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Mass immigration to Poland - article and response

z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #151
While you're at it you could say you or I are also to blame as (unless I'm wrong about you) we don't go protesting against the extremists or against their attempts to pervert western society.

I do protests against it. I wrote to my MP about various islamist influences in Canada (for instance wearing turbans by RCMP officers, or attempts to legalize sharia law in Canada).

See, I immigrated to Canada and that's where I would like to be for some time. If I feel like experiencing islamist mess then I'll be sure to visit a tourist agency and fly for a few days to one of the islamist sh!holes.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Oct 2009 /  #152
so it's ok for you to only use words but it's not ok for them? ok i get it now, thanks.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Oct 2009 /  #154
but it's not ok for them

"them" being the muslims who you accuse of being part of the problem by not actively protesting against the extremists. You see you protest with words but according to your previous arguments, muslims themselves are part of the problem if they try to protest against "their own" with only words as well. If you find this hard to understand please don't ask me to re-explain this as I'm only using the double standard you've set out.

If you want my opinion on this topic overall, look at my first response on this thread, you'll probably find we agree on this more than not.
wzgrza  - | 46  
8 Oct 2009 /  #155
Good for Poland. Was happy to read the article. Stay the course.
lesser  4 | 1311  
8 Oct 2009 /  #156

This strange sect seems to affect your views very much. They may preach for religious syncretism, multi-civilizationism, global government or religious version of Marxism but this is all theoretical utopia.

People civilized on different ways cannot coexist peacefully living arm to arm, deal with it. Neither they should be completely isolated. They should trade and cooperate with each other because this is mutually profitable. Healthy relationship demands lack of chauvinism but forced integration only encourage hate. Less personal contact means less of chauvinism. Of course this claim is valid only if at least two group of people are civilized on different ways. If people are culturally close, this is other way around, more personal contacts, less chauvinism.

But he does have moderate approach and he is not afraid to say what he thinks regarding his moderate approach, what's more he definitely has affected his family regarding religion and at least one former catholic converted to islam due to the impression my friend's ethics and morals made on him.

A pity that this person never bothered to study doctrine of his own original faith. This is the only way how could anybody find Islam morally superior...

Anyway, this says something about Islam, even moderate Muslim as you say don't waste an opportunity to convert non-Muslim person. This attitude is so missing in today's Europe among Christians.
derek trotter  10 | 202  
8 Oct 2009 /  #157
here you have a post form honykkk

hello everyone

Im Polish live in uk and i have iranian(persian) partner for two years now. We getting married.He had english girlfriend before me ,they didnt married bec he didnt love her.Thats why i think he doesnt need girlfriend to get visa bec he could do it long time ago.

As some of you probably know there are two groups of musilm Sunni and Shiite ... im not sure if eaveryone knows the different? If not , please read more about it.

He is not strict at all. I can go out with friends withouth asking him for permisson.
People told me it wont be easy relationship but after 2 years beeing together we are very happy and strong. We can talk even all night about everything.We discuss everything about our future and kids.

Before my persian partner i had polish guy for 8 years... he changed, he beaten me up and he was horrible thats why we broke up.

I dont care now what people say about our relationship. I told everyone that i have muslim partner. Im not gonna hide him because Im proud that I have such a good guy and I dont have to be afraid that he ll beat me or kick me out.

I know few polish-muslim couples - they are happy.
All the best for polish-muslim realtionships.

is she really Polish or some muslim freak trying to play a nice scenario here

look at it


see honeykkk
southern  73 | 7059  
8 Oct 2009 /  #158

Why in your paintings Jesus is white and the children are black?Why don't you paint a black Jesus?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Oct 2009 /  #159
is she really Polish or some muslim freak trying to play a nice scenario here

She uses punctuations. She cannot be muslim herself. :)

This strange sect

Its not a sect. Its a world religion with beautiful monuments and temples in every continent with headquarters in Haifa, Israel, Mount Carmel (Biblical references).

