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Mass immigration to Poland - article and response

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #121
Red haired girl raped and murdered by aspiring rapper.

Tell that to the girl and she will rightly put 10 or more thundering slaps on your inflated cheeks.

Are you in a cult?

I am in Love with Humanity...Earth....God....Goodness....is that a cult?


Dont you have eyes...dont you have a heart?....look at the pics..of Jesus...recent of the children. How can you be like this?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #122
The world is not under Taliban rule. Just one country WAS.

I'm not talking about the world. Yet.

Europe wont.

The process is under way. You have to be blind not to see it.

Just today BBC had a little thing on the subject.

Allah = God
u = wonder what it means...
Akbar = Great.

Thank you for the lesson.

Yep, God is great...He deals with ppl who claim to love Him, but hate everything about love and Him...

claim to love him? :)
Yeah, god hates all who reject his unconditional love.

Why don't we spare ourselves fairy tales about allahs, gods, ghosts and dwarfs. That's not where the problem is. The problem is that the European culture and civilization is being replaced by medieval animals. Sweden is down, Norway is down, Belgium is down, the Islamic Republic of France is getting there, the Turkish Republic of Germany is now everything but what they fought for.

The goodie good kids like yourself are very good at using freedoms others thought for, but you have no idea how to fight for those freedoms. You have no idea how it is to be under somone's boot. You will loose your freedoms sinking your brains in mp3 players and murmuring kumbaya while muslims strip you, step by step, of what you take for granted.

Again, no culture can survive by adopting the level of tolerance EU has imposed on its member countries. The culture that made your life possible will go down too.
foxtrot1213  2 | 43  
8 Oct 2009 /  #123
Famous last words. Following the economic crisis, which has only started, you will see their true nature in form of riots and violent attacks. This will ultimately wake europeans up. Not you, of course, there is nobody as blind as those who do not wish to see.

I didn't know that immigrants are responsible for this crisis. I thought it started from credit cruch. What tabloid do you read these days? Redneck™ today?

I know quite talented doctor, engineers and programmers personally, and they are not white at all. Quite hardworking than their native counterparts if I may add.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 Oct 2009 /  #124
Tell that to the girl and she will rightly put 10 or more thundering slaps on your inflated cheeks.

It would probably ring true.

* FACT: Blacks make up 12% of the American population, yet they are 50% of the prison population.

* FACT: This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK. NOTE: Some have claimed that black crime is high because 'racist' cops target blacks for arrest and 'racist' judges heap convictions on innocent blacks; but statistics belie this: Three of the cities highest in crime are Washington DC, New Orleans and Detroit; and yet the government of all these cities is in black hands; so clearly the cause of high crime in these cities is not 'racial targeting of blacks'. More generally, black crime is high WHEREVER you go; and it would be the world's most absurd conspiracy theory to suppose that the across-the-board high crime rates for blacks originated in a collusion of whites in every city and burg in the nation to target blacks and/or cook the books.

* FACT: If present demographic trends continue, whites will be a minority in America in only 50 years. Whites are already less than 50% of the population in California. Between blacks and Hispanics, whose crime rate is about 4 times that of whites, we can expect to see huge escalations in crime against whites as they become fewer in number and thus more vulnerable both physically and politically.

* FACT: 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (ie, committed BY blacks AGAINST whites).

* FACT: There are 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes.

* FACT: The majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks, in spite of the fact that blacks make up only 12% of the population, and in spite of the great reluctance of authorities to report hate crimes when they are committed by blacks. (That means that blacks commit VASTLY MORE hate crimes in proportion to their numbers than whites!)

* FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). Note: Contrary to black propaganda, the ancient Egyptians were not black -- their sculptures, portraits and mummies all clearly show Caucasian features. Second note: Critics commonly claim that blacks score low on IQ tests because such tests are culturally biased. In fact, however, as black Prof Walter Williams has pointed out, blacks actually do BETTER on tests that are culturally biased.

