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Poland needs a left wing govt.

skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
13 Mar 2011 /  #31
No,the ***** will burn slowly in hell and I personally plan on ****ing on her grave as soon as she is in the ground.

Very classy. I'm sure someone will **** on your grave too.
Barney  19 | 1790  
13 Mar 2011 /  #32
Thatcher was 100% right, the unions are good as long as they focus on workers' pay and benefits. Once they turn to politics and resort to continuous blackmail they end up hurting the workers in the long run. Simply put they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Thatcher destroyed communities declaring that there is no such thing as society. What did her deregulation bring? It brought her country to the edge of bankruptcy and like all freemarketeers they needed bailed out by the state with the ordinary people paying the price and not for the first time.

Sales tax is an unfair tax because it targets the poorest.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Mar 2011 /  #33
Thatcher destroyed communities declaring that there is no such thing as society.

Whe it looked like she might die last year, the press were already hinting about all the stuff they can't print when she was alive. Like spitting on people from upstairs windows when they were on their way to doing voluntary work. She hated the idea of people helping others without material reward.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Mar 2011 /  #34
She hated the idea of people helping others without material reward.

what a sad person she is then.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Mar 2011 /  #35
Very classy. I'm sure someone will **** on your grave too.

Grow up in the coal fields during the miners strike then lecture me on class fella.
Barney  19 | 1790  
13 Mar 2011 /  #36
Like spitting on people from upstairs windows when they were on their way to doing voluntary work

Good God....is that an urban legend? I know she was a very vindictive person but spitting on people.
I really have no reason to doubt you I'm just shocked.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Mar 2011 /  #37
Apparently she used to do it when she was a young woman, according to 'unnamed neighbours'.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Mar 2011 /  #38
Good God....is that an urban legend?

Sounds like one,maybe true but id ignore it and focus on the bigger picture of just how much of a calous cow this creature was. One way to judge,as used by the right all the time,is to look at how someones children have turned out...google Mark Thatcher..and Carol Thatcher.....


so ,no,Poland needs whatever government its people want,it doesnt need "help" from us outsiders :)
Barney  19 | 1790  
13 Mar 2011 /  #39
Apparently she used to do it when she was a young woman, according to 'unnamed neighbours'.

I always remember Ian Hislop making the point that the only time she showed emotion in public was when the Tories ditched her.............crying in self pity.


Mark Thatcher

Bribe monster, coup facilitator etc Yeah I've heard of him, and Carol the mad columnist.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Mar 2011 /  #40
crying in self pity.

She was a follower of Ayn Rand and Objectivism - believing it was actually wrong to care about anyone else unless you personally like them.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Mar 2011 /  #41
and Carol the mad columnist.

I actually felt a bit guilty inculding her. She's more that sort of ,robust,jolly hockey sticks ,bouncing around like Joyce grenfell type,you know,in your head you know you shouldnt stand her but find yourself liking her none the less.

But yes,her brother,the puppy of war......hhhhmmmmm.
Barney  19 | 1790  
13 Mar 2011 /  #42
believing it was actually wrong to care about anyone else unless you personally like them.

A good Methodist then;)
That is just madder and madder
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Mar 2011 /  #43
in your head you know you shouldnt stand her but find yourself liking her none the less.

Emotionally rejected by her mother and pretty well brought up by the parents of schoolfriends.
Barney  19 | 1790  
13 Mar 2011 /  #44
I actually felt a bit guilty inculding her. She's more that sort of ,robust,jolly hockey sticks ,bouncing around like Joyce grenfell type,you know,in your head you know you shouldnt stand her but find yourself liking her none the less.

I used to think the same until I saw a documentary where a Camera crew took her to meet the Mothers of Argentinian conscripts who had lost their sons in that war. She really showed her mother’s side, nothing to do with the war but the indifference to the loss was for me telling.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Mar 2011 /  #45
Maggie on her best mat Generalissimo Pinochet;
"My friends, it's nine years since I spoke at a Conservative Party Conference. A lot has happened since then - and not much of it for the better......

Today I break my self-denying ordinance. And for a very good reason - to express my outrage at the callous and unjust treatment of Senator Pinochet.

But first I want to extend a personal welcome to our Chilean guests, who have come half way round the world to be with us. They should understand the deep sense of shame and anger we feel at the way in which Chile - its honour, its dignity, its sovereignty and its former ruler - have been treated.

