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Mass immigration to Poland - article and response

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Oct 2009 /  #181
We are animals in my opinion, all of us.

You might be. Dont force your crazy opinion. I am a human.

I love watching wildlife documentaries

Because you can take a look at your close relatives there? I see those documentaries for a laugh!

Either that or these people must be immediately deported or put into a work camp.

Wow... how long is your moustache?

doing the dictating

I'm a pretty liberal guy keep in mind


You were wrong.

You were never right

Have a nice day

same to you!
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Oct 2009 /  #182
I am a human

and therefore animal, unless you're some kind of human plant or fungus.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Oct 2009 /  #183
therefore animal

Human's are higher than animals.

There is the mineral kingdom...
then comes the Vegetale Kingdom...
Then Come the Animal Kingdom...
Then Comes the Human Kingdom...
Beyond it is the Kingdom of the Prophets...who come in human form...

FINALLY....God's Existance...

Human's belong to a seperate level... we have souls... we have consceince...we are different.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
10 Oct 2009 /  #184
Because you can take a look at your close relatives there? I see those documentaries for a laugh!

Well yeah the animal kingdom is filled with our relatives, if you acknowledge I'm human and those are my close relatives then they are also yours. If you don't acknowledge my humanity then you're getting your butt kicked badly in this debate by something you'd consider a lower life form.

Wow... how long is your moustache?

probably more sizeable than your backbone
I'm sorry you're unable to process the simple truths I espoused but give yourself time to grow up a bit and you'll see how much of a mark those you defend really take you for. The joke is on you.


dictate, it means to set or determine a situation rather than have it determined to you by others. It's too bad you're unable to differentiate it from the connotations of the word dictator in the political sense. Oh well, your inability to get past these little things is for you to deal with.

I have studied the religion well

lets hit it!


Really a real waywayd community to say the very least of leasts!

see what I did there? Try to be at least genuine in your use of the quote function, unless you really are that disingenuous in real life as well.

Human's belong to a seperate level... we have souls... we have consceince...we are different.

So when did you become the all powerful decider of what does and doesn't have a soul?
Tell me what exactly is a conscience and how can you be so certain animals don't have one. How exactly do you determine the difference in "level" (your term not mine) between a human and another animal?

There is the mineral kingdom...
then comes the Vegetale Kingdom...
Then Come the Animal Kingdom...
Then Comes the Human Kingdom...
Beyond it is the Kingdom of the Prophets...who come in human form...

FINALLY....God's Existance...

from what authority do you base this off of?
lesser  4 | 1311  
10 Oct 2009 /  #185
Then Christianity is a sect aswell. A sect of Judaism.

Judaism as we know (or don't know:) ) today and Christianity evolved from the same Mosaic beliefs into very different religions. You could claim that Christians were sect originated from these beliefs. They were considered like that at that time for sure. But in the meantime gained proper position while original beliefs almost vanished. Of course we can talk about Protestant sects but for example Eastern Orthodoxy is not considered as such duo to historical developments that leads to this schism.

IF you want we can discuss this in the REAL way in the off topics forum. Open a thread called 'Bahai' and lets hit it!

Open one yourself, you still need to reply on each every point that I made about Bahaism looking like variation of Marxism.

Marxism is different. Dont try to color those bealieves with something as stupid and communism. Communists were Anti Bahais and banned their religious places in Soviet Russia.

This is clearly religious variation of Marxism. How could you defend their social goals?

Of course communist establishment in the Soviet Union most likely targeted them, they were anti-religion in general until WWII started when Stalin ordered to use Eastern Christianity as a state controlled tool to unite people. Soviet establishment also targeted all kind of variations of communism incompatible with their own vision. Look at followers of Trotsky or Maoists. In your own homeland communists from outside of establishment (young Michnik, Kuron or Modzelewski) were often imprisoned.

They were and are still persecuted in Iran for their believe of equality, love, unity and peace... by the same Shiiayou talk about.

I can assure you that I do not edit definitions from FreeOnlineDictionary :)

Wow I cannot believe you actually have the audacity to assume you would somehow know the details of a relationship between 2 people

No I did not provide any details of their relationship. If you claim that they never talked about Islam (as a permanent observer of their relationship, I assume again :) ), I can hardly believe... If your friend was so impressed by behaviour of Muslim guy, he would most likely start such discussion. Beside of that if you would re-read my previous post, you would find out that I did left some margin, that my assumption might be wrong.

