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Mass immigration to Poland - article and response

Wroclaw Boy  
11 Nov 2009 /  #361
I dont like their sick religion.

whats sick about it?
mvefa  5 | 591  
11 Nov 2009 /  #362
Have I said I don't like muslims? I dont like their sick religion.

Come on dude, this is really ridiculous coming from a jew. The whole world knows what racial/religious hate can make us do (holocaust) but yet you are encouraging hate towards other group of people....sick dude
11 Nov 2009 /  #363
whats sick about it?

The Islamic prophet Muhammad specified that one should use an odd number of stones to clean the anal orifice after defecation and then proceed to a different location to wash it with water.

theevilmonkey  1 | 5  
11 Nov 2009 /  #364

I must remember that Muslims living in the EU are here to rape white woman and eat white babies. Oh yeah, and immigrants contribute nothing to society and that non-whites have achieved nothing in modern history. Lets expel them all and we can all live in Happy land!

If the culture you are talking about is your supremacist nonsense I will be happy to see it die out. I know there is no hope for you and you'll live the rest of your days together with your ignorance but future generations will continue to be educated and racist viewpoints such as your own will eventually cease to exist. It is already evident in the youth of today and will continue to lessen and there isn't a lot you can do about.

There is a big wide world out there and cultures are able to co-exist and intergrate peacefully for the majority of us. Of course there are extremist elements to deal with and everyone, no matter what their ethnicity would agree with that. Some people don't seem to appreciate how lucky they are to have the opportunities afforded to them.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Nov 2009 /  #365
The Islamic prophet Muhammad specified that one should use an odd number of stones to clean the anal orifice

Im sure even cave men used grass or possibly a passing sheep! How uncomfortable must wipping your ar$e be with rocks! Strange how muslims havent moved on!

Explain to me why there are no developing countries in Europe? Explain to me why "all" developing countries are inhabitted by people of colour?

Regarding your first point, South Africa has the highest number of rapes / gang rapes in the world - is that just a coincidence that its inhabited by blacks? Women in Pakistan and India are subject to gang rapes and family rapes (as punishment) in this day and age...these men do not get punished...is that just a coincidence that they happen to be none European and not white?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Nov 2009 /  #366
Explain to me why there are no developing countries in Europe? Explain to me why "all" developing countries are inhabitted by people of colour?

I would really love you to read Guns, Germs, and Steel.
It is a really good book and if you are sincere about your questions, you will enjoy it.

, South Africa has the highest number of rapes / gang rapes in the world - is that just a coincidence that its inhabited by blacks? Women in Pakistan and India are subject to gang rapes and family rapes (as punishment) in this day and age...these men do not get punished...is that just a coincidence that they happen to be none European and not white?

You make it sound like white Europeans never raped anyone.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Nov 2009 /  #367
Explain to me why there are no developing countries in Europe?

Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and others may wish to argue this.
11 Nov 2009 /  #368
You make it sound like white Europeans never raped anyone.

It's rather in the mentality of migration groups to accept raping of the women of the host nation as something not worth to punish. Weather it's the islamic religion which does not necessarily punish such behaviour towards non-muslim women or just black youth coulture with rap-music and drug, violence etc., migrants show a lower inhibition threshold to behave agressive towards the hosting nations native inhabitants. I can imagine that there are actions of us natives or bureaucratic harassments which lead to antipathy, but they are no excuse.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
11 Nov 2009 /  #369
The Islamic prophet Muhammad specified that one should use an odd number of stones to clean the anal orifice after defecation and then proceed to a different location to wash it with water.

Isn't there a sect of Islam that will swear by an even number of stones?
theevilmonkey  1 | 5  
11 Nov 2009 /  #370
There are no developing countries in Europe???????????

Its nothing to do with them being black you fool. Only a simple mind could come to such a conclusion. There is an ingrained culture of sexual violence in South Africa. Lots of it based on the idea that some men belive they are entitled to sex. If a white child was raised in a similar environment it is likely it would grow up with exactly the same values.
11 Nov 2009 /  #371
If a white child was raised in a similar environment it is likely it would grow up with exactly the same values.

Do white South Africans rape as much as black South Africans? If not, then you are wrong, and it's clearly a part of one of those wonderful "black cultures" the media can't shut up about over here.

If not, than I agree with you.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Nov 2009 /  #372
Do white South Africans rape as much as black South Africans?

There is a huge cultural difference between White SA and Black SA.
Perhaps you have heard about apartheid (wiki)?

And yes, rape is a huge and disturbing problem in SA but it is a cultural difference not a white/black difference.

I have travelled around SA and a few surrounding countries.
11 Nov 2009 /  #373
Good point, but could it not also be argued that as an entire generation has now grown up without apartheid, shouldn't the culture developed under apartheid be less pronounced amongst the younger generation? Just like people on here often blame Polish people for "being that way" because of Communism, while no-one under 25 can really understand what life under Communism was like.

(not getting at you btw, just playing "Devil's advocate" ;) )
theevilmonkey  1 | 5  
11 Nov 2009 /  #374
Do white South Africans rape as much as black South Africans? If not, then you are wrong, and it's clearly a part of one of those wonderful "black cultures" the media can't shut up about over here.

How many white kids grow up the townships? Or have no education? White kids are the most privileged in SA and all live in gated accommodation with their families. They have little contact with the communities that are most affected by sexual violence and crime.
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
11 Nov 2009 /  #375

Haven't been to the RSA lately have you ?
theevilmonkey  1 | 5  
11 Nov 2009 /  #376
OK, maybe the most privileged wasn't right but still..... The point I was trying to make is that white kids don't grow up in the most underpriviledged communities where crime is most prevelent.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Nov 2009 /  #377
Good point, but could it not also be argued that as an entire generation has now grown up without apartheid, shouldn't the culture developed under apartheid be less pronounced amongst the younger generation? Just like people on here often blame Polish people for "being that way" because of Communism, while no-one under 25 can really understand what life under Communism was like.

