Short people are also human (according to rumour) but they should only get half a vote.
Mass immigration to Poland - article and response
Vikings, with their ferocious power and skills they made the best fighters. And this was thousands of years ago.
I didnt say that! i just quotted it :p
OP DariuszTelka 5 | 193
15 Oct 2009 / #243
Vikings had thousands, again thousands years of history? How many thousands?
Again...please read what I write....I said thousands of years AGO. Not FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.
Why are so negative against a people that lived here in Europe? The vikings did more than plunder and pillage. This is a popular tv/cartoon version of the vikings. They had a highly developed society with arts and crafts. Their women had rights and the first actual elected democracy was held in Iceland in the year 930. That sounds awful barbarian and savage to me...
Why would I open your eyes, If they are already open. You are just reading what the politically correct educational system and the politically correct history books tell you. That is your choice. Not mine. That's why we are having a discussion here on the forum.
I'm not here to convert you or to make you think otherwise. But I do want to tell what I think. That you resort to namecalling and nitpicking on singular sentences, and interpreting them wrong, that is your own fault.
Their women had rights
Sure don't you have to, by law now, have 40% females on Corporate Board Seats, rather than the best person for the job?
But what you say is true, the Vikings did not just go around plundering and pillaging but had a culture and were the first to bring coinage to Ireland.
But this can be said for people out side of Europe too.
You are just reading what the politically correct educational system and the politically correct history books tell you.
You see this part makes it look like the 'education system' in our respective countries are there to misinform us about issues and makes you look like a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
That's why we are having a discussion here on the forum.
I think it is a relevant question and should be discussed more so as to prevent "white supremacy" and the like.
And lets face it, Norway without oil, would not be much except for another beautiful part of the world.
But what you say is true, the Vikings did not just go around plundering and pillaging but had a culture and were the first to bring coinage to Ireland.
If the plundered then wouldn't it follow they took "coinage" out of Ireland rather than bringing it in? ;)
I think they had to introduce it, in order to have something to plunder :)
OK, so the Vking giveth and the Viking taketh away.
But this can be said for people out side of Europe too.
Im sure he won't , he is 100% convinced that the white men are the only one who ever created something on earth. If you carefully read his posts, he mentions that every and i mean EVERY civilization was build by europeans, even chinese, mongolian, inka, maya, egyptian :P
I rest my case.
OP DariuszTelka 5 | 193
18 Oct 2009 / #249
Good morning!
Well, I see this thread has died out a little. I intentionally haven't posted on here to see if you "white people are evil and lived in caves when the Arabs were doing calculus" people could maybe come up with some postings and links of your own. But you couldn't, so here we go. Hope you have a minute Mvefa!
First of all. I have never claimed that EVERY civilization that was ever made was of white origin. But the ones that mattered, the ones that had science, knowledge of the stars, higher educational facilities, advanced politics and more are. You have lower evolved civilizations all over the world. Let's start with what we have discussed earlier;
I noticed you mentioned that China, and dismissing the fact that they found blond and blue eyed mummies there as a reason for pre-chinese inventions, like copper, bronze and being able to mummify people. As you so eloquently put it - "So what?". The point is, if you come to a society and find out that they have cars, it also means they have electricity, advanced knowledge of electronics and building skills. It sets a certain standard. So, if they find white mummies pre-dating any chinese dynasty or settlement, and beside them find bronze, cartwheels, silk clothes with intricate designs, and a woman found in one of these tombs had artificial extended hair, this shows that these things were already available before the offical chinese history started. I.e. the chinese didn't invent it.
The White Tribes of Ancient China
Again a link to white people discovered in China which conclude that white people lived there over 3000 years ago;
"In fact, Western China was inhabited by blond-haired blue-eyed white people 3,000 years ago."
"German anthropologist Max Muller (1823-1900) wrote that "the first Caucasians were a small company from the mountains of Central Asia". These conclusions are obviously "old" - but should they therefore be erroneous? Written more than a century before the Tarim Mummies were discovered, they actually did speak of the presence of Caucasians in China. And if they got that right, is it possible they got other things right too? "
"White peoples settled the Western China area at least 1000 years before the presence of the ethnic "Chinese." These people were called the Tocharians and appear to have been integral in building the silk roads; an achievement once thought "Chinese." Their remains in the form of 3500 year old white mummies with European DNA started turning up in the late 1970's, rewriting "settled" history."
So, what can we conclude from this. There was of course lot's of different tribes and simple ways of living in those areas. But when the Europeans settled with their - for that time - advanced knowledge of making cartwheels, bronze, silk etc. the people of that area also got these skills. As time progresses and the populations increase, so does knowledge and discoveries of new science and crafts. More and more people come to these centres of civilization and soon a society is blossoming. This is natural history as we know it.
A link to a blog with some fact based arguments;
Two links with more graphics and in-depth discussion;
A site with lot's of links with both graphics and explanations;
Scroll down to the end of the page for the links.