It preaces al the good things. There are no MArxist sentiments. I LIKE IT. You dont like it, its your life.

lets just talk about immigrants and migrants, do you know how to make a distinction? I mean EU vs others

Yea... thats what the thread was supposed to be for. I have no such great love in particular for Muslims myself. But I respect their right to be judged in a justified manner. I will never throw a stone on a kid just because he is a Muslim. The muslim kid, i believe, if given proper love, support and guidance, can be a diamond to the society he really is. For this we need tolerance, understanding..and ofcourse, love.


Immigrants are specific people who migrate. While migrants are overall migrants.

I welcome both, as long as they are good and friendly. I respect their traditions which they bring with them, as long as it enriches. Its normal isnt it?

What can I do mate... I have met the best of people, I have friends who are best gentlemen. I have no reason to attack anyone.

Bangladesh muslim guyz are very moderate and simple people...

I have not yet been in very close contact with pakestani or arabs (though i have come across...but not so much that i can make a confident comment about them). But I dont agree they can be all barbarians.

Whats the harm in a loving heart?

Why in your paintings Jesus is white and the children are black?

Get your eyes checked...the children are of diverse origins.

Jesus, by the way, was never white. He must've either been olive or dark olive... most probably dark olive due to his humble dispositions.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
9 Oct 2009 /  #160
A pity that this person never bothered to study doctrine of his own original faith. This is the only way how could anybody find Islam morally superior...

Anyway, this says something about Islam, even moderate Muslim as you say don't waste an opportunity to convert non-Muslim person. This attitude is so missing in today's Europe among Christians.

Wow, You knew absolutely nothing about the individuals involved in the account I gave yet this did not prevent you from making comments regarding finer details you'd have know way of ascertaining. Truth is my friend was surprised that this guy converted and has never made any attempts whatsoever to convert anyone.

It's weird how I'm in a position which seems to have me defending muslims yet I'm only in a position assaulting faulty logic like yours and z_darius.

Let me put myself in a better position:

Lodz_The_Boat: How do you rationalize away or dismiss the figures from Scandinavia which show quite clearly that increased immigration from 3rd world countries leads to a very large increase in violent crime within the host nations?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Oct 2009 /  #161
How do you rationalize away or dismiss the figures from Scandinavia which show quite clearly that increased immigration from 3rd world countries leads to a very large increase in violent crime within the host nations?

Its the failure of the government to control crime. Criminals are criminals... lets not insert the race there. Otherwise ur talking like a racist...simply.

The scandinaveans who give such figures might be either having a race issue... or just plain loosers without the ability to make right their own country. So what happened? They gave up on their own security? Should we send our Polish Gay brigade to help them find some protection from their own citizens?

The immigration policies should give more priority to STUDENTS, ACADEMICS, ENTREPRENEURS, SCIENTISTS, ARTISTS etc. Not just to a mugger who claims he is a good man (just because he got money to show in the bank).

Students are often poorer...they dont have so much money to show.... but they are much more suitable to merge in a foreign land, contribute to its economy, and they are much better people as a whole.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
9 Oct 2009 /  #162
Its the failure of the government to control crime.

In the case of Scandanavian countries the failure began with allowing 3rd world immigrants into their country in the first place. However you fail to explain why you ignore this fact.

Criminals are criminals... lets not insert the race there

yet the violent crime increase is directly due to specific ethnicities and races. Why would you turn a blind eye to that?

The scandinaveans who give such figures might be either having a race issue... or just plain loosers without the ability to make right their own country.

Yeah the race issue would be that apparently one is far more likely to be a violent criminal under laws within the EU if one has immigrated into a Scandanvian country from a 3rd world nation. And how would you suggest they "make right their own country" then? If I read you correctly you're saying that a nation is a population of losers if they allow in 3rd world immigrants.

The immigration policies should give more priority to STUDENTS, ACADEMICS, ENTREPRENEURS, SCIENTISTS, ARTISTS etc. Not just to a mugger who claims he is a good man (just because he got money to show in the bank).

Students are often poorer...they dont have so much money to show.... but they are much more suitable to merge in a foreign land, contribute to its economy, and they are much better people as a whole.

Hasn't it occurred to you that criminals in fact do pretend to be students, seeking student visas so that they can "operate" abroad? It's the poor ones I'd be wary of, why import poverty into a nation? How can you possibly come up with a good reason to import poverty into a nation when accepting 3rd world immigrants is in fact importing not only poverty but also crime?

