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Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster?

Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #91
They were Polish though - as citizens of Poland, what would it matter if they were Jewish,

So why you and others make a fuss about polish citizens who you classify in the racist way as Jews?
They were Polish citizen no more no less and as such should be treated in the same way as all others law abiding polish citizens.

There is many instances where one group of polish citizens killed or murdered other group of polish citizens.
I ask why do you and some international entities pick out only those instances where a group of killed polish citizens can be rightly or wrongly identified as Jews.

It is contradictory to your whole stance on the issue. Because you are pretending to be impartial and tolerant, interested only in the truth. Whereas what you really demand in your discussions is a privileged status for your favorite group of polish citizens.
legend  3 | 658  
16 Jul 2011 /  #92
Poland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark are quite 'white' countries.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jul 2011 /  #93
True Scots are really white too but MC is very evident now. More Africans and Chinese than Scots in some parts. Poles must be surprised when they visit Scotland.
rychlik  41 | 372  
16 Jul 2011 /  #94
Try the Nordic countries. They are generally whiter. My skin is lighter than most Poles but they are one of the whitest overall.

I meant more Caucasian/Slavic.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #95
rue Scots are really white too but MC is very evident now. More Africans and Chinese than Scots in some parts. Poles must be surprised when they visit Scotland.

eh ? black Ronald McDonald .....
RobertLee  4 | 73  
16 Jul 2011 /  #96
They were Polish citizen no more no less and as such should be treated in the same way as all others law abiding polish citizens.

That's not his idea, he is just a follower of the idea of double standards towards Poles and Polish Jews. Many other foreign posters advocate this idea.

To sum up: a Jew that is a victim of violence is "only" a Jew, and that violence must have been antisemitic, racist in nature. Whereas a Jew, who is the perpetrator of violence, is no longer a Jew - he is given the nationality of the people whom he harmed. And thus, for instance, commie Soviet-collaborating Jew is no longer considered a Jew by them - under that theory he becomes a Pole, while any Jew killed by Poles must have been killed as a result of "Polish antisemitism" and is considered Jewish enough to generate interest from Israeli media.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
16 Jul 2011 /  #97
That's an interesting analysis.

You also have had many non-Jewish Poles that hurt other non-Jewish Poles but you don't hear about those stories by the media. But violence by Poles on Polish Jews is put under a microscope and Poles in general are then criticized for it.

The Polish-bashers have a double standard. They are quick to criticize Poles in general as being "anti-semitic" for the minority of criminal Poles that hurt Jews, yet they then say these Jews are Poles. Well if these Jews are Poles then its Pole on Pole violence. So how can violence by Poles on Poles be considered to be anti-semitic????

Its interesting how they arbitrarily label Jews as Jews in some occasions and then label them as Poles in other occasions.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jul 2011 /  #98
I-S, there is simply no comparison between Aberdeen and Gliwice in terms of foreigners. If you took away all the Africans, Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese then there would still be more as we have so many international students from literally everywhere. I kid you not, it's hard to pick out Scots sometimes. Is it a disaster? No but it's more than likely a strain on resources.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #99
No but it's more than likely a strain on resources.

What resources ?I would rather say that because of geography Scotland naturally belongs in the fringes of the world.
The South Africa should be open for European immigrations as European countries are taking in immigrants from Africa.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #100
South Africa should be open for European immigrations

It is open to European immigration.
Palivec  - | 379  
16 Jul 2011 /  #101
Multikulti in Berlin:

Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #102
It is open to European immigration.

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #103
Yes - and still open to European immigration. There are far more Poles in RSA than South Africans in Poland!
Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #104
There are far more Poles in RSA than South Africans in Poland!

Any statistic or you know that by heart ?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #105
Been to Africa have you?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #106
No, statistic eh?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #107
Come again?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #108
I asked you to provide statistic (numbers) to give a substance to your claims.
We are having discussion right, not some frigging chat?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #109
Why don't you provide some statistics for your assertion that RSA isn't 'taking in' European immigrants?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
16 Jul 2011 /  #110
Taking only few immigrants, mostly from UK - about 1000 total, I suppose that those are highly skilled professionals needed by international firms in the South Africa, hardly immigration I had in mind.

Something on the subject:

I-S(Folly ..........sad that Poland have to be a part of it all.)

Eh - now your turn to provide statistic to prove your claims.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #111
hardly immigration I had in mind.

So what did you have in mind?
Nojas  4 | 110  
16 Jul 2011 /  #112
Optimistic opportunists... ;-)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
16 Jul 2011 /  #113
asked you to provide statistic (numbers) to give a substance to your claims.
We are having discussion right, not some frigging chat?

Multi-culturalism plants the seeds of division.

The Wall Street Journal had an article one time showing that the cities in America with the most diversity, were the cities with the most tension among its neighbors.

People with some commonality could most likely get along, but people who are very different from one another naturally won't get along as well with their neighbors. Despite what the hypocritical Left-wing Whites in the media say about the "wonders of diversity".

Most white liberal media people would never want to live in largely African American cities like Detroit, Newark NJ, Watts Los Angeles, etc.

The multi-cultural experiment by Poland a few centuries ago led to the destruction of Poland with all the diverse ethnic groups becoming fifth columns in Poland and siding with Poland's neighbors to destroy Poland.

Today Poles get to "enjoy" hearing about Polish experiment of allowing most of the world's Jews into Poland when virtually the rest of the world kicked them out. You would think you would be hearing all the time from Jews and the White liberal supremacist media how great Poland is for allowing most of the world's Jews into Poland and many other ethnic groups centuries ago.

No, instead all Poles hear about from Jews and the media is how horrible Poland is because "Poles did this" and "Poles did that" to Jews.