* FACT: Liberals and blacks claim that the reason for black failure is "discrimination"; and yet many other racial and ethnic groups have been discriminated against -- Chinese, Irish and Jews, for example -- and yet all except blacks have become successful within a generation or so.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #125
The goodie good kids like yourself are very good at using freedoms others thought for

The freedom you enjoy came from the blood of some of my own family members...ancestors. My very own...their blood rushes in my veins.

but you have no idea how to fight for those freedoms.

I just dont write here. I am actively involved in efforts to make Europe and Poland more diverse. I amm happy to say that since my university period, I have helped almost hundred of good students and people to remain in Europe and persue more success. In many ways among which are clubs and associations.

My family is economically well placed... and have always had good contacts...which have always helped me.

You have no idea how it is to be under somone's boot.

Never been under anyones boot. Seems like your boss at work is some colored folk.

You will loose your freedoms sinking your brains in mp3 players and murmuring kumbaya while muslims strip you, step by step, of what you take for granted.

The extreme muslims need the prison cell. And why we only talk about muslims...there are others.... the Chinese are wonderful...I had wonderful indian friends....there are good bangladesh folks! Koreans have given me the best impressions!

Again, no culture can survive by adopting the level of tolerance EU has imposed on its member countries.

EU must become 1000% more tolerant.

culture that made your life possible will go down too.

Cultures just like humans must evolve.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 Oct 2009 /  #126
I didn't know that immigrants are responsible for this crisis. I thought it started from credit cruch. What tabloid do you read these days? Redneck™ today?

I know quite talented doctor, engineers and programmers personally, and they are not white at all. Quite hardworking than their native counterparts if I may add.

I didnt say they were. Can you read? As for your talented doctors, for every one, I raise you a criminal.

I am actively involved in efforts to make Europe and Poland more diverse. I amm happy to say that since my university period, I have helped almost hundred of good students and people to remain in Europe and persue more success. In many ways among which are clubs and associations.

You would welcome a plague of locusts.

EU must become 1000% more tolerant.

Sweet Jesus. Explain this you little freak.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #127

Redneck™ today?


Explain this you little freak.

We need to welcome more Students... more hard working educated immigrants...entrepreneurs.... and those who have good wishes.

We need to have less 90% colored schools. The ration must be 30% color and 70% white. Also, in each class...not more than 3 to 4 colored folks. And the teachers must help the children to integrate. We must ask our children to bring those children home, so that we can give them cookies...and integrate.

Let love prevail. Lets make our homes gardens...let us breath the fragrance God filled Earth with.

And you cal me freak?.... read your posts...they are freaky.... my posts are all about love.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 Oct 2009 /  #128
We must ask our children to bring those children home, so that we can give them cookies...and integrate.

My younger brother was in a class were the majority of students were immigrants. Half the teachers day was spent teaching them English. It was a waste of time, the class was miles behind the curriculum.

He now goes to a Gaeltacht. Each and every student is Irish, not one foreigner. The difference in him is amazing.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #129
majority of students were immigrants

If you just read my posts....

30% color and 70% white

foxtrot1213  2 | 43  
8 Oct 2009 /  #130
Good God. I read this thread, and some of you need to be strapped to a rocket and fired to Sun. Well, such behavior is inevitable if so-called "freedom of speech" is given to buffons and bonafide morons.

I don't have problems with immigrants at all. I know talented Muslim folks (by the way, they are divided into different nationalities, culture, language...) working in Cisco, Thomson Reuters, Nokia, Nokia-Siemens network, IBM, Logica, Tietoenator...I also know non-white folks working as doctors, researchers, engineers...

Perhaps you should leave on internet and start working on your skills.
derek trotter  10 | 203  
8 Oct 2009 /  #131

have you ever have a chance to live in some welfare state in lets just say western Europe for a bit longer time or youre a typical turist who goes to museums first buy some suvenirs and feck off buck to our country?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #132
The future World

The Future of the World. Wether you like it or not.

LET ME TELL YOU FOLKS.... Await to see a completely united world... with Love in every hearts. I promise you... the world heads there.... and Evolution will give rise to one race..the Human Race.