Fair question.

When i was in SA years after apartheid, I saw a complete disproportionate distribution of wealth between blacks and whites.
I met some young black SAfricans who were well educated and got on with it.
When you look at the statistics it is shocking how much murder, rape and other crimes but it does go hand in hand with poverty.

Comparing SA's fall of Apartheid and Poland's fall of communism is not an accurate similarity.
There are huge differences and ongoing struggles in SA that eclipse what is happening in Poland today.
Also the remanence of communism is still very visible in Poland.

White kids are the most privileged in SA and all live in gated accommodation with their families.

It is certainly not true that all white kids live in gated communities.
But gated communities are popular and not very many black people live in them, truth be told.

I should mention that I loved South Africa, I wanted to move there and it was only luck that I ended up in Poland instead.
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
11 Nov 2009 /  #378
How many white kids grow up the townships?

The townships have changed quite a bit, although there were always mansions in large ones like Soweto.

Or have no education?

If you live on a farm in the middle of the Transvaal - where do you get your education from ?

White kids are the most privileged in SA

15 years ago, not now. Oh, and not all white kids were.

all live in gated accommodation with their families.

Wrong, any gated communities outside the major cities ?

They have little contact with the communities that are most affected by sexual violence and crime.

They are part of that community.
theevilmonkey  1 | 5  
11 Nov 2009 /  #379
Depends what sort of education you mean. Is learning from those around you not an education? I know white South Africans have a tough time with the opportunities that are available to them but still they aren't raised in the same environment as the poor black communities.

I was born in an inner city Dublin tenemant. Never had an urge to rape a women. Blaming it on poverty is a cop out. Its TNB.

I wasn't blaming it on poverty, I was blaming it on the culture of sexual violence that exists in some of those communities.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
11 Nov 2009 /  #380
I am not encouraging hate. Stop being so liberal lol
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
12 Nov 2009 /  #381
Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and others may wish to argue this.

arent they basically muslim states now?
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Nov 2009 /  #382
he Islamic prophet Muhammad specified that one should use an odd number of stones to clean the anal orifice after defecation and then proceed to a different location to wash it with water.

It is because he ate the toilet paper.
anton888  - | 82  
12 Nov 2009 /  #383
why there are no developing countries in Europe

Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova

Is Poland a developing country? Or she is considered a well developed country? Pls, I just want to know the actual status of Poland in the world, not wishful thinking. Thanks!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Nov 2009 /  #384
Developed I would say, never have been a "developing" country, they had and still have a good education system and public health care...public transport etc. They were stunted in their growth as a developed country due to communism and even though they have such a young democracy, they are doing fabulously. The same can not be said for "developing' countries which have had foreign aid pumped in to them for decades and still fail to offer any like a normal life for their inhabitants.

Poland being the slightly "poorer" relative at present doesnt making them a developing country (no offence to Poles with my last remark), it just means they are on their way to a stronger economy.
anton888  - | 82  
12 Nov 2009 /  #385
Thank you.

There are still large amount of Poles immigrate to other countries, maily UK and Ireland, taking jobs for under iminum wages. They got huge amount of EU aid, and the latest about green energy, they also used the status of 'developing' in order to get even more aid for the clean coal solution. All of these suggested the status of a developing country, that's why I am confused.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Nov 2009 /  #386
Poland is developing to become ...Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2009 /  #387
arent they basically muslim states now?

Bosnia, no. The majority of people in Bosnia-Hercegovina are Christian, though divided between Catholic and Orthodox.

Kosovo is also fiercely pro-America (Bill Clinton Boulevard, anyone?) and Albania isn't far behind in their love for all things America. The latter two might be Muslim in nature, but in reality are very pro-European states, much more than Serbia for instance.

There are plenty of stories about how Islamic radicals attempted to get a foothold in those three states, only for the natives to effectively throw them out.

Is Poland a developing country? Or she is considered a well developed country? Pls, I just want to know the actual status of Poland in the world, not wishful thinking. Thanks!

It's one of the poorest countries in the European Union, but is considerably wealthier than surrounding states such as Russia/Ukraine/Belarus and also quite a bit wealthier than Romania and Bulgaria. In strict terms, probably best to describe it as a poor developed country, similar to Britain in the 1970's.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Nov 2009 /  #388
In strict terms, probably best to describe it as a poor developed country, similar to Britain in the 1970's.

Dont you mean the 1950s?

There are still large amount of Poles immigrate to other countries, maily UK and Ireland, taking jobs for under iminum wages

Its their right to go and work in countries such as Britain and Ireland - as for wages, they work for (not in all cases) minimum wage, its illegal to employ someone for less than that. The only people you find working for less than that are illegal immigrants.

In strict terms, probably best to describe it as a poor developed country

I think Ive already stated that.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
12 Nov 2009 /  #389
Its their right to go and work in countries such as Britain and Ireland - as for wages, they work for (not in all cases) minimum wage, its illegal to employ someone for less than that. The only people you find working for less than that are illegal immigrants.

You couldnt be more wrong on this.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Nov 2009 /  #390
If a white child was raised in a similar environment it is likely it would grow up with exactly the same values.

I wasn't blaming it on poverty, I was blaming it on the culture of sexual violence that exists in some of those communities.

Yes you were saying that. I was the one who said it was a black cultural thing.




The next is for our resident gay "right on" dutch boy!



You couldnt be more wrong on this.

Poles are here legally, they work for minimum wage, the illegals (at least in the UK) work for under that.

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