the consequences of eu fallout or a fine or whatever it may be. Its far better than having to deal with terrorist attacks

Christ is our king - not the state not Allah and not merkel
Joker  2 | 2363  
7 Jul 2017 /  #315
Christ is our king - not the state not Allah and not merkel


I just watched the first video, very informative Dirk!

Well deal with the consequences of eu fallout or a fine or whatever it may be. Its far better than having to deal with terrorist attacks

Poland is the smartest and safest country in Europe, the rest is turning into a mini Iran.

Stay strong Poland the USA is with you!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #316
150k marchers against the eu migrant quotas and islam but not a peep in the msm...

Not an antifa in sight either.. There s very few in pl as it is thought

When patriotic polish guys and gals run into antifa they chant 'antifa ha ha ha' its pretty funny
Joker  2 | 2363  
7 Jul 2017 /  #317
150k marchers against the eu migrant quotas and islam but not a peep in the msm...

Not a peep from the liberal PF members as well! Perhaps, they have been preoccupied with their fake news propaganda media to understand.

Thank goodness for YouTube! The world can see the truth instead of being fed lies by the MSM and internet Trolls.

When patriotic polish guys and gals run into antifa they chant 'antifa ha ha ha' its pretty funny

The girl in the 2nd video really says it like it is!!

Im going to watch the rest of them...... Thanks Diggler, for pointing these out:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2017 /  #318
When Fidel Castro allowed Cubans to migrate he also sent in criminals rapists spies the mentally ill and all sorts of other undesirables to the us. He then proudly exclaimed 'i have flushed the toilets of Cuba onto America!'

Just remember that

The first 3 vids are of the rally, 4th is interviewing poles

By comparison here is western Europe: youtube.com/watch?v=WPhutDCzMKE
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
8 Jul 2017 /  #319
Strange, that such a supposedly religious and christian country is so insecure about its' ability to deal with a few thousand refugees.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jul 2017 /  #320
But we already have... 1.4mln migrants just from Ukraine of whom I'm certain thousands are from donbass luhansk etc hence fleeing war and poverty - true refugees. Not the people who are coming from bangladesh, ghana, gambia, afghanistan, etc - less than 25% are Syrian. So sad and pathetic that all these Syrian men just left their country without a fight. Now women who have more balls than the syrian men are doing the fighting.

Its a security issue and a battle to preserve our culture. Its a matter of principle. You think its about a few thousand immigrants? The ramifications are far beyond that. If we kow tow to every demand the eu makes on poland without our consultation our culture will gradually be eroded. You cannot force a person or country to host someone. It doesn't work that way. We are sovereign and we decide who is let in and who isnt. As far as the short term we don't want our fellow polish citizens as well as the over million migrants we've already taken in to be blown up, we don't want our polish or ukranians women groped, we don't want no go zones or in pc speak special urban zones, no m.e. migrants = no issues with assimilation.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
8 Jul 2017 /  #321
Strange, that such a supposedly religious and christian country is so insecure about its' ability to deal with a few thousand refugees.

How about Germany rioting and injuring over 400 of their own police officers today ?
Talk about being insecure, immature and a out of order country.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
8 Jul 2017 /  #322
So sad and pathetic that all these Syrian men just left their country without a fight.

Well, not like there are real alternatives left there. They can choose between the butcher Assad, Al-Quaida and the IS. I would not want to risk my life for any of those guys. And shouldn't you also by the same logic have contempt for the Ukrainians who left their country, instead of fighting for it. Not to mention that there are large areas in the country that are safe?

It doesn't work that way. We are sovereign and we decide who is let in and who isnt.

Poland has agreed like the other EU member states to share some of its sovereignity and accept decisions that are based upon majority votes.

All I am saying is that the current Polish government is using an issue that would realistically speaking have only a slight impact on Poland - we are talking about a few thousand refugees here - in order to gain domestic approval by alienating its' allies in Europe. You can be sure that none of the affected countries will forget this any time soon. Even disregarding the potential financial damage to Poland caused by a potential reduction of the structural funds. Is Poland really in a position where it can afford this? I have no doubt that if the Ukraine crisis had happened today, Merkel would have never been able to get countries like Italy to support sanctions (something that Warsaw very much wants) against Russia. Warsaw might also find it difficult to get its' voice heard during the negotiations with the UK, where Poland wants to limit the fallout of Brexit, while other countries want to have a tough strategy towards London. It might also harm Polish interests in other ways. I recently attented a lecture about European-Russian relations, and one former German ambassador to Russia attented. He spoke about the North Stream project, and supposedly the German government was considering to remove its' support for the project for some time, because it believed that most European governments would voice its' opposition out of consideration. But apparantly several Southern European countries have reconsidered its' opposition, which is why it is not clear that the EU will veto this, which seemed very clear two years ago. Even Italy, who was noticeable angry with Berlin because it had to cancel a promising project with Moscow due to the sanctions has softened its' criticism. So if it was Poland's aim to prevent North Stream, it has not helped its' cause at all. I am saying this as someone who disapproves of the project mind you.

