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The New World Order and Poland's place

Tran Anh  2 | 72  
6 Jan 2008 /  #31
but, please, who will rule this 'higher universe'

The rulers of this 'universe' will be Poles themselves and the rest of the world that they consider their own. 'The elite' will be simply the ones who are personally more concerned with administrative aspects and get universally elected for their administrative talent. They get their treatment no better than the rest. And

every citizen can watch, react and participate in all actions of this massive government if they so choose

Hope your noble curiosity has been satisfied.
lesser  4 | 1311  
6 Jan 2008 /  #32
The only but great disadvantage of 'Small' (i will clarify it below) countries.

I don't want to change boundaries of the countries. Regionalism means simply that regions of countries would have almost of competences except foreign and defense policy. So this would change nothing, defensive ability would be the same and maybe even better because simplest system would be more efficient.

Times are changing, the Germans are not Nazis anymore and maybe except meaningless Balkans people are sick and tired of wars. This could be proper time to decentralize European countries but unfortunately Brussels bureaucrats stealing our freedoms, introducing their version of socialism went in opposite direction.

-The establishment of a world government in its true sense is necessary to cleanse that atmosphere.

This is pure utopia... This was proofed so many times that socialism doesn't works, bring only disaster instead planned prosperity. You need to understand that when distance between people and administration is small, then the latter is afraid. While when distance between people and administration is huge then people are doomed because the latter don't care want they want. I advice you to study some practical economics instead pushing idealistic globalist ideology.
Tran Anh  2 | 72  
7 Jan 2008 /  #33
Times are changing, the Germans are not Nazis anymore and maybe except meaningless Balkans people are sick and tired of wars

This is pure utopia

Agreed with your point about the Germans, still your idea that every country (or even region), big and small, can live peacefully together without a common law and a common law enforcer is even more than pure utopia. How can you explain the ever rising expenses on weapons around the world? How come that arms industry is still among the most expanding and profitable? As at some stage of mankind development, humans grouped together to form a nation for a locally relative safety, there will be the stage when all nations will have to join up into one single body for the universal 'relative' safety (There is no perfect safety, the term 'relative' I use corresponds with the definition of 'risk' in each era, so just try to imagine the risks in the next 100 years). This is a fact bases entirely on speculative reason. Thus our (and our descendants') responsibility is to make sure when it happens, it will not be the same immaturely developed models that failed repeatedly in the past.

You need to understand that when distance between people and administration is small, then the latter is afraid. While when distance between people and administration is huge then people are doomed because the latter don't care want they want.

I dont know how many times I have stressed the importance of citizens being well-equipped with advanced technology education in the age of world government. Please try to imagine how technology will drastically reduce geographical distance in the next hundred years (the only problem would be human colonies in the universe, but I will not bring into the discussion for fear of enormously complicating it!) As I have said somewhere in this very topic:

It is unnecessary to wrap up ourselves with our contemporary limited means and then fear the scenario of a rather far future.

lesser  4 | 1311  
7 Jan 2008 /  #34
When I write "distance" I mean not geographical issue but ability of "democratic control".

I think that we need agree to disagree, because our views are radically different.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
7 Jan 2008 /  #35
What you are suggesting sounds very much like the Communist Manifesto...As a Vietnamese native, who has seen his country exposed to tyranies from the Chinese, French & US, & your native communists, I would say to you: beware of such naive ideas,

because all proposed 'utopias' end up in tyranies.
Tran Anh  2 | 72  
13 Jan 2008 /  #36
I have been very busy recently, so here is my rather late reply:

As a Vietnamese native, who has seen his country exposed to tyranies from the Chinese, French & US, & your native communists

I must be more than a thousand year old to see the Chinese 'tyranny' in Viet Nam, at least 54 year old to witness French Indochine in its lame glory and well, you are the first ever to tell me about American tyranny! Certainly with all respectful neutrality, to the South Vietnamese, the Yankees were quite a generous ally while to the Northerners, they had been properly kicked in the butt. End of the story. About our 'native commies', the question whether they are proper tyrants or not will bring up a very big topic, thus outside the theme of this one.

What you are suggesting sounds very much like the Communist Manifesto..., I would say to you: beware of such naive ideas, because all proposed 'utopias' end up in tyranies.