I second your notes about mass immigration from so called 'third world'. Such position can be defended from liberal perspective, because we are dealing with forced integration.

We are animals in my opinion, all of us.

You might be. Dont force your crazy opinion. I am a human.

One of the supposed policies (the one that I would praise) of Bahaism is agreement between religion and science. Why don't you follow this rule? Humankind is the most perfect form of life on earth but still belong to animals.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
11 Oct 2009 /  #186
If you claim that they never talked about Islam

Oh I know the guy enquired about what religion but Atta never goes into detail with people, he always tells them to look into it if they're really interested. He has got to be very very comfortable with a person's company, ...Why the FCUK am I explaining this to you? Look dipsh!t maybe you feel insecure about someone that isn't you influencing people so strongly, maybe you just got a weird hangup against anything muslim. Look just don't go assuming things you couldn't know anything about regarding people you've never met or even knew existed. Seriously why would you go disputing the little anecdote I gave regarding my friend and the convert? If you don't believe it then say so and leave it at that.

No I did not provide any details of their relationship.

you just filled in the blanks you don't have access to with your imagination, case in point:

If your friend was so impressed by behaviour of Muslim guy, he would most likely start such discussion.

Beside of that if you would re-read my previous post, you would find out that I did left some margin, that my assumption might be wrong.

I guess that's the best you can muster for admitting you're wrong. Well you gotta start somewhere.
lesser  4 | 1311  
11 Oct 2009 /  #187
Look dipsh!t

You come out with the strongest argumentation then I need to surrender... You win, enjoy. :)

maybe you feel insecure about someone that isn't you influencing people so strongly

Oh my goodness, you exposed me completely, my ass is shaking when I hear about him. :(
12 Oct 2009 /  #188
The freedom you enjoy came from the blood of some of my own family members...ancestors. My very own...their blood rushes in my veins.

My dad didn't fight in the Polish Army so that liberal fools like you could turn Poland into a mini-Africa or Islamic state!

EU must become 1000% more tolerant.

How about Africa becoming more mixed race, more European? Or for Saudi Arabia to become more Catholic? Do you support that? If not, why not, and what is your agenda?

Go hug them.


Now this, Lodz The Boat, is what we have to live alongside in the UK. Protest like this is permitted, but yet another anti-Islamic protest in the UK at the weekend was put down. You are entitled to your opinions, however bizarre/weird, but you absolutely NEED to move to somewhere in Britain where your idea of a mixed-race utopia exists, but like many Poles I've met, I bet you go back home as soon as you can, and not just for economic reasons. Don't move to middle-class Ealing in London (full of Poles but lots of others too) for a "cultural" experience, move to Brixton instead (an area where even many of the Black majority are now leaving, because they are sick of the crime. The only whites who move there are the middle-class IT consultant types who love the local drug trade), or to a non-London ghetto like Lozells in Birmingham (where black and Asian racial tension is high), Manningham in Bradford (where whites are stabbed and told to keep out of the area), Harehills in Leeds (where everyone wants to stab Poles), or Radford in Nottingham (where everyone shoots everyone), and you may see a different view of the world than that you see through your rose-tinted spectacles.

Even ignoring the cultural issues, think of some more practical ones: I assume you like women. If not, this may not be an issue. If you live in a city which is 50% Islamic, that means it is likely that 50% of the women will not or will not be allowed to date you. Also, as Muslims have more children, and white women want fewer and fewer (if at all) these days, I'm sure you don't need a calculator to work out that you would soon become a minority, and minorities are easily oppressed. You need your head examined if you want to live in a situation like this, but this will be a reality in many British cities in a few decades time. It's almost there already. Think about it.

There's nothing wrong with being African, Muslim, Pakistani etc per se, and I am polite and respectful to every person I meet, unless they give me reason not to be. But if you think that the effective genocide or reduction in the number of white Europeans is acceptable in a quest for universal diversity, you are sadly mistaken. How does reducing or wiping out a race or ethnic group increase diversity anyway? I know that many think that what the USA and the EU want can never be changed, but remember that all corrupt powers are eventually given the boot - or Spain would still be Moorish, India would still be British, and there would still be a Roman Empire. Anyone who thinks it "won't happen again" clearly doesn't understand history or politics.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
12 Oct 2009 /  #189
If you live in a city which is 50% Islamic, that means it is likely that 50% of the women will not or will not be allowed to date you.

i agree with your sentiments but I wouldn't it be 25% or lower?
12 Oct 2009 /  #190
What I meant was this: if 50% of the city's women are Muslim, it means that half the city's female population won't date you.