In short, I don't think that Warsaw has followed a productive strategy in its' foreign policy and it might end up in trouble over time.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
8 Jul 2017 /  #323
How about Germany rioting and injuring over 400 of their own police officers today ?

We have too many people here, mostly left-wing anarchists who take advantage of the restrain of the German police. But honestly, violence around G20 summits is nothing new and happens in very country where the police is not allowed to shoot people.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jul 2017 /  #324
The ukranians did resist the russians... They fought and the issue somewhat died down with Minsk 1 and 2. Most of the migration occured within the past 2 years - after the largest scale fighting died down.

Like I said, we don't care about what some unelected eu commisar thinks of Poland. Well deal with the fines, the political fallout, even an economic slump if it means not having Muslim migrants. We don't want em. Poles are united on this subject. We don't want the problems that France germany etc have because of migrants. Its not going to happen. Poles are way too scared after all the attacks and problems Muslims caused in the west. Maybe if they were better behaved as a group and didn't run people over with cars, riot and destroy property, kill teenage girls at concerts, or blow people up in stadiums wed be a little more open to hosting them.

Do you know what happened when poland and czechy took in a few m.e. refugees/migrants a few years back? They left for germany.. They don't want to even come here in the first place because they know they'd have to work. Poland isn't going to just hand over an apartment for some guy his 2 wives and 9 kids. They may give him just enough money so they don't starve but that's it. Were of the mentality that if you want something in life you have to work for it. No free lunches here.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
8 Jul 2017 /  #325
The ukranians did resist the russians

Strictly speaking, a lot more Syrians have died so far that Ukrainians. And unlike the Ukraine, there are not many places that are relatively safe.

what some unelected eu commisar thinks of Poland

Let's just hope that Poland won't have to rely on the support of the countries that are affected by the refugee crisis in the foreseeable future. Things might get ugly though.


Imagine for example, that no agreement is reached with London about EU foreigner because some countries like Italy want a hard Brexit. 100.000s of Poles would be directly affected, partly of the Polish refusal to take in a few thousand refugees. Is this a proportional equation?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
8 Jul 2017 /  #326
where the police is not allowed to shoot people.

Sounds like a screwed up place where people are allowed to throw bottles at a police officer as a deadly weapon only not be allowed to shoot the son of a ***** that threw it at him.

Maybe putting a coule dozen snipers up on the roof tops and when some punk threw a object at the police just take him out.

You can bet after about three or four of those punks got their melons blown off the problem would be solved.
But what the hey, this is 2017 where accountability is a lost word in society.
Those German rioters should have got at least a few bean bags bounced off them.
Merkel doesn't seem to be doing her job to well as out of order things are in Germany.
Joker  2 | 2363  
8 Jul 2017 /  #327
e Polish refusal to take in a few thousand refugees. Is this a proportional equation

I highly doubt Poles want to take the risk of having their country turning into this......


Merkel doesn't seem to be doing her job to well as out of order things are in Germany.

The Queen of Europe has failed Germany and now wants to drag Poland down the tubes as well.
8 Jul 2017 /  #328
Actually Poland and us were among the few parties to send non lethal supplies and aid.

Not true, dozens of countries gave aid and money to Ukraine
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jul 2017 /  #329

You fail to realize how much money germany and other countries have invested already in poland... You think they want to lose their hold on media mines and a ton of other businesses? Poland got all the big funds already from 2007 to 2013. A 2 bil fine is peanuts plus they'd never make em pay all at once. Now poland essentially gets 10 bil a year and pay in 2 bil. Poles complain niema pieniedzy but believe me its a wealthy country and poles are smart with money and they save it. Theres tons of nice ass cars new condos nice restaurants all that. Well we want to enjoy it without fear of being blown up. Like i said we've already done our part - go ask someone else to take in a mix of 1.4 mln migrants andbrefugees and give them work permits so they work and not mooch off the system. Well anyway poland czechy Hungary and now Austria Switzerland and Denmark are getting more strict w refugees. We can easily swap strategic alliances with them as well as us and now China who we've just signed a trade deal with. There's a ton poles and foreigners in poland alike making a killing off importing chinese stuff into the country all legally vat paid and all that jazz.
cms  9 | 1253  
8 Jul 2017 /  #330
Dirk you are normally quite sensible but you have gone full nut job overnight ! Christ is the king of Poland - wtf ? Maybe a heavy evening ? You seem obsessed with migrants and when you come here you will find out that while most people are a bit concerned about that then it is a fringe issue compared to what people really care about.

What do you think Christ makes of the govt cosying up to Trump - a vain philanderer, a braggart, liar and hypocrite who has the nerve to lecture us about family values and civilization.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald TrumpArchived