"Racial war with the Nubians was a common occurrence in ancient Egypt. In 1296 BC the Egyptians conquered Nubia and they built a series of forts along its border to protect against insurrection. The world's first "Whites only" signs appeared along the Nile in hieroglyphics. They still stand today. At one stage it was illegal for any Blacks to enter Egypt."
You take a look at this list and seriously try to convince yourself that these were not white people. That they were black...or what where they then?
And here is where it ended;
White people setteled and lived on these lands before the Mongols as we know them today arrived there. But when they arrived, they arreived to stay. And if you read up on these two links you will find out why white people had to be on the move constantly. This is also why the early white people travelled all around the world and left their footprints in all the corners of our globe.
"Prominent ethnologists are confident that the White race is responsible for the cultures of Mexico and Peru";
"there is substantial evidence that Egyptians themselves sailed in reed boats across the Atlantic and settled in Mexico. This would explain for example how it is that the Castillo pyramid on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula is an exact duplicate of those found in Egypt. Thor Heyerdahl indeed built a replica of an Egyptian papyrus-reed boat and sailed it safely from Egypt to Mexico to show how the White Mayans arrived. These pyramid builders did not have the slanted eyes of the Indian nor the short round nose-the art that these builders created demonstrates this full well."
Egyptian like statues found in Mexico;
Similarities in two "completely" different worlds, with thousands years of history seperating them;
And what about America, were the Indians the indigenous peoples of that continent?
Here's a longer explanation;
"Migration When and From Where?
The resulting theory begins to look like this: Migration into the Americas had to have taken place either during the glacial maximum--or what is more likely, before. That means at least 15,000 years BP, and likely around 20,000 years ago or more. One strong candidate for primary route of entrance is by boat or on foot along the Pacific coast; boats of one sort or another have been in use at least 30,000 years. Evidence for the coastal route is slim at present, but the coast as the new Americans would have seen it is now covered by water and the sites may be difficult to find. The people who traveled into the continents were not primarily dependent on megafauna, as Clovis peoples were, but rather generalized hunter-gatherers, with a broad base of subsistence.
Most astonishingly, the human skeletal remains recovered dating to these times, such as the Kennewick Man, are providing genetic and morphological proof that the earliest peoples on the continent were not typically Asian, as was expected. I'll address that in Part V: So who was "pre-Clovis"?".
To round up a here's a link for how things from different parts of the world sometimes have things in common;
Do you believe that black people travelled the world with their advanced ships and advanced knowledge of the stars?
Do you believe that people in todays Iran and Egypt are the same people that built the temples, pyramids, wrote the scrolls, mummified their leaders, had intricate knowledge of the stars, medicine and science?
I have heard about the European space program, have you heard of the African or Middle eastern one? I have heard about Harvard, Oxford, University of Constantinople and The library of Alexandria, but I have never heard of their equivalents in Asia or Africa.
I have heard of Sokrates (Not the one on this forum though...:-), Plato, The founding fathers, Isaac Newton, The Wright brothers, Alfred Nobel, William Shakespear, Charles Darwin, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Galileo Galilei, Niels Bohr, Marie Curie, Nicola Tesla, Nicolaus Copernicus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Catherine the Great, Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, Ludvig Van Beethoven...the list is SO LONG it would take hours just to copy/paste it here!
We have the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built by white people, we have the castles, paintings, sculptures, churches, tunnels, bridges, skyscrapers, the poetry and literature, we have the opera, the classical music, super speed trains, the highest, buildings, the rockets sent into space, the space stations, the hubble telescope, the heart transplants, the cloning of animals, artificial insermination, artificial intelligence, laser surgery, hyper advanced fighter planes, jumbo jet planes for 800 people, cars that run on natural gas, houses completely made by natural resources that live and breathe, we are even building a partical accelerator at the CERN laboratorium in Switzerland (and France) that was founded by the following countries back in 1954; Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, West Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden. Does Africa, Asia or any other non-european race have a equivalent project? No. Yes, other non european countries have attached themselves to this project on a later date and contribute to it. But who started it, who built it, who invented it? The white europeans did. As they did with all the things mentioned above in this post.
WHERE IS THE EQUIVALENT LIST OF INVENTIONS, PROGRESS AND SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBRUTIONS FROM AFRICA/ASIA/SOUTH AMERICA? And I don't mean war lords. And again, please find out if they were actually white before you post anything. Cleopatra was NOT black, Hannibal was NOT black, Ghengis Khan had BLUE EYES.
There is no evidence that ANY race BUT THE WHITE has ever started an ADVANCED CIVILIZATION or built anything of SIGNIFICANCE, without the help or brainpower of the western man as we know him/her today!