Basically Jews have more criticism for Poland then praise when most Poles feel that Jews should focus on the overwhelming good Poland did for Jews like giving them a place to LIVE.

But Jews won't don't that and all Poles can look forward to hearing from them is how "terrible" and "anti-semitic" Poland is.

Isn't that wonderful??? LOL Ahhhhhh the joys of diversity!!!!!

Now if Poland adds more and more ethnic groups to Poland, eventually you will hear more criticisms of Poland, like the Muslims are criticizing France, Britain and the Netherlands for "racism" against them.

WHY in Gods name would any European country want to turn itself into a nation of babel and go the way of Yugoslavia, the Roman Empire and old Poland with this misguided notion of multi-culturalism. Why would any European country want to let other ethnic groups into it when the liberal supremacists in the media of those countries (and others) will only teach those ethnic groups to take for granted what these countries are giving them and to hate them??

For European countries, multi-culturalism is all about No good deed goes unpunished.

Like that prior video showed, the blacks in South Africa are showing their appreciation of multi-culturalism in their nation with violent acts against whites.

Oh how wonderful this multi-culturalism is. LOL
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #114
The multi-cultural experiment by Poland a few centuries ago led to the destruction of Poland with all the diverse ethnic groups becoming fifth columns in Poland and siding with Poland's neighbors to destroy Poland.

That is one of the most comical things I've heard in ages.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jul 2011 /  #115
Who was it that conspired along with Catherine of Russia, again? Hmm..

The multi-cultural experiment by Poland a few centuries ago led to the destruction of Poland with all the diverse ethnic groups becoming fifth columns in Poland and siding with Poland's neighbors to destroy Poland.

So, MediaWatch. Tell us about the "Targowica Confederation" - were they, or were they not ethnically Polish?

Also, tell us about the PZPR. Were most of the Party members ethnically Polish, or not? Perhaps you could tell us about the ethnicity of the First Secretaries?

Perhaps you might also want to tell us about one of the blackest days in Polish history - December 13th 1981. Could you tell us if the leaders of WRON were ethnically Polish or not?

WHY in Gods name would any European country want to turn itself into a nation of babel and go the way of Yugoslavia, the Roman Empire and old Poland with this misguided notion of multi-culturalism.

Tell you what, MediaWatch. I'll pay you to go to Sarajevo - and we can play a game. I'll show you 100 people - and you have to decide whether they're Serb, Bosnian or Croat. If you get 50% right, you can have the flight for free - if you get less than 50% - then you have to return the money to me. Not difficult, surely? I mean - such an expert on racial issues as yourself should easily be able to tell the difference.

Either accept, or shut the **** up about European issues of which you know nothing. If you did, you'd know that many of these people you talk about are actually French, British, German, etc regardless of religion and skin colour. I know it's impossible for you to understand, what with your belief in racial purity and so on - but Europeans are mongrels and always have been.

But hey, perhaps the most multicultural state in Europe - Switzerland - has been thriving for hundreds of years. Kinda puts a damper on your pathetic argument, doesn't it? That's not to talk about another multicultural state - Scotland - which flourished for hundreds of years. We also could talk about Spain if you wish, what with all those separate people all in one big, successful country.

You just don't get it, do you?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
16 Jul 2011 /  #116
Tell you what, MediaWatch. I'll pay you to go to Sarajevo.

That's the point. If you have people who basically look like each other like Serbs, Bosnians and Croats and they don't get along, just imagine the problems between people who don't even look like each other?

You just don't get it, do you?

I get it loud and clear.

There are exceptions to every rule like Switzerland. But even in Switzerland you have people who have some commonality and they are integrated minded.

In Scotland its almost the same thing.

As for Spain? Are you kidding me? Part of Spain wants to break off from the rest of Spain and its along diversity lines.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Jul 2011 /  #117
just imagine the problems between people who don't even look like each other

So you're saying people have to look like each other to get along?

Part of Spain wants to break off from the rest of Spain and its along diversity lines

'On diversity lines'. LOL
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jul 2011 /  #118
That's the point. If you have people who basically look like each other like Serbs, Bosnians and Croats and they don't get along, just imagine the problems between people who don't even look like each other?

Actually, they do get along just fine. In fact, for the vast majority, religion is a non-issue - despite three major religions living in one city.

I notice you haven't answered my questions - surprise.

There are exceptions to every rule like Switzerland. But even in Switzerland you have people who have some commonality and they are integrated minded.

Let's go further, shall we?

Let's talk about India. Can you, in 100 words or less, explain why it functions well as a democracy, despite having a vast amount of different ethnicities within it? Your theory clearly states that such diversity doesn't work - yet it does.

Perhaps we could also talk about the United States of America - very ethnically diverse, yet the foremost superpower in the world. Why is that?

But still - I'd like an explanation of the Targowica Confederation and of 1981 PZPR.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
16 Jul 2011 /  #119
So you're saying people have to look like each other to get along?

No don't put words in my mouth.

Its just that its human nature that people from various groups living among each other for long periods of time, have the best chance of getting along the more they have in common.

Like the Wall Street Journal says, here in the US, the towns with the most diversity are the towns with the most tension and least trust among neighbors.

Do you know in Southern California there are Mexicans who are literally trying to ethnically cleanse blacks out of their towns?

There are Mexican gangs that require for member initiation, for a Mexican to kill an African American to "send a message" to blacks living in the town.

Ahhh the joys of multiculturalism!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jul 2011 /  #120
Its just that its human nature that people from various groups living among each other for long periods of time, have the best chance of getting along the more they have in common.

So why is America the world's foremost superpower, then?

For that matter, why is Poland so weak, despite being ethnically pure?

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