I'm under the impression you are posing as a complete troll or something much worse.
FredChopin  - | 61  
9 Oct 2009 /  #163
Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Kind of flies in the face of this:

The immigration policies should give more priority to STUDENTS, ACADEMICS, ENTREPRENEURS, SCIENTISTS, ARTISTS etc. Not just to a mugger who claims he is a good man (just because he got money to show in the bank).

Come on Lodz, the people being imported into Europe come from wartorn places that teach children to be child warriors and islamic radicals. They don't have schools in the way you know them to be. They are refugees. Academics, Entepeneurs, Scientists, Artists etc aren't generally refugees. We need to stop the influx, get out of their countries, and let them all starve, murder and infect themselves until they wake up and smell their own coffee. Keep them away.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Oct 2009 /  #164
"make right their own country" then? If I read you correctly you're saying that a nation is a population of losers if they allow in 3rd world immigrants.

By better implementation of law and order.

the failure began with allowing 3rd world immigrants into their country in the first place.


yet the violent crime increase is directly due to specific ethnicities and races.

Your statistics, words, are all fueled by racism.

Hasn't it occurred to you that criminals in fact do pretend to be students

Then we must scan...check the documents etc. There are ways. The students I have come across were good people.

How can you possibly come up with a good reason to import poverty into a nation when accepting 3rd world immigrants is in fact importing not only poverty but also crime?

I didnt say import poverty. I said to bring in bright people, and not to keep money as the scale. If the scale is purely money (which currently seems to be) then only criminals can enter, because criminals happen to be rich by crime.

Its not importing...its about welcoming immigrants, migrants.... migrations are a fact of this planet, and will remain so for eternity....whichever way our discussions land.

I'm under the impression you are posing as a complete troll or something much worse

I am under the impression that you are a complete fool.

You are a troll yourself... look at you... you smell like a person I know already.

I have been here since this site has been here...

Ofcourse I defend love, unity and prosperity.... if you are against those values....then we are two ends of a rope...and the ends will never meet.

We both will remain in Europe...But I promise you... we are (my side) working hard...and the next generation students all over europe are growing and working harder... there are associations worker more hard...there are funding more and more... and yes, we are the White Native Europeans.... and we wish to welcome all good people of earth....As the World is but One Country and Mankind are its Citizens.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Oct 2009 /  #165
Its the failure of the government to control crime. Criminals are criminals... lets not insert the race there. Otherwise ur talking like a racist...simply.

Earlier in this thread, I composed, and commented on, a simple google search of "Sweden crime." All the search results were of muslim and african crime in Sweden. Is google racist?
FredChopin  - | 61  
9 Oct 2009 /  #166
All the search results were of muslim and african crime in Sweden. Is google racist?

If it looks, acts and walks like a duck, it is likely a duck.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Oct 2009 /  #167
Artists etc aren't generally refugees. We need to stop the influx, get out of their countries, and let them all starve, murder and infect themselves until they wake up and smell their own coffee. Keep them away.

Some are refugees. The my point is not about the refugees...but about the general migrants... who prefer to make our lands their home.

About the murder and starving... are you human Fred? They are your brothers and sisters being murdered and starved there. Cant you see? Where is your humanity? Where is your heart? How can you, a Human Kind, be so remorseless-so undettered off the sufferings of your fellow mankind?



Its the truth, happened, happening, and will keep happening.... unless you realise....none of your efforts can change the direction of the waves!

muslim and african crime in Sweden

First of all...

The Africans have been tortured so much throughout history...treated unfairly...have been hated unreasonably.... and often judged as a Semi Human.... Such nation needs healing...

Regarding the muslims.... more than many times I have told to muslims and everyone aswell.... most muslims fall into the most Wayward people on earth.

Migrants are more...Chinese, Koreans, Indians, Banladesh, Thai, Viet, Japanese, S. Americans, Other parts of Europe... etc...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Oct 2009 /  #168
The Africans have been tortured so much throughout history...treated unfairly...have been hated unreasonably.... and often judged as a Semi Human.... Such nation needs healing...