I know that when the Muslim Turks invaded Constantinoble they burned and ruined everything that the christians built there. I know that the ancient library of Alexandria was used to fire up the ovens for the "great" scientits of Islam that conquered and settled there. Since their motto was; "If it contradicts the koran it must be heresy". And a couple of hundred years after their invasion, the science suddenly "stopped". Why? Because the white scientists that decided/were forced to work for their new conquerers, died out or went back north. And the muslim scientists weren't able to emulate anything their predecessors had invented, built or written. After a while it was all just collecting dust or burnt. The so called golden age of medieval islam is a myth and if it was there when they lived there, and they invented it, why would it dissapear if they didn't leave, like the white europeans did? Why hasn't anything remotely resembling this been built since, while Europe has blossomed into a giant on all these fields? And they don't stop today;
Threatening to blow up hindu relics;
Angry muslims at exhibition;
Muslims blew up fouth and fifth century Buddhas;
Here's a link to the Library of Alexandria;
(scroll down to the destruction of the library of Alexandria).
A norwegian architect company designed it, western technology makes it possible to light it up and have flushing toilets, western technology makes it possible to actually make it function. But how is it funded? By ARAB STATES WITH OIL MONEY! And where did these arab countries get their oil? From WESTERN TECHNOLOGY! See, it all comes down to the european man! We are the lowest denominator.
Here is what it looks like today, not unlike the rest of Egypt...or...wait. UNLIKE the rest of Egypt;
But of course it can't be all gold that glimmers;
"Some experts question whether modern day Egypt can afford to supply such a library with all the materials it needs, or if the government can truly keep censorship out of the collection."
That's right, IF THE GOVERNMENT CAN TRULY KEEP CENSORSHIP OUT OF THE COLLECTION! Now that is progress for you, censoring a library! It HAD to be the "black/middle eastern egyptians who made all these fantastic buildings and libraries....they can't even decide what books to allow there today as it might upset the muslims.
This is what I know;
I know that todays Africa and Middle east is a craphole of major proportions with violence and death at massive scales. They have always been like this, and will always be like this in the future. Just take a look at the news.
I know that Africans never invented, built or harvested anything in their entire existence. Yes, they were slaves and their countries were emptied by the evil white colonists. But still, after hundreds of years they have not been able to build ANYTHING. We europeans built up entire cities from scratch after WW2, look at Berlin, Dresden, Warszawa etc. Only ten years after these cities were flattened they were again full with people and business and culture. How come? And if the people of these regions, that some of you claim here, are as intelligent and enlightened as us, how come they are such a burden on all the countries they come to in the west. Look at the riots of Paris, London, Brugge, Gothenburg, Oslo, Brentford, Marseille, Hamburg, Athens. Look at the vast majority of crimes being commited by third world immigrants. Is all this the result of the evil white people who used them hundreds of years ago? How long can you be a victim? Ask the people of Dresden or Hiroshima if they are still victims, or if they rebuilt their cities and got on with their lives. The evidence is there for all too see. What happened in South Africa after the ethnic africans took over? What happened to Zimbabwe after the ethnic africans took over? What happened to Detroit when the etnnic blacks took over?
South Africa
A country that had a space program and advanced science and education;,8599,1810805,00.html
Violence and crime;
The former "breadbasket of Africa";
7 out of 10 murderers get away;
Detroit deadliest city in the U.S;
Mayor of Detroit;
Now the South African whites are fleeing the country by the thousands. In 2000 years, when explorers find the remnants of high rise buildings, paved highways, universities, science labs, will they say, "the black people of South Africa were highly intelligent and had a complex society of higher learning"? But now we know that only 10 percent of the country is of european decent and they are the ones who made all this possible. The same applies for Egypt, Persia, South America. Look at Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, Brazil has a 49% percent white population and is rich, but violent. Uruguay is 88% european, and has a lot less violence (because of the abscense of africans/mulattos), Chile is 30% european, but has a large portion of mestizos with european background and this makes it more successful than the other South American countries, but all three are still beautiful countries with magnificent architecture and history. Brazil can't compare to the european countries with a 90+ european population. If Brazil was 100 percent european it would be a superpower beyond belief. Who rules Brazil, Chile and Uruguay? Whoever likes statistics and knows how to read them would come to the same politically uncorrect conclusion that; (In fear of senorship and hatespeech directed at me I will leave this answer blank).
President of Czech origin;
Today's president;
South American politicians; jpg
"Uruguay is one of the most economically developed countries in Latino America, with a high GDP per capita and the 47th highest quality of life in the world. It was the first Latin American country to legalize same and different sex civil unions at a national level in the year 2007".
President of Chile;
South American leaders and entrepeneurs;
...Continued on next post
....continued from last post...
The Japanese, Korean and Chinese have very advanced societies, but their whole existence is based on european inventions. All their cars, technology, buildings and society is built on western standards and knowledge. Look at the inventors mentioned above. They might emulate, and even surpass us in their technology, but they don't have the gene to "invent", things from scratch. Yes, some major contributions have come from non-europeans, yes many indian scientists are prominent in medicine and astro-physics and yes, there are african american doctors. But these are in such a small percentage compared to the europeans, and most certainly, they have all been educated in "our" learning facilities - or with their inventions as a foundation.
I know that some Asian groups and Jews have a higher IQ than whites, but this does not make them better at building civilizations, which is what we are talking about here.
