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Mass immigration to Poland - article and response

SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
4 Oct 2009 /  #31
Wait 20 years before giving them citizenship, and we will see what kind of persons they are.
time means  5 | 1309  
4 Oct 2009 /  #32
Brussels hopes that by creating an opportunity for refugees to reach the EU legally, it will reduce the number of the desperate individuals trying to cross its borders illegally,” writes Rzeczpospolita.

Utter madness it will just encourage more.
4 Oct 2009 /  #33
And result in increased so-called "diversity" which will quite clearly result in less diversity, given time - as Europeans are replaced (read: wiped out) by others. You couldn't make it up. My dad didn't fight in the war for this!
southern  73 | 7059  
4 Oct 2009 /  #34
You don't control mass immigration,businessmen control mass immigration.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2009 /  #35
Sokrates, it isn't about percentages. Poland has a little diversity of its own. Ok, very small when cast alongside the UK and other European countries but it still has some.

OK, how about Denmark?
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
4 Oct 2009 /  #36
I also have a couple of other angles for why Poland might be speared the tragedy that is massive immigration from the third world.

Norway is a nation far up in the north, we have had no real wars, no real attack on our sovereignity - of real consequenses - up here everything has been happy happy joy joy...(The nazi occupation was NOTHING compared to what other countries had to endure), and the feminist movement has been allowed to make women out of men and men out of women. Men should work in kindergardens and be in touch with their feminine side, while women have been encouraged to wear trousers and work in coal mines and become ceo's of companies (I don't have anything against equal opportunites, but telling people that woman and men are the same is just not right). This equality thinking also extends to people from all parts of the world, nomatter what cultural background or religion. So when Mohammed turns up at the airport with his three wives and eight kids, we just assume he is the same as us, and if he isn't, then he will be after a little while. We know this to not be the truth now. This has been the Norwegian suicide solution for the last 30 years.

So how come countries like France and Holland let so many third world immigrants in? It has to be the colonies that these countries had and who they let have dual citizenship when they regained their independence. Big mistake. Open border policy for all those previous colonies has turned their countries into hell holes. (Terrorist threat anyone? White no-go zones, burning cars and attacking police.).

So back to Poland (And her neighbouring states). We never had colonies (That I know of), we have had wars and ethnic tension througout our history and we even had tension with our immidiate neighbours..on all sides. This had made poland a little more weary of letting people in to her womb. We only have to go 60 years back in time when neighbour was killing neighbour and our whole country sezied to exist on a map! This historic lesson will hopefully be enough to hold back the same lunatic policy of open borders that so many european countries practice today. The catholic faith is also strong, and gives a certain "we" feeling amongs polish people. Norway has lost this. People are not christian, not norwegians, not anything. Some people even argue there is nothing called a "norwegian", and that borders are racist. I can't imagine telling a Polish person that there is nothing really "polish" and our culture and history is nothing we can be proud of. (A swedish minister actually said this on TV about swedes, and that the only people with culture was the immigrants that came to her country....)

So, by moving to Poland, settling in with my Polish wife (she grew up in the US, me in Norway...we met in Gdansk after meeting each other on the "Polish Dating Network...), I look forward to going to the marked without seeing burkas and tens of immigrant youths hangin around looking for trouble, like I unfortunately have to see in my town. I look forward to my children not being told that they can't have pork on their bread or a picture of a pig on their classroom wall. I look forward to going to a pub or a nightclub and not seeing hordes of third world immigrant men looking for trouble, drinking 1 beer all night long.. And on and on.....

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
4 Oct 2009 /  #37
OK, how about Denmark?

As far as i'm concerned Muslims are backwards monkeys who need to be treated for who they are, our cultural inferiors and enemies of our way of life, keep them out at all cost.

Face it Sean, our co-existance with Islam and its kids did not work out, in the end we will be forced to genocide them or exile them or they will do the same to us, we're still a generation or two from the point of kill or be killed but Poland should not follow the suicidal example of the West.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2009 /  #38
I didn't say otherwise, Sokrates. Denmark knows this danger and it has upped its policing efforts to stamp it out. Other nations will likely soon initiate clampdowns.

The problem with them is that they breed like rabbits. Yes, many lead noble lives but probability tells us that, especially given the broad-based indoctrination they undergo, that a fair percentage will be radical fanatics. I know what happened in Kosovo, that many Albanians swamped the area due to bigger numbers. We don't want a repeat of that here. I'm just saying that we have all the tools at our disposal to combat the scourge of radicalism. However, it's if we have the will that is more the question.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
4 Oct 2009 /  #39
The problem with them is that they breed like rabbits.

