And you are still living in the 1940s. The roles of the left and right have changed dramitically since then.
If you take EU parliament as an example, you should notice that nearly all MEPs hold very similar views. There is hardly any left or right. If supposed left, supposed right and supposed liberals jointly support project of European Constitution and refuse to debate with anybody who would be against, then I ask how this is possible?? Theoretically they should argue about shape of this document, I did not witness anything like that. All those people support socialist superstate because this is profitable for their personal interest. They are opportunists.
There are some small fractions with right or left learnings, to mention Scandinavian Greens or UKIP. The rest of company try to marginalize such forces. They control mayor media outlets, using
state issued concessions for example.
I will deal with the rest during the week.
I hope that you will do it without looking like
big business's lapdog or
apologist for political establishment. Difficult task... :)
Because I believe Poland's future is in Europe, with the population you have you have a big say. The Lisbon treaty is bad for smaller nations cos it concentrates power in fewer hands.
Poland is and remain part of Europe, this is quite obvious. I simply refuse to accept the EU as a synonym of Europe. This is great usurpation of Brussels bureaucracy. While Poland's voting force will be weakened if president Klaus sign this treaty. I would not mind if this would bring positive consequences, however this will bring only more socialism, more central planning and more anti-conservative philosophy.
Non-Protectionisn is a big sell good luck, people wont swallow it (quoting you) "Perhaps I'm a bit cynical but at least more realistic"
I never claimed that I believe that people will bring economic liberals to power. This is practically impossible. I share Aristotelian approach to democracy, I would be glad if this system would be replaced by more liberal monarchy. Unfortunately this would be like win in a lottery, in vast majority of cases democracy would be replaced by socialist dictatorship. Thus one must be cautious before advocating support for different kind of undemocratic forces. I consider myself to be political realist.
While I think that businessman should predict situation of the market if he wish to see big profits. Nobody force anybody to run any business, you can work in somebody else company. If you want bigger cash then take the risk, show some talent. This fair deal.
We discuss about immigration policy from Africa in particular. We hear so often how western world is willing to help Africa. This is all great scam where only western bureaucrats and African caciques profit. Instead to treat Africans like human trash and send them millions of condoms (to satisfy western 'condom business' and corrupt politicians) we could start to trade with them. This is the only way how the west could be really helpful to African people, everything else is hypocrisy.
Edit: Do you mean racism between locals and migrants?
Yes, this is stupid but natural that many people in Black district of the US will hate whites rather than Chinese.