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New law about Służba Cywilna (Civil Service) in Poland

Borsukrates  5 | 129  
18 Dec 2015 /  #1
Służba Cywilna are the high level administration. People working in ministries, departments, central offices. A new law is in works. Here's what it will do:

* Managers and high ranking officials will no longer be forbidden from being in a political party.
* Managers will no longer be selected through competence contests, but appointed.
* Higher positions will no longer require work experience.
* All high ranking officials will be fired.
* Chief of Służba Cywilna will no longer have to be selected among members of Służba Cywilna
* People who were in a political party in the last 5 years will no longer be forbidden from being the chief of Służba Cywilna.

* Civil Service Council, associated with prime minister, will be removed.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Dec 2015 /  #2
SC was infested by the previous regime (Bury/Kwiatkowski case ? just a tip of the ice berg) so it needs to be cleaned.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Dec 2015 /  #3
Here's what it will do:

It will destroy the efforts made to establish an independent civil service in Poland that would work like the German or British civil service - where politicians come and go and the civil servants use their experience and knowledge to enact the policies. It will mean that the civil service becomes filled with PiS cronies, guaranteeing utter mayhem and incompetence.

All the progress made over the last 8 years will be lost within months as these people will destroy everything through sheer incompetence.

It's entirely like the old Communist system of patronage. People will owe their jobs to their patron in the Party, and so they will do exactly what they're told even if it's clearly bad for Poland.

(Bury/Kwiatkowski case ? just a tip of the ice berg) so it needs to be cleaned.

You mean it needs to be filled by people who owe their jobs to the Party.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
18 Dec 2015 /  #4
Yep, out with those useless pen pushers! cushy jobs for PO voters. Civil servants phew! Greedy parasites more like!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Dec 2015 /  #5
It will destroy the efforts made to establish an independent civil service in Poland

Bury/Kwiatkowski case is a good example of these "efforts". Independent institutions are a great thing when people selected to be a part of them are honest and competent. Otherwise they become the core of pathology. It's like a clique of thieves appointing Bernie Madoff the head of FED and then screaming "he's independent !" when sane people kick the bastard out.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Dec 2015 /  #6
Yep, out with those useless pen pushers! cushy jobs for PO voters. Civil servants phew! Greedy parasites more like!

So, Ironside... if it's really the case, why doesn't PiS change the law to require cross-party scrutiny of all senior appointments, with full biographical backgrounds being published of all candidates and the decision making process to also be cross-party to ensure the independence of the candidates? I would welcome it, and it would be very hard to argue against such a reform. Instead, they 'reform' the system to ensure that they can pack it with their own political appointees.

Let's face it - the problem with most of these civil servants is that they're independent and not able to be controlled by the Party, hence they need to be fired.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
18 Dec 2015 /  #7
Delphi do your really think that I can be bothered to debate with you for real on a serious and sober level? You burned too many bridges.

the problem with most of these civil servants is that they're independent

Nope they are PO creatures!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Dec 2015 /  #8
Delphi do your really think that I can be bothered to debate with you for real on a serious and sober level? You burned too many bridges.

I don't think you have a serious answer, because you know fine well that PiS want to abolish the independent civil service so they can pack it with their men. If the civil service really needs reformed, then the best reform would be to increase transparency by requiring open and full disclosure of all appointments and requiring all senior appointments to be approved by a cross-party commission.

The only question is how many ex-PZPR members can PiS pack into the civil service.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
18 Dec 2015 /  #9
I don't think you have a serious answer, because you know fine well that PiS want to abolish the independent civil service so they can pack it with their men.

Sure they are and they will but it doesn't mean that current boozes are independent or for that matter are any use to Poland but a burden they are for the taxpayers.
OP Borsukrates  5 | 129  
19 Dec 2015 /  #10
SC was infested by the previous regime (Bury/Kwiatkowski case ? just a tip of the ice berg) so it needs to be cleaned.

Cleaned ?

Don't you see it lowers the bar for all future officials, no matter what party they sympathize with (if any) ?

You seem to believe that any method is justified as long as it puts PiS politicians in power. But these changes will make civil service much more politicized, even if PZPR comes back from the dead, it will be able to stuff civil service with clueless people. PiS is causing lasting damage.

Yep, out with those useless pen pushers!

Now, they really will be useless, because PiS is removing requirements - to have job experience, and competency contests.

Phrase of the day:
"mierny, bierny ale wierny" (mediocre, passive but faithful)

Sure they are and they will but it doesn't mean that current boozes are independent

And how does the new law help ?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 Dec 2015 /  #11
because PiS is removing requirements - to have job experience

Yeah, job experience working for the government, which leave us with incompetent pricks appointed by the previous "government" sabotaging things or not giving a damn at best.

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