So has my country, we Irish where slaves, we where ethnically cleansed for our religion, and faced British state sponsered famine, wiping out half our population. I will provide links if you want.

Using your logic, you would give us carte blanche to rape, murder, and pillage in countries we emigrated to. You are a buffoon. Take off the blinkers.

most muslims fall into the most Wayward people on earth.

Finally you admit it. Why would you accept "Wayward people" into europe?


No problem with them. They keep their heads down and work hard.


As above.


Same, although other countries have problems integrating them.


Muslims, also have a pendant for crime.


No problem with them, like the Chinese, hard working and keep out of trouble.



S. Americans

Those of european desscent assimilate well, others not so well. Can you say drug trafficking?

Other parts of Europe

No problems with western europeans immigrating to my country, as they do so in small numbers and it is reciprocal. Major problem with eastern europeans as the immigrate in massive numbers, swampping the country and undercutting and displacing the native working class. Putting major strain on the services of the country, whilst contributing little. The slum landlords and big business make the profits from this, while the working class pay the social costs.

I also have a major problem with "asylum seekers" as 99.4% of them have been refused asylum, but given leave to remain under humantarian grounds. Once they are in, they are in to stay. Once they are in, they need to housed, clothed, and fed for their natural lifes, all at the expense of the taxpayer. They have many, many government bodies and quangos to step in and scream raaaaycism if anybody dares to calls this charade for what it is, a farce. People like you.

You want them here, fine. You pay for them, you house them, you feed them, you dress them. You want to live in a multiculti utopia? Fine. You pay for it.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Oct 2009 /  #169
I will provide links if you want.

No need. I know that and respect. Infact I have much respect for the Irish People in general. You really, trust me, dont seem to represent them. They are one of the more liberal nations i know.

Why would you accept "Wayward people" into europe?

We cannot have such a mindset to classify everyone as same. There are children who are no fault. There are some people among them who are clean and wonderful. Why put them all in the same box.

Those who are criminals and troublemakers MUST be caught and put into OUR prisons and serve severe long sentences. Which they so rightfully deserve. Infact, I can agree that a good portion of the criminals might be muslims... but we MUST NOT put the word CRIMINAL and MUSLIM interchagably. If we do, then we are criminals too... criminals to the innocents who might end up suffering.

Revoke... your points can only have logic if you understand that your ways are not the exact ways. I understand where you are coming from... but that will not gain you anything. You are against trouble makers....then say TROUBLE MAKERS ... dont mark them with colors. If a big portion of Muslims are trouble makers...so they must suffer.

About bringing them in... we can scan their reputations very very very strictly and strongly. And make a 70% to 30% chances of them getting an entry (30% in favour). But not the non-muslims in their own countries communities who suffer ... or who can be a benefit to our societies. Infact we should give them preference...thus having better immgration showing from those countries...and also at the same time avoid problems.

although other countries have problems integrating them.

Some of my best and forever friends. Some who have married and integrated in Europe are the best of husbands, friends, and family members. Very hard working... and very respectable.

Those of european desscent assimilate well, others not so well. Can you say drug trafficking?

When did I mention...Lets bring in Drug Trafficker~!

Muslims, also have a pendant for crime.

I dont have too many muslims friends.

Infact I didnt mix alot with the turks and arabs ... as they always hanged around with the really low lifes of the campus. The girls around them used to be the wrong person.

The indians, koreans, philipinos...chinese...bangladesh...s.american make up my international friends mostly.

The bangladesh ppl i noticed have big hearts...humble and very moderate. Infact te only country muslim populous regions with female prime minister (head of govt.) and opposition...females ournumber men in politics... female businesses... they are very friendly to foreighners...

They love cooking...and made me some most memorable dishes :)

Major problem with eastern europeans as the immigrate in massive numbers, swampping the country and undercutting and displacing the native working class.

Eastern Europeans were good when working as sex slaves and prostitutes in your streets? Now they are problem right?

You should be ashamed.

Eastern Europeans are hard working people. What is wrong is someone moves out for a better opportunity. Plus, eastern europeans brining your wages down is a blessing for your industries.