I promise you ppl!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 Oct 2009 /  #133

Says the Finn. Immigrants only make up 2% of the Finnish population. Phuc all really.

Lodz the Loon

What if the majority of europeans do not want to become one giant melting pot?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #134
2% of the Finnish population

Thats sadly very few...

What do you think we should do to improve on it?...there are so much talent everywhere. If Poland could become a better economy...we will have good immigrants too...which will help the industries....

It makes us look at so many colors!

Lodz the Loon

What if the majority of europeans do not want to become one giant melting pot?

Lodz the boat...that me.

You will be surprised on the numbers who want... some are vocal...some work towards it...some just remain safe and silent (as they are freaked by freakers like u prove yourself to be repeatedly)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #135
The freedom you enjoy came from the blood of some of my own family members...ancestors. My very own...their blood rushes in my veins.

That blood in your veins mean s squat when you endanger the tradition at its source.

I just dont write here. I am actively involved in efforts to make Europe and Poland more diverse.

Leave that to tourist agencies. Let people with suicidal tendencies travel to muslim countries, zimbabwe and such other "tolerant" places.

Never been under anyones boot.

Exactly my point. You will be.

The extreme muslims need the prison cell.

That would be all muslims.

EU must become 1000% more tolerant.

EU is a scourge of Europe. Destroying it from within. Europe, to survive as we have known it before the likes of you contributed to its destruction, needs more decisive steps against muslims. A complete ban on new imigration would be a good start. Expulsion (after severe prison terms for crimes) would be very welcome. External European borders should be defended with weapons, not with HIV awareness fliers and maps how to get to the nearest welfare office.

Cultures just like humans must evolve.

European culture has evolved before anybody even entertain the idea of the muslim animals living in it. Muslims will not contribute to Europe's evolution but to its destruction.

One thing I wish you'd learn from muslims, is that the other cultures must be destroyed, or at least kept at bay if you want yours to survive. Muslims destroy the very fabric of the societies they invade, much like Christians did when they still had balls. Now the only people in town with balls seem to be the mediaval nomads. You have none left.

I promise you... the world heads there.... and Evolution will give rise to one race..the Human Race.

I promise you ppl!

Very similar to communist propaganda.
Are you 5 years old?
Do you like coloring books?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #136
EU is a scourge of Europe.

EU is a solace. And this will evolve into a union with people from more countries. A Union more international...beyond Europe. Wait for that day. Those who resist will be resisted by peace lover in millions...

A complete ban on new imigration would be a good start. Expulsion (after severe prison terms for crimes) would be very welcome. External European borders should be defended with weapons,

Say that in public. It will be easy to get you imprisoned. I promise you that...just too many ppl hate these sentiments...and them united is enough to put you behind bars.


That was the famous Iranian King.

Plus again why Muslims.... there are more people. Chinese, Koreans, Indian, Bangladesh, Philipine, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongol etc etc... timbuktoo :)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 Oct 2009 /  #137
Say that in public. It will be easy to get you imprisoned. I promise you that...just too many ppl hate these sentiments...and them united is enough to put you behind bars.

If you are ever in Ireland, I will. Free speech baby!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #138
Say that in public. It will be easy to get you imprisoned. I promise you that...just too many ppl hate these sentiments...and them united is enough to put you behind bars.

As I said, Europeans have hardly any balls left.
If they do they will not only say what they want but they will first kill those who forbid them from saying that.

The Future of the World. Wether you like it or not.

That pretty picture of the little critters around the globe you posted - when muslimes finally take over you will be beheaded for posting something like that. No images of humans allowed.

Brotherly love and love among nations is fiction, and good only for little kids. And then most kids (not you) open their eyes to reality. Like Norwegians did, Swedes, French, Dutch, Spanish, Belgians, Serbs and Croats.