And to this day european people still strive to do what is in their genetics, discover, learn, invent;
17 year old boy sails around the world;
And if you think the boys and men are alone at this, think again;
And again, I am not saying that the white race is guilt free of horrors, murders, wars, genocide, persecution and all the evils that has been and still exists! But what I am saying is that we are the only race who can claim greatness on a larger scale of civilization building, inventions, progress in all scientific fields. We are all human beings, we all have a right to be on this earth and claim rights for ourselves to freedom, peace and prosperity. So don't go down the road of attacking me with the nazi or hitler schpiel, that is getting too old. We must be able to have a reasonable debate, even though you don't agree. National Socialism died in 1945. History is more than a man with a moustache in the 30's and 40's.
Now I rest my case.
Well, I see this thread has died out a little. I intentionally haven't posted on here to see if you "white people are evil and lived in caves when the Arabs were doing calculus" people could maybe come up with some postings and links of your own. But you couldn't, so here we go. Hope you have a minute Mvefa!
First of all. I have never claimed that EVERY civilization that was ever made was of white origin. But the ones that mattered, the ones that had science, knowledge of the stars, higher educational facilities, advanced politics and more are. You have lower evolved civilizations all over the world. Let's start with what we have discussed earlier;
I noticed you mentioned that China, and dismissing the fact that they found blond and blue eyed mummies there as a reason for pre-chinese inventions, like copper, bronze and being able to mummify people. As you so eloquently put it - "So what?". The point is, if you come to a society and find out that they have cars, it also means they have electricity, advanced knowledge of electronics and building skills. It sets a certain standard. So, if they find white mummies pre-dating any chinese dynasty or settlement, and beside them find bronze, cartwheels, silk clothes with intricate designs, and a woman found in one of these tombs had artificial extended hair, this shows that these things were already available before the offical chinese history started. I.e. the chinese didn't invent it.
The White Tribes of Ancient China
Again a link to white people discovered in China which conclude that white people lived there over 3000 years ago;
"In fact, Western China was inhabited by blond-haired blue-eyed white people 3,000 years ago."
"German anthropologist Max Muller (1823-1900) wrote that "the first Caucasians were a small company from the mountains of Central Asia". These conclusions are obviously "old" - but should they therefore be erroneous? Written more than a century before the Tarim Mummies were discovered, they actually did speak of the presence of Caucasians in China. And if they got that right, is it possible they got other things right too? "
"White peoples settled the Western China area at least 1000 years before the presence of the ethnic "Chinese." These people were called the Tocharians and appear to have been integral in building the silk roads; an achievement once thought "Chinese." Their remains in the form of 3500 year old white mummies with European DNA started turning up in the late 1970's, rewriting "settled" history."
So, what can we conclude from this. There was of course lot's of different tribes and simple ways of living in those areas. But when the Europeans settled with their - for that time - advanced knowledge of making cartwheels, bronze, silk etc. the people of that area also got these skills. As time progresses and the populations increase, so does knowledge and discoveries of new science and crafts. More and more people come to these centres of civilization and soon a society is blossoming. This is natural history as we know it.
A link to a blog with some fact based arguments;
Two links with more graphics and in-depth discussion;
A site with lot's of links with both graphics and explanations;
Scroll down to the end of the page for the links.
"Racial war with the Nubians was a common occurrence in ancient Egypt. In 1296 BC the Egyptians conquered Nubia and they built a series of forts along its border to protect against insurrection. The world's first "Whites only" signs appeared along the Nile in hieroglyphics. They still stand today. At one stage it was illegal for any Blacks to enter Egypt."
You take a look at this list and seriously try to convince yourself that these were not white people. That they were black...or what where they then?
And here is where it ended;
White people setteled and lived on these lands before the Mongols as we know them today arrived there. But when they arrived, they arreived to stay. And if you read up on these two links you will find out why white people had to be on the move constantly. This is also why the early white people travelled all around the world and left their footprints in all the corners of our globe.
"Prominent ethnologists are confident that the White race is responsible for the cultures of Mexico and Peru";
"there is substantial evidence that Egyptians themselves sailed in reed boats across the Atlantic and settled in Mexico. This would explain for example how it is that the Castillo pyramid on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula is an exact duplicate of those found in Egypt. Thor Heyerdahl indeed built a replica of an Egyptian papyrus-reed boat and sailed it safely from Egypt to Mexico to show how the White Mayans arrived. These pyramid builders did not have the slanted eyes of the Indian nor the short round nose-the art that these builders created demonstrates this full well."
Egyptian like statues found in Mexico;
Similarities in two "completely" different worlds, with thousands years of history seperating them;
And what about America, were the Indians the indigenous peoples of that continent?
Here's a longer explanation;
"Migration When and From Where?
The resulting theory begins to look like this: Migration into the Americas had to have taken place either during the glacial maximum--or what is more likely, before. That means at least 15,000 years BP, and likely around 20,000 years ago or more. One strong candidate for primary route of entrance is by boat or on foot along the Pacific coast; boats of one sort or another have been in use at least 30,000 years. Evidence for the coastal route is slim at present, but the coast as the new Americans would have seen it is now covered by water and the sites may be difficult to find. The people who traveled into the continents were not primarily dependent on megafauna, as Clovis peoples were, but rather generalized hunter-gatherers, with a broad base of subsistence.