Eastern Europeans contribute to the development of your country to a very big extent.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Oct 2009 /  #170
Eastern Europeans are hard working people. What is wrong is someone moves out for a better opportunity. Plus, eastern europeans brining your wages down is a blessing for your industries.

Eastern Europeans contribute to the development of your country to a very big extent.

Our minister for finance says different. I think I will trust him rather than some Polish loon on the internetski.

Eastern Europeans were good when working as sex slaves and prostitutes in your streets? Now they are problem right?

No, people who use these "services" should be charged and prosecuted. The girls deported.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
9 Oct 2009 /  #171
By better implementation of law and order.

like you said yourself, a criminal is a criminal and chooses to break laws despite there existence. People from 3rd world nations are more likely to come from a "lawless" society, therefore be a criminal through our interpretation of what a criminal is (and a violent one at that), how would you suggest a "better implementation of law and order" be implemented, be specific please.


i disagree be specific as to how you have come to such a conclusion.

Your statistics, words, are all fueled by racism.

if only they were my statistics but they in fact are not mine. Please be specific as to where you have found "racism" in what i've posted, if you can't I'll just have to dismiss your accusations as baseless and are probably coming from one whose argument is logically bankrupt.

Ofcourse I defend love, unity and prosperity.... if you are against those values....then we are two ends of a rope...and the ends will never meet.

Yikes this is some crazy sh!t I hope your ideas mature soon.

Then we must scan...check the documents etc. There are ways. The students I have come across were good people.

I almost forgot this gem.
Has it not occurred to you that despite documents being in order one could still quite easily abuse their status as a student? Then you follow it up with the silly logic that since the students you've come across were good people (how you decide this completely i can only hazard a guess but i'm guessing a deep conversation with you doesn't get one beyond the ankles) that this somehow is relevant. It's a strawman attempt at best.
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
9 Oct 2009 /  #172
I often wonder what the average swede/norwegian thinks when he or she reads such statistics. Do they think this problem will solve itself? How do they feel about becoming muslim nations in a few decades? Are they okay with losing some freedom? Do their governments try to hide these stats from the public? Are they doing anything to civilize these immigrants? It's probably too late.
lesser  4 | 1311  
9 Oct 2009 /  #173
Its not a sect.

It is a sect, by definition.

It preaces al the good things.

Perhaps they think that they preach for all good things. I read article from wikipedia and I would question goodness of many points of their doctrine.

There are no MArxist sentiments.

It has many common goals with Marxism.

Wow, You knew absolutely nothing about the individuals involved in the account I gave yet this did not prevent you from making comments regarding finer details you'd have know way of ascertaining. Truth is my friend was surprised that this guy converted and has never made any attempts whatsoever to convert anyone.

Of course I may be wrong but I doubt it. I understand that neither you witnessed how it happened. While your friend bothered to explain Islamic doctrine. He could be surprised that this guy converted but this doesn't means that he excluded such outcome from the start. A believer who talk about his own doctrine always try to show it in the best light to attract non-believers. It is absolutely logical.

It's weird how I'm in a position which seems to have me defending muslims yet I'm only in a position assaulting faulty logic like yours and z_darius.

Your assumption that in my post I was attacking Muslims is completely wrong. Actually this is other way around. I praised this attitude of your friend and even wrote that I feel pity that Christians behave different (passively) as far as this aspect is concentrated.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Oct 2009 /  #174
It is a sect, by definition.

Who defined it as a sect?


And they are a recognized world religion by UN too.


go on.

It has many common goals with Marxism.

bla bla bla...yadda yadda yadda.... lu lul lu....
lesser  4 | 1311  
9 Oct 2009 /  #175
Who defined it as a sect?

And they are a recognized world religion by UN too.

Very bureaucratic attitude. :) There is no need anybody must define Bahaism as a sect. Bahaism simply fits perfectly into definition of a sect. While every sect is a religion, the first doesn't exclude the second.

But if you need to see somebody stating the obvious, here you have....

the doctrines and practices of a sectgrowing out of Babism and reflecting some attitudes of the Islamic Shi'a sect, but with an emphasis on tolerance and the essential worth of all religions.

go on.

Everybody who read political section know my views on socialism/communism. I criticize it very often so I don't think that I need explain myself more seeing similar ideas in Bahaism.