Nothing a bit of ethnic cleansing wont solve, sterilisation or forced resettlement to Africa and as much as liberals try to prance around the problem Muslims want to convert us or kill and enslave us, they dont have the tools to do that yet but they're making their intentions mighty clear.

Thats why i'm opposed to outlooks like that of SzwedwPolsce, that we should differentiate between a decent muslim and scum, in the end the decent ones always side with their lot.

At this point we no longer have the luxury to differentiate between good and bad muslims.
4 Oct 2009 /  #40
We have over 300 000 people from the third world, mainly living in the big cities. It might not seem like a big number, but when you consider that only about 5 million people live in Norway, it is a very high number.

I thought you were talking about England, and the city I live in, for a minute there. Shocking, but hardly surprising.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2009 /  #41
Sokrates, maybe we should have all Poles thrown out of GB for some leeching off the state, in direct contravention/defiance of the EU Directive? You just can't take that line. You should NOT be guilty by association, that's absurd!

More investment should be pumped into policing and we should be taking this preventive action now.

Why was I allowed into a mosque in Tirana, Sokrates? Because they don't want to encourage hatred and Us VS Them
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
4 Oct 2009 /  #42
Sokrates, maybe we should have all Poles thrown out of GB for some leeching off the state

Lovely, except that most of us works hard and we do not cause religious/ethnical mess.

You should NOT be guilty by association, that's absurd!

No you should not but do you have an effective way to differentiate between decent muslims and ones who cause fuss?

I'm against guilt by association at large but i'm prepared to harm innocents in the name of European integrity.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2009 /  #43
I'm sure most Muslims work hard too and pray peacefully 5 times a day.

Yes, their actions. European integrity???? What, like in Kosovo and Yugoslavia generally? You'd harm an innocent person based merely on unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations? If you have reasonable grounds, you have a point but mere suspicion???
time means  5 | 1309  
4 Oct 2009 /  #44
Why was I allowed into a mosque in Tirana

To brainwash you.

Muslims work hard too and pray peacefully 5 times a day.

See it's worked!
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
4 Oct 2009 /  #45
Well...if you look throughout history, muslims have never assimilated or stayed silent in any country they have set their feet in.

Turkey - once Constantinople, home of incredible riches and knowledge, now a kebab state who wants to be one of us.

Lebanon - once called the "Paris" of the middle east. Now a war torn terrorist nest.

Egypt - home of fantastic treasures - today a toilet where only tourism keeps them from becoming a real third world country.

Kosovo - Once a christian nation with churches and peace. Now they outbred and harassed the original population and burn churches on a weekly basis.

How many times did they try to come into Europe? Did not one of our great sons, Jan Sobieski keep our cities and people safe from the vicious hordes of barbarians who stood on the threshold of our civilization? Are we going to throw their sacrifice, their deaths on the battlefields out the window, and invite our forefathers' murderers into our homes?

I say NO! We wil be given no pardon, and no pardon will be given. We must not be stupid and believe they will assimilate or accept our ways of life. Here in Norway they want their own mosques, their own schools, their own hospitals and nursing homes (no filthy christian can touch them), they want burkas in the policeforce, they want closed swimming halls so their burka wearing women can swim alone, not near us "unclean". Remember all the evils they made us do. Paying Taqqyia (penalty for heathens in a muslim society). Imagine our governments making muslims paying a special tax for being muslim...haha.

Our forefathers put the captured invaders head, or bodies - still alive - down on poles, that was the only way they could scare them away! So you know you have to go to extreme measures to show them you mean business. They despise weakness and look down on norwegian men for being pussies. Imagine what would have happened if 5 norwegians would have gang raped a muslim girl in Pakistan? They would have lynched them in the streets! In Norway, the 5 muslim boys get suspended sentences and are being taking care of by the crime care organisation who will let them go to councelling and being taught "diversity" and "respect". What a joke!!

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Oct 2009 /  #46
It has nothing to do with the EU.

Sure It has. We can't close our borders, we can't stop "them" from moving from other EU countries to Poland.

I know what happened in Kosovo, that many Albanians swamped the area due to bigger numbers. We don't want a repeat of that here.

It is already happening and can't be stopped without extremly drastic solutions.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2009 /  #47
Aha, but I wasn't allowed to stay for prayer time so how was I brainwashed? ;)

Greg, right enough. Demographers are predicting 2050 as being the date when problems will have reached their peak but I think it'll be long before that. Europe needs to stop hiring Mujas also.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Oct 2009 /  #48
Demographers are predicting 2050 as being the date when problems will have reached their peak but I think it'll be long before that.

