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New Poland's Government breaks promise to increase defense spending

peterweg  37 | 2305  
11 Dec 2015 /  #1
Shocking news that a supposedly Patriotic, Nationalistic government is going to break its promise to increase defense spendng to 2.5%.
Instead, it will reduce defense spending below the NATO requirement of 2% of GDP!!

Its appartly its explained here, although the logic is incomphrehensible. GDP has rise every year, why are they spending less

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #2
Seeing as the last post was off-topic.

I'm not surprised in the slightest. This is exactly the kind of behaviour expected from PiS - their election promises are ruinously expensive, and there's simply no cash to pay for maintaining the defence budget. All their talk of "patriotism, security" and so on is just talk - the reality is that they will destroy everything for the sake of electoral sausage.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Dec 2015 /  #3
Shocking news

LOL ! It takes from months in case of small things to years in case of the more serious ones to actually strike a deal in case of defence purchases... So during first months they need to base on what Platfuses left them and they left shyt on the stick. They could either do what they did or spend that money for the sake of spending it, which would be waste of taxpayers money.

its promise to increase defense spendng to 2.5%.

You want to tell us with a straight face that you expected them to find additional billions and actually process the whole procedures of additional spendings within several weeks :)))) ?
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
11 Dec 2015 /  #4
PO kept defense spending at 1.95% for eight years. No, I did not expect them to CUT that.

Governemnt income has of course increased, so there nothing but the stark fact that they CHOOSE to cut defense spending in the face of the biggest threat to Poland since 1939.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #5

Entirely to be expected. As much as they shout about Russia, I'm pretty certain most of them would be quite happy being Russian puppets if it meant absolute power.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Dec 2015 /  #6
PO kept defense spending at 1.95% for eight years.

You've go to be kidding me. edited , go and check the basic stuff first, the real spendings under PO were like 1.8% a year. Each and every year they were putting 1.95 on paper and then "not utilizing" like 2 billion out of it.
12 Dec 2015 /  #7

Poland's military expenditure increased by 38 per cent in real
terms between 2005 and 2014, including a 13 per cent increase in 2014. A further
increase of 19 per cent in real terms is budgeted for 2015.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Dec 2015 /  #8

PO kept defense spending at 1.95% for eight years.

NO THEY DIDN'T !!! For most of those years they put 1.95% of GDP into the annual state budget and then deliberately didn't spend a significant part of it, so the amount of money actually spent was like 1.8-1.85% of GDP.

Now dear "expat", If you still claim that "PO kept defense spending at 1.95% for eight years"... Do you want to bet ?
jon357  72 | 23560  
13 Dec 2015 /  #9
Governemnt income has of course increased, so there nothing but the stark fact that they CHOOSE to cut defense spending in the face of the biggest threat to Poland since

Spot on, and a sign of their sheer incompetence more than treason.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Dec 2015 /  #10
How about a bit of truth ?
jon357  72 | 23560  
13 Dec 2015 /  #11
The truth is that the Kaczynskists have made wild spending promises that they can't possibly keep and have therefore cut the defence budget at this difficult time in the vain hope of salvaging some credibility that they never had.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Dec 2015 /  #12
Indeed, cutting the defence budget at a time of need just to pay for some electoral sausage is about as irresponsible and treasonous as it gets.
13 Dec 2015 /  #13
the amount of money actually spent was like 1.8-1.85% of GDP.

Thats correct, but that excludes the cost of the F-16 purchase. Its normal for countries to underspend their budgets for contingencies and other accounting purposes. The new government will do the same, but cutting the annual growth % and reducing the budget in real monetary terms equate to a real cut from previous years.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Dec 2015 /  #14
Thats correct

All of my input into this thread is correct. Over the years PO's "government" was deliberately spending 1.8-1.85% of GDP instead of required 1.95%. Here have it:



< br>rp.pl/artykul/680863-NIK-krytykuje-zeszloroczne-wydatki-MON.html

In total they "didn't spend" like 13 billion. Now when the new government can't spend 200 million due to incompetence of the previous one (as even when you want to buy socks there needs to be a tender first and 3 weeks before the end of the year there's not enough time for that) and overall spendings this year will be at 1.94% of GDP, here comes "shock and horror" :))))

It's not that you don't know it, even the very same article you linked to is stating a lot of that. You simply use lies and manipulations as you and other foreigners here do not like the government and President democratically elected by Polish people. Either you don't understand democracy or you are deliberately "working" to overthrow democratically elected authorities.

Where are you now, liars ?
Ironside  50 | 13054  
13 Dec 2015 /  #15
The are in their cellars plotting more mischiefs against Poland and sucking their big toes.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Dec 2015 /  #16
Damned right. This PiS government is making it easy for us, given that they've just cut defence spending.

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