Global governmentthis is road towards central planning. Need I really explain why this is bad? Your own homeland faced such problems on much lesser scale.

Elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty? I do understand wish to improve life of the poorest people but why to target the richest? For fun? This is the worst form of egalitarianism!

Universal compulsory education In socialism everything is compulsory and standardized by all knowing state bureaucrats.

Unity of religion Religion often preach for different things so unity is impossible and would be very confusing for average people. One could become dominant but this is something else. Very artificial concept.

gender equality This is clearly blame men scenario here. Political correctness often reject biological differences that affect our capabilities in different matters.

An international auxiliary language I already feel in my bones this policy of government interventionism forcing us to learn artificial politically correct language that we don't need to know.

Obedience to government and non-involvement in partisan politics Obedience to government? Simply disgusting concept!
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Oct 2009 /  #176
Infact I didnt mix alot with the turks and arabs ...

Really?They didn't drop it many times inside you?

he bangladesh ppl i noticed have big hearts...humble and very moderate.

I have noticed that they smell,want everything for free and tend to sh1t on the streets.
zollla  1 | 8  
10 Oct 2009 /  #177
I d,ont know in this subject the pb is immigrant or Muslim

But for who speak about 3rd world i will tell him some things :

1 With all my respect for poland but this country is true 3rd world from Politique to infrastructure....

2who have pb with immigrant (i know the pb is with ppls from south) he can look in the occupation for Africa and Arabic country from spain,italy,Uk,france and how much they torture ppls and how much they rub b,give back what u rub b then we will back for our country's

3 d'ont tract ppls like you europeens u are 1st categorie and others they are slaves or 2scd categ,

4 who speak about Islam and religion : now we see good who practice terror,every subject Islam,OK is not USA who nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki it's Ben laden and Muslims...i don't know why nobody speak about sionisme and terror white (blood & honour,angels hell....)

5 who said Muslims they are rubber's,Mafia,killer's...i Think European's and American's they are god in this thing's

In the end immigrant's where they living : they speak language,they work,they pay Tax like everyone...why they can't have 20% from them rights ?



......was a rapist and a paedophile.

Allah = God = Bog = dieu...i hope next time yr read littel to be a cultural befor start speak like i..
scrappleton  - | 829  
10 Oct 2009 /  #178
How do they feel about becoming muslim nations in a few decades? Are they okay with losing some freedom?

You can't be an ostrich and let this stuff fester. The Muslims are a completely different culture than ours and ultimately will limit personal freedoms. If worse comes to worse, I say North Americans will have to free Europe of the Muslims.. or help in doing so. You don't want the Muslims ruling Europe; it's just a bad scenario for everyone.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Oct 2009 /  #179
The Muslims are a completely different culture than ours and ultimately will limit personal freedoms.

Our cultures will evolve. Its destiny.

BUT I agree with you that the Muslim ppl dont represent a good culture. Lets say, the Islamic system is not capable to work in the modern Era. Maybe their country have good cultures... we can look into it, and try and accept the god things... but fact is fact... islamic system is not the system any country needs, let alone Europe.

Also the Hindo system is to old and not-working...

the Christian system dont seem to be there anymore...

The Jew system... whats that? :D

We need to evolve with love and respect...thats the system we look for :).

who said Muslims they are rubber's,Mafia,killer's

Muslims do everything appropriate so that they can be perfectly and often rightfully blamed. This community (majority of it) just dont let any chance even for the Most Liberal of Liberals to try and defend them!

Really a real waywayd community to say the very least of leasts!

. Bahaism simply fits perfectly into definition of a sect. While every sect is a religion, the first doesn't exclude the second.

Then Christianity is a sect aswell. A sect of Judaism.

the doctrines and practices of a sect growing out of Babism and reflecting some attitudes of the Islamic Shi'a sect, but with an emphasis on tolerance and the essential worth of all religions.

They were and are still persecuted in Iran for their believe of equality, love, unity and peace... by the same Shiia you talk about.

Babism was the same as John the Baptist was before Christ. I have studied the religion well...and there are startling scientific proofs of the truth of these materials.

