Corruption is part of life in almost every country.
Everything has a level / threshold, PL,s is still rather high to my liking.
Poles are afraid to speak out of line? Really?
Depends what circles you are involved with.
Better? It is getting better all the time
No, not with the present ruling party. People say they are happy with the peace, ( meaning they are happy not to be investigated ) that they have been left with a free hand, as they likewise leave the gov. with a free hand.
This is where corruption still exists, and with gov. officials involved. ( always these affairs are publicized through the media ) ...... every week, at times.
With this current understanding " its not getting better all the time " but is standing in one place and not moving forward as rapidly as it could.
This is only my personal opinion, but what the heck that,s what debates are all about, eh ?