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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 Jun 2017 /  #1
Warsaw, Poland (AP) -- Polish officials are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump, with Poland's defense minister calling it a "huge success" for the government and another official celebrating the unexpectedness of a U.S. president stopping in Warsaw before Paris, London or Berlin."

You can bet President Trump will find Poland a much more receptive country then Germany when meeting with Merkel. Erg !
That climate change refusal deal kind of upset the rest of the E.U.
Poland and Trump have many things in common including opposition to Muslim immigration, support for burning coal and the skepticism of the eroding EU.
Hillary Clinton would have been on the opposite side of the fence on those issues.
Poland like the U.S.A are calling for restoring the Greatness to their Countries by their conservative leaders.
I am sure that Poland would like to hear Trump criticize Putin for the downing of Jaroslaw Kaczynski plane which would earn him praise by Poland.

Krzysztof Szczerski, chief of staff to President Andrzej Duda, said Polish officials had worked "many months" to persuade Trump to visit.
"At first ... it seemed impossible that we would be able to convince the U.S. president that he should visit Poland before the biggest European countries," Szczerski told the wPolityce web portal Sunday.

Hopefully Poland's citizens will give Trump a warm welcome.
cms  9 | 1253  
27 Jun 2017 /  #2
Well he has not been invited to any other capitals because apart from Szydlo (who is accountable to Jarek and not to voters) then nobody wants to be pictured voluntarily standing next to him. The citizens of most major capitals also don't want the shutdown and hassle that a full visit by this conceited orange slug would cause

Thankfully he knows that in liberał Warsaw then a long visit would cause mass demos so he is in and out in an afternoon. That way he can stick with his well done steak in ketchup and not be poisoned by chlodnik or pierogi. Also gives him more time to focus on domestic projects like taking away healthcare from the hillbillies who voted for him.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 Jun 2017 /  #3
Sounds like your only source of information comes from the Bias Liberal Dive By Media.
You are what we call a low information voter here in America.

Well he has not been invited to any other capitals

So you are saying that Berlin, London and Paris are not capitals ?
(Strike one)

his well done steak in ketchup

He likes his steak medium rare with Montreal steak seasoning only
(Strike two)

the hillbillies who voted for him.

Hillbillies tend to vote Democrat 'Crooked Hillary" and the upper crust tend to vote Republican 'Trump' in America.
(Strike three)
Hope all the young Polish people aren't as brainwashed as you are by the Progressive Left Media to come to such bias conclusions.
cms  9 | 1253  
27 Jun 2017 /  #4
All nonsense.

He went to Berlin and France as part of previously arranged conferences which he does his best to disrupt. Clinton would have gone if she was elected. He was invited to Britain but I don't think Mrs May or the Queen are in a hurry to firm up a diary date with this toxic moron. So he will have to make do with shaking the hands of puppets like Duda and Szydlo - still that might be worth a few votes down at the Red Apple Buffet

He eats steak and fires or McDonalds instead of local food. No surprises there as he is an ignorant disrespectful oaf.

And hillbillies vote for him in their droves - take a look at the county by county results in West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky or any other Appalachian states. That's fine - it's a democracy and between cornbread and opiates they can vote for who they want - just will be ironic to see him screw them over because he cares only about himself.
nothanks  - | 626  
27 Jun 2017 /  #5
^ Trump doesn't drink or do drugs. I don't think he's much of a risk taker when it pertains to what he digests. For example I think he was using ketchup on his overcooked steak recently.

Haha targeting hillbillies? That's not why he won the election. He dominated the Northern states, the ones Hillary was too lazy (or arrogantly felt no need) to even visit. If it weren't for degenerate California & New York which always vote one ideology - Hillary would have been completely annihilated
cms  9 | 1253  
27 Jun 2017 /  #6
Absolutely agree that her arrogance cost her those states. Now he has the task of bringing back the jobs like he promised but his strategy there was clever. But to win he had those votes to his hillbilly base - he wouldn't have won the electoral college without the rural counties of NC, Tennessee etc.
nothanks  - | 626  
27 Jun 2017 /  #7
IMO he won the South by being anti-PC. If I watched confused from leftist California Hillary's pre-election concert: parading Hollywood artist on stage (talking down to "fly over" states) and even having the national anthem singer take a knee AND Jay-Z (former drug dealer now rapper) cursing on stage; then you can guarantee people in the South were paying attention completely disgusted. Indeed the hillbillies probably voted because of social issues. While the North was jobs.