What I think you mean is that this equates to 25% of the total population (which is true), but unless you're gay/bi, you won't be worried about the 50% of the population which is male ;) lol

Hope that clears things up.

It won't be long until LTB is along with some "one world" stuff anyway, haha.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Oct 2009 /  #191
How about Africa becoming more mixed race, more European? Or for Saudi Arabia to become more Catholic? Do you support that? If not, why not, and what is your agenda?

I support that.

Polish Army so that liberal fools like you could turn Poland into a mini-Africa or Islamic state!

Poland into a beautiful modern country. Not a mini africa or an islamic state. You are computerized....if not...you could easily understand through my post that I am not a great fan of the Islamic ways (I believe its not for the modern world)... I have nothing against africans, but I am neiter looking to make Poland an Africa. In fact, I wish oneday there will be nobody hungry in Africa...and Africa will be The Beautiful Africa, while Poland the Beautiful Poland. And our borders open in a brotherly way.

Even ignoring the cultural issues, think of some more practical ones: I assume you like women. If not, this may not be an issue.

Why the living hell will I want my own kind to be wiped off the world map?

Are you in your senses? Or drunk? (drinking is bad).

I just look for harmony. There is a Polish friend of mine who used to work in the Polish Embassy in India.... he is married to an Indian woman (though she is not muslim).

My point is.... there can be harmony. And minorities are not always opressed. Whites are not minorities. Never will be... atleast not in Europe. Even in britian the non-white population is not more than 10%.

Anyways... chill...listen to this song...its good:

Men At Work | Land Down Under
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
12 Oct 2009 /  #192
Percentage of white people on earth: Europe 12.9% and North America 5.1%, but you can take away at least 5 percent that are immigrants, so you end up on 12-13% "white people". And out that only about 2-3% will be women who can give birth. So, only 2% of the worlds population is a white woman who can give birth. That is scary, and if that is not a minority, then nothing is.

White people to become minotity in England:

White people to become minority in America:

Hispanic blogger thinks white people should become a minority:

Something I found. It said it was from 1990, so you can reduce the white by a couple...


In the world today, more than 6 billion people live.
If this world were shrunk to the size of a village of 100 people, what would it look like?

In one year, 1 person in the village will die, but in the same year, 2 babies will be born, so that at the year's end the number of villagers will be 101.

If you do not live in fear of death by bombardment, armed attack, landmines, or of rape or kidnapping by armed groups, then you are more fortunate than 20, who do.

If you can speak and act according to your faith and your conscience without harassment, imprisonment, torture or death, then you are more fortunate than 48, who can not.

If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change somewhere around the house, then you are among the richest 8.

If you can read this message, that means you are probably lucky!

time means  5 | 1309  
12 Oct 2009 /  #193
My point is.... there can be harmony

History says otherwise!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Oct 2009 /  #194
History says...man has come a long way... and ahead is a promising future.
time means  5 | 1309  
12 Oct 2009 /  #195
History says...man has come a long way

History is written by man.

What would planet earth say or even mother nature? Probably the most destructive thing ever to live.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Oct 2009 /  #196
Probably the most destructive thing ever to live.

Humans are the most creative. It is we who make this planet different from the rest. This planet most powerful from the rest. Most promising from the rest... most beautiful from the rest....MOST MEANINGFUL FROM THE REST.
time means  5 | 1309  
12 Oct 2009 /  #197
Humans are the most creative

Also the most destructive.

It is we who make this planet

most beautiful from the rest....

Natural wonders are far more beautiful than any thing man has ever made!
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
12 Oct 2009 /  #198
Humans are the most creative. It is we who make this planet different from the rest. This planet most powerful from the rest. Most promising from the rest... most beautiful from the rest....MOST MEANINGFUL FROM THE REST.