Most astonishingly, the human skeletal remains recovered dating to these times, such as the Kennewick Man, are providing genetic and morphological proof that the earliest peoples on the continent were not typically Asian, as was expected. I'll address that in Part V: So who was "pre-Clovis"?".
To round up a here's a link for how things from different parts of the world sometimes have things in common;
Do you believe that black people travelled the world with their advanced ships and advanced knowledge of the stars?
Do you believe that people in todays Iran and Egypt are the same people that built the temples, pyramids, wrote the scrolls, mummified their leaders, had intricate knowledge of the stars, medicine and science?
I have heard about the European space program, have you heard of the African or Middle eastern one? I have heard about Harvard, Oxford, University of Constantinople and The library of Alexandria, but I have never heard of their equivalents in Asia or Africa.
I have heard of Sokrates (Not the one on this forum though...:-), Plato, The founding fathers, Isaac Newton, The Wright brothers, Alfred Nobel, William Shakespear, Charles Darwin, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Galileo Galilei, Niels Bohr, Marie Curie, Nicola Tesla, Nicolaus Copernicus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Catherine the Great, Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, Ludvig Van Beethoven...the list is SO LONG it would take hours just to copy/paste it here!
We have the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built by white people, we have the castles, paintings, sculptures, churches, tunnels, bridges, skyscrapers, the poetry and literature, we have the opera, the classical music, super speed trains, the highest, buildings, the rockets sent into space, the space stations, the hubble telescope, the heart transplants, the cloning of animals, artificial insermination, artificial intelligence, laser surgery, hyper advanced fighter planes, jumbo jet planes for 800 people, cars that run on natural gas, houses completely made by natural resources that live and breathe, we are even building a partical accelerator at the CERN laboratorium in Switzerland (and France) that was founded by the following countries back in 1954; Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, West Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden. Does Africa, Asia or any other non-european race have a equivalent project? No. Yes, other non european countries have attached themselves to this project on a later date and contribute to it. But who started it, who built it, who invented it? The white europeans did. As they did with all the things mentioned above in this post.
WHERE IS THE EQUIVALENT LIST OF INVENTIONS, PROGRESS AND SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBRUTIONS FROM AFRICA/ASIA/SOUTH AMERICA? And I don't mean war lords. And again, please find out if they were actually white before you post anything. Cleopatra was NOT black, Hannibal was NOT black, Ghengis Khan had BLUE EYES.
There is no evidence that ANY race BUT THE WHITE has ever started an ADVANCED CIVILIZATION or built anything of SIGNIFICANCE, without the help or brainpower of the western man as we know him/her today!
I know that when the Muslim Turks invaded Constantinoble they burned and ruined everything that the christians built there. I know that the ancient library of Alexandria was used to fire up the ovens for the "great" scientits of Islam that conquered and settled there. Since their motto was; "If it contradicts the koran it must be heresy". And a couple of hundred years after their invasion, the science suddenly "stopped". Why? Because the white scientists that decided/were forced to work for their new conquerers, died out or went back north. And the muslim scientists weren't able to emulate anything their predecessors had invented, built or written. After a while it was all just collecting dust or burnt. The so called golden age of medieval islam is a myth and if it was there when they lived there, and they invented it, why would it dissapear if they didn't leave, like the white europeans did? Why hasn't anything remotely resembling this been built since, while Europe has blossomed into a giant on all these fields? And they don't stop today;
Threatening to blow up hindu relics;
Angry muslims at exhibition;
Muslims blew up fouth and fifth century Buddhas;
Here's a link to the Library of Alexandria;
(scroll down to the destruction of the library of Alexandria).
A norwegian architect company designed it, western technology makes it possible to light it up and have flushing toilets, western technology makes it possible to actually make it function. But how is it funded? By ARAB STATES WITH OIL MONEY! And where did these arab countries get their oil? From WESTERN TECHNOLOGY! See, it all comes down to the european man! We are the lowest denominator.
Here is what it looks like today, not unlike the rest of Egypt...or...wait. UNLIKE the rest of Egypt;
But of course it can't be all gold that glimmers;
"Some experts question whether modern day Egypt can afford to supply such a library with all the materials it needs, or if the government can truly keep censorship out of the collection."
That's right, IF THE GOVERNMENT CAN TRULY KEEP CENSORSHIP OUT OF THE COLLECTION! Now that is progress for you, censoring a library! It HAD to be the "black/middle eastern egyptians who made all these fantastic buildings and libraries....they can't even decide what books to allow there today as it might upset the muslims.
This is what I know;
I know that todays Africa and Middle east is a craphole of major proportions with violence and death at massive scales. They have always been like this, and will always be like this in the future. Just take a look at the news.