I think he's doing okay with the job promise, or at-least buying himself some time. But I think he's losing support in these areas by repealing Obamacare without a solid replacement.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 Jun 2017 /  #8
But I think he's losing support in these areas by repealing Obamacare without a solid replacement.

No worse then Nancy Polosi when she stated that obama Care had to be passed first so we would know what was in it. lol

I agree with you, however, they want to shove it through before summer recess.
I think they should hold off until obama Care implodes on it's own (and it is almost there) and then what.

Back on topic however.
Hopefully Trumps visit to Poland first will show the rest of NATO who is respected most for paying their fair share into NATO.
President Trump is requesting a full bilateral meeting with Putin at the G-20 summit in Germany.
Trump wants an event that includes the media and time for work sessions
While some administration officials have pressed for a quick "pull-aside" meeting at the Group of 20 summit or lower officials talking privately.
Wouldn't it be most delightful if Duda & Trump (in front of the world press) told Putin it's time to return Poland's property.

Most likely immigration and the climate change hoax will be at the top of the list of things being disgusted.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
27 Jun 2017 /  #9
if Duda & Trump (in front of the world press) told Putin it's time to return Poland's property.

What 'Poland's property' do you have in mind?
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 Jun 2017 /  #10
Jaroslaw Kaczynski's plane.
Crow  154 | 9260  
27 Jun 2017 /  #11
I also hail upcoming visit by Donald Trump to Poland, if that mean Poland more independent from western Europe.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
28 Jun 2017 /  #12
Trump certainly has more to offer Poland for the future then Merkel or Macron do.
They want to take Poland down with them.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Jun 2017 /  #13
nobody wants to be pictured voluntarily standing next to him.

They want but without a permission from George Soros it's not that easy. Business is business.

Thankfully he knows that in liberał Warsaw then a long visit would cause mass demos so he is in and out in an afternoon.

Phgahaha nope, there would be a few antifa idiots easily dealt by police and that's it.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
29 Jun 2017 /  #14
The Western European nations are uneasy about Trump stopping at Poland first.
They think it will encourage Warsaw's defiance towards Brussels.
Brussels diplomats view the July 6 gathering, dubbed the Three Seas summit because the countries involved border the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas, as a Polish bid to carve out influence outside the European Union with which the nationalist government has repeatedly clashed.

Trump plans to promote U.S. natural gas exports to the leaders from central and eastern Europe, a region heavily reliant on Russian supplies.
Poland received its first shipment of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) this month.
(PiS) has played a major role in a rift between ex communist and Western members of the European Union at a time when the bloc is struggling with the aftermath of Britain's decision to leave.

With Poland being one of the leading voices in the region against migration, a view it shares with Trump alongside a disregard for climate change, it is making the rest of the E.U. a tad nervous that Poland may have an opportunity to tell Brussels to stuff it.
Atch  21 | 4149  
29 Jun 2017 /  #15
Could you be more specific Johnny as to how Poland will achieve the stuffing process?

Trump plans to promote U.S. natural gas exports

I'll bet he does, nice bit of income for America. On the other hand Poland is not likely to get any money out of Trump, especially not the cash for that railway thingee they want to build. The USA is certainly not going to put billions into the Polish economy as the EU has done.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
29 Jun 2017 /  #16
especially not the cash for that railway thingee they want to build.

What 'railway thingee' do you have in mind?
Atch  21 | 4149  
29 Jun 2017 /  #17
The original article which Johnny got his info from (yes I sniffed it out like a bloodhound) mentioned that Poland wants to build a railway from north to south of the country but that the plan is considered unrealistic by economists.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
29 Jun 2017 /  #18
Poland wants to build a railway from north to south of the country

Never heard of that before. Anyway, we do have the railway line from north to south on which you can travel in Pendolino trains (Gdynia-Kraków via Warszawa). Or perhaps they mean Via Baltica from Estonia to Bulgaria through Poland? But that is going to be a highway and not a railway line.
Atch  21 | 4149  
29 Jun 2017 /  #19
The exact quote is:

"Poland has expressed hopes Trump can persuade U.S. business to invest in a network of north-south rail and road links central to the regional initiative, something U.S. diplomats and many economists dismiss as unrealistic."

