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Poland and UK linked by failure to report the news

Varsovian  91 | 634  
18 Apr 2011 /  #1
Hot international stories as not reported on either country's TV news (admittedly Polish TV does a better job):

Finns vote en masse for parties that will block the Portuguese bailout. Finland is the only country whose parliament has to approve bailouts. Greece is a moment away from defaulting on sovereign debt.

France and Belgium ban unhindered transport from Italy in response to the massive rise in Tunisian immigration.

Berlusconi secured cheap oil and gas from Libya in deals signed several years ago and is against action against Gadaffi. Berlusconi is not just about bunga bunga parties.

France and Britain are running out of precision munitions for their military adventure in Libya. The vast majority of NATO countries area gainst it and are not contributing.

The CIA played a key role in provoking the uprising, but Obama has discovered to his chagrin that he doesn't have enough money left to fight.

... ... ...

The BBC - designed to keep people thick!
18 Apr 2011 /  #2
That story is on the front page of the BBC News website right now. I can't be arsed to check the rest of them.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
18 Apr 2011 /  #3
Yeah, the website. Try watching the news on TV.
Ziemowit  14 | 4035  
18 Apr 2011 /  #4
Berlusconi secured cheap oil and gas from Libya in deals signed several years ago and is against action against Gadaffi.

Isn't this one the only bunga-bunga party of Silvio that should really matter in France?

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