I would replace "Humans", with "Europeans". Then your statement would had made sense. The rest of the world hasn't really made this planet any different.

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
12 Oct 2009 /  #199
i'm still curious as to how łodztheboat categorizes humans as not being animals. I say he can't do it convincingly at all.

What I meant was this: if 50% of the city's women are Muslim, it means that half the city's female population won't date you.

oh, ok. But I think you wrote:

If you live in a city which is 50% Islamic, that means it is likely that 50% of the women will not or will not be allowed to date you.

Thus 50% of the population wouldn't be islamic and then we'd be looking at what respective percentages islamic and nonislamic women represented, blah blah blah, I'm being an overly analytic dickhead. I do agree with your sentiments though.

You come out with the strongest argumentation then I need to surrender... You win, enjoy. :)

Sorry about that, you really rubbed me the wrong way on your approach but I was wrong to have stooped to that level. I think I was just frustrated with my falling into a stupid online conversation that detracted from the suicidal approach łodz_the_boat has towards this topic.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Oct 2009 /  #200
I would replace "Humans", with "Europeans".

Never. European or from any continent...its all same. We all are humans...one race...HUMAN RACE.

The rest of the world hasn't really made this planet any different.

You are showing yourself to be a sick man by that statement.
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
12 Oct 2009 /  #201

Tell me what the "other peoples" of this earth has done, that you find so magnificent.

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Oct 2009 /  #202
Tell me what the "other peoples" of this earth has done, that you find so magnificent.

No need to tell. You cannot realise... so there is no need to tell. I wish oneday you can see and realise yourself... I hope oneday you will find enlightment.
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
12 Oct 2009 /  #203
If it was so easy for you to tell everyone here that everyone is the same, and that all the people of the world are so magnificent, why is it totally beyond your capability to mention anything "they" have achieved.

P.s. yes, I am waiting for you to fall into my trap...come on now..just one more step...

12 Oct 2009 /  #204
... and ahead is a promising future.

For now. ;)

You do realise that the Earth has already used up 75% of its lifespan, don't you. Enjoy it while you can!

This planet most powerful from the rest

NASA can't find subservient life on other planets, but Lodz The Boat can! We have a true genius on here. lol
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Oct 2009 /  #205
P.s. yes, I am waiting for you to fall into my trap...come on now..just one more step...

I do not like arguments with people for whome even the Book of God is not enough.

People who fail to see reason. People who have hatred and animosity so deeply ingrained in their hearts.

If you just opened your eyes you could see.

You could know...

But you are not doing that. So no one can help you.

Your trap you can sit with. No trap can bind the free!
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
12 Oct 2009 /  #206
I do not like arguments with people for whome even the Book of God is not enough.

The book of who? The book compiled of lies and tales to enslave a whole world? A book that was so evil, they had to make a new and improved version? If I have to follow a book of tales and evil I will follow The Tolkien...or The Snorresagas from the old Norse mythology. At least they had some sense. And fun. The book of God is as ANYONE who reads up on it a little, just a fraction of what it could have been, it's been edited, misused, literally taken...killing millions in it's name....enslaving and halting human evolution and progress.

The book of God? No, the book of a false prophet, a false teaching and torture, inhumanity, weakness and lies. Oh, and you also have the Koran which is even worse than that. Do you respect that book too?

My eyes are wide open. Like Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, John III Sobieski, John II Casimir Vasa, Henryk II the Pious...the list is long...and you do not respect any of them.

I won't try and set you up anymore, relax.

southern  73 | 7059  
12 Oct 2009 /  #207
Temple in Europe... in Germany...

Who is this hot girl with the scum?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Oct 2009 /  #208

Food for thought.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
13 Oct 2009 /  #209
Do you respect that book too?

I respect it too. But its not applicable in todays world...

Just like the Bible is not applicable in todays world...

And why do you call those books evil? There is nothing Evil in them. Infact, they are designed as the most moral and the most forgiving/humane books of their time. Thosetimes were dark ages in the Chapter of Humanity.

and you do not respect any of them

I respect every righteous man ... for their time.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
13 Oct 2009 /  #210

You've avoided the question for too long:

Lodz_The_Boat: How do you rationalize away or dismiss the figures from Scandinavia which show quite clearly that increased immigration from 3rd world countries leads to a very large increase in violent crime within the host nations?

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