In 2050 they will be already majority in many countries.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Oct 2009 /  #49
I hope the schools are good, and they teach Norweign culture... also the culture of their own. Also I hope that these children are given proper training and MUST let play and assimilate with the native children of Norway. Its very important.

Onething I strongly resist is a school having 90% of Immigrant children. IT should not be more than 30 to 40%. The remaining children can be shifted to other schools to maintain the ratio. This will give rise to the situation where these children will come in terms with Norway and its people...and it will speeden their entry to Norway.

'95% of robberies are perperated by robbers' - This is the right way to put it. The lowest and most impotent way of putting it is the way you put it. People of third world you say ... are they not humans? We Poles were not the kings of Europe either. Just because we are European doesnt mean that we are better (I dont want to say about the color issue which is an obvious point, often the main but silent point, of the ardent racists). As people, as citizens of this common world, its out duty/responsibility to take into notice the problems facing us, and then finding proper solutions, and not just ask to push out a part of our human population just due to certain failures in our own security capabilities, failure in our meeting the issues which force/result in some people (and I will not call them immigrants...but call them of =) of Norway to go into the shady worlds of corruption.

Women are raped ... by rapists. The rapist has a phsychological problem, and a criminal inclination. These acts can be done by Whites, Blacks or any community. The problem is with the ACT AND REASONS WHICH PROMPT THEM ... not with PEOPLE!. E.G. HIV AIDS IS OUR ENEMY, NOT THE PERSON WHO GETS EFFECTED BY IT.

The immigrants also reproduce at a far higher rate than the norwegians. For every one norwegian being born, there are 3-4 immigrant children being born. It doesn't take a mathematician to calculate that this is a demographic bomb waiting to explode. And this is Norway! Sweden, Germany and England are even worse off!

I have no worries one bit. I think that its good. Our populations are not going to disappear. We will have people walking over ourlands. And I am 100% sure they will be Poles (or people of your country in your land). I think that the best is to allow ourselves and the immigrants to mix, and assimilate. They are going to be us! Soon. And its a fact, because I have examples and proofs. The first step can start from schools...as I mentioned earlier.

Please look to the west and do not follow their policies on immigration, do not be scared into a disasterous future for your country because of international politics and treacherous UN charters, that state that everyone has a right to come to your country. There are almost 6 billion people on this planet, we can't help them all. And we will not be able to help anyone if we become like them.


We have equal responsibility towards are world as MEN AND WOMEN OF SUBSTANCE as the men and women have in other parts of the world. This WORLD belongs to all humans equally. All its riches are OURS (all the people of the world). The west ACTUALLY has not done enough. ITS time Poles and other countries also make a better effort. Also with its immigrant populations, which is not growing as much as it could (according to survey reports with me, done by some clubs in Warsaw and Lubin).

All the world must be happy...only then we can be happy too. Not all the world want to come into Europe! If you cant believe it, its your problem. But its true. A certain percentage of the Middle class wish to come to Europe. Majority being workers and students. I STOOD, AM STANDING, AND HOPEFULLY STAND EVEN FIRMER FOR THE STUDENTS, WHO WANT TO COME AND SETTLE. THOSE WHO ARE THE GOOD.


MASS IMMIGRATION = Immigration will never stop. However the great migration (or mass immigrations) can stop when the disasters (usually manmade) cease. Europe of anyone in this world is not given that Power by GOD Almighty to stop His creations to travel to another portion of His created refuge for him (the creation) for a better life and food for his child. Its Gods Kingdom, and they (incuding you and me) are Gods servants/children ... and each one of has actually have full ethical and natural right over all the lands. That is why nations are uniting (look at EU...i wish it to grow into something that will include many more countries from Asia too). There is no other way round. The worlds BELONGS to God. Not you or me.... we just stay here for a period of time...and then our soul returns to its source (God) and the body to its source (soil). And the Earth remains...
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2009 /  #50
If that is their will, then you are right. We see how quickly this can happen in smaller countries.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
4 Oct 2009 /  #51
I hope the schools are good, and they teach Norweign culture... also the culture of their own. Also I hope that these children are given proper training and MUST let play and assimilate with the native children of Norway. Its very important.

The problem is that they are not properly integrated. They should have a lot of classes where they learn about Norwegian culture, and how people in Norway look at different behaviours etc. This is carried out really badly in Scandiavia. The new people need this to adjust to the new country.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Oct 2009 /  #52
As people, as citizens of this common world...

I think that the best is to allow ourselves and the immigrants to mix, and assimilate. They are going to be us! Soon.

Nonsense like this will lead to repeat of what happened in Rwanda in 1994, this time in Europe.