It's really depressing to see Europe fade away into a dumpster of humanity, invaded by savage hordes.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #139
If you are ever in Ireland

I've been. I found the Irish the most tolerant and well behaved and wonderful people. Really, such refreshing views and warm conciousness. Which black part of Ireland you talk about always? Irish are alot more tolerant and friendly to diversity then many places i know!

And then most kids (not you) open their eyes to reality.

Those kids who grow up to be racist, nazis....should be sent to rehabs....or dealt accordingly with law.

Children must be exposed to diversity in Europe at an early age by their parents!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #140
Those kids who grow up to be racist, nazis....should be sent to rehabs....or dealt accordingly with law.

Would you include in that group the rape victims?

Children must be exposed to diversity in Europe at an early age by their parents!

Absolutely not. Childrfen should be warned about the detrimental influence of hordes of primitive muslim tribes invading the countries their forefathers fought for and defended.

A little quiz for you:

If you consider yourself a christian then there is a little commandment about the relation of children to their parents. What percentage of Poles a generation older that you dream about making Poland muslim or black. Do you think that's what they fought for? Would you call it showing respect parents if their children do exactly the opposite of the parents ideals and wishes?

Many claim Poles are intolerant. In the end I think that's what makes them Poles instead of mogrels. While it is too late on the large scale, the intolerance will buy Poland some time and then it will fall to msulim hordes like Spain, Holland, Norway, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden.

And the only diversity you will see is witnessing stoning versus beheading for things that are considered crimes by the muslime animals. Such as being raped for instance. A girl raped by men will more than likely be punished by death for the great sin of being victimized. You must have some warped sense of values if you wish this type of "diversity" on female members of Poland, or even your own family.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #141
If you consider yourself a christian then there is a little commandment about the relation of children to their parents.

Which Commandment?

And No I dnt consider myself a Christian. Its an old Religion...but I believe in Jesus. Although the laws are no more relevant to the present world.

The forefathers didnt fight for racism. They fought against oppression. Plus, the world must move ahead. Forefathers did their work, and now we must do what must be done!

Many claim Poles are intolerant.

Who claims? Poles are TOLERANT. Why I know that better than many and better than YOU. Yes some are not tolerant...but those ppl are loosers in every form of life. Most Poles and I mean majority are very tolerant. The Grannys are often more skeptical...but as the children become more and more tolerant...they also find no other option but to throw the load of intolarence behind them!

msulim hordes like Spain, Holland, Norway, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden.

Muslin muslim muslim... you scary cat!... stop it. There are people .. more people of various nations and races.

And the only diversity you will see is witnessing stoning versus beheading for things that are considered crimes by the muslime animals


Such as being raped for instance.

Many Poles and Whites in Estonia and Russia keep raping all over... what about them? Rapists belong to no one...no religion, no race, no country....they belong to he family of criminals...an international brotherhood...since ancient of times....they are Criminals.

"diversity" on female members of Poland

You like to tell stupid stories. Such things will not happen. Yes people like to rot and dwell in unpleasant thoughts of life... such people will remain...and take their thoughts to grave.

As for criminals...they deserve prison. Death.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #142
Which Commandment?


but I believe in Jesus.

And yet you failed in the knowledge of the commandments he upheld in his teachings.

The forefathers didnt fight for racism. They fought against oppression.

What do you call muslime religion if not oppression?

Plus, the world must move ahead.

I agree. But succumbing to muslimes is going backwards some 13 centuries. I don't understand how you can call this "moving ahead":

If this is progress to you then we are missing each other by a mile:

Go hug them.



See english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2008/11/2008111201216476354.html

The Grannys are often more skeptical...but as the children become more and more tolerant...they also find no other option but to throw the load of intolarence behind them!

Ina word, options do not exist. "brotherly love" will be forced upon you. Awesome.

Many Poles and Whites in Estonia and Russia keep raping all over... what about them? Rapists belong to no one...no religion, no race, no country....they belong to he family of criminals...an international brotherhood...since ancient of times....they are Criminals.

Of course rapists have existed forever. Why aggravate the problem by importing more of them? Why expose the women of Europe to savages of backward hordes?