IF you want we can discuss this in the REAL way in the off topics forum. Open a thread called 'Bahai' and lets hit it!

Its got just as must to do with Islam as the Christians have to do with the Jews.

Its an Independant religion. You Dictionary gives a misleading deifinition. Its the Bahai world Center in Haifa, Israel which can tell who they are. And they are very clear about it. There are thousands of NATIVE POLISH believers of this Religion all around Poland...and they are actively teaching their faith...and its growing.

They have the most open and active and joyous international bahai community. Their religion have no sect...all under the same authority (unlike any religion).

A Temple in Europe... in Germany...

Some European Youth Bahais

Such beautiful things you tried to defame...the ideals...

Marxism is different. Dont try to color those bealieves with something as stupid and communism. Communists were Anti Bahais and banned their religious places in Soviet Russia.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
10 Oct 2009 /  #180
Regarding violent crime coming from 3rd world immigrants

I advocate adopting a violent response. Until their violence subsides there can be no other response which will eventually get through to them. My rationale for this is quite simple. We are animals in my opinion, all of us. And it's from observing others' experiences communicating with other species that violence really has to be the way to communicate with 3rd worlders who choose to become violent in their host countries.

I love watching wildlife documentaries, there's a really intriguing number of documentaries which examine what happens when human animals attempt to bond with other species, dogs, horses, lions, wolves, etc. In each and every one of these cases the human animal adopts the body language and ways of the other species in attempts to "communicate."

It is also worth noting that these experts (through experience) are keenly aware of what body language is regarded as submissive in some species and what is aggressive and what is dominant. Knowing when not to be submissive with certain species is the difference between living and dying. For example when you encounter a bear in the forest you better not f'n run, if you do you present yourself as something to be preyed upon. Your chances for survival live and die on your being dominant, standoffish or aggressive.

With these people coming in from lawless and ruthless societies into ones where the average person is a lot more docile it is not unpredictable that they would view their new hosts as prey, or someone to be taken advantage of, oft times in a violent manner. I'm sorry to say but the only response to this is ruthless violence by the populace, in fact I would argue it must be completely out of proportion with their offense. Either that or these people must be immediately deported or put into a work camp.

All this pandering to them and adopting their ways or allowing this or that, or forgiving this offense or that offense, being dictated to instead of doing the dictating is what I believe to be one of the chief causes in the people of the host nation suffering violently at the hands of their guests. All this behavior, while it may play on the hearts strings, leads to you being seen as weak in their eyes and someone to be taken advantage of. Waiting for the state to protect you is what creates a victim mentality and that's no good when it feeds the bully's perception of his hosts. It's a bully mentality that some people still have because being a bully is what was needed to get by in their world. Strike the bullies down and do it ruthlessly or the pictures that z-dariusz posted will become more and more common place.

I'm a pretty liberal guy keep in mind, there's plenty of partisan conservatives I've ticked off here (liberal and democrats too). So before some of you spout off with "you're a fascist this or that" keep in mind I've come to advocate using violence as a response to the problem being discussed on this thread for specific reasons, which of course you're free to argue and perhaps, if convincing I'll see another point of view.

Of course I may be wrong but I doubt it. I understand that neither you witnessed how it happened. While your friend bothered to explain Islamic doctrine. He could be surprised that this guy converted but this doesn't means that he excluded such outcome from the start. A believer who talk about his own doctrine always try to show it in the best light to attract non-believers. It is absolutely logical.

Wow I cannot believe you actually have the audacity to assume you would somehow know the details of a relationship between 2 people you never knew existed, have never met, and still don't even know their names, voices, mannerisms or even where they live. Are you really so insecure that you simply cannot admit you made assumptions you weren't fit to make and are simply wrong on this matter?

My friend never explained anything to the guy, it's simply how he carried himself in specific situations that had this other go learn more about his particular path of islam. Of course the guys where i'm from were going to enquire about his religion but he's not the type to preach.

You were wrong. You were never right on this matter and had no business assuming you knew anything regarding my anecdote apart from knowing nothing. I'm wrong about many things, probably you're a nicer person to have a discussion with than I'm assuming at this moment, it's ok to be wrong, accept it because you are. Have a nice day.

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