I know that Africans never invented, built or harvested anything in their entire existence. Yes, they were slaves and their countries were emptied by the evil white colonists. But still, after hundreds of years they have not been able to build ANYTHING. We europeans built up entire cities from scratch after WW2, look at Berlin, Dresden, Warszawa etc. Only ten years after these cities were flattened they were again full with people and business and culture. How come? And if the people of these regions, that some of you claim here, are as intelligent and enlightened as us, how come they are such a burden on all the countries they come to in the west. Look at the riots of Paris, London, Brugge, Gothenburg, Oslo, Brentford, Marseille, Hamburg, Athens. Look at the vast majority of crimes being commited by third world immigrants. Is all this the result of the evil white people who used them hundreds of years ago? How long can you be a victim? Ask the people of Dresden or Hiroshima if they are still victims, or if they rebuilt their cities and got on with their lives. The evidence is there for all too see. What happened in South Africa after the ethnic africans took over? What happened to Zimbabwe after the ethnic africans took over? What happened to Detroit when the etnnic blacks took over?
South Africa
A country that had a space program and advanced science and education;,8599,1810805,00.html
Violence and crime;
The former "breadbasket of Africa";
7 out of 10 murderers get away;
Detroit deadliest city in the U.S;
Mayor of Detroit;
Now the South African whites are fleeing the country by the thousands. In 2000 years, when explorers find the remnants of high rise buildings, paved highways, universities, science labs, will they say, "the black people of South Africa were highly intelligent and had a complex society of higher learning"? But now we know that only 10 percent of the country is of european decent and they are the ones who made all this possible. The same applies for Egypt, Persia, South America. Look at Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, Brazil has a 49% percent white population and is rich, but violent. Uruguay is 88% european, and has a lot less violence (because of the abscense of africans/mulattos), Chile is 30% european, but has a large portion of mestizos with european background and this makes it more successful than the other South American countries, but all three are still beautiful countries with magnificent architecture and history. Brazil can't compare to the european countries with a 90+ european population. If Brazil was 100 percent european it would be a superpower beyond belief. Who rules Brazil, Chile and Uruguay? Whoever likes statistics and knows how to read them would come to the same politically uncorrect conclusion that; (In fear of senorship and hatespeech directed at me I will leave this answer blank).
President of Czech origin;
Today's president;
South American politicians; jpg
"Uruguay is one of the most economically developed countries in Latino America, with a high GDP per capita and the 47th highest quality of life in the world. It was the first Latin American country to legalize same and different sex civil unions at a national level in the year 2007".
President of Chile;
South American leaders and entrepeneurs;
...Continued on next post
....continued from last post...
The Japanese, Korean and Chinese have very advanced societies, but their whole existence is based on european inventions. All their cars, technology, buildings and society is built on western standards and knowledge. Look at the inventors mentioned above. They might emulate, and even surpass us in their technology, but they don't have the gene to "invent", things from scratch. Yes, some major contributions have come from non-europeans, yes many indian scientists are prominent in medicine and astro-physics and yes, there are african american doctors. But these are in such a small percentage compared to the europeans, and most certainly, they have all been educated in "our" learning facilities - or with their inventions as a foundation.
I know that some Asian groups and Jews have a higher IQ than whites, but this does not make them better at building civilizations, which is what we are talking about here.
And to this day european people still strive to do what is in their genetics, discover, learn, invent;
17 year old boy sails around the world;
And if you think the boys and men are alone at this, think again;
And again, I am not saying that the white race is guilt free of horrors, murders, wars, genocide, persecution and all the evils that has been and still exists! But what I am saying is that we are the only race who can claim greatness on a larger scale of civilization building, inventions, progress in all scientific fields. We are all human beings, we all have a right to be on this earth and claim rights for ourselves to freedom, peace and prosperity. So don't go down the road of attacking me with the nazi or hitler schpiel, that is getting too old. We must be able to have a reasonable debate, even though you don't agree. National Socialism died in 1945. History is more than a man with a moustache in the 30's and 40's.
Now I rest my case.
White people are better then everyone else and Polish people are the whitest.
Funny that, I'm noticeably whiter than most people here. Much like Scandinavians. Yet I don't claim to be 'better', whatever that means. Many black Africans know medicine much better than I do. Does that make them 'better'?
Funny that, I'm noticeably whiter than most people here. Much like Scandinavians.
From the day you betrayed Mel Gibson, God declared you and all Scottish black for all eternity.
Many black Africans know medicine much better than I do. Does that make them 'better'?
They can jump higher then you do, also they can peel bananas better.
Right, so that's why many Scots have mleczna skóra, is it? ;)
I don't need to jump and get paid ridiculous amounts of money for throwing a ball into a hoop.
I don't need to jump and get paid ridiculous amounts of money for throwing a ball into a hoop.
Right, so that's why many Scots have mleczna skóra, is it? ;)
Thats just Scottish denial, you try to look whiter to conceal that you're really black.
I don't need to jump and get paid ridiculous amounts of money for throwing a ball into a hoop.
Thats because as a recent addition to the black race you can just like that yet.
OK, if you say so :) You just can't face up to the fact that most Scots and Scandinavians are whiter. Not that it matters much to us anyway.
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
18 Oct 2009 / #256
Racism is a disability. A disease. A severe disorder... an unfortunate handicap.
