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Poland marching for faith and freedom

Orpheus  - | 113  
28 Sep 2012 /  #31
I repeat it once again: if you do not want to be forced to go to the barricades with the bottles of gasoline, then come now, and let us try to overthrow them in this way.

Sounds like a dangerous man. The mental image just popped into my mind of mohair berets catching fire as the old dears raised their molotov cocktails.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Sep 2012 /  #32
I have a terrible feeling that we're going to see a political assassination if this sort of rhetoric continues.

It can only end badly.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
28 Sep 2012 /  #33
He didn't rob a bank.

He is robbing all the babcias who give him a sizeable part of their pensions.
And of course he is anti-EU, rants at them all the time, but at the same time tried to get EU grants for his geothermal swindle. Some kind of hypocrisy.

Good that the current government put a stop to that one.

Of course another lie is that TV Trwam cannot be received anymore (if anybody would like to watch garbage). There are enough ways of doing so.

She will for sure march Saturday :))))
jon357  72 | 23482  
28 Sep 2012 /  #34
So another 'march' whipped up by rabble rousers, deterring shoppers from going to the route on a busy day for retail and attended by the sort of people who shouldn't even be allowed into big cities.

OP polonius  54 | 420  
28 Sep 2012 /  #35
Trwam can be received but if it were on the digital paltform like other stations it would have greater range. It's funny thopse who bash TV Trwam and Radio Maryja try to speakj wtih authrotis but have never watchee or listened to it. BTW, today Trwam aired an interesting several-part American programme about the AIDS crisis and homo terrorism in the USA. One homo activist was quoted as saying: If we dont' get more federal funds, we should bomb and burn until we are noticed.
28 Sep 2012 /  #36
Trwam can be received but if it were on the digital paltform like other stations it would have greater range.

And it can be on the digital platform: all they have to do is open their books.

homo terrorism in the USA. One homo activist

Is there any reason that you have to use offensive language?
jon357  72 | 23482  
28 Sep 2012 /  #37
if it were on the digital paltform

If it were on the digital platform it would have to have applied correctly and disclosed the same information about finances as the other stations.

like other stations

Who applied correctly and followed the rules.

homo terrorism

Can you cite any example of 'homo (your favourite subject) terrorism'?
Thought not - you just watched some nutty and extreme foreign documentary on a fringe TV station.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
28 Sep 2012 /  #38
They won't open their books. Every other TV station in Poland is doing this. What do they have to hide?
28 Sep 2012 /  #39
What do they have to hide?

Given that they admit they get funding from a Nazi collaborator, you really do have to wonder how dark the things which they refuse to publicly reveal must be!
OP polonius  54 | 420  
28 Sep 2012 /  #40
It was an American documenttary. It showed thousands upon thousands of gung-ho wild-eyed homo activists marching through US cities, hugging and slobbering over each other in public, etc., etc. -- that stuff. If you haven't seen it, don't knock it! Sorry, I forgot for a moment you were prejudiced.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
28 Sep 2012 /  #41
What is pathetic that you presume Poland is not free. As I know, we have since 1989 democratic elections.
In one or two the smolenkists won and then ventured on a smashing coalition with LPR and Lepper.
So why do you presume Poland is not free?

And what is very funny is that you as a polam defines that Poland is not a free country. I showed my colleagues at work (here in Poland, and all Polish) your posting and they all thought you are completely daft. But perhaps they are not as patriotic as you pretend to be?

They all vote PO by the way - but this they have in common with the majority of the sane people in Warsaw. I guess this makes them traitors/atheists/lesbians ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Sep 2012 /  #42
Given that they admit they get funding from a Nazi collaborator, you really do have to wonder how dark the things which they refuse to publicly reveal must be!

Maybach cars do tend to leave a dent in the finances of one's foundation ;)

gung-ho wild-eyed homo activists

More blanket attacks on groups?

hugging and slobbering over each other in public, etc., etc.

You must've loved it, eh? All that manlove...

So why do you presume Poland is not free?

Poland is free as long as those clowns stay well away from power.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Apr 2016 /  #43
Merged: Decent Poles assert their faith and patriotism

On Sunday. 24th April 2016, Warsaw witnessed two separate evetns supported by decent, God-fearing, patriotic Poles. One was the Sanctity of Life march intended to call attention to the sacred nature of human life from cocneption to natural death. One palcard read: "Abortionist, set a good example and commit suicide!"

Elsewhere in the capital, a solemn funeral was held for one of Poland's best-known doomed soldiers, Zygmunt Szendzeilarz crpytonym Ɓupaszka. He was murdered by the PRL regime and buried in a common death pit, but his remains were finally discovered 3 years ago. "Poland today is restoring the dignity which the communists had trampled, tortured and murdered," President Duda said his elegy to loud applause.

And then there is the street rumpus regularly kicked up by the vociferous KODists, resentful about losing their perks and privileges, and edited
Few patriots in either of those two circles to be sure!

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