Have in mind that main flow of wealth in the world definitely switched more to the East. In the future would be even more concentrated in Asia around China and Japan, then in future in India, too. At this moment, west of Europe and USA managed to slow down Russian economy but, considering Asian strategic reasons to support Russia, it is clear that would Russia consolidate on those new winds (and more efficient use of its own resources). So, Russia continuing to rise contributing even more to the switch of the main world`s wealth flow more to the East, away from west of Europe and USA.
Then, there are other centers in the world that consolidates, redistributing world`s wealth flows, such is Brazil, South Africa and some rich Arab countries. This world goes multi-polar, on the contrary to idea of uni-polar world that USA tried to protect, for its selfish interests.
In this old new world, Poland have its own place as the natural leading country of the Eastern Europe. New perspectives demand new politicians. Looks to me that is Ogorek definitely politician who have `out of the box` thinking. Exactly what Poland needs.
How a memmber of the Communist Party (SLD), that enslaved, butchered and Slaughtered the Polish Population for 60 Years, can be a NEW hope?
left parties of malty-party system are something else from left parties in uni-party system.