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News from the Poland's media front - Drop in sales for Uważam Rze.

sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Dec 2013 /  #1
With the Union of Press Distribution Control developed by Wirtualnemedia.pl portal , the average sale " I Sculpture " in September decreased annually by as much as 89.86 percent . Ultimately amounted to only 13 thousand . copies. From the end of November " I Sculpture " has become a monthly .

Large declines also recorded "Gazeta Poland " (almost 27 per cent . ) And " On " ( almost 24 per cent . ) .

Sales leader was while in the " Sunday Visitor " . In October, sold over 137.5 thousand . copies. The second place went to "Politics " and the third " Newsweek Poland".

It seems that readers in Poland have decided that "Uważam Rze" and "Gazeta Polska" are not worth the paper on which their lies are printed.
19 Dec 2013 /  #2
Sobieski, could you elaborate on exactly what the thread is about for the benefit of those members that don't understand Polish and won't be able to read your link. Thanks
OP sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Dec 2013 /  #3
Sure, no problem. But can other posters linking to Polish sites expect the same request? Or is it linked to my political persuasion?
It is about the drop in circulation of "Uważam Rze" - see English Wiki link en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uwa%C5%BCam_Rze.

Basically a PIS mouthpiece, specialized in Smolenkist fantasies. The drop in circulation is remarkable.
antheads  13 | 340  
19 Dec 2013 /  #4
If your grasp of polish was better, you would know that all the journalists who worked on Uważam Rze left after the new owner started intefering with the editorial line. Readership numbers collapsed and Uwazam Rze is regarded as having been taken over and no longer representing the right. In 2013 people who want to read proper investigative journalism from masters of their field like Witold Gatowski as well as traditonal right viewpoints ; read Do Rzeczy and W Sieci. Thank you for your attention.
jon357  72 | 23711  
19 Dec 2013 /  #5
If your grasp of polish was better

It may well be better than yours, though never mind.

The staff left, by the way, when that dreadful guy was fired - they knew the proprietor was tying to raise the editorial standards and basically they all threw a hissy fit because they knew they wouldn't be able to get up to the same mischief.

Better stick to Polityka or NIE - much better quality.
antheads  13 | 340  
19 Dec 2013 /  #6
The staff left, by the way, when that dreadful guy was fired - basically they all threw a hissy fit.

If ALL your journalists leave then that means one is not managing the business properly.
Polityka? You are joking right, the communist mouthpiece since 1956?
jon357  72 | 23711  
19 Dec 2013 /  #7
If ALL your journalists leave then that means one is not managing the business properly.

That or you have the wrong journalists. They even had Wildstein and Ziemkiewicz for goodness' sake!

Polityka? You are joking right, the communist mouthpiece since 1956?

Have you read it often? A very good magazine. Plenty of people in Poland read and enjoy it.
19 Dec 2013 /  #8
But can other posters linking to Polish sites expect the same request?

Yes, if it's unclear exactly what the thread is about. In this case i didn't feel enough information was given, and that not all posters would understand.

It's not a personal decision by any means.

Or is it linked to my political persuasion?

Not at all, it's news from Poland and your political leanings don't come into it.
We would encourage however, as far as is possible, to link to sites that are in English, although obviously this is not always possible.
19 Dec 2013 /  #9
Newspapers all over the world are suffering a decline in readership. Seems people are more interested in getting their news from online sources. Sad really since nothing compares with reading an actual newspaper over breakfast.
OP sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Dec 2013 /  #10
We would encourage however, as far as is possible, to link to sites that are in English, although obviously this is not always possible.

OK that's fair enough. Thanks for the explanation

Uwazam Rze is regarded as having been taken over and no longer representing the right.

Ah well there is always that rag Nasz Dziennik - although that is rather Comical Ali.

My Polish is up to standards, thank you very much (at least it was when I wrote the last memo during this working year - in Polish -, and presided the last departmental meeting of this working year, also in Polish.

Give me Newsweek everyday.
jon357  72 | 23711  
19 Dec 2013 /  #11

Is quite good. A bit American in style, but not politically extreme. Very far from 'leftist', not that there's any harm with it being on the left - most intelligent magazine readers prefer that.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Dec 2013 /  #12
Very far from 'leftist',

I assume you mean just the Poland edition? Because it seems to be widely regarded as leftist if Google's results are anything to go by:

No, I don't read it in any language, I ain't got no intellygents, see.
antheads  13 | 340  
20 Dec 2013 /  #13
well jon any weekly that has been operating since 1957 and whose editors enthusasticaly worked for the former communist regime would be somewhat tainted don't you think. One its long time editors became the last communist prime minister of poland. It has been alledged that they chose not to publish coruption details of Rywin affair. Of course i do not deny that it has a wide ranging and inteligent set of contributers.
jon357  72 | 23711  
20 Dec 2013 /  #14
well jon any weekly that has been operating since 1957 and whose editors enthusasticaly worked for the former communist regime would be somewhat tainted don't you think


Of course i do not deny that it has a wide ranging and inteligent set of contributers.

In fact, very.

People who've never been to Poland, especially juveniles, often have a strange perspective of how things are here and how they were before the 1989 changes, as if anyone who had a decent job before was some sort of baddie. I wonder if you imagine that the entire judiciary, press corps, military and all of academia somehow had their jobs because they were politically rather than professionally motivated.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
20 Dec 2013 /  #15
f your grasp of polish was better, you would know that all the journalists who worked on Uważam Rze left after the new owner started intefering with the editorial line.

Yes basically this. Uważam Rze is not what it used to be. Do Rzeczy and WSieci are the ones to read now. I personally read WSieci, by the Karnowski brothers.

Uważam Rze used to have a readership in the 130 000's, until ownership changed hands. In the month ownership changed hands [November of last year], the readership suddenly dropped to half that, and now it is lingering in the 14 000's.

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