Women are raped ... by rapists. The rapist has a phsychological problem

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Oct 2009 /  #53
Rwanda in 1994, this time in Europe.

Its not relevant.


What do you think He would've said? Think. And ofcourse, perhaps if He would come to some European country... the first stone to be thrown on Him would be that of a racist. Because He was not a white man. Not a European. He was an Arab, a carpenter! Who is rightly claimed to be decendant of David (but the Jews still give out some such evidence against it, that its puts some arguments surrender. Although I agree that the arguments against Jesus that He is not of David's lineage is false).

One of the reason is that Jesus was not as fair as neccessary to be the King of the Jews. He was from a lowly background...spoke Aramic (the predecessor of Arabic). Carpenter...usually supposed to be the lower income groups with darker olive/or darker brown skins.

Hideaous primitive monsters the racists. They were born out of the darkness of the dark ages.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Oct 2009 /  #54
Go buy a damn brain.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Oct 2009 /  #55
Very lame, very helpless, very weak, very needy ... response :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2009 /  #56
I agree with Greg here. We hear Obama coming out with the same drivel. It is cue for danger. I do NOT associate with many other Europeans. I am Scottish and proud. I respect others if they live honourable lives but we strive for identity and it keeps the world interesting. Stop talking of a common world when there is no common wealth.

Judge reality as it is, £ódz. I don't think Biblical stories will hold much sway with marauding radicals. Just ask the Serbs, they were mutilated and their churches were desecrated. If you want that to happen to Poland, you are an anarchist!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
4 Oct 2009 /  #57
You'd harm an innocent person based merely on unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations?

To be specific i'd harm a person based on their ethnicity and religious/cultural alliegiance.

Lets make several things clear, i'm not into Hitler and concentration camps, i do however believe all Muslims without citizenship need to be resettled forcefully, all Muslims who practice islamic fundamentalism need to be resettled forcefully, all Muslims who attempt to enfore their religion and its ways over our culture need to be resettled forcefully.

At the same time Muslim familes that have more than one child need to be cut off from welfare and free medical care even if it means they die from starvation and disease, yes its harsh but playing good cop/bad cop will see my children dead or enslaved.

As for Kosovo if it was up to me i'd enter with NATO stop Serbs, then pack all the Muslims into trucks and send them into Albania whether Albania wanted them or not, while i'm not going to be a fiery supporter of Serbia because like most Poles i dont give a sh*t i see the Kosovo deal as a harbringer of things to come.

Independent muslim district in Berlin? British Muslim republic? Sorry Sean but the time for human rights and tolerance is over and its liberal people who are to blaim.

In the end its those liberal cunts and their open door policy will push us to extreme solutions, keeping hard working honest muslims around is no longer worth the risk attached.

Hideaous primitive monsters the racists. They were born out of the darkness of the dark ages.

Why dont you adress the burning Danish flag? Muslims have burned all the European flags by now, including Polish one.

If you support muslim extremism and racism then you're nothing short of an enemy of your country and Europe and ought to be dealt with that much more harshly then them, Muslims are children of their backwards culture but you have it all and attempt to give it all away to cavemen without regards to the fact that you're harming your fellow Poles and fellow Europeans?

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Oct 2009 /  #58
I am Scottish and proud

you can say "I am Scottish and Happy!". Is proud the right word? Ponder my good friend! Ponder!

Stop talking of a common world when there is no common wealth.

There will be! THERE WILL BE! Its just a matter of time. Who would've thought in 1940's about today's Europe?... the world is going towards the common goal. We humans... al humans....must recognise and accept and work together for our common goal, our common mother land....Mother Earth!

One God
One Man
One World

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
4 Oct 2009 /  #59

Excellent post. But unfortunately Poland are now part of the EU and will like all the rest be turned in to a giant rotten multi-cultrual society.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Oct 2009 /  #60
Just ask the Serbs, they were mutilated and their churches were desecrated. If you want that to happen to Poland, you are an anarchist!

The Serbs had their role to play too.

I am not looking for terrorists by the way. Neither the Christian ones nor the Muslim ones...nor the Athiest or Communist ones.

I am talking for all mankind as a whole. Among us live the ones infected by dieseases. We need to cure the dieseases. If your child gets a cold or fever, do you kill your child? Or do you try to kill the virus causing the problems?

If you read me carefully with an open mind, you can see clear logic. Otherwise, its just another pile of words.

Excellent post.

Shelley!!! I waited for your post in here :D ... its exactly the perfect topic!

be turned in to a giant rotten multi-cultrual society.

correction: cross "Rotten" = put "prosperous"

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