You like to tell stupid stories. Such things will not happen.

hey nostradamus. Look at muslime laws and tell me the first thing muslimes will do will be abolishing their savage laws.

Yes people like to rot and dwell in unpleasant thoughts of life.

No, we know life, you know booklets printed by some as.sholes in Brussles.

such people will remain...and take their thoughts to grave.

That actually is a consolation to me, that I won't have to (hopefully) witness the destruction of Europe by suicidal types like yourself.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Oct 2009 /  #143
The freedom you enjoy came from the blood of some of my own family members...ancestors. My very own...their blood rushes in my veins.

just a reality check but you do know that means absolutely nothing in an objective argument. You had diddly squat to do with what your ancestors accomplished so don't go trying to claim their glory and bravery as your own-it's an insult to them and an insult to sound reasoning.

That would be all muslims.

Don't be ridiculous you are painting all muslims with one brush, I gather you know very little about the difference between the various divisions within the muslim faith. However a very close friend of mine who is muslim once told me that muslims won't be happy until every one is muslim, but then they won't be happy until every one follows only one vein of islam.

Lodz_The_Boat: How do you rationalize away or dismiss the figures from Scandinavia which show quite clearly that increased immigration from 3rd world countries leads to a very large increase in violent crime within the host nations?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Oct 2009 /  #144
Why...again...WHY ... are we only talking about MUSLIMS.

I have repeatedly expressed in more threads that MUSLIMS are a wayward nation. I have never been praising muslims...

IMMIGRANTS are not always muslims... for God's sake!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #145
Don't be ridiculous you are painting all muslims with one brush, I gather you know very little about the difference between the various divisions within the muslim faith.

The various divisions you're talking about are dominated by the more vocal group. While smaller, that vocal minority dictates the rules while the so called moderate muslims chicken and stay low. I haven't seen mass protests by muslims against the radical nomads of the same faith Thus, by their sheer mass all muslims contribute to the deadly influence if islam and are a part of the problem. In fact, even non muslims who are passive in the matter are a problem too.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Oct 2009 /  #146
Lodz_The_Boat: How do you rationalize away or dismiss the figures from Scandinavia which show quite clearly that increased immigration from 3rd world countries leads to a very large increase in violent crime within the host nations?

just in case you missed it

i guess we'll agree to disagree on that as i just don't agree with your line of reasoning. While you're at it you could say you or I are also to blame as (unless I'm wrong about you) we don't go protesting against the extremists or against their attempts to pervert western society.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
8 Oct 2009 /  #147
Why...again...WHY ... are we only talking about MUSLIMS.

I have repeatedly expressed in more threads that MUSLIMS are a wayward nation. I have never been praising muslims...

IMMIGRANTS are not always muslims... for God's sake!

Because Muslims have wonderful places to visit and live all in the Middle East. Dubai is favorable destination for people of the Islamic faith. They can move there :D

There's 90 billion dollars worth of construction going on right this moment in Dubai.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Oct 2009 /  #148
IMMIGRANTS are not always muslims... for God's sake!

But this immigration group is the root of the problem, altthough some ethnic groups, regardless of their religion, do not seem to be well adapted to European culture and ways of life.

In your posts you keep preaching about diversity. Fine with me in general, but the diversity won;t 'be there for long if it allows muslims to have a significant voice.

However a very close friend of mine who is muslim once told me that muslims won't be happy until every one is muslim, but then they won't be happy until every one follows only one vein of islam.

Is he active against radical islamists? Or is he all just words?
derek trotter  10 | 203  
8 Oct 2009 /  #149
lets just talk about immigrants and migrants, do you know how to make a distinction? I mean EU vs others
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Oct 2009 /  #150
Is he active against radical islamists? Or is he all just words?

probably no more active than you are. But he does have moderate approach and he is not afraid to say what he thinks regarding his moderate approach, what's more he definitely has affected his family regarding religion and at least one former catholic converted to islam due to the impression my friend's ethics and morals made on him.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and responseArchived