I do not know when or how this tragedy will end. But we will fight on for as long as it takes to see Senator Pinochet returned safely to his own country. Chileans can rest assured that, however contemptibly this Labour Government behaves, the British people still believe in loyalty to their friends. "

Suppression of oppositionFurther information: Operation Condor and Augusto Pinochet's arrest and trial
“ He shut down parliament, suffocated political life, banned trade unions, and made Chile his sultanate. His government disappeared 3,000 opponents, arrested 30,000 (torturing thousands of them) ... Pinochet's name will forever be linked to the Desaparecidos, the Caravan of Death, and the institutionalized torture that took place in the Villa Grimaldi complex. ”

— Thor Halvorssen, president of the Human Rights Foundation, National Review[38]

Almost immediately after the military's seizure of power, the junta banned all the leftist parties that had constituted Allende's UP coalition.[39] All other parties were placed in "indefinite recess," and were later banned outright. The government's violence was directed not only against dissidents, but also against their families and other civilians.[39]

The Rettig Report concluded 2,279 persons who disappeared during the military government were killed for political reasons or as a result of political violence, and approximately 31,947 tortured according to the later Valech Report, while 1,312 were exiled. The latter were chased all over the world by the intelligence agencies. In Latin America, this was made in the frame of Operation Condor, a cooperation plan between the various intelligence agencies of South American countries, assisted by a United States CIA communication base in Panama.

In 2004, a United States Senate money laundering investigation led by Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and Norm Coleman (R-MN)—ordered in the wake of the 11 September 2001 attacks—uncovered a network of over 125 securities and bank accounts at Riggs Bank and other U.S. financial institutions used by Pinochet and his associates for twenty-five years to secretly move millions of dollars.[77] Though the subcommittee was charged only with investigating compliance of financial institutions under the USA PATRIOT Act, and not the Pinochet regime, Senator Coleman noted:

This is a sad, sordid tale of money laundering involving Pinochet accounts at multiple financial institutions using alias names, offshore accounts, and close associates. As a former General and President of Chile, Pinochet was a well-known human rights violator and violent dictator.[77]

nothing to do with the war but the indifference to the loss was for me telling.

Ive not seen this documentry so cant comment on whether thats down to her nature or down to nurture,ie that stiff upper lip BS that still infects public schools or just a sociopathic idifference to "others".

Anyhoo...POLAND anyone? B4 this ends up in Off Topic...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
14 Mar 2011 /  #46
lately polands beenn doing rather shitly with these right wing nuts. there is no social assistance or benefits to those in need. The govt in corrupt to the bone. I feel that if we got some lefties into power this would all change and poland would become more society oriented, not to mention less racism and ant semitism.

What do u guys think?


They get in then it's Good bye Poland!
You sicko!

You only pr...
Hmm bad choice of words...
You only hope for Poland to fail!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Mar 2011 /  #47
am not going to say what is right for Poland, but in order to have good social welfare, you first of all need wealth. And that does not come from lefties. All they can do is to take wealth that is already there and distribute, they cannot create it.

And the last thing economies that want to grow need is higher taxes to fund expensive welfare systems.

How, exactly, does one create wealth? Who prints the money?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
14 Mar 2011 /  #48
Who prints the money?

You think money IS wealth?
It's just an symbol of value of either items you traded or work you have done!
Pff... printing more money is fooling yourself
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Mar 2011 /  #49
You think money IS wealth?

It is wealth within a nation but it doesn't denote a wealthy nation.
The question I have is, what is wealth? Is it money? You must not think so, Mr Grunwald. Then, why do people make such a big deal about it?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Mar 2011 /  #50
Then, why do people make such a big deal about it?

Necesery evil.....
Ogien  5 | 237  
14 Mar 2011 /  #51
The OP is not thinking clearly. A left wing government doesn't mean there's going to be a reduction in racism or antisemitism.

Over here in the USA, the left is largely responsible for creating antisemitism by painting Israel as an apartheid country where Jews want to do nothing but oppress Arabs.

I also hope the OP is not one of those antipolonists trying to make it seem like Poland is filled with racism or antisemitism.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
14 Mar 2011 /  #52
My parents' English friends used to say "Thatcher is the best Prime Minister we had since Winston Churchill".

She dropped industries which were ailing or had become too expensive because of exaggerated union power. Yes, unions have their own way of being greedy; it is the case in other Western-European countries as well such as Belgium and France to name a few. A spoiled child's behaviour which views economy as a static thing not submitted to change or performance.

As far as I remember, Thatcher's policy resulted in the loss of a million jobs in primary industry but favored a modernized economy focused on secondary and tertiary industries where about two million jobs were created. However I agree that some minimal protective measures, such as minimum wage for example, were not secured by Thatcher. It made her policy over the top for some.

The prosperous-again England was then later morally and financially ruined by New Labour, which you can blame among other things for that immigration policy which fed the U.K. to cockroaches from West Indies, Middle East and then Eastern Europe.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
14 Mar 2011 /  #53
Grow up in the coal fields during the miners strike then lecture me on class fella.