Thank you very much for your sagely advice, and I suppose that I would kindly reciprocate by suggesting you be less bleak. I have even bothered to write a rather long and sumptuous sermon about the inevitable triumph of universal idealism but then I decided not to post it. For I am afraid that, first I may appear insufferably smug (which is against my principles) and secondly, it may convert you, thus eliminating your principal usefulness in all forums that you participate: Your jaded ‘pragmatism’. A tolerably coherent pragmatist like you is well-recognized in 'our circle' as a good training ground for young and overly impatient idealists, tempering their zeal and sharping their ideology. We ‘experienced idealists’ are certain that ‘our cause’ will end in victory (in a very far future) so leaving a utilisable 'pragmatist' ‘intact’ is no big deal (as long as he is acceptably decent in his shiny cynicism).

Kind regards.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
15 Jan 2008 /  #37
Well, I have now been described as a racsist, a demagogue, an 'anti-semite', and now a
'tolerably-coherent pragmatist', so I guess this is what you would call 'progress' or an 'evolution'...I actually have a great love for life and my brothers & sisters, and believe in great possibilities for our future, with God's help...as an artist, I actually tend to have a rather mystical viewpoint , i.e. seeing the beauty and mystery of life...but the reality of what could be termed 'the spirit of pride which elevates itself above God' gives me pause, and viewing history also makes me cautious about 'lofty human ideals', or words.
Doba  1 | 73  
15 Jan 2008 /  #38
11 Apr 2010 /  #39
your question has in part just been answered.
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Apr 2011 /  #40
hairball wrote: Iraq is secured

Ha blast from the past do you still stand by those words, three years on?
Evelyn I  
6 Apr 2011 /  #41
who the hell do you think you are smokers are not drug addicts what about people who sit drinking every night and going out on weekends getting pissed thats ok is it??? i am a smoker and i am no mug. i hate it when people go on about having to put up with cigarette smoke in public places non smokers complained that much the law was changed in the uk that smoking was not allowed in public places u got us moved outside now shut up and go maon about something else.

Personal insult removed
Ironside  50 | 13054  
6 Apr 2011 /  #42
Tran Anh is my name and I am from Viet Nam.

Good one jonni :D
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
7 Apr 2011 /  #43
Not guilty - I was in a pub in Norwich all evening.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
7 Apr 2011 /  #44
I'm afraid Poland and it's politicians do not have the discipline needed to prevail in this world of sharks. Bunch of minnows they are.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Apr 2011 /  #45
who the hell do you think you are smokers are not drug addicts

why do smokers smoke then? why do smokers generally smoke more the longer the habit lasts?

what about people who sit drinking every night and going out on weekends getting pissed thats ok is it???

Drinking at least provides an effect on the consumer, you know the tipsy feeling which can be pleasant, besides drinking is a good social pass time. But having said that if somebody drinks every night and gets hammered on weekends thats the road to alcoholism which is not a good thing at all. What pleasures are to be gained form smoking?

If youre not a mug answer this question: Would you like your children to smoke?

There are no advantages to smoking and you pay for it, hence smoking is a mugs game but unfortunately highly addictive.
newage  - | 2  
22 Jan 2012 /  #46
Poland is the Nation chosen by God and to rule the world, the prophecy of the second coming of Christ is about to fulfill in Poland, when Jesus will be born in Poland and when he will rejuvenate and possess powers becoming supreme nobody will be able to hurt him, because he will be as walking God on earth.

More on website: www milosierdzie-boze com
teflcat  5 | 1024  
22 Jan 2012 /  #47
I have received commands to buy a map of the World titled "I Am America" to teach people of how the earth will look like after the purification, the Day of Judgment from all dirt, mull and vermin. A few channels had an Ancient Prophecies program from which I bought the world's map "I Am America." From the website.

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Jan 2012 /  #48
Wow, Sister Faustyna and the Three Rays of Light. Had to turn up here sooner or later!
Ironside  50 | 13054  
24 Jan 2012 /  #49
More on website: www milosierdzie-boze com

Poland is the Nation chosen by God and to rule the world, the prophecy of the second coming of Christ is about to fulfill in Poland, when Jesus will be born in Poland

Not funny - kmiocie!

Wow, Sister Faustyna and the Three Rays of Light. Had to turn up here sooner or later!

Not at all! The site is mockery of the actual website.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
24 Jan 2012 /  #50
Not at all! The site is mockery of the actual website.

The real Sister Faustyna cult (cult in the Catholic sense of the word) is 100% respectable. This guy is just a loony tunes. Did you see the bit where he claims to have grown 8 inches taller and shows before and after photos?

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