Try telling that to Sokrates. This white supremacist stuff is a scourge of humanity.
OP DariuszTelka 5 | 193
18 Oct 2009 / #258
Thanks for keeping this thread up high on the forum, but it would be nice if you could put in more than one-liners! Besides I'm waiting for Mfevma or mvcfam or what's his name to read my post and reply to it.
Racism is ugly and bad. Too bad most people don't seem to get it goes the "other way" the most....(yes there are links and statistics to back up that craaaaazy claim).
Racism is ugly and bad. Too bad most people don't seem to get it goes the "other way" the most....(yes there are links and statistics to back up that craaaaazy claim).
How about, um,
a two liner? ;0 ;)
Please ask direct questions if you want direct answers. I just see dollops of info and no questions for others.
a two liner? ;0 ;)
Please ask direct questions if you want direct answers. I just see dollops of info and no questions for others.
OP DariuszTelka 5 | 193
18 Oct 2009 / #260
Fekkin hell...ok.
I know I didn't post any questions...
I'm just waiting for european haters to come on and try to put down their own heritage and history again.
I know I really shouldn't care, but sometimes they just get under my skin with their politically correct nonsense.
Anyway, any Welsh people in here? How come so many welsh people I see on the T.V. have dark hair and look more "italian/spanish", than Irish, English or Scottish people? I'm thinking about Tom Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones, John Rhys Davies, Michael Sheen, Mark Hughes (footballer), some of these guys could sport real "afros" in their younger years.
I know I didn't post any questions...
I'm just waiting for european haters to come on and try to put down their own heritage and history again.
I know I really shouldn't care, but sometimes they just get under my skin with their politically correct nonsense.
Anyway, any Welsh people in here? How come so many welsh people I see on the T.V. have dark hair and look more "italian/spanish", than Irish, English or Scottish people? I'm thinking about Tom Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones, John Rhys Davies, Michael Sheen, Mark Hughes (footballer), some of these guys could sport real "afros" in their younger years.
18 Oct 2009 / #261
White people are better then everyone else and Polish people are the whitest.
Hmm, not sure if you can honestly say that about us Slavs...
Procopius stated the the Slavs "are tall and especially strong, their skin is not very white, and their hair is neither blond nor black, but all have reddish hair’’. They are neither dishonourable nor spiteful, but simple in their ways, like the Huns (Avars)”.
(Wikipedia, "Early Slavs")
I'm definitely not as pale as most English people are. ;)
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
18 Oct 2009 / #262
When "Proud to be black" and "Black Power" is okay then "Proud to be white" and "White Power" must be accepted too.
Everything else is racism...anti-white racism!
"reddish hair" is nowadays connected to the Celts, Europes most earliest natives.
Everything else is racism...anti-white racism!
(Wikipedia, "Early Slavs")
"reddish hair" is nowadays connected to the Celts, Europes most earliest natives.
18 Oct 2009 / #263
When "Proud to be black" and "Black Power" is okay then "Proud to be white" and "White Power" must be accepted too.
Everything else is racism...anti-white racism!
Everything else is racism...anti-white racism!
heh! :)
"reddish hair" is nowadays connected to the Celts, Europes most earliest natives.
A Polish actress yesterday:

Bratwurst Boy
I am not sure if I agree on the "Power"-bit there, Bratwurst. You know that Black Power as a compled different meaning than White Power. Black Power is about equality and White Power is about superiority to other races. Not quite the same, I think.
If you mean white as in pale - yes. But just because you hardly get any sun :) Indeed, the Scotch, Scandinavians are white, but the Dutch and Germans are pretty white too.
White Supremacists should be held responsible for their comments and deeds in violation of the basic rights of human beings. Why don't we just kick the cr*p out of those supremacist idiots? :)
All White Supremacists are very disturbed and depraved individuals.
Photoshop? :)
M-G (sec)
I am not sure if I agree on the "Power"-bit there, Bratwurst. You know that Black Power as a compled different meaning than White Power. Black Power is about equality and White Power is about superiority to other races. Not quite the same, I think.
If you mean white as in pale - yes. But just because you hardly get any sun :) Indeed, the Scotch, Scandinavians are white, but the Dutch and Germans are pretty white too.
White Supremacists should be held responsible for their comments and deeds in violation of the basic rights of human beings. Why don't we just kick the cr*p out of those supremacist idiots? :)
All White Supremacists are very disturbed and depraved individuals.
Photoshop? :)
M-G (sec)
Short people are also human (according to rumour) but they should only get half a vote.
They are half human since they are so short :D
A Polish actress yesterday:
She looks Irish.
18 Oct 2009 / #266
You know that Black Power as a compled different meaning than White Power. Black Power is about equality and White Power is about superiority to other races. Not quite the same, I think.
True. But will you change your mind when whites become the minority and blacks are in charge everywhere, but all the anti-discrimination legislation currently in place to protect minorities, has curiously been abolished by those wielding "black power"?