Killing off the militant coalfield mine unions was a great thing for Britain. The union leaders such as Scargill or Scarface, whatever his name was, didn't care for the workers but for themselves. A militant bunch of thugs; 10 people died because of their antagonizing tactics. Good riddance to those unions!

From wikipedia:
"...Six pickets died during the strike, and three teenagers (Darren Holmes aged 15 and Paul Holmes and Paul Womersley aged 14) died picking coal from a colliery waste heap in the winter. The deaths of pickets David Jones and Joe Green continue to be viewed with suspicion. Jones was killed in Ollerton, Nottinghamshire, by a flying brick during fighting between police, pickets, and non-striking miners, while Green was hit by a truck while picketing at Ferrybridge power station in Yorkshire. The NUM names its memorial lectures after the two. A taxi driver, David Wilkie, was killed on 30 November 1984. He had been taking a non-striking miner to work in the Merthyr Vale Colliery, South Wales when two striking miners dropped a concrete post onto his car from a road bridge above. He died at the scene. The two miners served a prison sentence for manslaughter..."
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Mar 2011 /  #54
As far as I remember, Thatcher's policy resulted in the loss of a million jobs in primary industry but favored a modernized economy focused on secondary and tertiary industries where about two million jobs were created. However I agree that some minimal protective measures, such as minimum wage for example, were not secured by Thatcher. It made her policy over the top for some.

She made the difficult decisions to correct the mistakes which were created by Attlee's government years before. Poland needs the same in order to get to the point where it can afford to implement socialist policies (and then eventually reform again to pay for them some time down the road).
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
14 Mar 2011 /  #55
You must not think so, Mr Grunwald

quote me where I IMPLY that?

That you are clueless twit, do you even know anything about Poland?

What Poland needs is a government who would represent interest of Polish citizens!

Quite acceptable post even tho not my style

Another clueless prick!no wonder you are fuked !

Could you elaborate more, like in which words did he represent the situation of nowadays U.K?
Or were you just striking all of his words? Or just the person? What motivated you to do so?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
14 Mar 2011 /  #56
Moonlighting by the light of the moon produces traditional, toxic, stupefying, sometimes illegal beverage - give it to drink to anyone but me.

The Living Dead once again:
Ironside  50 | 13053  
14 Mar 2011 /  #57
Could you elaborate more, like in which words did he represent the situation of nowadays U.K?
Or were you just striking all of his words? Or just the person? What motivated you to do so?

Gee Mr G, cant you see quote above my words addressed to Moon-loon?
Immigrants in UK are not the result of the New Labor action, is a very much action of businesses, free to pursue workforce from any corner of the world. Easter Europeans are result of the fact that UK is a part of EU, a new labor party an open door policy an influx of immigrants from a new EU country's resulted only in lengthen UK prosperity for about 2 - 3 years.

The crisis in UK and in the world is a direct result of globals process (including baking and monetary system), about I'm not going to elaborate!


What motivated you to do so


o cockroaches from Eastern Europe.

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
14 Mar 2011 /  #58
about I'm not going to elaborate!

smart indeed

Gee Mr G

sounds like an opening for a rap song

cant you see quote above my words addressed to Moon-loon?

yes... and?

Immigrants in UK are not the result of the New Labor action, is a very much action of businesses, free to pursue workforce from any corner of the world. Easter Europeans are result of the fact that UK is a part of EU, a new labor party an open door policy an influx of immigrants from a new EU country's resulted only in lengthen UK prosperity for about 2 - 3 years.

yapp had that talk yesterday with my buddy

The crisis in UK and in the world is a direct result of globals process (including baking and monetary system),

globalists... I rank them the same as anarchist! Hate that bunch!


That little piece of ****
You have my 100% approval in mouthing bad swear words at that... unspeakable creation which by my guess must have happaned at an bus station. Fire in the hole!
Nojas  4 | 110  
14 Mar 2011 /  #59
How, exactly, does one create wealth? Who prints the money?

Same like every successful civilization in history, through trade and export. Why does oil-countries in the Middle-east have more "wealth" than the countries that don't? Why have all socialist countries with big walls to avoid contact with the outside world failed miserably? Why has China just recently started getting "rich"?

Trade and export. In order to get wealth you need to take in "money" from the outside.

Historically there have been another way of creating wealth, by conquer. Simply go and take someone else's value. Imperialism, just like the Romans. But again it is the same principle. You bring in new value to the state/empire.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
14 Mar 2011 /  #60
I was recently doing an insurance quote for a Romanian here in Pennsylvania...We talked briefly about Eastern Europe, and he told me that Poland was light years ahead of Romania in living standard and quality of life...It was his opinion that Poles had made a much more successful transition from the Communist form than the Romanians...He described Romanian politicians as a 'nest of thieves'.

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