So actually that could be the highway/motorway to which you refer.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
29 Jun 2017 /  #20
The original article which Johnny got his info from (yes I sniffed it out like a bloodhound) mentioned that Poland wants to build a railway

Sniffed out, lol, it is the threads heading. lol
Yes Poland wants a trade route north and south because as it stands now it is east and west.
Much commerce in eastern Europe is done along east west trade routes rather than between north and south, to a large degree of German economic dominance.

The PiS has angered France over a canceled army procurement deal, brought relations with Germany to their worst in nearly a decade, and is facing EU action over what critics call its authoritarian tilt.

Therefore it would be wise to have a north south trade route.

nice bit of income for America

Yup, just like the American military complexes in Poland brings a nice bit of income for Poland. :-)

Could you be more specific Johnny as to how Poland will achieve the stuffing process?

The Three Seas project might just be an attempt to break up European unity.
Germany and France are no friends of Poland but America is.
I am sure that Trump has more on the table then we know and that is why he is stopping in Poland first.
What are your thoughts ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jun 2017 /  #21
trade route north and south

Slight problem. The main trade routes north and south are through -

- Czech Republic (German-orientated)
- Slovakia (heavily influenced by Austria and Russia)
- Hungary (Russia-orientated)
- Croatia (heavily German-orientated)
- Slovenia (heavily Austrian orientated)
- Lithuania (distrustful towards Poland)

None of those countries for historical reasons are going to suddenly fall into Poland's camp. They may agree common strategies for obtaining funding for some things, such as Slovakia getting money for the N-S route from Zilina towards Zvolen, or Croatia getting money to finish the A5, but they have little reason to ally themselves formally with Poland against others.
29 Jun 2017 /  #22
So you are saying that Berlin, London and Paris are not capitals ?

He hasn't been invited to London
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
29 Jun 2017 /  #23
I must have read it wrong.

London's first Muslim mayor is standing by his criticism of Donald Trump, but he is now offering an olive branch: an invitation to visit the city.

Speaking on ITV network's "Good Morning Britain," Mayor Sadiq Khan invited Trump to come to London and meet his family and ordinary Londoners in an attempt to end the feud.

"I invite Donald Trump to come to London. Meet my wife and my daughters. Meet my friends and my neighbors," Khan said. "Meet Londoners who are British, they're Londoners.

I can't wait until Trump meets Putin face to face is what I am waiting for.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jun 2017 /  #24
I can't wait until Trump meets Putin face to face is what I am waiting for.

I imagine Poland can't wait. Last time two powerful men did a deal, Poland lost.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #25
That's because Trump wasn't in charge.
Marsupial  - | 871  
30 Jun 2017 /  #26
It will be more business and jobs for Poland.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Jun 2017 /  #27
You know Trump's slogan, right? America first...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Jun 2017 /  #28
It must be very shocking for some people that the head of the country cares for his country with the highest priority.
Atch  21 | 4149  
30 Jun 2017 /  #29
Germany and France are no friends of Poland but America is

As your own countrymen might say Johnny, that doesn't amount to a hill o'beans. In the end it all boils down to money and Poland still needs a lot of cash ploughed into it. America is not going to stump that up. Poland isn't yet strong enough economically or politically to function without some kind of support and America cannot afford to give that. I'm sure Polish people also wouldn't want to see politics in Poland run along American lines with American 'advisors' pulling the strings.

Breaking up European unity and weakening Europe doesn't do America any favours either. You can figure that one out for yourself over your tea and toast :)
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 Jun 2017 /  #30
Trump, Tillerrson,.. represents USA magnates that are deeply involved in business with Russia. It is that elite that soften USA stance after dissolution of Soviet Union, in order to avoid any nervous move by back then wounded Russians. So, instead to complicate in very fragile moment for humanity, they gave hand to Russians and in some terms, even bailed them out financially and technologically; sure, for the price. That USA elite believe in concept of peaceful coexistence with other global powers, as long as USA isn`t threatened. These magnates are sane enough to accept reality of necessity for multi-polar world.

On the contrary to that elite is such that is represented by Clinton`s, Obama,.... They want uni-polar world. They believe only in full control and absolute dominance.

What I want to tell you, Poland got chance with Trump.

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