Photoshop? :)
Er, no. She really does look like that. She's called Daria Widawska, look her up ;)
She looks Irish.
Reminds me of Fiz from Corrie! lol
scrappleton - | 829
18 Oct 2009 / #267
White Supremacists should be held responsible for their comments and deeds in violation of the basic rights of human beings.
You don't think there are Black Supremacists? You don't think they commit hate crimes? Strange you don't mention that.
Being proud in general what your ethnic background is good. Whites have accomplished a hell of a lot. There's nothing wrong with being proud of it. Not everybody wants multiculturalism shoved down their thoats all the time. Where's the freedom there?
OP DariuszTelka 5 | 193
18 Oct 2009 / #268
White Supremacists should be held responsible for their comments and deeds in violation of the basic rights of human beings. Why don't we just kick the cr*p out of those supremacist idiots? :)
All White Supremacists are very disturbed and depraved individuals.
All White Supremacists are very disturbed and depraved individuals.
I'd rather kick the crap out the red/green coalition governement that has allowed hundreds of thousands of third world muslims to come to my country and ruin it. And the people who voted for them.
To kick the crap out of a dozen "so-called" white supremacists wouldn't solve anything. I know, cause I used to be one of them. When I was in my late teens, early twenties. You chose sides, it was norwegians against the muslims/commies. We were called racists, nazis and haters and they were called "misguided youth". The commies, rat-people who don't shower and come from upper class families, but like to play "revolutionary". Now THERE are somebody who needs a good hiding. Which they got from time to time.
People, there are no NEO-NAZIS, not in Norway anyway. There are nationalistic, patriotic people who want the foreigners out. But they are not nazis. We were called nazis in the newspaper, but I can tell you that out of 100 people that I knew, maybe 1 or 2 would have a swastika tattoo, and that was to impress whoever saw it, but if you asked him, or her, when the Reichstag burnt or when Hitler was elected to power, or any other question about the reich, you would get no answer. It was and is a youthful unrest and wanting of adrenaline and friendship. No hokus pokus. Waive the nazi flag and bom! The people react, the newspapers print a whole page with the picture, the schools write essays...and so on. That was power, and fun. But not serious. I have never forgiven the media in Norway for that. They were adults and supposed to be real journalists. Instead they let 18-19 year old kids pose for pictures with a swastika armband..."this is going to sell!". "Nazis in Norway, the gruesome story of evil". "Also, read what holocaust-survivor Herschel Rosenbaum has to say about it, in our eight part story! Extra! Extra! "Pull out posters of the death camps! Let's get another 17 year old to pose with a hidden face!". And so it went on for years...and years....
The real patriots of today, which I consider myself as, is a fairly upstanding citizen with no special background or need to beat up people because of their skin. This is a movie/TV/media myth and has been bled dry by sensation hungry journalists and self-interest anti-racist groups to fund their existence. They see ghosts everywhere. Every year they publish "far right and nazi violence increasing", reports which are as laughable and full of lies as they are.
Thank god things are clearing up in Europe today, and more serious patriotic people are coming forth without the neo-nazi ghost behind them, as was all too usual in the 80's and 90's.
So, let's agree, no kicking, no beating, just a ticket for the airport and let's have peace.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
18 Oct 2009 / #269
I am not sure if I agree on the "Power"-bit there, Bratwurst. You know that Black Power as a compled different meaning than White Power. Black Power is about equality and White Power is about superiority to other races. Not quite the same, I think. I disagree!
Whites already belong to the tiniest group of humans and if they themselves don't look after their heritage nobody else will.
A "white-history-month" is in order the same way as the blacks have it etc.etc.etc.
It seems every culture and every race is asked to cherish and to protect their heritage, but when Whites do it it's called racism!
I consider myself a patriot too. I love my little country by the Sea. However, this patriotism does not exclude certain groups of ppl. I never took sides, I never think in groups. I take person per person. If a person is an *sshole, then he/she is an *sshole to me and it doesn't matter if it's a man, woman, black, white, yellow, purple or green. Ppl are ppl and you cannot condemn whole groups of ppl all at once. It's simply not pssbl.
Bratwurst Boy
Well, Bratwurst, whites have kind of a history on that point, haven't we? :) Note that by saying this I don't condone ANY supremacist behaviour, be it from whites, blacks, yellows, purple or green ppl! Let that be clear. I don't make any difference in approach there.
M-G (or am I saying something crazy now?)
I consider myself a patriot too. I love my little country by the Sea. However, this patriotism does not exclude certain groups of ppl. I never took sides, I never think in groups. I take person per person. If a person is an *sshole, then he/she is an *sshole to me and it doesn't matter if it's a man, woman, black, white, yellow, purple or green. Ppl are ppl and you cannot condemn whole groups of ppl all at once. It's simply not pssbl.
Bratwurst Boy
Well, Bratwurst, whites have kind of a history on that point, haven't we? :) Note that by saying this I don't condone ANY supremacist behaviour, be it from whites, blacks, yellows, purple or green ppl! Let that be clear. I don't make any difference in approach there.
M-G (or am I saying something crazy now?)